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Jeremy grew up being active in sports. B...

    Jeremy grew up being active in sports. But he never thought about healthy eating until he found himself gaining weight several years after college. Last week, Jeremy hit a turning point when he found that he was too out of shape to play in a company football team. He decided to change his eating habits.

The first step Jeremy took toward healthy eating was to stop going to fast-food restaurants. Jeremy used to eat fast food as often as 4 times a week. To his surprise, he found that giving up fast food wasn’t that difficult. Now, he says, “I don’t even like it anymore.” When Jeremy does go out to eat, he tries to pick menu items that he knows are healthier. He orders salads and lower-fat sandwiches instead of hamburgers, and he drinks water instead of soda pop. “I try to order things that are already prepared the way I would like them to be prepared.”

Planning meals has been a key to Jeremy’s success. It helps him avoid getting too hungry and eating fast food. Each week he plans what he will eat for each meal, and he shops for groceries (食品杂货) with his plan in mind. “It’s a lot easier to make healthy choices when you’re just planning ahead for it.” Rather than cutting out certain foods, Jeremy sometimes includes his favourite foods in his eating plan. “That way I don’t feel like I’m letting myself down by not sticking to my plan.”

Jeremy’s friends and family noticed when he started eating healthier. They have helped him to make a habit of his healthy eating changes. “It made me feel pretty good, especially when people started making comments about the changes I was making,” he says. “You just get the positive energy.”

1.What made Jeremy decide to change his eating habits?

A.Higher food prices. B.Weight gain in college .

C.Dislike of unhealthy foods. D.Failing to join a football team.

2.What did Jeremy think of giving up fast food?

A.It was too easy for him. B.It made him uncomfortable.

C.It was not as difficult as he thought. D.It meant stopping going out to eat.

3.What played the most important role in Jeremy’s healthy eating?

A.Eating less at mealtimes. B.Making plans ahead of time.

C.Following his friends’ advice. D.Cutting out all unhealthy foods.

4.How does Jeremy feel about people’s comments?

A.Surprised. B.Encouraged C.Worried. D.Interested.

5.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A.Health. B.Science. C.Education. D.Entertainment.


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了因为身体状况不佳,无法参加公司足球队的Jeremy决定改变自己的饮食习惯。于是,Jeremy停止去快餐店,并且着手改变饮食计划。Jeremy的朋友和家人注意到了这些,他们帮助他养成了健康饮食的习惯。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中Last week, Jeremy hit a turning point when he found that he was too out of shape to play in a company football team. He decided to change his eating habits.可知上周,Jeremy遇到了一个转折点,他发现自己身体状况不佳,无法在公司足球队踢球。他决定改变他的饮食习惯。由此可知,没有加入一个足球队,使Jeremy决定改变他的饮食习惯。故选D。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段中To his surprise, he found that giving up fast food wasn’t that difficult.可知令他惊讶的是,他发现放弃快餐并不是那么困难。由此可知,Jeremy认为放弃快餐,并不像他想的那么难。故选C。 3. 细节理解题。根据第三段中Planning meals has been a key to Jeremy’s success. It helps him avoid getting too hungry and eating fast food. Each week he plans what he will eat for each meal, and he shops for groceries (食品杂货) with his plan in mind.可知计划饮食是Jeremy成功的关键。它帮助他避免太饿和吃快餐。每周他都会计划每顿饭吃什么,他会带着这个计划去购物。由此可知,提前计划在Jeremy的健康饮食中扮演了最重要的角色。故选B。 4. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“It made me feel pretty good, especially when people started making comments about the changes I was making,” he says. “You just get the positive energy.”可知“这让我感觉很好,尤其是当人们开始对我所做的改变发表评论时,”他说。“你只会得到正能量。”由此可推知,人们的评论让Jeremy感到受鼓舞。故选B。 5. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中Jeremy’s friends and family noticed when he started eating healthier. They have helped him to make a habit of his healthy eating changes.可知Jeremy的朋友和家人注意到他什么时候开始吃得更健康。他们帮助他养成了健康饮食的习惯。结合文章主要讲述了因为身体状况不佳,无法参加公司足球队的Jeremy决定改变自己的饮食习惯。于是,Jeremy停止去快餐店,并且着手改变饮食计划。Jeremy的朋友和家人注意到这些,他们帮助他养成了健康饮食的习惯。由此可推知,文章最有可能出现在报纸的“健康”版面。故选A。

    Back in March, when the COVID-19 virus had just started its deadly influence across the country and people were terrified about a lack of every daily necessity, Jonny Blue focused on one particularly urgent need. Blue, a 33-year-old doctor saw reports of people buying and storing toilet paper. He came up with a simple yet clever solution.

One Saturday morning, Blue took a piece of cardboard, wrote “Share Your Toilet Paper” on it in huge letters, and camped out on the street corner. “It just inspired me to remind people that if you have a lot of something, that probably means there are people who don’t have very much of it because you took it all,” Blue said. “So sharing it is probably a good thing to keep in mind.”

The response was immediate and positive, with motorists honking horns(鸣笛) in support. Drivers stopped to drop off spare rolls of toilet paper, and, just as quickly, Blue handed them out.

“This guy said he just ran out and was going to a bunch of stores and couldn’t find any,” Blue said as cars went by. “Somebody had given me some, so I gave it to him. He was excited. He was like, ‘Do you want me to pay you?’ I said, ‘No, man. Take it.’”

A moment later, a driver in a white pickup truck slowed down just enough to take out a roll to add to Blue’s collections.

“People are loving it,” Blue said. “They’re honking, smiling, laughing. It’s kind of a hard time right now. People want a sense of community.”

1.What were people worried about at the beginning of the COVID-19 virus?

A.Unfriendly neighbors. B.Expensive toilet paper.

C.Lack of medical support. D.Not enough daily necessities.

2.What is the purpose of Blue’s action?

A.To stop buying and storing. B.To encourage toilet paper sharing.

C.To advise people to save toilet paper. D.To help people live a healthy lifestyle.

3.What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph 3 refer to ?

A.Drivers. B.Letters. C.Motorists. D.Rolls of toilet paper.

4.Which of the following best describes Blue?

A.Professional. B.Humorous. C.Warm-hearted. D.Outgoing.

5.What can be a best title for the text?

A.The Toilet Paper Sharing B.Lack of Daily Necessities

C.Influences of COVID-19 D.Useful Advice from a Doctor



假如你是李华,你在英国一所高中学校做交换生,你准备自荐参加该校的汉语演讲俱乐部,内容包括:1. 自我介绍及优势;2. 你想做的事,如传播汉语文化等;注意:1.可适当添加内容;2.词数:100左右。

Dear Sir\Madam,




Li Hua




增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( Λ ),并在其下面写出该加的词。




Yesterday was my best friend Li Ming’ s birthday. When school is over, I went to the bookshop. I bought a book calling “Exploring space”, and had it wrapped for him. Since he had wanted to buy this book for many week, I knew that he would be very pleased with my present.

While I got to the party, Li Ming said ‘hello’ to me with big smile. I noticed that there were many presents on the floor, but I was sure that mine would be her favourite. I gave the present to Li Ming but whispered in his ear, ‘You will love it’. He could not wait to unwrap it. Sudden, the smile on his face disappeared. I looked and I saw some big words on the cover of the book said, Caring for Your Baby! I had picked up out the wrong in the shop!



    Tired from a full day’s work, Rosa Parks got on a Montgomery bus on December 1, 1955 and forever became one of the inspirational people who _______ the world. She sat down among several white passengers, along with three _______ African-Americans, in the middle of the bus.

At a later stop, after Parks had _______  her seat, a white passenger _______ the full bus. By the then-current Montgomery laws, the black passengers were _______ obligated to leave their seats and give them over to _______white passengers.

It seemed a _______ situation as the white passenger _______ his way down the aisle(过道). The bus driver, James F. Blake, left the driver’s _______ and moved directly up to the four black passengers. His ________ was to get the black passengers to move to the ________ of the bus-basically, it was standard operating procedure.

While the other three black passengers ________ Blake and moved on, Rosa Parks refused to do this. Blake eventually contacted the ________ police and they arrested her.

This ________ is considered one of the moments in the history of the Civil Rights movement in the United States. It ________ a year-long bus boycott in the city of Montgomery, ________ by Martin Luther King, Jr. That movement changed civil rights in the United States ________.

Parks lived to the age of 92, dying in 2005. She was ________ a posthumous statue in the U.S. Capitol Rotunda. She was also granted the ________ of “lying in honor” at the Capitol Rotunda, only the third ________ citizen to be so honored.

1.A.respected B.changed C.accepted D.broke

2.A.other B.rest C.ugly D.poor

3.A.got down B.occupied with C.came along D.settled into

4.A.drove B.avoided C.found D.boarded

5.A.legally B.finally C.originally D.classically

6.A.crying B.standing C.quarreling D.drinking

7.A.routine B.proper C.ordinary D.reasonable

8.A.took B.fought C.made D.wound

9.A.door B.window C.wheel D.seat

10.A.action B.behavior C.intention D.hope

11.A.back B.outside C.center D.front

12.A.scolded B.obeyed C.beat D.pleased

13.A.clever B.national C.local D.strict

14.A.affair B.accident C.conflict D.incident

15.A.sparked B.sent C.promoted D.heated

16.A.moved B.found C.held D.led

17.A.forever B.deeply C.either D.just

18.A.offered B.rewarded C.presented D.passed

19.A.fame B.honor C.name D.title

20.A.well-known B.private C.special D.amazing



Building trust inside your team

A team without trust isn’t really a team: it’s just a group of individuals, working together, often making disappointing progress. 1. So how can you, as a leader, help your team to build the trust that it needs to develop? In this article, we’ll look at the issue of trust within teams and what you can do to build it.

Lead by example.

If you want to build trust within your team, then lead by example, and show your people that you trust others. This means trusting your team, your colleagues, and your boss. 2. They are taking cues(提示) from your behavior. Take the opportunity to show them what trust in others really looks like.

Know each other personally.

One way to build trust is to encourage your team members to know each other. Think about creating situations that help them to share personal stories, and to bond. 3. Start by sharing some personal information about yourself, and then ask someone else about a hobby, or a musical interest.

4. .

When people work together, there will be honest mistakes and disappointments, and it’s easy to blame someone for these. However, when everyone starts pointing fingers, an unpleasant atmosphere can quickly develop. This lowers trust, and is finally unproductive.

Discuss trust issues.

If you manage a team that has trust issues, it’s important to find out how these problems originate, so that you can come up with a strategy for overcoming them. Consider giving team members a questionnaire to fill out anonymously(匿名的). 5. Once you’ve read the results, get everyone together to talk about these issues.

A.Do not place blame.

B.Try to avoid mistakes and disappointments.

C.Ask them about the reasons for their lack of trust.

D.Do this by asking sensitively about their family or hobbies.

E.Never forget that your team members are always watching you.

F.Instead, encourage everyone to think about the mistake positively.

G.However, when trust is in place, the group can achieve meaningful goals.



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