满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What does the woman ...


1.What does the woman say about playing basketball?

A.She finds it pretty easy.

B.She is good at it.

C.She knows the general rules.

2.Where did the woman buy the basketball?

A.In a store. B.On the street. C.At school.

3.What will the speakers do first?

A.Buy some special shoes.

B.Go home to change.

C.Find a basketball court.


1.C 2.B 3.B 【解析】 【原文】 W: Will you teach me how to play basketball? M: Sure, it’s pretty easy. W: I know. I’ve played before, and I know the general rules of the game. I’m just not very good at it. M: Do you have a basketball? W: Yes, I just bought a new one today. There was a man selling them on the street by my house. What do you think about it? Is it a good one? M: It’s not bad. How much did you pay for it? W: It was only $5. M: That’s a good deal. So, is there a basketball court near here? W: We can use the one at the school down the road. No one is ever there. M: OK. Let us just run home first to change. Do you have any basketball shoes? W: Do I need special shoes to play basketball? M: No. Just make sure you have a pair of shoes that will support your ankles.


1.How did Harriet know the time?

A.From her iPhone. B.From her watch. C.From the sun.

2.What does Don think about Harriet’s explanation?

A.It’s wrong. B.It’s funny. C.It’s too scientific.

3.Where might the conversation be taking place?

A.In a field. B.In a classroom. C.At a computer lab.




1.What is the speakers’ relationship?

A.Friends. B.Neighbors. C.Renter and owner.

2.Why does the woman complain about her neighbor?

A.He is always rude to her.

B.He always wakes her up in the morning.

C.He always fixes things late at night.



What will the woman do tonight?

A.Paint the living room.

B.Visit her friend Jason.

C.Have dinner at her parents’.



What does the man like most about the park?

A.It’s clean there. B.It’s relaxing there. C.It’s beautiful there.



What did the speakers think of the movie?

A.Meaningful. B.Confusing. C.Boring.



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