满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Where does the woman feel like going? A....

Where does the woman feel like going?

A.To London. B.To New York. C.To Sydney.


A 【解析】 【原文】 W: Where shall we go for the holiday? M: How about Sydney or New York? W: Can’t we go to London again? It was so nice there and we didn’t have time to see everything last time.  

What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The speakers will go to watch the game together.

B.The man will go to watch the game alone.

C.Both the speakers won’t watch the game.



假定你是李华,你校计划举办一场主题为“The Great People”的英语演讲比赛(English speech contest)。作为学生会主席,你想邀请你校英国交换生 Tom 作为特别参赛选手(contestant)参加此次活动,请你根据提示给他写一封信,内容包括:

1. 写信目的;

2. 介绍比赛的基本信息;

3. 表达愿望。

注意:1. 词数 80 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





1.我是这份工作完美的人选。( choice)

2.我写信祝贺你上周二获得一等奖。(congratulate somebody on doing)

3.感谢你的辛勤工作,并祝你归家旅途愉快。( wish somebody something)

4.对这份工作感兴趣的,可以在 2020 7 25 日之前电话联系我们。(Those who)

5.这次旅行给你提供一个体验中国传统文化的机会。(offer somebody a chance)




1.Looking after preschool children can be very _______(令人疲劳的).

2.She found it hard to choose from various _______(物品、商品)in the shop.

3.Our country is becoming more and more _______(强大的).

4.The _______ (青年) of today should be aware of global problem.

5.There were several famous paintings at the _______(展览会).

6.After waiting for an hour and hour, he began to lose his p_______.

7.Once she is d_______ to do something, no one can change her mind.

8.We've decided to let our lawyer h_______ the matter.

9.Stop a_______ with me, Diana, and do as you're told!

10.Too many cars running on the road lead to air p_______ and global warming.



    We live on a small floating (漂浮的) village. Although we loved to watch football, no one had ever _______ it — space is hard to find. So when other villagers heard we planned to _______ our own football team, they thought it was _______. “What are you kids doing? Look where you live.” They were _______. We’d have to create our own space first, on water.

After  a lot of _______, such as collecting old wood and tying old fishing rafts (木筏) together, we had our own ground finally. But the ground was so small that the ball went into the _______ often. And so did we. Besides, we had to play on a shaky and _______ wooden ground. So our ball control got really good.

One day, we heard of a football tournament(锦标赛) on the mainland. Not sure if we were _______ enough to enter, we decided to play anyway. It was a big _______ that the  fellow villagers gave us their full support and even bought us new shoes.

It soon became ________ that we were much better than we thought. Our ________ had developed nicely on the wooden ground before. And the goals here were bigger. We ________ it to the final.

The final started ________. The heavy rain filled our shoes with water, making us ________.   After a bad first half, to turn around the ________, we decided to take off the ________ shoes. Playing in bare feet was more comfortable for us and we could ________ faster. Although we lose the match at the last minute, we ________ to get this far. And the villagers were really ________ of us.

Now our team has won many championships. We believe, with hope and courage, dreams can ________ be made, despite a lack of money and resources.

1.A.owned B.accepted C.played D.observed

2.A.join B.form C.beat D.choose

3.A.creative B.amazing C.outdated D.silly

4.A.right B.helpful C.frightened D.responsible

5.A.practice B.learning C.work D.thought

6.A.water B.sky C.port D.hole

7.A.cold B.unbalanced C.unbreakable D.firm

8.A.old B.rich C.good D.famous

9.A.plan B.doubt C.difference D.surprise

10.A.funny B.strange C.confusing D.obvious

11.A.plans B.skills C.interest D.friendship

12.A.made B.carried C.stopped D.concluded

13.A.easily B.badly C.quickly D.directly

14.A.drop out B.work out C.slow down D.calm down

15.A.ball B.ground C.team D.game

16.A.wet B.modern C.light D.expensive

17.A.win B.move C.think D.come

18.A.regretted B.decided C.cheered D.promised

19.A.sick B.afraid C.ashamed D.proud

20.A.still B.once C.yet D.ever



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