满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据句子的意思以及括号中的汉语提示,写出单词的适当形式。 1.The film ...


1.The film ________(导演)by him is popular with young people.

2.The student will____(代表)his school to make a speech at the meeting.

3.I am writing to  ______(道歉)for standing you up.

4.We should keep a_______(平衡)between relaxation and study.

5.Some bacteria are harmful while many more are_______(有益的).


1.directed 2.represent 3.apologize/apologise 4.balance 5.beneficial 【解析】 1. 考查动词。句意:由他导演的这部电影受年轻人的欢迎。分析句子并结合汉语提示可知,动词direct符合语境,且动词direct和逻辑主语The film之间是动宾关系,所以用过去分词作后置定语,故填directed。 2. 考查动词。句意:这个学生将代表他的学校在会议上发表演讲。分析句子并结合汉语提示可知,动词represent符合语境,will后接动词原形,故填represent。 3. 考查动词。句意:我写信是为了道歉放你鸽子。分析句子并结合汉语提示可知,动词apologize/apologise符合语境,to为不定式符号,后接动词原形,故填apologize/apologise。 4. 考查名词。句意:我们应该在放松和学习之间保持平衡。分析句子并结合汉语提示可知,名词balance做keep的宾语,故填balance。 5. 考查形容词。句意:一些细菌是有害的,然而更多的是有益的。分析句子并结合汉语提示可知,形容词beneficial符合语境,在句中作表语。故填beneficial。

    Daniel has been feeding the students of a state university for years. As a canteen worker, he tries to make a connection with all his customers in a truly _______ way: remembering all students' names, with a smile, even if he has only met them a few _______. This amazing ability has made Daniel a(n) _______ person among students at the university.

Daniel's struggles began on his birthday in 2019, when an electrical fire _______ into life in the house he _______ with his mom. Their place was _______ destroyed, even though he got himself and his mom to safety. _______, shortly after the worker lost his _______ , his old father passed _______. Since then he and his mom have been ________ .

When the students heard of this sad story, they decided to give back to this ________ worker by starting a fund-raising(筹款) ________. “Daniel has gone above and beyond to care for students without expecting anything ________: now we have the opportunity to help out a ________ in need”, according to the fund-raising page. “The fundraiser is the least that students can do to help the man that always ________our day,” said a student.

Daniel was extremely ________ to the helping hand. “I do not take any of these beautiful acts of kindness ________ or for granted,” he wrote. “Working in food industry isn't easy, sometimes you feel completely ________ as a person. Thank you all so much for loving me and for ________ all that I do.”

When you ________ with your heart, goodness comes back to you.

1.A.unique B.common C.humorous D.generous

2.A.days B.weeks C.times D.months

3.A.curious B.hard-working C.inspiring D.famous

4.A.burst B.ran C.looked D.crashed

5.A.chatted B.shared C.compared D.communicated

6.A.always B.almost C.slightly D.hardly

7.A.Worse still B.After all C.In short D.In contrast

8.A.furniture B.money C.heart D.home

9.A.by B.on C.down D.away

10.A.supporting B.recovering C.struggling D.frightening

11.A.amusing B.nice C.determined D.handsome

12.A.race B.game C.page D.parade

13.A.in return B.in turn C.in surprise D.in trouble

14.A.cook B.friend C.man D.worker

15.A.frightens B.brightens C.shortens D.broadens

16.A.shameful B.regretful C.hopeful D.grateful

17.A.seriously B.highly C.lightly D.totally

18.A.astonished B.disturbed C.ignored D.connected

19.A.eating B.donating C.expecting D.valuing

20.A.lead B.leave C.rise D.thank



    You may write a summary paragraph about a short story or a novel for class. Or you may write it for an academic text or a scholarly article. 1. Read the guidelines below and learn how to achieve it.

Answer who, what, where, and why. Consider who is being addressed or discussed in the original text. 2. Mention where the text is set, if relevant. Finally, determine why the author is discussing or addressing the subject matter in the original text.

Have one to three sentences of supporting evidence. Aim to have one to three supporting points at the most, as you do not want to make the summary paragraph too long. Use events from the text as well as quotes or points in the text to support your opening line. 3.

4. Do not copy or paraphrase the original text. Avoid using the same language or word choice as the original text, unless you are quoting it directly.

Keep the summary short and to the point. A summary paragraph should be no longer than six to eight sentences. 5. Remove any sentences or phrases that seem repetitive. You may also show your writing to a writing instructor or a friend to get feedback on it.

A.Make sure the summary is in your own words.

B.You need to know which characters aren't important.

C.Think about what the key points or main events are.

D.There's no need to write out full sentences just yet.

E.Once you finish the first writing, read it over and improve it.

F.Actually, knowing how to write a good summary paragraph can be a little tricky.

G.For example, you may use the author's key arguments or the key events in the story.



    China is recognized as a world leader in the development of artificial intelligence and facial recognition systems. A Chinese company says it has created a new facial recognition system that can identify people even if they are wearing masks. Engineers at the Beijing-based company say their system is the first to be created to effectively identify people wearing face masks.

The company told a news agency that a team of 20 people built the system in about a month. The system is based on existing technologies developed over the past 10 years. The process involved adding a collection of about 6 million unmasked faces and a much smaller collection of masked faces, the company said.

The company is now selling two main kinds of products that use the new technology. One performs "single channel" recognition, which is designed to be used at the entrances to buildings.

The other product is a "multi-channel" recognition system that uses groups of surveillance cameras. It can identify individuals in a crowd of up to 30 people "within a second.

"When people are wearing a mask that covers the mouth and the nose, the recognition rate can reach about 95%, which can ensure that most people can be identified," said Huang, vice president of the company. He added that the system's success rate for people not wearing a mask is about 99.5%.

However, the new system struggles to identify people wearing both a mask and sunglasses. "In this situation, all of the key facial information is lost. In such cases recognition is tough," Huang said.

People were reacting differently to the new technology. While some citizens have been against using such tools, the majority have accepted the technology as an effective way to decrease crime and catch criminals.

1.What did the company do to build the system?

A.They gathered many face images.

B.They employed hundreds of people.

C.They used the latest technology.

D.They spent about a decade building it.

2.According to the passage, which of the following can be true?

A.The new system has already been used by the police.

B.The recognition rate of masked faces is about 99.5%.

C.It's hard to recognize people with masks and sunglasses.

D.The single channel product is as powerful as the multi-channel.

3.Which of the key facial information might have the biggest impact on recognition rate?

A.One's eyes. B.One's nose.

C.One's mouth. D.One's hair.

4.What is the main purpose of the text?

A.To show conflicting attitudes toward the system.

B.To introduce a new facial recognition system.

C.To advertise two products of facial recognition.

D.To show the advantages of facial recognition.



    When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, yes, and drink all of them. Then you're ready for an adventure.

Researchers from the University of Sussex in England say they have found for the first time experimental evidence that sour tastes lead to more risk-taking behaviour in a paper published on 7 June, 2019.

In the study, 168 volunteers from the UK and Vietnam were given a 20ml solution representing one of the five main taste groups: bitter, salty, sour, sweet and umami. The tasters then took part in a computerized test that measures risk-taking: they got paid to blow up a digital balloon. The more air in the balloon, the more money they could get; they could cash out whenever they wanted. But if the balloon popped or exploded? Bye  bye , potential winnings.

When the researchers studied the performance of the volunteers, they found the people who'd tasted sour were much more likely to keep pumping up the balloon compared with people who'd gotten a taste of the other solutions. On average, sour tasters were 39% more likely to push the balloon to its limits than sweet tasters, 20.50% more than bitter, 16.03% more than salty and 40.29% more than umami.

This finding makes a degree of sense—without taking risks, we don't learn anything new. And it is obvious that people with disorders such as anxiety and depression are unwilling to take risks. So, the researchers argue, if you have these disorders, maybe adding more sour foods into your diet could help keep that aversion in check. Then you'd be more likely to take chances, like talking to a stranger, and that will lead to self-improvement.

1.Where does this passage most probably come from?

A.A travel guide. B.A novel.

C.A magazine. D.A poster.

2.What can we learn about the volunteers?

A.They came from the University of Sussex in England.

B.They got one taste drink after they filled up a balloon.

C.Those who blew up a digital balloon got more money.

D.Sour tasters were likely to push the balloon to its limits.

3.This finding may be more helpful to the people who              .

A.are in a negative mood

B.like to drink lemonade

C.joined in the experiment

D.like talking to strangers

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Good Tastes Encourage Adventures.

B.Sour Tastes Make You Risk-taking.

C.Lemonade Does Good to Health.

D.Sour Foods Keep You Happy.



    In 2009, I rescued a skittish donkey. Bo came from a nearby cattle ranch and now lives peacefully on my ranch in the Bitterroot Valley of Montana. But the key to Bo's successful recovery from nervous rescue to happy ranch animal wasn't anything I did. It was my grandson, Dylan.

Dylan came with his parents to spend some days with me on their way to Canada for a vacation. Bo kept his distance from the grown-ups, but he showed an unusual fascination with Dylan. So we decided to introduce them.

“Move slowly, be quiet, and stoop down sometimes,” I told my grandson. Dylan carefully approached Bo, step by step, holding a soft rubber currycomb. Bo held his ground, but he seemed interested by this little visitor. Dylan rubbed Bo's shoulders and neck with the comb, softly and gently.

It's hard for an almost four-year-old to stay still for long. Dylan made one quick move, and Bo was terrified running off. But Bo and Dylan were not ready to give up. Dylan approached again. It was amazing to witness a preschooler learn to control himself in such a short time.

As we watched, true love developed between this once distrustful donkey and a gentle boy. Over the next few days, Dylan felt free to sit at Bo's feet while Bo carefully nibbled his shirt collar and hair and rubbed Dylan's back with his bristly chin. Just as Dylan had earned Bo's trust, Bo came up to and hugged him --- yes, a donkey can hug — without knocking him off balance.

They met again one week later as the family passed through on their return trip. It was almost dark, but Dylan and his dad travelled far to reach the ranch. Bo came to meet them cheerfully. He is now a changed and trusting donkey.

1.What can we learn about Bo according to paragraph 1?

A.He lived peacefully on a cattle ranch. B.He was rescued from the ranch by Dylan.

C.He was from Bitterroot Valley of Montana. D.He no longer suffers from nervousness.

2.What does the underlined word “fascination” in the second paragraph probably mean?

A.Amusement. B.Interest. C.Patience. D.Respect.

3.What happened after Bo was introduced to Dylan?

A.They became friends immediately. B.They were afraid of each other.

C.Dylan's sudden move frightened Bo. D.Bo refused the combing from Dylan.

4.What can we infer from the story?

A.Dylan and Bo meet once a week. B.Dylan will stay on the ranch for Bo.

C.Dylan was knocked down by Bo. D.Dylan's gentleness has changed Bo.



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