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August 1990, Boston Dear Maya Shao-ming,...

August 1990, Boston

Dear Maya Shao-ming,

To me, June 6, 1990 is a special day. My long-awaited dream came true the minute your father cried, “A girl!” You are more than just a second child, more than just a girl to match our boy. You, little daughter, are the link to our female line, the legacy of another woman’s pain and sacrifice 31 years ago.

Let me tell you about your Chinese grandmother. Somewhere in Hong Kong, in the late fifties, a young waitress found herself pregnant (怀孕) by a cook, probably a co-worker at her restaurant. She carried the baby to term, suffered to give it birth, and kept the little girl for the first three months of her life. I like to think that my mother—your grandmother—loved me and fought to raise me on her own, but that the daily struggle was too hard. Worn down by the demands of the new baby and perhaps the constant threat of starvation, she made the painful decision to give away her girl so that both of us might have a chance for a better life.

More likely, I was dropped at the orphanage (孤儿院) steps or somewhere else. I will probably never know the truth. Having a baby in her unmarried state would have brought shame on the family in China, so she probably kept my existence a secret. Once I was out of her life, it was as if I had never been born. And so you and your brother and I are the missing leaves on a family tree.

Do they ever wonder if we exist?

Before I was two, I was adopted by an Anglo couple. Fed three square meals a day, I grew like a wild weed and grasped all the opportunities they had to offer—books, music, education, church life and community activities. In a family of blue-eyed blonds, though, I stood out like a sore thumb. Whether from jealousy or fear of someone who looked so different, my older brothers sometimes teased me about my unpleasing skin, or made fun of my clumsy walk. Moody and impatient, burdened by fears that none of us realized resulted from my early years of need, I was not an easy child to love. My mother and I conflicted countless times over the years, but gradually came to see one another as real human beings with faults and talents, and as women of strength in our own right. Lacking a mirror image in the mother who raised me, I had to seek my identity as a woman on my own. The Asian American community has helped me regain my double identity.

But part of me will always be missing: my beginnings, my personal history, all the delicate details that give a person her origin. Nevertheless, someone gave me a lucky name “Siu Wai”. “Siu” means “little”, and “Wai” means “clever”. Therefore, my baby name was “Clever little one.” Who chose those words? Who cared enough to note my arrival in the world?

I lost my Chinese name for 18 years. It was Americanized for convenience to “Sue”. But like an ill-fitting coat, it made me uncomfortable. I hated the name. But even more, I hated being Chinese. It took many years to become proud of my Asian origin and work up the courage to take back my birth-name. That, plus a little knowledge of classroom Cantonese is all the Chinese culture I have to offer you. Not white, certainly, but not really Asian, I try to pave the way between the two worlds and bridge the gap for you. Your name, “Shao-ming”, is very much like mine—“Shao” means “little”. And “ming” is “bright”, as in a shining sun or moon. Whose lives will you brighten, little Maya? Your past is more complete than mine, and each day I cradle you in your babyhood, generously giving you the loving care I lacked for my first two years. When I pat you, I comfort the lost baby inside me who still cries for her mother.

Sweet Maya, it doesn’t matter what you “become” later on. You have already fulfilled my wildest dreams.

I love you.


1.Why is June 6, 1990 a special day for Mommy?

A.Her dream of being a mother came true. B.She found her origin from her Chinese mother.

C.She wrote the letter to her daughter. D.Her female line was well linked.

2.How does Mommy feel about her being given away?

A.It is bitter and disappointing. B.It is painful but understandable.

C.She feels sorry but sympathetic. D.She feels hurt and angry.

3.What does “I stood out like a sore thumb” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.I walked clumsily out of pains. B.I was not easy to love due to jealousy.

C.I was impatient out of fear. D.I looked different from others.

4.What can be inferred from Mommy’s Anglo family life?

A.She used to experience an identity crisis. B.She fought against her American identity.

C.She forgot the pains of her early years. D.She kept her love for Asia from childhood.

5.Why did Mommy name her daughter “Shao-ming”?

A.To match her own birth-name. B.To brighten the lives of the family.

C.To identify her with Chinese origin. D.To justify her pride in Chinese culture.

6.By “Your past is more complete than mine,” Mommy means______.

A.her past was completed earlier than Shao-ming’s

B.Shao-ming has got motherly care and a sense of roots

C.her mother didn’t comfort her the way she did Shao-ming

D.her past was spent brokenly, first in Asia, then in the US


1.D 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.C 6.B 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章以书信的形式,讲述了,作者作为一位身世坎坷的母亲,写给女儿的信,作者告诉女儿自己与众不同的出身,对自己的身世迷茫而又无能为力,女儿的出生使她圆梦,也使她对女儿给予了寻根和连接两个世界的愿望。 1. 细节理解题。由第一段中的“You, little daughter, are the link to our female line, the legacy of another woman’s pain and sacrifice 31 years ago.”(你,小女儿,是我们母系血统的纽带,是31年前另一个女人痛苦和牺牲的遗产。),可知1990年6月6日对妈妈来说是个特别的日子,是因为这一天她的母系血统得到了很好的连接。故选D项。 2. 推理判断题。由第二段中的“Worn down by the demands of the new baby and perhaps the constant threat of starvation, she made the painful decision to give away her girl so that both of us might have a chance for a better life.”(被新生婴儿的要求和不断挨饿的威胁所击败,她痛苦地决定放弃她的女儿,以便于我们两个都有机会过上更好的生活。)和第三段中的“Once I was out of her life, it was as if I had never been born. And so you and your brother and I are the missing leaves on a family tree.”(一旦我离开了她的生活,就好像我从未出生过。所以你和你哥哥还有我都是家谱上的落叶。),可推断出作者对于母亲抛弃她,她既痛苦的,又理解。故选B项。 3. 句意猜测题。由第五段中的“In a family of blue-eyed blonds, though, I stood out like a sore thumb. Whether from jealousy or fear of someone who looked so different, my older brothers sometimes teased me about my unpleasing skin, or made fun of my clumsy walk.”(不过,在一个蓝眼睛金发的家庭里,我却像个疼痛的大拇指一样脱颖而出。不管是出于嫉妒还是害怕一个长相迥异的人,我的哥哥们有时取笑我令人不愉快的皮肤,或者取笑我笨拙的走路。),根据下文可知,作者是因为长相的原因使自己与众不同,I stood out like a sore thumb在此处意为“我看起来和别人不一样。”。故选D项。 4. 推理判断题。由第五段中的“Lacking a mirror image in the mother who raised me, I had to seek my identity as a woman on my own. The Asian American community has helped me regain my double identity.”(在养育我的母亲身上缺乏镜像,我不得不独自寻找自己的女性身份。亚裔社区帮助我找回了双重身份。),可推断出作者曾经经历过身份危机。故选A项。 5. 推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的“It took many years to become proud of my Asian origin and work up the courage to take back my birth-name.”(我花了很多年才为我的亚洲血统感到骄傲,并鼓起勇气夺回我的出生名。)和“Not white, certainly, but not really Asian, I try to pave the way between the two worlds and bridge the gap for you. Your name, “Shao-ming”, is very much like mine—“Shao” means “little”. And “ming” is “bright”, as in a shining sun or moon.”(当然不是白人,但也不是真正的亚洲人,我试着在两个世界之间铺路,为你弥合鸿沟。你的名字“Shao-ming”很像我的名字,“Shao”的意思是“小”。而“ming”是“亮”的,如在一个明亮的太阳或月亮上。),可知作者给女儿取名“Shao-ming”,是为了确认女儿是中国人的身份。故选C项。 6. 句意猜测题。由倒数第二段中的“Not white, certainly, but not really Asian, I try to pave the way between the two worlds and bridge the gap for you. Your name, “Shao-ming”, is very much like mine—“Shao” means “little”. And “ming” is “bright”, as in a shining sun or moon.”(当然不是白人,但也不是真正的亚洲人,我试着在两个世界之间铺路,为你弥合鸿沟。你的名字“Shao-ming”很像我的名字,“Shao”的意思是“小”。而“ming”是“亮”的,如在一个明亮的太阳或月亮上。),和“Your past is more complete than mine, and each day I cradle you in your babyhood, generously giving you the loving care I lacked for my first two years. When I pat you, I comfort the lost baby inside me who still cries for her mother.”(你的过去比我的更完整,每天我都把你抱在襁褓中,慷慨地给予你我头两年所缺乏的关爱。当我轻拍你的时候,我安慰了我内心里那个仍在为妈妈哭泣的孩子。),可知女儿的名字会让女儿有根意识,作者想把自己缺失的母爱都弥补在女儿身上,所以女儿的过去要比她完满,Your past is more complete than mine在此处意为“Shao-ming有母爱的关怀和根的意识”。故选B项。

    In the United States alone,over 100 million cell-phones are thrown away each year.Cell-phones are part of a growing mountain of electronic waste like computers and personal digital assistants.The electronic waste stream is increasing three times taster than traditional garbage as a whole.

Electronic devices contain valuable metals such as gold and silver.A Swiss study reported that while the weight of electronic goods represented by precious metals was relatively small in comparison to total waste,the concentration(含量)of gold and other precious metals was higher in So-called e-waste than in naturally occurring minerals.

Electronic wastes also contain many poisonous metals.Even when the machines are recycled and the harmful metals removed,the recycling process often is carried out in poor countries,in practically uncontrolled ways which allow many poisonous substances to escape into the environment.

Creating products out of raw materials creates much more waste material,up to 100 times more,than the material contained in the finished products.Consider again the cell-phone,and imagine the mines that produced those metals,the factories needed to make the box and packaging(包装)it came in.Many wastes produced in the producing process are harmful as well.

The U.S Environmental Protection Agency notes that most waste is dangerous in that"the production, distribution,and use of products-as well as management of the resulting waste-all result in greenhouse gas release." Individuals can reduce their contribution by creating less waste at the start-for instance,buying reusable products and recycling.

In many countries the concept of extended producer responsibility is being considered or has been put in place as an incentive(动机)for reducing waste.If producers are required to take back packaging they use to sell their products,would they reduce the packaging in the first place?

Governments' incentive to require producers to take responsibility for the packaging they produce is usually based on money.Why,they ask,should cities or towns be responsible for paying to deal with the bubble wrap(气泡垫)that encased your television?

From the governments' point of view,a primary goal of laws requiring extended producer responsibility is to transfer both the costs and the physical responsibility of waste management from the government and tax-payers back to the producers.

1.By mentioning the Swiss study,the author intends to tell us that         .

A.the weight of e-goods is rather small

B.natural minerals contain more precious metals

C.E-waste deserves to be made good use of

D.the percentage of precious metals is heavy in e-waste

2.The responsibility of e-waste treatment should be extended          .

A.from producers to governments

B.from governments to producers

C.from individuals to distributors

D.from distributors to governments

3.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.The increase in e-waste. B.The creation of e-waste.

C.The seriousness of e-waste. D.The management of e-waste.




Freedom and Responsibility

Freedom’s challenge in the Digital Age is a serious topic. We are facing today a strange new world and we are all wondering what we are going to do with it.

Some 2,500 years ago Greece discovered freedom. Before that there was no freedom. There were great civilizations, splendid empires, but no freedom anywhere. Egypt and Babylon were both tyrannies ,  one very powerful man ruling over helpless masses.

In Greece, in Athens (雅典), a little city in a little country, there were no helpless masses. And Athenians willingly obeyed the written laws which they themselves passed, and the unwritten, which must be obeyed if free men live together. They must show each other kindness and pity and the many qualities without which life would be very painful unless one chose to live alone in the desert.The Athenians never thought that a man was free if he could do what he wanted. A man was free if he was self-controlled. To make yourself obey what you approved was freedom. They were saved from looking at their lives as their own private affair. Each one felt responsible for the welfare of Athens, not because it was forced on him from the outside, but because the city was his pride and his safety. The essential belief of the first free government in the world was liberty for all men who could control themselves and would take responsibility for the state.

But discovering freedom is not like discovering computers. It cannot be discovered once for all. If people do not prize it, and work for it, it will go. Constant watch is its price. Athens changed. It was a change that took place without being noticed though it was of the extreme importance, a spiritual change which affected the whole state. It had been the Athenian’ s pride and joy to give to their city. That they could get material benefits from her never entered their minds. There had to be a complete change of attitude before they could look at the city as an employer who paid her citizens for doing her work. Now instead of men giving to the state, the state was to give to them. What the people wanted was a government which would provide a comfortable life for them; and with this as the primary object, ideas of freedom and self-reliance and responsibility were neglected to the point of disappearing. Athens was more and more looked on as a cooperative business possessed of great wealth in which all citizens had a right to share.

Athens reached the point when the freedom she really wanted was freedom from responsibility. There could be only one result. If men insisted on being free from the burden of self-dependence and responsibility for the common good, they would cease to be free. Responsibility is the price every man must pay for freedom. It is to be had on no other terms. Athens, the Athens of Ancient Greece, refused responsibility; she reached the end of freedom and was never to have it again. But, “the excellent becomes the permanent”, Aristotle said. Athens lost freedom forever, but freedom was not lost forever for the world. A great American, James Madison, referred to: “The capacity (能力) of mankind for self-government.” No doubt he had not an idea that he was speaking Greek. Athens was not in the farthest background of his mind, but once man has a great and good idea, it is never completely lost. The Digital Age cannot destroy it. Somehow in this or that man’s thought such an idea lives though unconsidered by the world of action. One can never be sure that it is not on the point of breaking out into action only sure that it will do so sometime.

1.What does the underlined word “tyrannies” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.Countries where their people need help.

B.Powerful states with higher civilization.

C.Splendid empires where people enjoy freedom.

D.Governments ruled with absolute power.

2.People believing in freedom are those who________ .

A.regard their life as their own business

B.seek gains as their primary object

C.behave within the laws and value systems

D.treat others with kindness and pity

3.What change in attitude took place in Athens?

A.The Athenians refused to take their responsibility.

B.The Athenians no longer took pride in the city.

C.The Athenians benefited spiritually from the government.

D.The Athenians looked on the government as a business.

4.What does the sentence “There could be only one result.” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.Athens would continue to be free.

B.Athens would cease to have freedom.

C.Freedom would come from responsibility.

D.Freedom would stop Athens from self-dependence.

5.Why does the author refer to Aristotle and Madison?

A.The author is hopeful about freedom.

B.The author is cautious about self-government.

C.The author is skeptical of Greek civilization.

D.The author is proud of man’s capacity.

6.What is the author’s understanding of freedom?

A.Freedom can be more popular in the digital age.

B.Freedom may come to an end in the digital age.

C.Freedom should have priority over responsibility.

D.Freedom needs to be guaranteed by responsibility.



    Canadian smartphone maker Research In Motion (RIM), which makes the BlackBerry, says it’s back. The company is _______to reclaim a market it once dominated by _______two new devices. The last few years have been a painful time for the company as customers deserted its platform in _______of newer and more _______devices. This may be the company’s last chance to _______a vital player in an increasingly crowded marketplace.

Two brand new devices are perhaps a fresh _______for a company that has seen its global market share _______from 20 percent three years ago to just over 3 percent today.

For BlackBerry CEO Thorsten Heins, it’s another chance to remake a faded _______. “We have _______been on a journey of transformation, not only a journey to transform our business and our brand, ________one that I truly ________transforms mobile communications into true mobile computing,” he said.

The company promises the same ________level of network security the BlackBerry is known for, ________a fast new browser and a more intuitive operating system. The Z10 ________much like the touch-screen phones popularized by its competitors (竞争者), but the Z 10 maintains the “qwerty” keyboard that has become BlackBerry’s trademark.

Besides the technical and cosmetic (外观上的) updates, Heins says the company will no longer be called RIM or Research In Motion.

“Our customers use a BlackBerry, our ________work for BlackBerry and our shareholders are owners of BlackBerry. From today on, we are BlackBerry ________in the world,” he said.

Shareholders will be watching if customers ________the new devices. The company’s stock has dropped as much as 90 percent in the last four years as it lost ________to competitors. But company shares have doubled in the last four months as anticipation (预期) ________for the new models.

Analysts say the new devices could make or ________a company, which many people praise for starting the technological revolution in smart-phones.

1.A.refusing B.trying C.urging D.pretending

2.A.introducing B.reviewing C.rejecting D.discovering

3.A.favor B.charge C.honor D.defense

4.A.popular B.expensive C.complicated D.familiar

5.A.replace B.react C.remain D.reset

6.A.record B.dilemma C.end D.start

7.A.lose B.increase C.rise D.fall

8.A.brand B.trade C.technique D.phone

9.A.specially B.definitely C.doubtfully D.essentially

10.A.and B.or C.but D.so

11.A.agree B.believe C.suspect D.deny

12.A.high B.average C.backward D.normal

13.A.except for B.regardless of C.apart from D.along with

14.A.sounds B.smells C.looks D.finds

15.A.employees B.consumers C.relatives D.competitors

16.A.however B.whenever C.nowhere D.everywhere

17.A.adapt B.adjust C.adopt D.advocate

18.A.land B.ground C.soil D.earth

19.A.dropped B.changed C.remained D.grew

20.A.desert B.abandon C.break D.deny



Try not to cough more than you can _______ since it may cause problems to your lungs.

A.check B.allow C.stop D.help



Tony can hardly boil an eggstill ________  cook dinner.

A.less B.little

C.much D.more



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