满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I live in a landscape surrounded by shop...

    I live in a landscape surrounded by shopping malls. So it’s quite ______ to feel connected to the land. I wanted ______ for my children: soil, Mother Earth and ecology. I’m a classic suburban mom. But I grew up ______ summers at my grandparents’ farm. I used to pick wild blackberries, catch fishes, and run between the tows of tall corm plants. I knew what wild garlic looked like. I ______ picked flowers from the honeysuckle (金银花) and sucked the nectar (花蜜) out. I’ve ______ my kids to do the same. “It’s so sweet, Mom,” they told me.

____, instead of teaching my kids about the landscape, I decided to teach them a love of the land they live in. I was determined to ______ PBL-place-based learning. So we went to the ______ parking lot near the dead mall and ______ dandelion (蒲公英) greens, which make delicious spring salad. We dug with sticks in the wheel ruts (车辙印) along the road while going home. My ten-year old found a special rock which ______ him to start a rock collection. In the fall. I took my kids to stands of chestnut trees and ______ them how to get the eatable nuts from the branches. I had taught them some big ______ about the earth, the ______ of which they should have appreciation for.

It has been revolutionary to be outside. We have ______ simply walking, observing, feeling the dirt under our feet, and happily bringing home something we ______ with our own hands.

1.A.challenging B.wonderful C.relaxing D.disappointing

2.A.admiration B.gratitude C.connection D.amusement

3.A.learning B.spending C.expecting D.witnessing

4.A.voluntarily B.instantly C.delicately D.carelessly

5.A.forbidden B.required C.ordered D.taught

6.A.However B.In conclusion C.As a result D.Similarly

7.A.investigate B.practice C.test D.discover

8.A.abandoned B.scary C.new D.collapsed

9.A.touched B.smelt C.viewed D.sought

10.A.urged B.inspired C.forced D.needed

11.A.informed B.watched C.asked D.showed

12.A.classes B.courses C.lessons D.lectures

13.A.scenery B.beauty C.future D.custom

14.A.imagined B.considered C.enjoyed D.insisted

15.A.harvested B.planted C.made D.shared


1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章讲述了作者小时候在祖父母的农场上度过的经历。在作者看来,亲近自然和感知自然对孩子的成长是有好处的,因此她带着自己的孩子挖蒲公英和摘取坚果,使他们体验大自然的美好。 1. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此想与这个土地联系得紧密一些是非常具有挑战性的。A. challenging具有挑战性的;B. wonderful精彩的;C. relaxing令人放松的;D. disappointing令人失望的。作者生活在被购物中心包围的地方,因此想要感知土地是很难的。故选A项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想让我的孩子们与土壤,地球母亲和生态环境建立联系。A. admiration钦佩;B. gratitude感谢;C. connection连接,联系;D. amusement娱乐。文章的主题就是建立人与大自然的联系并且根据 connected to the land。可知,作者想让我的孩子们与土壤,地球母亲和生态环境建立联系。故选C项。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是我从小在祖父母的农场度过夏天。A. learning学习;B. spending度过;C. expecting期待;D. witnessing目击。下文提到作者采摘野生黑莓并在高大的玉米植物的丝束之间奔跑而且知道野蒜的样子,因此可以推知,作者在长大的过程中是在祖父母的农场上度过夏天的,选择spending合乎语境。故选B项。 4. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我从金银花中精心挑选了花朵,然后将花蜜吸了出来。A. voluntarily自愿地;B. instantly立刻;C. delicately精心地,谨慎地;D. carelessly 粗心地。根据picked flowers from the honeysuckle (金银花) 可知,作者要吸吮花蜜,因此她需要精心挑选花朵。故选C项。 5. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我教过我的孩子做同样的事情。A. forbidden禁止;B. required 需要;C. ordered下令;D. taught教导。由下一段的 teaching my kids 可知,作者教自己的孩子去做同样的事情,去品尝金银花的花蜜,孩子们告诉妈妈花蜜很甜。故选D项。 6. 考查副词、介词短语词义辨析。句意:然而我决定教他们热爱他们所居住的这片土地而不是周围的景色。A. However然而,不过;B. In conclusion总之;C. As a result结果……;D. Similarly相似地。虽然作者一家生活在被购物中心包围的地方,不过作者并没有去让孩子们去关注购物中心包围下的景色,而是要热爱脚下的这片土地。故选A项。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我决心在我们生活的地方教孩子们去学习。A. investigate调查;B. practice实践,实行;C. test测试;D.discover发现。她带着孩子们去购物中心附近的停车场挖蒲公英,这是在实施她的想法:希望孩子们能够爱上一家人生活的这片土地。故选B项。 8. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因此我们去了面临倒闭的购物中心附近的废弃停车场,寻找可以做蔬菜沙拉的蒲公英。A. abandoned被遗弃的,被抛弃的;B. scary害怕的;C. new新的;D. collapsed倒塌的。dead mall指的是由于经营不善、消费增长乏力以及电商冲击等因素的影响下,导致购物中心面临倒闭关门的窘境。因此可知,它附近的停车场应该是没有什么人停车的,即废弃的。故选A项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此我们去了面临倒闭的购物中心附近的废弃停车场,寻找可以做蔬菜沙拉的蒲公英。A. touched触摸;B. smelt闻到;C. viewed观看;D. sought寻找。由下文的“我们沿着公路用木棒挖蒲公英”可知,作者和孩子们在寻找蒲公英。故选D项。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我十岁的孩子发现了一块特别的石块,这激发了他的灵感,开始了自己的石块收集。A. urged督促;B. inspired激发;C. forced强迫;D. needed需要。根据start a rock collection可知,一块特别的石头,使他激发了收藏石块的想法,选择inspired符合语境。故选B项。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我带孩子们去看板栗树,并向他们展示了如何从树枝上获取可食用的坚果。A. informed通知;B. watched观看;C. asked问;D. showed展示。作者为了让孩子们亲近和爱上大自然,她带着孩子们去摘果实,孩子们还小,它要展示给孩子们看。故选D项。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我觉得我已经教给了孩子们关于土地的一些知识,他们应该欣赏它的美丽。A. classes课程,班级;B. courses课程,讲座;C. lessons课,经验,知识;D. lectures讲座,演讲。作者带着孩子们到栗树林立的地方,教他们如何从树枝上摘下可吃的坚果,因此作者已经教给孩子们一些关于土地的知识。故选C项。 13. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我觉得我已经教给了孩子们关于土地的一些知识,他们应该欣赏它的美丽。A. scenery风景;B. beauty美丽,美好;C. future未来;D. custom习俗。作者带孩子们亲近他们生活的这片土地,孩子们在这个过程中有了自己的感知,有了自己的兴趣爱好(比如收集石头),因此他们一起从事的活动会让他们感受到土地的美好。故选B项。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们喜欢步行,观察,感觉脚下的泥土,开心地将双手收获的东西带回家。A. imagined想像;B. considered考虑;C. enjoyed喜欢;D. insisted坚持。由上文的they should have appreciation for可知,作者和孩子们在户外活动中是快乐的,喜欢步行,观察,感觉脚下的泥土,开心地将双手收获的东西带回家。选择enjoyed合乎语境。故选C项。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。我们喜欢步行,观察,感觉脚下的泥土,开心地将双手收获的东西带回家。A. harvested收获;B. planted种植;C. made制作;D. shared分享。根据上文 I took my kids to stands of chestnut trees and 11 them how to get the eatable nuts from the branches.可知,作者和孩子们亲自动手得到了自己想要的东西,体验到了快乐,这是他们的“收获”。故选A项。

Urban Wildlife

Cities are diverse ecosystems. In addition to visitors from the wild, a large number of species share our urban areas. As our cities spread, we need to think about what it is like for other species to have human neighbors.

Cities are built for humans. 1.For example, most city parks are kept neat and tidy so that humans will find them beautiful. But when we cut grass or plant flowers, we destroy natural habitats.

2.When a bridge in Austin, Texas was repaired, engineers added small gaps running along the length of its bottom. This made a good home for bats, and soon the bridge was the home of

thousands of bats. 3. Now, they have come to value their winged neighbors. The bats are a tourist attraction, and they eat lots of bugs every night.

There are also structures built with the aim of bringing wildlife into the city. The Beijing Olympic Forest Park is a good example. The park used native plants and created open, natural spaces for wildlife. The result is a zone in Beijing with over 160 species of birds. In many ways, the park is the opposite of a zoo. 4.

If we learn to share our space, we can become better neighbors to the wildlife around us. 5. Our own future will be endangered too.

A.They are built to protect birds.

B.Our actions sometimes help other species.

C.If we do not, more species will become extinct.

D.They do not always provide suitable habitats for wildlife.

E.Instead of being kept in cages, wildlife can move about freely.

F.At first, people were afraid of the bats and tried to get rid of them.

G.They would sit on it and their droppings would fall into the water.



    Forget about the “post-1995 generation”. Young people born in 1995 or later have another name in English — Generation Z. They are entering adulthood and will soon shape our future, which is why policy makers, as well as employers and marketers, are trying their best to understand these young people. So, how should we pin down the Gen Z-ers?

Most people will agree that the single biggest difference between Gen-Z and other generations is how connected they are. This is a group of people who were hooked up to social media as soon as they were born. Social media has changed the way Gen Z-ers interact with each other and how they get and process information. They read news from Twitter, watch videos from Vine, share experiences in Instagram and post recipes in Pinterest.

“We are the first true digital natives. I can almost simultaneously create a document, edit it, post a photo on Instagram and talk on the phone, all from the user-friendly iPhone,” said Hannah Payne, an 18-year-old UCLA student.

It is noted that young people in the UK are becoming more active in Politics. Young people regard voting as one option among many to show their political engagement that can potentially influence policies. Instead of party politics, they focus more on single-topic issues such as feminism (女权主义) or climate change. And “much of the engagement and organizing they do takes place on social media rather than through traditional political structures,” according to the Guardians.

Gen Z-ers are also culture creators. Growing up with the Internet has freed this generation from traditional cultural expression. They are no longer willing to let their creativity be limited by their parents or traditional rules.

“We decide what kind of content we want to experience and choose how we experience it,” wrote Masback, a Huffington Post blogger and a Gen Z-er herself.

1.What does the underlined phrase “pin down” mean in Paragraph 1?

A.Cooperate with. B.Firmly convince.

C.Clearly understand. D.Communicate with.

2.What is special about the Gen Z-ers’ engagement in politics?

A.It’s topic-specific. B.It stresses social response.

C.It’s party-based. D.It has an immediate effect.

3.What can be inferred about the Gen Z-ers from the last two paragraphs?

A.They enjoy great freedom to express themselves. B.They are unwilling to obey their parents.

C.They are rooted in traditional culture. D.They are addicted to social media.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards Gen Z-ers?

A.Worried. B.Critical. C.Objective. D.Appreciative



    Most of the new diseases we humans have faced in the past several decades have come from animals. The more we come into contact with wild animals, the more we risk a so-called disease “spillover” from animals to humans.

“As people move and wildlife move in response to a changing environment, humans and wildlife and animals will come in contact more regularly,” said Jeanne Fair from the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. Fair argues that by shifting animal habitats, climate change will also make the opportunities for disease spillover more frequent. “Everything is sort of shifting and will shift into the future as the environment changes through climate change,” Fair said.

Scientists, including climatologists and epidemiologists (流行病学家) on Fair’s team at Los Alamos, are beginning to model how changes to the climate will impact the spread of infectious diseases. It’s early days for this kind of research, but previous studies suggest that extreme weather has already played a role in at least one outbreak. Scientists say drought and deforestation have combined to force bats out of rain forests and into orchards (果园) in Malaysia to find food. Those bats, a common disease reservoir, then passed the Nipah virus through pigs to humans for the first time in the late 1990s.

“We’re going by the past data to really predict what’s going to happen in the future,” Fair said, “And so, anytime you increase that wildlife-human interface, that’s sort of an emerging disease hot spot. And so, that’s just increasing as we go forward.”

Jeffrey Shaman, head of the climate and health program at Columbia University’s public health school, argues we don’t yet know whether climate change will cause a net increase in infectious disease rates globally. For example, mosquitoes carry disease that affects millions of people across the world every year. As their habitats expand in some parts of the world, they might contract diseases elsewhere. Shaman says what we know for certain about climate change is that it will make it harder to predict where disease outbreaks will pop up.

1.How does climate change affect the spread of disease according to Fair?

A.By breaking animals’habits. B.By increasing animals’varieties.

C.By promoting animals’breeding. D.By changing animals’living environment.

2.What is the example of bats for in paragraph 3?

A.Explaining the influence of Nipah virus.

B.Proving the harm of bats to human beings.

C.Showing the effects of climate change on disease.

D.Presenting scientists’early study about the cause of disease.

3.What can we infer from Fair’s words in paragraph 4?

A.Humans should give up studying animals.

B.Frequent contact with animals can cause disease outbreaks.

C.Disease hot spots will disappear if animals die out.

D.Past data can solve the problems in the future.

4.What could be the best title for the text?

A.Climate Change and Disease Spillover

B.Animals’Interaction with Humans

C.Early Studies about Extreme Weather

D.Scientists’Prediction for Disease Outbreaks



    My violin is like a soul mate that whispers words of wisdom to me. Together, we’ve gone through both tears and happiness.

About 12 years ago, I made acquaintance with it following an order from my mom. Many hours of boredom were spent practicing it. And to make things worse, the disappointment in my teacher’s eyes as I played the wrong notes was like an invisible hammer, striking on my heart. One day, I finally decided: I hate it!

By chance, things changed when I was seven. I was at home lying on the sofa, wondering how those famous violinists dealt with this terrible dilemma. I searched online for the E-minor Concerto, a well-known violin work by German composer Felix Mendelssohn, and listened to it.

A beautiful and mysterious sound came from the violin as the bow moved across it. It was like the music slid over the flowers, rose up, and started to fill the air. The violin’s voice woke up the sun, made the trees green, and freshened the air. As the music changed, the sky turned back to gray. A gloomy shade covered the grass as all the sunshine disappeared. I could hear children crying and men shouting. It was like an invisible claw had grabbed my heart tightly, making it unable to beat.

That glorious day set off my passion and interest in violin — I grabbed mine and never let it go. Before the memories faded, I stared at my instrument. Without hesitating, I picked it up, rosined (用松香擦) the bow, and began to play. Peace filled my heart.

My violin has been by my side for 12 years. When I feel happy, an energetic tune makes it even better; when I’m deep in sorrow, a peaceful tune washes it away, when I’m walking on air, feeling especially pleased with my achievements, solemn (庄严的) tunes calm me down. Gradually, it has become a part of my life.

My violin, shall I compare you to a summer’s day?

1.What further contributed to the author’s dislike of violin-playing?

A.Orders from mum. B.Disappointment in the teacher’s eyes.

C.Loss of passion for violin. D.Boredom of practice.

2.What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A.The author’s feeling was continuously influenced by the music.

B.The weather actually changed because of the tune.

C.The sudden change made the author’s heart unable to beat.

D.The scenery outside the room was quite attractive.

3.Why did the author pick up the violin again?

A.The invisible hammer and claw are gone. B.The beautiful imagination changed his attitude.

C.A famous tune aroused his interest and passion. D.He was crazy about Felix Mendelssohn’s works.

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Deep love for music B.My dislike and like of violin

C.An inspiring violin D.Musical soul mate—violin



    European architecture in Tianjin is a window showing China’s historical changes. In a one-day tour, you can see some old western-style private residences, former Imperial Gardens and enjoy Tianjin snacks, like a time traveler.

The Garden of Jingyuan

The Garden of Jingyuan was constructed in 1921. It’s now an excellent example of an old private residence in Tianjin, which is now well-preserved. The last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Puyi, once lived here after his abdication(退位), from July 1929 to November 1931. He changed the name to Jingyuan, which references his desire to strengthen and ennoble his spirit by living in a peaceful environment.

Address: 70 Anshan Road, Heping District

Transport: Anshan Road (Subway Line 1)

Tickets & Opening Hours: Closed Monday; Tuesday to Sunday, 8:30-5:00p.m. RMB ¥20 per person

Zhangyuan Garden

This grand mansion was built in 1915 by Zhang Biao, a former high-ranking official in the Qing Court. In 1924, Dr. Sun Yat-sen and his wife Soong Ching Ling stayed in it for several months. In 1925, Puyi, the last emperor of China, had a brief stay here after his abdication from Beijing. It is certainly a strange coincidence that the founder of the Republic of China and the last emperor chose exactly the same place to live, though at different times.

The mansion is visible from the street, but the buildings and gardens are not open to the public at present.

Italianate Street

Nearly 200 European-style buildings have been conserved in the old Italian Concession(租借地)and form the modern --Italian-style Street  on the north bank of the Haihe River. The street has been developed as a shopping center and entertainment district. A square named after Marco Polois surrounded by numerous Italianate large buildings. Pictures of their former residences will be a highlight of your photo albums.

Address: The Cross Between Shengli Road and Ziyou Road, Hebei District

Transport: Jianguo Road (Subway Line 2)

Tickets & Opening Hours: Access all day for nothing

If you want to feel old-people’s lives and taste snacks in Tianjin, you can tour to Confucian Temple near the Ancient Culture Street . Most snacks in Tianjin are made of flour. Some are deepfried or baked while some are made into sticky sweets. Goubuli steamed stuffed baozi, ear-hole fried cake and Guifaxiang fried dough twists are the top three local snacks.

1.What can we know from Puyi’s renaming the place to Jingyuan?

A.He wanted to feel old-people’s lives and taste snacks.

B.He desired to strengthen and ennoble his imperial palace.

C.He was determined to well preserve this Chinese-style residence.

D.He would like to lead a quiet and calm life after his abdication.

2.Which of the following tourist attractions is not open to the visitors?

A.The Garden of Jingyuan B.Italianate Street

C.Zhangyuan Garden D.Confucian Temple

3.What’s the best thing you can do in Italianate Street?

A.Buying Italian clothes for your family.

B.Taking pictures with Italian friends.

C.Enjoying European-style buildings.

D.Walking around the Marco Polo Square.



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