满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Fernando, Lucia, and their moms were hea...

    Fernando, Lucia, and their moms were heading downhill. Tired and hungry, Fernando was eager to have a rest and eat up the sandwich buried in his pack. Lucia desperately wanted to rest her tired feet and legs, which ached terribly from the challenging climb up the mountain. Mountain climbing was not her greatest talent.

Distracted by hunger pains and by the beautiful view of the valley below, Fernando didn't see the large fallen branch steps ahead of him. His foot caught on it, sending him down a steep path. After rolling to a stop, he knew something was wrong with his ankle.

His mom supported him as he tried to stand, but it was much too painful. They tried calling 911, but the surrounding trees blocked their cell phone signals. Analyzing their dilemma, the group decided that Lucia and her mom would climb back to the top of the mountain, where they would set off the emergency flares they carried. Lucia really began to worry when the group settled on this plan. She wasn't confident that her overtaxed muscles could carry her up the mountain a second time in one day!

Fernando's mom stayed with her son, and tried to make him as comfortable as possible.  The air on the mountain was dry and turning cooler. She wrapped him in her jacket to keep him warm and periodically gave him sips of water.

Meanwhile, Lucia and her mom climbed up the mountain-again! A feeling of pride washed over Lucia when she finally made it to the mountaintop-she was tougher than she thought! Then pride turned to amazement when she spotted a helicopter approaching. Quickly, her mom fired a flare, and they shouted and waved to attract attention. The helicopter flew round to let them know that he had seen them. The plan nearer and the pilot circled had worked-they were going to get Fernando safely off the mountain!

1.What happened to Fernando?

A.His ankle got injured by accident. B.A branch knocked him on the head.

C.He went missing in the deep valley. D.He could find his sandwich nowhere.

2.Why did Lucia climb up the mountain again?

A.To signal for help. B.To wait for the helicopter.

C.To search for water. D.To look for Fernando's cellphone.

3.Which words can best describe Lucia's second climb?

A.Painful and fruitless. B.Dangerous but exciting.

C.Tiring yet worthwhile. D.Challenging and enjoyable.


1.A 2.A 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲叙了Fernando、Lucia和妈妈去爬山,结果Fernando的脚踝意外受伤了。他们试图拨打911,但周围的树木挡住了他们的手机信号。分析了他们的困境后,Lucia和她的妈妈爬回山顶,在那里引爆携带的紧急照明弹。最后他们离开山,Fernando终于成功获救的故事。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段Distracted by hunger pains and by the beautiful view of the valley below, Fernando didn't see the large fallen branch steps ahead of him. His foot caught on it, sending him down a steep path. After rolling to a stop, he knew something was wrong with his ankle.可知饥饿的痛苦和下面山谷的美丽景色让费尔南多心烦意乱,他没有看到前面那根掉落下来的大树枝。他的脚被它绊了一下,使他沿着一条陡峭的小路滚了下去。在翻滚停下来后,他知道自己的脚踝出了问题。由此可知,Fernando的脚踝意外受伤了。故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段中Analyzing their dilemma, the group decided that Lucia and her mom would climb back to the top of the mountain, where they would set off the emergency flares they carried.可知分析了他们的困境后,小组决定Lucia和她的妈妈爬回山顶,在那里引爆携带的紧急照明弹。由此可知,Lucia又爬上了山是为了发出求救信号。故选A。 3. 推理判断题。根据第三段中She wasn't confident that her overtaxed muscles could carry her up the mountain a second time in one day!可知她不相信她过度劳累的肌肉能在一天之内带她第二次上山!以及最后一段中A feeling of pride washed over Lucia when she finally made it to the mountaintop-she was tougher than she thought!可知当Lucia终于到达山顶时,一种自豪感涌上了她的心头——她比想象中更坚强!由此可推知,Lucia的第二次攀登累人,但是值得。故选C。











In Britain and American, people were feeling depressed because the bad economic situation. Charlie understand their problems. His character “the little tramp”, knowing throughout the world, was poor but homeless. However, everybody loved he for his kind heart and a way he dealt with his difficult situation. Charlie Chaplin made people laugh at some of these terribly situations like being without food or money. He wrote to and directed some his own film and received an Oscar for his outstanding work.



    A year ago, I paid no attention to English idioms (习语), ________ my teacher said again and again that it was important.

One day, I ________ to meet an Englishman on the road, and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about ________ I was studying English, the foreigner shook his head, saying, “You don’t say! You don’t say!" I was ________. I thought, perhaps this was not a (n) ________ topic. Well, I’d________ change the topic. So I said to him, “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall? ________ the way, have you ever ________ there?”

“Certainly. Everyone back home will________ me if I leave China without seeing it. It is great!”

I said, “The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. It is a place of ________. ”But soon I was ________ again by his words,“________!” I couldn’t help but _______ , “Why did you ask me not to talk about it?”

“Well, I ________ ask you to do so,” he answered, gently surprised.

I said, “Didn’t you say ‘You don’t say’?”

Hearing this, the Englishman ________ to tears. He began to _______, “‘You don’t say!’ actually means ‘Really?’ It is an ________ of surprise. Perhaps you don’t pay attention to English_______.

Then I knew I had made a fool of ________. Since then I have been more________ with idioms.

1.A.though B.when C.what D.because

2.A.decided B.longed C.stopped D.happened

3.A.what B.when C.how D.which

4.A.pleased B.angry C.scared D.surprised

5.A.proper B.interesting C.ideal D.polite

6.A.to B.better C.not D.like

7.A.On B.In C.With D.By

8.A.gone B.arrived C.seen D.been

9.A.look up to B.think highly of C.be proud of D.laugh at

10.A.fun B.interest C.pleasure D.beauty

11.A.cut off B.cut up C.cut in D.cut down

12.A.Really B.It was great C.You don’t say D.You are right

13.A.ask B.to ask C.asking D.asked

14.A.won’t B.don’t C.couldn’t D.didn’t

15.A.laughed B.cried C.moved D.came

16.A.explain B.shout C.prove D.say

17.A.experience B.expression C.explanation D.example

18.A.learning B.idioms C.language D.phrases

19.A.me B.myself C.him D.himself

20.A.patient B.anxious C.careful D.worried



To stamp out bush meat, teach kids first.

“The meat of masked civets can be eaten and has long been considered a rare precious meat from the mountain," says a science book for kids.

But following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, which has been linked to the consumption of bush meat, a reader complained online that the description was improper.

1. The action is welcomed, as some research shows the virus came from dead bats, while others suspect it might have been transmitted from bats to pangolins (穿山甲) and from them to humans. Whichever animal was the host, researchers are in agreement that bush meat is not safe for consumption.

2. The law prohibits consumption of protected species, but those not on the protected list become sitting ducks for those who love eating wild animals. Without a law in place, one cannot stop restaurants from serving wild animal meat.

The first step toward legislation prohibiting bush meat is to build consensus. 3. Only when everyone realizes the dangers of eating bush meat will they give up the habit and push for legislation.

4. Teaching children from a young age not to consume wild animals will make it easier to ensure they refrain from doing so when they grow up.

The science book has been withdrawn from shops. And it is hoped that other press houses across the country browse through their published books and make similar corrections.5.

A.Kids are so crazy.

B.Education is essential.

C.Improving our diets can benefit a lot.

D.The awareness should begin early.

E.However,a public outcry alone cannot help.

F.The press withdrew the book from all shops.

G.Striking out consumption of bush meat in children’s reading material is a good way to begin.



    Rumors (谣言): we've all heard some and we've all spread some. In more traditional times they shook entire families. Today, they travel differently because the way we share information has also changed.

The fact is that rumors have great potential to upset things, whether socially or personally. We don't enjoy being on the receiving end of one, since they usually don't have good intentions. They are somewhat veiled (掩饰的) messages.

Normally rumors are oral messages: word of mouth. The paradox (自相矛盾) is that there is no evidence to support rumors, but the more people share it, the more they see it as true. To finish explaining rumors, we think that they follow certain very clear laws. Secrecy: The source is unknown. There is also a proven phenomenon that human beings usually forget the source of a message before they forget its content. Certainty: We hardly question rumors simply because of the mental effort involved. On the other hand, no one likes to doubt a person who convinces us that the information they spread is true. Change: It acts like a tree. New rumors branch out to fill in the gaps left by the first rumor.

Another property (属性) of rumors is that they tend to become viral. Each receiver is at the same time a potential transmitter (传输者) of the information. The receiver often adds their own opinion. Their manner and tone of transmitting it also changes it.

How can we end rumors? The answer is as simple as it is impossible: preventing people from communicating. A more realistic response is equally difficult, although less than the first one. It is that we should be critical of the information we receive. We should ask ourselves if the source is reliable. Ask (if possible) the person you heard it from whether they also trust the information. We should also think about if the rumor benefits someone, and if that someone started the rumor.

One rumor to be especially cautious of is a rumor about groups relatively unable to defend themselves. That's why we say, "History is always told by the winners." The first payment the defeated must make is to accept the victor's version of the story.

1.What can we learn about rumors?

A.We have all heard some and believed them.

B.We're happy to be the receiving end of them.

C.They may have negative influence on society.

D.They often hide good intentions in the messages.

2.How are rumours like a tree?

A.Rumours keep changing, just as trees change their colour.

B.Rumours are deeply rooted in reality, like tree roots in the earth.

C.New rumours have gaps, like the space between tree branches.

D.New rumours grow out of the original, like branches out of a trunk.

3.What does the underlined word ‘viral’ in Para 4 probably mean?

A.Something easily spread.

B.Something acceptable.

C.Something easily defended.

D.Something beneficial.

4.Which of the following may the author agree with?

A.It is easy to prevent people from spreading rumors.

B.People are often active in judging the rumors critically.

C.We should think about the hidden message of the rumors.

D.Stories told by the victors are usually better worth trusting.



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