满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



1.Colour-blind people can't d________between red and green.

2.Some scientists are making their attempts to push the b________of human achievement.

3.At present,we have no e________that this treatment works,so it can't be used as a cure.

4.As we all know,the c________Olympics were first held in 1896,in Athens.

5.In defeat,we can find something more p________than victory—friendship,honour and respect.

6.His decision to hold talks is________(非同寻常的)because it could mean the real end of the war.

7.We are trying to get the baby into a________(常规)for feeding and sleeping.

8.The English language is________(不断)changing and people will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying things.

9.Much to her________(尴尬),the girl realized that everybody was listening to her singing.

10.Just by________(巧合),I met my old school-mate again twenty years after graduation.


1.distinguish 2.boundaries 3.evidence 4.contemporary 5.precious 6.extraordinary 7.routine 8.constantly/continuously 9.embarrassment 10.coincidence 【解析】 根据首字母或中文提示,写出各句中的单词。 1. 考查动词。句意:色盲的人不能区分红色和绿色。根据句意可知,色盲的人是不能区分红色和绿色的,故此处应填“区分”,且can为情态动词,后应接动词原形。故填distinguish。 2. 考查名词复数。句意:一些科学家正试图突破人类成就的极限。根据句意可知,此处应为突破极限,boundary意为“边界,范围”是可数名词,此处为人类成就的极限,应用复数形式。故填boundaries。 3. 考查名词。句意:目前,我们没有证据表明这种疗法有效,所以它不能作为一种治愈方法。根据句意可知,此处应为没有证据证明疗法有效,evidence表示“证据,根据”的意思时,为不可数名词。故填evidence。 4. 考查形容词。句意:我们都知道,现代奥运会第一次在1896年的雅典举行。Olympics为名词,应由形容词contemporary(当代的)来修饰,且符合句意。故填contemporary。 5. 考查形容词。句意:在失败中,我们可以找到比胜利更珍贵的东西——友谊、荣誉和尊重。根据“than”可知,这里表示两者之间的比较,此处表示比胜利更珍贵的,应用形容词的比较级“more precious”。故填precious。 6. 考查形容词。句意:他举行会谈的决定是非同寻常的,因为这可能意味着战争的真正结束。分析句子可知,此处为主系表结构,空处填形容词extraordinary作主语“decision”的表语。故填extraordinary。 7. 考查名词。句意:我们正设法使婴儿养成进食和睡觉的习惯。此处位于介词into后面,且有冠词a修饰,应用名词形式,且“get sb into a routine for…”意为“使某人养成……习惯”是固定搭配。故填routine。 8. 考查副词。句意:英语是在不断变化的,人们会不断创造新词和新的表达方式。分析句子结构可知,此处用来修饰动词change,应由副词形式。故填constantly或者continuously。 9. 考查名词。句意:使那女孩十分尴尬的是,她意识到每个人都在听她唱歌。位于介词to后面,有形容词性物主代词her修饰,应用名词形式,“to one’s embarrassment”意为“令某人尴尬的是”,是固定搭配,且符合题意。故填embarrassment。 10. 考查名词。句意:巧合的是,毕业二十年后,我又遇到了我的老同学。位于介词by后面,应用名词形式,“by coincidence”意为“碰巧”,是固定搭配,且符合题意。故填coincidence。

Dear Reader,

I receive so many letters from children that I can't answer them all. That is why I am sending you this printed reply. I'll try to answer some of the _______ asked questions.

Where did I get the ___________for CHARLOTTE'S WEB? Well, one day when I was_________my way to feed the pig, I began feeling _________for it because most pigs were doomed (注定)to die. This made me sad, so I started thinking of ways to _________a pig's life. I had been watching a spider at her work and was _______by how clever she was at weaving. Gradually I _________the spider into the story that you know. Three years _______I started writing it, it was published.

Sometimes I'm asked how old I was when I started writing, and what made me write. I started _______—as soon as I could spell. In feet, I can't ________ any time in my life when I wasn't busy writing. I don't know why, but I think children often find pleasure in trying to ________their thoughts on paper, either in ________ or in pictures.

Are my stories true, you ask? No, they are imaginary tales, __________fantastic characters and events. In real life, a spider doesn't spin (吐丝)words in her web. ________,1 think there is some ________ in my stories—truth about the way people and animals feel and think and act.

Thank you all for your wonderful letters.

Yours sincerely,

E.B. White

1.A.particularly B.commonly C.hardly D.rarely

2.A.idea B.opinion C.belief D.event

3.A.in B.under C.on D.by

4.A.sorry B.grateful C.anxious D.happy

5.A.keep B.help C.desert D.save

6.A.impressed B.upset C.delightful D.excited

7.A.invited B.worked C.persuaded D.found

8.A.when B.while C.before D.after

9.A.early B.late C.recently D.immediately

10.A.imagine B.remember C.suppose D.think

11.A.let down B.turn down C.lay down D.set down

12.A.letters B.lines C.words D.speeches

13.A.containing B.owning C.holding D.keeping

14.A.If so B.Even so C.As a result D.On the contrary

15.A.wisdom B.truth C.experience D.lesson



    Experts say shopping wisely is very important and it helps the world function normally.

Toilet paper, protective masks and so many other items have suddenly become hot goods as most people stay at home during the coronavirus pandemic (大流行).This has left many people shopping in large amounts as they attempt to be prepared for months — just in case.1.You've also likely seen the pictures of people's garages filled with supplies, so if you find it, you're going to follow suit. After all, if you don't, someone else will, you'll be left with nothing and then what will happen?

So, you're panicking, and that's fooling you into "panic buying."


According to Jud Brewer, a professor at Brown University, "Fear plus uncertainty leads to anxiety because our brains need the information to plan for the future. In the absence of information, that uncertainty drives anxiety." Anxiety is that small fire which suddenly becomes a bonfire and spreads. Then it was worsened by social contagion(传播),turning into panic.

3.What you get from them sets you wondering: What will happen to me if there's nothing left? While that is a good question, the larger question is: What will happen to everyone if nothing is left? 4.

What is the solution?

While it might not seem like a big deal since you're just one person, you're adding to a larger problem and causing serious harm in ways you don't realize. "Panic buying is an act of selfish madness," says Paul Hong. As an old saying goes, "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." 5.We should survive together. So keep calm and carry on ---without buying everything in sight.

A.Social media can further add to this panic.

B.What causes panic buying?

C.Anxiety results from panic buying.

D.You've seen the empty shelves at the stores across the country.

E.Well,nothing good,and your individual actions are a contributing factor.

F.In times of crisis,we aim to go for together,not fast alone.

G.You've probably purchased everything you need.



    Even from the basement,they could hear the bombs.

The basement was filled with the sound of crying children.It was crowded with people.

For comfort,to shut out the loud noise of the basement,Liesel opened one of her books and began to read.The book on top of the pile was The Whistler and she spoke it aloud to help her concentrate.She could hardly hear the opening paragraph herself

"What did you say?"Mama shouted,but Liesel ignored her.She remained focused on the first page.When she turned to page two,it was Rudy who noticed.He paid direct attention to what Liesel was reading,and he tapped his brother and his sisters,telling them to do the same.A quietness started spreading through the crowded basement.By page three,everyone was silent but Liesel.

She didn't dare to look up,but she could feel their frightened eyes following her as she read the words.Everyone listened.Only the sound of the turning page could be heard.Liesel read on.

For at least 20 minutes,she handed out the story.The youngest kids were comforted by her voice,and everyone else saw visions of the whistler running from the crime scene.Liesel did not.She was only reading the text word by word.

Everyone waited for the ground to shake.That was still an unchangeable fact,but at least they were distracted(分心)'now,by the girl with the book.One of the younger boys seemed to cry again,but Liesel stopped at that moment and copied her papa to deal with the situation.She smiled at him and continued.

Only when the sirens(空袭解除警报)came into the basement again did someone interrupt her."We're safe,”said Mr.Jenson."Shhh!"said Frau Holtzapfel.

Liesel looked up."There are only two paragraphs till the end of the chapter,"she said,and she continued reading.Just the words.Out of respect,the adults kept everyone quiet,and Liesel finished chapter one of The Whistler.

On their way up the stairs,the children rushed by her,but many of the older people thanked the girl.They did so as they made their way past and hurried from the house to see if Himmel Street had suffered any damage.

Himmel Street was untouched.

1.Why did Liesel read the book?

A.To create a warm atmosphere in the basement

B.To shut out the sound of the bombs.

C.To block out the noise in the basement.

D.To make use of every minute to read.

2.Rudy tapped his brother and sisters in order to ______ .

A.ask them to listen to Liesel B.give some comfort to Liesel

C.signal them to ignore Liesel D.read the text instead of Liesel

3.What does the underlined sentence"Liesel did not."mean?

A.Liesel did not manage to comfort herself like others.

B.Liesel did not like the story of the book at all.

C.Liesel did not pay attention to the plot but the words instead.

D.Liesel did not see the whistler because she was too concentrated.

4.Many of the older people thanked Liesel because ______ .

A.she saved their lives during the bomb attack

B.she finished reading the whole story

C.she distracted kids'attention and comforted them

D.she protected their homes from any damage



    Ishikawa Yumi had to work eight hours every day and her employer insisted that she should be in heels(高跟鞋)at work."Why do we have to hurt our feet at work,when men can wear flat shoes?"she complained on Twitter.The tweet exploded.

Encouraged,she gathered 18,800 signatures on a request calling for a ban on employers requiring women to wear high heels,which she handed in to the government last June.Ms Ishikawa became the face of the KuToo campaign.

More than 60%of Japanese women with jobs have been forced to put their feet into heels at work or have witnessed women partners having to,according to a survey.Female workers at a department store,must walk around the shop in 5cm heels.The former defence minister,Inada Tomomi,had to struggle about in heels even on the deck of a visiting American aircraft carrier.

Dress codes at many Japanese firms are strict.Some ban glasses for womenbut not men,because they are unattractive.This is especially unreasonable for those who find contact lenses(隐形眼镜)uncomfortable.Women have always been told to follow the dress code,even if it causes pain,"says Ms Ishikawa.Japanese bosses,who tend to be older men,often expect their female workers to tolerate it.

The government made no quick reply.A former labour minister,who received Ms Ishikawa's request last year,insists that wearing high heels at work is"necessary and appropriate".The request itself has received no official reply so far.Japan is the second lowest out of the 29 rich countries in equality for women in the workplace.

But Japanese companies are slowly taking measures to improve the situation.In late March Japan Airlines announced that its female flight attendants can kick off their heels and replace skirts with trousers if they choose.AU three big mobile-phone operators have relaxed their rules on heels.Ms Ishikawa is working together with a shoe company to produce beautiful heel-less shoes."Society is changing,”says Ms Ishikawa.“We can't be ignored."Pointless rules about footwear may soon be gone.

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Japanese women rarely get their feet hurt at work.

B.Ms Ishikawa's tweet gained much attention from the public.

C.Ms Ishikawa is appealing to the public to punish employers.

D.Few Japanese women are forced to wear high heels at work.

2.Why does the author mention the former labour minister in Paragraph 5?

A.To show females are treated equally in Japan in the workplace.

B.To show the government has considered changing the situation.

C.To show the fight of females in Japan has a long way to go.

D.To show the government has difficulty in changing the situation.

3.Which of the following can best describe Ms Ishikawa?

A.Curious and devoted. B.Helpful and gifted.

C.Energetic and humorous. D.Brave and determined.

4.The author writes this passage mainly to.

A.call on people to break dress codes

B.introduce a campaign against dress codes

C.show the disadvantages of dress codes

D.explain the importance of dress codes



    Chinese researchers have developed a robot designed to help doctors treat the new coronavirus and other highly contagious (传染的)diseases.

The machine has a long robotic arm attached to a base with wheels. It can perform some of the same medical examination tasks as doctors. For example, the device can listen to sounds made by patients'hearts and lungs.

Cameras record the robot's activities, which are controlled at a distance so doctors can avoid coming in close contact with infected patients. Doctors and other medical workers can run the machine from a nearby room, or from much farther away.

The robot's main designer is Zheng Gangtie, an engineer and professor at China's Tsinghua University in Beijing. He told Reuters news agency that he got the idea for the machine when the number of cases of the COVID-19 virus was rising quickly in the city of Wuhan.

One of Zheng's friends, head of Bering's Tsinghua Changgung Hospital, told him that one of the biggest problems in dealing with COVID-19 was that healthcare workers treating patients were getting themselves infected. Zheng said he wanted to do something to help this situation.

So the engineer gathered a team and went to work on the robot. Zheng said the team was able to change two robotic arms. The new robot is almost completely automated (自动化的), Zheng said. It can even disinfect itself after performing actions involving patient contact.

"Doctors are all very brave," Zheng told Reuters. "But this virus is just too contagious…We can use robots to perform the most dangerous tasks."

However, Zheng said he had heard from some doctors that it would be better not to build such robots. This is because many patients still desire a personal presence to help calm them during treatment.

The team now has two robots and both have been tested by doctors at hospitals in Beijing. One machine was once taken to Wuhan's Union Hospital, where doctors there were trained to use it.

Zheng would like to build more of the robots, but money from the university has run out, each robot costs about$72,000 to make. He does not plan to commercialize the design, but hopes that a company can begin that process.

1.What are Paragraph 4 and 5 mainly about?

A.When the robot was designed. B.How the robot is controlled.

C.Who the robot is intended for. D.Why the robot was invented.

2.The underlined word"disinfect"in Paragraph 6 most probably means _____.

A.clean B.destroy C.decorate D.break

3.What difficulty is Zhang Gangtie faced with?

A.Patients refusing to use the new robot.

B.Healthcare workers getting themselves infected.

C.Being short of money to produce more of the robots.

D.Having no teammates to commercialize the design.

4.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.Doctors are Fighting against Coronavirus

B.Coronavirus is Under Control in China

C.Chinese Robot is Invented to Replace Doctors to Cure Diseases

D.Chinese Robot is Designed to Help Doctors Fight Coronavirus



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