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Things You Shouldn’t Do While Shopping ●...

Things You Shouldn’t Do While Shopping

● Leave your kids alone.

If you plan to bring your children with you to do holiday shopping, make sure that they are well-rested and fed. 1. It’s also not the staffs responsibility to watch over your children since they have to attend to other customers. If you do have to take your kids with you, use this as an opportunity to teach them the manners every parent should teach their children.

● Park like you own the place.

The only thing worse than shopping in stores during the holidays is parking at the store. Be patient in the parking lot and avoid unnecessary honking (鸣笛). It is also suggested that you leave your car at home and take a cab, Lyft, or Uber instead. 2.

● Keep the shopping cart (购物车) in the middle of the passageway.

Keep in mind that the flow of traffic in the passageways is the same as on the road—stick to the right and let people pass on the left. 3. You shouldn’t park your shopping cart in the middle of the passageway, because that could make it difficult for other shoppers to get by.


For the clothes that don’t fit after the try-on, fold or hang them and return them to a staff member on your way out. This will make the shopping experience more pleasant for both the shoppers and the staff since the changing rooms won’t be filled with unwanted and messy clothes. 5. By keeping your changing room clean, you’re showing respect for your fellow shoppers and the staff who work there.

A.Otherwise,the staff have to organize them.

B.Leave unwanted clothes in the dressing room.

C.Especially rude driving habits could be dangerous,too.

D.The extra cost could be worth the lack of parking stress.

E.If it is possible to shop without a cart,you could save some money.

F.If you’re looking at something,park your cart to the right side of the passageway.

G.You should never leave your kids unattended because they may injure themselves.


1.G 2.D 3.F 4.B 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍购物时不应该做的事情。 1. 根据上文提示“如果你打算带着孩子一起去购物,确保他们休息好、吃饱。”再根据下文提示“照顾孩子也不是员工的责任,因为他们还要照顾其他顾客。”下文中的also“也”特别关键,表示带孩子去购物父母要照顾好孩子,员工也没照顾孩子的责任,由此可知,G项You should never leave your kids unattended because they may injure themselves.(你不应该让你的孩子无人照管,因为他们可能会伤害自己。)切题。该项中的never leave your kids unattended与空格后面的also not the staffs responsibility to watch over your children相吻合。故选G。 2. 根据上文提示“也建议你把车留在家里,打车、Lyft或Uber。”由此可知,打车、Lyft或Uber会带来额外的费用,但没有了停车的压力。所以D项The extra cost could be worth the lack of parking stress.(少了停车的压力,额外的花费还是值得的。)切题。故选D。 3. 根据上文提示“请记住,通道上的交通流量与马路上的流量是一样的——把车贴在右边,让人们从左边通过。”也就是说,你在通道上停推车时,要把车停在通道的右边。由此可知,F项中的park your cart to the right side of the passageway“把你的推车停在过道的右边”与上文提示一致,故选F。 4. 该空是一个小标题,结合上文小标题,这里应该用一个短小精悍的祈使句。根据下文提示“对于那些试穿后不合身的衣服,折叠或挂起来,在你出去的时候把它们交还给工作人员。”由此可知,B项(把不需要的衣服留在试衣间。)切题。且B项是祈使句,故选B。 5. 根据上文提示“更衣室里不会堆满不需要的脏衣服。”再根据下文提示“保持更衣室的干净,是对其他顾客和工作人员的尊重。”由此可知, “更衣室里没有不需要的脏衣服,工作人员就不会去整理这些东西,这也是对顾客和工作人员的尊重”,空格处连接上下文,起承上启下的作用,所以A项Otherwise , the staff have to organize them.(否则,员工必须整理他们。)切题。故选A。

    A new coffee culture is forming in and around San Francisco, California. A growing number of coffeehouses there are barring paper cups. Instead, they are using glass containers or creating “bring your own cup” policies. The movement started among neighborhood cafes in an effort to reduce waste. Now it is gaining support from large businesses in the city—and around the country.

Famous cook Dominique Crenn is opening a cafe in San Francisco next year that will not use to-gabags, throw-away coffee cups or any plastic. Diners who plan to buy a to-go drink from boutique Crenn will be asked to bring their own coffee cups, a spokeswoman said.

The Blue Bottle coffeehouse company uses about 15,000 to-go cups each month at its 70 shops across the U.S. The company recently said it wants to “show our guests and the world that we can get rid of disposable (一次性的) cups”.

Blue Bottle plans to stop using paper cups at two of its stores next year. The move is part of a promise to produce “zero waste” by the end of next year.

Larger coffee and fast-food businesses around the U. S. are feeling a sense of urgency (紧急) to be more environmentally friendly, said Bridget Croke. She is with the New York-based investment company Closed Loop Partners. It is working with Starbucks and McDonald’s to develop a substitute (替代品) for the disposable coffee cup.

Today’s to-go cups for hot drinks are not only made from paper, they also have plastic to prevent leaking. This makes them hard to recycle, Croke said. She admitted that it is not likely that large national food and drink companies will stop using disposable cups totally or ask all customers to bring their own.

So, her company is looking for other solutions. In partnership with Closed Loop, Starbucks and McDonald’s paid $10 million to develop the “single-use cup of the future”. The result is expected to be recyclable and to break down naturally.

1.What does the underlined word“barring”in the first paragraph mean?

A.Using. B.Inventing. C.Improving. D.Banning.

2.What do boutique Crenn and Blue Bottle have in common?

A.They will desert throw-away cups.

B.They’ve decided to improve service.

C.They want to attract more customers.

D.They will open some new coffee shops.

3.Why are traditional to-go cups bad for the environment?

A.They are made from wood.

B.They are needed in great quantity.

C.The hard to recycle.

D.They encourage people to drink more coffee.

4.What do Starbucks and McDonald’s aim to do in the future?

A.Refuse to offer cups to consumers.

B.Invent environmentally friendly cups.

C.Run together with another company.

D.Spend a lot on the development of new coffee.



    The popularity of Chinese-owned video-sharing service TikTok (抖音) continues to grow among young people in the United States. In 2019, experts say the service more than doubled its American user base to 37 million. TikTok is especially popular with teens and young adults.

The service lets users create and share their short videos that they think interesting and useful, and many of them are under 15 seconds. The TikTok app offers a wide choice of sounds, brief parts of songs and special effects tools to help create a video. Some TikTok-based memes are very popular. Videos often include popular songs from well-known artists and TikTok has even helped launch the careers of new music stars.

TikTok is considered a competitor to the video-sharing app Snapchat, as well as Facebook’s Instagram service. Snapchat and Instagram also mainly interest young users with a wide mix of photos and videos centered largely on fashion, pop culture and humor.

Last year, TikTok was the second-most downloaded app from Apple and Google stores. Only WhatsApp was downloaded more. Research company Sensor Tower guesses people have downloaded the TikTok app 1.65 billion times.

TikTok has been used by many major companies to reach young people who use little or no traditional media. One of those companies is American-based e. l. f. Cosmetics. The makeup company’s chief marketer, Kory Marchisotto, said that TikTok is “where the Gen Z party is”. Gen Z is a name used to call the generation born between the late 1990s and the early 2000s. “That’s where they’re all hanging out,” Marchisotto said.

Companies appearing on TikTok can make money through advertising. Often, the companies create user “challenges” as part of their ad campaigns. In challenges, users are invited to publish their own videos in which they perform similar dance moves. One campaign by e. l. f. Cosmetics, for example, asked people to wink and move their lips while following a song. TikTok users created 3 million videos that received more than 4 billion view.

1.Which word can best describe the videos created on TikTok

A.Traditional. B.Formal. C.Various. D.serious.

2.Which was downloaded most from Apple and Google stores last year?

A.TikTok. B.Snapchat. C.Instagram. D.WhatsApp.

3.What can companies do on TikTok?

A.Challenge their competitors. B.Make advertisements.

C.Hold music concerts. D.Promote users’abilities to make videos.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.China’s TikTok Keeps Growing Among US Youth

B.TikTok Helps Users Create and Share Short Videos

C.China-based TikTok achieves great Success

D.Companies Benefit Much from TikTok



    I was dropping my mom and sister off at the train station after their holiday visit. On the way I saw a man in a wheelchair in an empty car park. It looked like he wasn’t wearing shoes.

After dropping off my family, I went back to the park and he was still there. His chair was on the incline (斜坡) that led to the street and it looked like he was struggling with his bare (赤裸的) feet to keep the wheelchair from sliding () away into the street. I asked if he wanted me to pull him back up. He nodded. I asked him to pick up his feet and pulled him back up into the park. He didn’t react when I asked if this was far enough. Then, I opened the box I had brought with me. It was a shoe box with an old pair of shoes that I had kept in my car in case I found someone in need.

You could imagine the look on his face. First it was shock, then it was pure delight. When he spoke, I couldn’t understand what he said, but I knew he was thanking me.

On the way back to my car, I saw a couple who were in need and gave them a couple of my bags for the homeless. As I drove past the first man, I saw he had already put on one shoe and was working on the second.

Keeping old pairs of shoes in my car for situations like this is so much more important than throwing them out or selling them at a yard sale.

1.What caught the author’s attention while driving?

A.An empty park. B.A holiday visit experience.

C.A train station. D.A man with bare feet.

2.What was the disabled man doing when the author saw him for the second time?

A.He was putting on a shoe. B.He was asking passers-by for help.

C.He was preventing his chair going down. D.He was pulling himself into the street.

3.What made the man feel shocked?

A.The author’s beautiful car. B.The old shoes offered to him.

C.The questions asked by the author. D.The author’s effort to pull him back.

4.What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?

A.The author is always ready to help others. B.A homeless couple asked the author for help.

C.The author was praised for his kindness. D.The disabled man had difficulty putting on shoes.



Four Healthy Experience Gifts Wellness Fans Will Love

Healthy classes

Deciding to eat healthier is usually a top New Year’s resolution for most people. You can help a loved one by treating them to a healthy cooking class to learn new tips and tricks that make cooking a healthier, more enjoyable experience. When people sign up for a cooking class, they are going to have a better mental attitude and mood. Sur La Table offers gift certificates (证书) to a variety of cooking classes nationwide that will appeal to just about any taste.

Shop now!

Salt cave spa day

Sure, you could gift someone a day at any spa and they’ll enjoy it. The goal is to breathe in the refined (提炼的) air, which may help improve breathing system problems, from asthma, colds, to allergies, according to the Salt Therapy Association (which also has a list of locations nationwide). While the science on salt caves is limited, consider it another way to reduce stress and find more balance.

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Year-long pass to parks

Research has shown that spending time outside can help improve your memory, and lessen feelings of sadness. And research on people without sadness has shown similarly promising results of nature’s effect on one’s mood. For those who love a good nature walk or hike, consider gifting a year-long pass to parks. This experience gift gives them admission (进入许可) to more than 2,000 sites.

Show Now!

A night in

Sometimes all we need is permission to do nothing, even if that’s just at home. The Lather Wellness Retreat offers the chance to relax without having to go anywhere. When we give ourselves permission and the gift of wonderful activities that will help us to reduce our stress, we sleep better and our immune systems (免疫系统) are more balanced.

Shop now!

1.What can we do with the gift “Healthy” classes”?

A.Relax our body by cooking. B.Learn to prepare better meals.

C.visit different cooking schools for free. D.Make New Year’s resolutions for others.

2.Who might prefer the gift of a year-long pass to parks?

A.Those who want to go fishing. B.Those who want to have a cave spa.

C.Those who want to sleep better. D.Those who want to enjoy outdoor activities.

3.Which of the following can let you feel relaxed at home?

A.A night in. B.Healthy classes.

C.Salt cave spa day. D.Year-long pass to parks.



假定你是李华。你校将于下周六举行我的拿手菜(My Special Recipe大赛,并举办健康饮食讲座。你的留学生朋友Jackson对中国饮食很感兴趣,请你用英语写一封email邀请他参加此次活动。内容包括以下要






Dear Jackson,


I’m looking forward to your coming.

Your sincerely

Li Hua



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