满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

More than 30 years ago, there was a well...

    More than 30 years ago, there was a well-known boxer named Eugene Hart. Hart was heavily favored to win his next round against an ungifted boxer, Antuofermo. It was said that the only thing that Antuofermo could do was “he bled well". However, here was an important thing. He had good qualities that you couldn't see.

During the fight, Hart controlled Antuofermo, knocking him down and giving him a good beating. Antuofermo absorbed the punishment that was dealt to him by his naturally superior opponent, and he did it so well that Hart became discouraged. In the fifth round, Hart began to tire, not physically but mentally. Taking advantage of the situation, Antuofermo attacked and knocked Hart down, thus ending the fight.

When the fighters went back to their temporary restrooms, only a thin curtain was between them. Hart's room was quiet, but on the other side he could hear Antuofermo's coach talking about who would take the fighter to the hospital. Finally he heard Antuofermo saying, "Every time he hit me with that left hook (左勾拳)to the body, I thought I was going to quit. After the second round, I thought if he hit me there again, I'd quit. I thought the same thing after the fourth round. But he stopped hitting me there."

At that moment, Hart began to weep. He was crying because for the first time he under- stood that Antuofermo had felt the same way he had and even worse. And the only thing that distinguished the guy who was talking from the guy who was crying was perseverance (毅力). The coward (懦夫)and the hero had the same emotions. They're both humans.

The important question to ask yourself here is this How does each man respond to the tough situation that they are experiencing? Maybe you are in a tough position right now or, if not, one might be coming. How will you react? Like a hero or a coward?

1.What can we learn from paragraph 1?

A.Hart was an ordinary boxer.

B.Antuofermo was hardly defeated.

C.Hart was believed to win the game.

D.Antuofermo was gifted in boxing.

2.How did Antuofermo win the fight?

A.He trained hard before the fight.

B.Hart became discouraged by his coach.

C.He was confident about his boxing talent and power.

D.He dealt with the punishment properly and grasped the chance.

3.Why did Hart cry after the fight?

A.He realized he was just mentally defeated.

B.He was hurt and sent to a hospital.

C.He lost the game easily.

D.He was considered to be a coward.

4.What are Antuofermo's qualities?

A.Hard-work and honesty. B.Humor and intelligence.

C.Perseverance and determination. D.Enthusiasm and responsibility.


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述一名叫Antuofermo的拳手凭借自己的果断和坚持不懈打败了比自己强大的对手。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段Hart was heavily favored to win his next round against an ungifted boxer, Antuofermo(人们普遍看好Hart在下一轮比赛中击败没有天赋的拳击手Antuofermo)可知,Hart被认为会赢下比赛。故选C项。 2. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段During the fight, Hart controlled Antuofermo, knocking him down and giving him a good beating. Antuofermo absorbed the punishment that was dealt to him by his naturally superior opponent, and he did it so well that Hart became discouraged. In the fifth round, Hart began to tire, not physically but mentally. Taking advantage of the situation, Antuofermo attacked and knocked Hart down, thus ending the fight(在比赛中,哈特控制住了Antuofermo,把他打倒在地,狠狠地揍了他一顿。Antuofermo接受了天生比他强的对手对他的惩罚,他做得很好,使得哈特感到灰心丧气。在第五轮,哈特开始感到疲倦,不是身体上,而是精神上。Antuofermo乘机进攻,将哈特击倒在地,战斗就此结束)可知,他接受了哈特的惩罚并且在哈特表现出疲惫的情况下抓住机会将其击倒在地。故选D项。 3. 推理判断题。根据文章第四段At that moment, Hart began to weep. He was crying because for the first time he under- stood that Antuofermo had felt the same way he had and even worse. And the only thing that distinguished the guy who was talking from the guy who was crying was perseverance. The coward and the hero had the same emotions. They're both humans(就在那一刻,哈特开始哭泣。他哭了,因为他第一次明白了,Antuofermo也有过和他同样的感受,甚至更糟。唯一能区别说话的人和哭泣的人的是毅力。懦夫和英雄有着同样的情感。他们都是人类)可知,Hart哭泣是因为没有足够的意志力才被打败。打败他的是意志力。故选A项。 4. 推理判断题。根据第二段Taking advantage of the situation, Antuofermo attacked and knocked Hart down, thus ending the fight(Antuofermo乘机进攻,将哈特击倒在地,战斗就此结束)可知,他是一个果断的人。再根据文章倒数第二段Antuofermo的描述Every time he hit me with that left hook to the body, I thought I was going to quit. After the second round, I thought if he hit me there again, I'd quit. I thought the same thing after the fourth round. But he stopped hitting me there(“每次他用左勾拳打我的身体时,我都以为我要放弃了。第二轮之后,我想如果他再打我,我就放弃了。第四轮过后我也这么想。但他不再打我了)可知,每次Antuofermo都想放弃,但每次他都没有放弃坚持了下来。说明Antuofermo是一个有决心有毅力的人。A. Hard-work and honesty 努力工作和诚实;B. Humor and intelligence 幽默和聪明;C. Perseverance and determination坚持不懈和果断;D. Enthusiasm and responsibility 热情和有责任心。故选C项。

    Museum director Sarah Green is a writer, recommending 4 books that influenced her life. Hold Still by Sally Mann (2015)

Mann's story, accompanied by her excellent photography, has given me a model for how to be an artist, wife, mother, daughter, friend, and thoughtful member of humanity, all at the same time.

Swimming Studies by Leanne Shapton (2012)

You might not think you want to read a story about an artist-illustrator's past life as a competitive swimmer and her continuing love for swimming, swimming pools and swimsuits. But you do, you really do. Shapton's acute sense memory and sharp essay, coupled with her own experience and photos, are a pleasure from start to finish.

Learning By Heart by Corita Kent and Jan Steward 1992

Sister Corita Kent was a beloved and revolutionary art teacher in 1960s in Los Angeles and a gifted printmaker. She was also a firm believer in learning by doing, and this is an essential guide to her teaching philosophy.

Kindred by Octavia Butler 1979

I've never been a fan of science fiction, but this novel rocked my world. You will be completely involved in the thunder-struck reality of a young writer who finds herself traveling between Los Angeles in 1976 and life among her ancestors on an prewar Maryland farm.

1.Who was probably an excellent sports player in the past?

A.Sally Mann. B.Octavia Butler

C.Corita Kent and Jan Steward. D.Leanne Shapton.

2.Which book talks about teaching skills?

A.Hold Still. B.Learning By Heart.

C.Swimming Studies. D.Kindred.

3.What kind of book is Kindred?

A.A love story. B.A horror story.

C.A fantasy story. D.A fairy tale.




After my son, Scott, graduated from high school he took a job near his father. Two thousand miles suddenly separated me from the person who’d been the focus of my life for 18 years. As the days went by, I missed Scott more and more. I’d always been able to take care of myself, but now I seemed to need Scott’s help constantly, like getting a tool from the top shelf, or moving something heavy, or changing a tire on the car. Most of all, I just missed having him to talk to. I was lonely. I knew this day would come. But why does it have to be so hard?

However, a mother spider taught me a lesson.

On my way out from my storeroom, I noticed a spider building her web across the top corner of the doorway. I reached for a hoe(锄头)m, tore down the web, and watched the giant spider run away in the grass. She was back the very next morning, in the exact same spot, busily rebuilding. I stared for a moment, and then reached for the hoe again. Then I twisted the hoe round and round, catching the spider in her own web. I carried her far into my backyard, shook the hoe and watched her fall to the ground, disappearing in the bush. The third morning, I stopped short as I entered the storeroom. The spider was back in the same corner of the door frame, her web almost completed again. I reached for the hoe, but stopped. She wants her web where she wants it, I thought, and that kind of perseverance(毅力)should pay off. I stepped back and watched her long legs busily knitting the web.

For the next few weeks, the spider and I were close neighbors. One particularly boring day, I was feeling so down that I didn’t even glance up at my spider as I entered. As I stared in wonder, I found a hundred tiny angels on the floor. I realized that these were baby spiders that the eggs had hatched, and already, as the mother watched from the corner of the home that she had built, her young were making their way to the ground.













    As the train picked up its speed, the passengers slowly settled down on their seats. An_________lady occupied the front seat of mine. She must be in her eighties, I guessed. She smiled at me. Out of curiosity, I gave her_________. But both of us were_________.

It was 4:50 pm. So, bed time was still in a long way. I couldn’t_________myself any longer and asked, “AuntyWhere are you going?”

She_________me for a while and replied, “Army camp, dear.”

Suddenly my_________doubled to know the reason. I politely said, “Aunty, you are_________someone?”

She smiled and I continued to say: “Aunty, you must be feeling so_________to see your child and your grandchildren.”

Perhaps, this question_________her a little but she answered, “Oh, dear! You are so sweet!__________, I had only one son who joined the__________and was killed in a battle just a few days before. I had__________so many new clothes for him. So, I thought why not__________my son’s clothes to some other soldiers, so that I would control my__________and would be happy thinking that my own son has worn it. He was__________, so I don’t have any grand child.”

I was astonished at her heart breaking story! But I admired the old lady from the core of my heart.

1.A.elderly B.famous C.stubborn D.smart

2.A.response B.exploration C.research D.amazement

3.A.dynamic B.calm C.silent D.positive

4.A.resist B.forgive C.deserve D.demand

5.A.cared about B.stared at C.attended to D.watched over

6.A.anxiety B.embarrassment C.appreciation D.curiosity

7.A.visiting B.charging C.sentencing D.reminding

8.A.puzzled B.frightened C.astonished D.excited

9.A.entertained B.attracted C.hurt D.impressed

10.A.Besides B.Therefore C.Still D.Anyway

11.A.club B.league C.party D.army

12.A.shared B.counted C.bought D.buried

13.A.sold B.donate C.connect D.expand

14.A.sorrow B.shock C.sickness D.energy

15.A.unbelievable B.unbearable C.unemployed D.unmarried



How to Live Well

At a certain point in life, thoughts may come up. How well have you lived?1.How well you’ve treated those you love and care about? Most of all, however, time seems to slip on without too much self-reflection. Maybe it’s time to slow down and think about what it means to live well.

To live means acting.2.You start action, come up with goals, make plans to help work on the desired outcome, and dive in. Not every action will immediately bring about a successful finish of the project, task or undertaking, but you learn from everything you do.

3.Being busy is an effective cure to loneliness, helps avoid depression and self-pity, and keeps us in a constant state of movement. Again, doing things often puts us in contact with others and that’s also a good thing for humans to make interaction with other humans.

But what happens when you don’t give a project or task your full effort? Are you still living well? Or are you shortchanging yourself, trying to cheat and still get the reward?4.Not only learn to face these, but also try to overcome them.

The truth is that everyone cuts corners now and then. Maybe it is because we lack time, energy, financial or other resources. Sometimes we have to make ends meet by shaving off an item or a step. That doesn’t mean we make a habit of it.5.

A.To live means you participate in life.

B.To have a good life doesn’t mean living well.

C.Keeping busy sometimes is important in life.

D.Sometimes you have to face these in your life.

E.How much you’ve achieved relative to your goals?

F.What can you do if you suffer from an illness?

G.That really means we should stop and think, in order to live better.



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