满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Who did the woman buy the shirt for? A.H...

Who did the woman buy the shirt for?

A.Herself. B.Her daughter. C.Her son.


C 【解析】 【原文】 W: I’d like to return this shirt, please. It is too small for my son. I would like to return it and buy this dress for my daughter instead. M: No problem, madam. Come this way, please.  

How old is the man’s own car?

A.One month old. B.One year old. C.Five years old.













Dear Peter,

As the Internet is developing fast, more and more new words and phrases have been created in Chinese. Here are some examples.

One of the most popular words are Dianzan, which is often use when you quite agree with someone. Another example is Renxing. When we say somebody is Renxing, you mean that they will do whatever they liked. The phrase Miaosha first came on online shopping, which means you can complete your shopping orders before other. But now it's wide used when you achieve your purpose in the very short time. If you will describe somebody as a Tuhao, you mean that he is very rich.

You can find lots of such new Chinese words. Keep learning, you'll know more about our language and culture.

All the best!


Li Hua



    The young seal couldn’t have been more than two days old, and yet he was all alone. Sometimes he would swim ____ ,but he always came back. At first we thought it was_____that he kept swimming back to us, until we noticed that he obviously had been _____and had nowhere else to go. We called him “Curious George”.

Without his mother’s milk, George appeared very _____with his eyes closed. I jumped into the water and swam up to him,______we could be close enough. My heart went out to George and I just hoped that he had the ________to interact (互动) with me. Suddenly he _____ his eyes and immediately he jumped up between my arms, putting his head against my chest. It was a(n) _____moment. But I knew that George wouldn’t _____without some help.

We __________the local conservation volunteers. They were _____that in the absence of his mother, he had developed a ______relationship with us. They promised they would bring him to an area with______people living there and keep an eye on him. Even though it hurt to see him  ________,we knew that he was in better hands.

The next day we ______the conservation volunteers and asked how George was doing. ______the volunteers informed us that he was too close to humans, we realized that was probably our _____! They decided to bring him to a small island wildlife reserve with a lot of seals in the area, where they could better _____him.

A week later, we called again, and were informed that George was______in the water swimming with other seals. George was______and back to his world. And he will always swim in my heart.

1.A.aside B.around C.ahead D.away

2.A.annoying B.satisfying C.amazing D.embarrassing

3.A.hurt B.abandoned C.ignored D.avoided

4.A.nervous B.sad C.slow D.weak

5.A.so that B.now that C.as if D.even if

6.A.energy B.ability C.time D.chance

7.A.turned B.raised C.narrowed D.opened

8.A.anxious B.magical C.quiet D.important

9.A.survive B.grow C.go D.swim

10.A.cared about B.worried about C.got in touch with D.got along well with

11.A.confused B.terrified C.concerned D.amused

12.A.healthy B.close C.serious D.lasting

13.A.fool B.young C.enough D.few

14.A.fight B.cry C.leave D.suffer

15.A.visited B.called C.found D.invited

16.A.When B.Before C.Unless D.Until

17.A.choice B.duty C.excuse D.fault

18.A.examine B.instruct C.observe D.control

19.A.spotted B.treated C.protected D.followed

20.A.quick B.different C.novel D.alive



    How to Remember What You Read

Reading is important. But the next step is making sure that you remember what you've read! 1.you may have just read the text. But the ideas, concepts and images(形象)may fly right out of your head. Here are a few tricks for remembering what you read.


If the plot, characters, or word usage is confusing for you, you likely won't be able to remember what you read. It's a bit like reading a foreign language. If you don't understand what you're reading, how would you remember it? But there are a few things you can do... Use a dictionary; look up the difficult words.

● Are you connected?

Does a character remind you of a friend? Does the setting make you want to visit the place? Does the book inspire you, and make you want to read more? With some books, you may feel a connection right away. 3.  How willing are you to make the connections happen?

● Read it; hear it; be it!

Read the lines. Then, speak them out loud. And, put some character into the words. When he was writing his novels, Charles Dickens would act out the parts of the characters. He'd make faces in the mirror, and change his voice for each character. 4.

● How often do you read?

If you read frequently, you'll likely have an easier time with remembering what you’re reading and what you've read. 5.As you make reading a regular part of your life, you'll make more connections, stay more focused and understand the text better. You’ll learn to enjoy literature- as you remember what you read!

A.Are you confused?

B.Practice makes perfect.

C.What's your motivation?

D.Memory is sometimes a tricky thing.

E.Marking helps you remember what you read.

F.But other books require a bit more work on your part.

G.You can do the same thing when you are reading the text!



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