满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








There will be a Chinese zither (古筝) exhibition in the city museum on this weekend. Informed that traditional Chinese instruments appeal to you, I’m writing to invite you visit it.

Twenty Chinese zithers of different ages, among them the oldest one has a history of 2,500 year, will be on show in the museum. It is widely acknowledged that Chinese zithers were called “the piano in China”, enjoy a great popularity. Equally attractive are amazing stories behind it, for example, how they were made by hand and whatever parts they consisted of. There is a good chance that you can appreciate music play on the instrument by famous artists, exposed to a peace atmosphere.

Are you available? If so, I am too willing to accompany you.


1.将on去掉 2. 在you后面加to 3. them→which 4. year→years 5.were→are 6.enjoy→enjoying 7. it→them 8. whatever→what 9. play→played 10.peace→peaceful 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了即将举行的古筝展览以及对中国的古筝进行了相关的介绍。 1.考查介词。在last week,next week,this week等之前不需要加任何介词。故将on去掉。 2.考查固定搭配。invite sb. to do sth.为固定用法,故在you后面加to。 3.考查定语从句的关系代词。分析句子结构,逗号不能引导两个句子,此处为非限制性定语从句。先行词是Twenty Chinese zithers,指物,在从句中作介词among的宾语,需用关系代词which引导。故将them改为which。 4.考查名词。year为可数名词,意为“年”,根据2500可知,此处需用名词复数形式。故填years。 5.考查动词时态。根据已知动词is acknowledged可知,此处陈述客观事实,需用一般现在时。故将were改为are。 6.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构,主句的谓语动词是is acknowledged,从句的谓语动词是are called,此处需填非谓语动词形式。“the piano in China”和enjoy是主谓关系,需填现在分词形式。故将enjoy改为enjoying。 7.考查代词。此处指代的是Chinese zithers,需用复数形式them。故将it改为them。 8.考查同位语从句。whatever表示泛指,不符合语境,what表示特指,此处应该是特指“古筝的部分”。做定语修饰part。故将whatever改为what。 9.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构,已有谓语动词can appreciate,此处需填非谓语动词作定语,修饰名词music。music和play为逻辑上的动宾关系,需填过去分词形式。故将play改为played。 10.考查形容词。分析句子结构,此处修饰名词atmosphere,需用形容词作定语。peace的形容词形式为peaceful。故将peace改为peaceful。

    I must have been asked a hundred times about my messed-up timing for my two-month journey back to Canada and then ______ back to China just as the weather is turning nice in Toronto.

Well it was not for the weather, I could have satisfied any ______ for winter scenery with a quick trip to Harbin. I must ______ I did enjoy getting out snowshoeing with my siblings but the real reason was to ______ my Mom’s 90th birthday in early March. I also ______a brother’s 60thbirthday as well as several______ with friends and family.

Why did I ______? Simply put stubborn determination, good friends and a ______ desire to enjoy more of the sights and culture of China. ______ I still cannot have a conversation in Chinese, I am ______ to continue with my studies until such time that I can. While that is a long way off I do ______ continued improvement in both the way I study and the progress that I make.

May 10, I ______ out in a gym for the first time in China. It is a small place but we had a(n) ______ enjoyable visit including the use of enough exercise ______. It feels good to be back into a ______ again. At my age working out is designed to ______ good health and maintain the ______ to travel and enjoy life. I already have two social ______ on my schedule, plus I am excited about the ______ to watch part of the Xiamen Dragon Boat Race on May 25 & 26. Life in China is good to me ______, what can I say.

1.A.passing B.dating C.bringing D.heading

2.A.requirement B.desire C.curiosity D.need

3.A.claim B.declare C.admit D.announce

4.A.celebrate B.bless C.wish D.congratulate

5.A.attended B.participated C.joined D.prepared

6.A.ceremonies B.visits C.discussions D.conferences

7.A.go B.come C.return D.arrive

8.A.little B.new C.simple D.burning

9.A.Above all B.Now that C.As though D.Even though

10.A.scared B.determined C.worried D.exhausted

11.A.see B.expect C.predict D.show

12.A.broke B.ran C.worked D.figured

13.A.suddenly B.abruptly C.nearly D.amazingly

14.A.machine B.equipment C.device D.load

15.A.routine B.schedule C.timetable D.plan

16.A.serve B.reserve C.observe D.preserve

17.A.approach B.mystery C.ability D.competition

18.A.appointments B.settlements C.documents D.assessments

19.A.bonus B.idea C.opportunity D.imagination

20.A.in addition B.in general C.on average D.after all



Methods to Help Solve Air Pollution

With the development of the industry, air pollution has become an internationally concerned issue. The governments are taking efficient measures to prevent the situation getting worse. 1. Here are what you can do to help.

1.Leave your cars at home.

Cars, being the greatest source of air pollution, can be left at home this weekend. 2. Other greener options are carpooling, riding a bike or you can also walk if you want a healthier option and if your workplace is not that far away from your home.

2.Volunteer yourself

This is one of the best things you can do. Why? Because it will do you good too.

3. If you have time, there are lots of opportunities out there to pitch in, for instance, planting trees, cleaning a park or simply coming up with ways you can preserve mother Earth.

3.Green-up your home.

This is one of the most common things that people do whenever Earth Day rolls around. That is to switch off their lights. However, this is not something you should do just for a day and for only an hour. 4. In addition, take out all the plugs from plug points even after switching them off.

4.Pledge (保证) to do more every day

You know what the best way to celebrate Earth Day is? Extend your celebrations. That’s right! Do something every day that will improve your surroundings to make the planet a better place to live in. 5. The future of our planet is in your hands.

A.Bathing every day is bad for our health.

B.Voluntary work does good to your body and mind.

C.Travelling via public transport is the better option.

D.Join other like-minded individuals in a common task.

E.Always remember that every step, every initiative counts.

F.But as a member of the earth village, you can also help a lot.

G.Conserve energy by switching off all power whenever they are not in use.



    The Himalayan Mountains are home to the highest peak in Mount Everest. Now the first complete study of this remote region shows that is glaciers (冰川) lost billions of tons of ice from 2000 to 2016.

This is the first comprehensive look at what’s happened to glaciers in the Himalaya over a 40-year time, said lead author Joshua Masurer.

“Our study shows a strong signal of glacier ice loss linked to rising temperatures from climate change,” Maurer says. As much as quarter of the regions ice has been lost, he said, “Temperatures in the region have risen one degree, and one degree was indeed enough to produce such a great loss of glacier ice.”

The signal showing Himalayan ice loss linked to rising temperatures would not be so clear if it weren’t for the U. S satellites that photographed the region. Declassified photos from those satellites were turned into 3-D models to show what the glaciers’ elevations and sizes were in the 1970s, Maurer said. Those were then compared to more recent complex NASA satellite photos that shows changing elevations of the ice over time.

The ice and snow in the region are the source for Asia’s great rivers. The study did not include the huge neighbouring ranges of high mountains, but other studies suggest that similar melting is under way there as well.

This melting means flooding and the creation of many glacial lakes. In May 2012, one such flood killed over 60 people in villages near Pokhara, Nepal; it also destroyed houses. Some 800 million people depend in part on rivers from Himalayan glaciers for irrigation, making electricity, and drinking water. The more rapid melting appears to increase the river water during warm seasons, but scientists say that will decrease within decades as the glaciers lose mass.

1.Why did the glaciers in the Himalayan Mountains lose much ice?

A.Many people used the ice to make electricity.

B.The climate change increased the temperature.

C.America used satellite to increase one degree Celsius.

D.The flooding and many glacial lakes took much ice away.

2.How did the scientists get the conclusion?

A.By making an interview.

B.By studying the finding of other scientists.

C.By collecting information by means of satellites.

D.By comparing the data collected by U. S. satellites.

3.What can we infer from Paragraph 5?

A.Only the glaciers in Himalayan Mountains lose ice.

B.Many great rivers run to the Himalayan Mountains.

C.Many Asian regions face the problem of ice loss.

D.The melting of ice is nothing serious.

4.What is the purpose of giving the example in the last paragraph?

A.To show the risk of living near mountains.

B.To show the risky consequence of the ice loss.

C.To ask people to take action to use glaciers.

D.To predict the future of the Himalayan Mountains.



    Until now, the oldest evidence of human ancestors outside of Africa was in Dmanisi, Georgia. Here fossils of short people thought to be early Homo erectus date back to about 1.85 million yearsjust after the species appears in Africa. The oldest evidence of early human activity in China can date back to 1.5 million to 1.7 million years ago, which has suggested that they didn’t leave Africa until 2 million years ago or soand made it to eastern Asia even later.

Now evidence from the site of Shangchen in the Loess Plateau approximately 1,200 kilometers southwest of Beijing is shaking up that view. More than 2 million years ago, our ancestors were already world travelers, which shows that the ancestors of modern humans left Africa at least 250,000 years earlier than thought. It also supports a minority view that a key human ancestors, Homo erectus, may have originated in Asia, not in Africa.

The same team, led by geologist Zhao Yuzhu of the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry at the Chinese Academy of Science found that the stone tools range in age from 1.6 million to 2.1 millions years ago. This indicates humansthe family that includes humans and our ancestorsgot out of Africa at least a quarter of a million years earlier than thought, and occupied Shangchen on and off for more than 850,000 years, the team reports today in Nature.

“The dates are convincing,” Zhao Yuezhu says, which suggest humans were already remarkably adaptable to the changeable climate by 2.1 millions agoeven though they had not yet developed the even bigger brains, long legs, or more advanced tools seen in later humans. Although the identity of these early travelers all over the world is unknown, the new dates raise the possibility that H. Erects weren’t the first humans to leave Africa.

1.What’s the main idea of the first paragraph?

A.The early human activity in China.

B.The earliest time of the human ancestor.

C.The oldest evidence of the human ancestor.

D.The time of human ancestor’s arriving at the Eastern Asia.

2.What does the evidence from the site of Shangchen suggest?

A.Human ancestors were found of travelling.

B.Human ancestors lived in Asia not in Africa.

C.Human ancestors left Africa earlier than thought.

D.Human ancestors occupied Shangchen for many years.

3.Why could human ancestors travel through the world?

A.Their identities had been unfamiliar to others.

B.The structures in their body were different from us.

C.They had the same advanced tools as the later human’s.

D.They had abilities to adapt to the changeable environment.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.The Origin of the Human. B.The New Dates about Africa.

C.The ways of Studying the Human. D.The Latest Discovery about Human Ancestors.



    American children are still eating lots of fast food---and in spite of restaurants’ promises of healthy options, most kids are sticking with fries over salads. Some infamous chains like McDonald’s and Wendy’s have promised to offer healthier options on their kid’s menus, but they aren’t all sticking it, according to a report from the Rudd Center.

In fact, nearly all parents are buying their kids at least one fast food meal a week. Healthy fruits and vegetables may be all the rage among adults, but busy parents still choose quick meals for themselves and their kids. It doesn’t look like fast food is going away any time soon.

Scientists at the Rudd Center surveyed about 800 parents in 2010, then again in 2013 and 2016. Things have not improved much over the years. Of the vast majority of parents who had made a trip to McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s or Subway in the last week, 74% ordered an unhealthy side or drink. The older the children, the more likely their parents were to choose fries instead of a fruit, or a similar less healthy menu item. And about 35% of parents ordered regular adult menu items for their 2 to 11--year-old children, meaning these kids were often getting larger, less nutritious lunches and dinners.

Even as they introduced options like fruit juices, low-fat milk and yogurt to their menus, some restaurants have also added desserts and other calorie-heavy options to their kids’ menu items. So despite what’s now on offer, kids are getting equally or less nutritious meals, nowadays, which is mostly because fast food restaurants still promote their unhealthy options, and sides like fries are still allowed.

“While most fast-food restaurants do have healthier kids’ meal drinks and sides available, many do little to make parents aware of the healthier options or to encourage parents to choose the healthier options instead of unhealthy ones,” said lead study author Jennifer Harris. “If restaurants are serious about children’s health, they will make the healthiest choice and easiest for parents and the most appealing choice for children.”

1.What do the underlined words “all the rage” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A.popular. B.necessary. C.potential. D.modern.

2.Which of the following can summarize the parents surveyed in the report?

A.Many parents like to eat in McDonald’s.

B.Many parents think eating fast food is healthy.

C.Many parents tend to choose unhealthy food in their daily life.

D.Many parents always ignore the healthy food in their daily life.

3.What should kids avoid eating in fast-food restaurants?

A.Fruits juices. B.Desserts. C.Low-fat milk. D.Yogurt.

4.What does Jennifer Harris advise most fast-food restaurants to do?

A.Offer healthier meals for kids. B.Take children’s health seriously.

C.Be honest about their business. D.Guide parents how to order a healthy meal.



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