满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.Who does the man wan...


1.Who does the man want to buy a book for?

A.His wife. B.Himself. C.His daughter.

2.What kind of history book does the man prefer?

A.One about the Civil War.

B.One about the life history of Abraham Lincoln.

C.One about the early period of American history.

3.How long does the man have to wait?

A.About two days. B.About two weeks. C.About two months.

4.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man will send his daughter an e-mail.

B.The man’s daughter has a history course in college.

C.The woman will deliver the book to the man in person.


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.B 【解析】 【原文】 M: Excuse me, what kind of books do you have on American history. My daughter is taking the course in college and I’d like to buy a good history book for her. She said it’s her favorite subject. W: Well, we have an excellent selection here. What kind of book do you have in mind? M: Oh, I’m not quite sure. W: A book of general survey or a book on special period? M: The special period I think. She perhaps has a general survey class in her college. W: How about something on the Civil War or the life story of Abraham Lincoln? Those have always been sold well. M: No, not the Civil War. Perhaps something from an early period like The Settling Massachusetts Colony. I know she’d be interested in that. W: Good, we just have the book you need, Sam Mellers, The Founding of the Massachusetts’ Colony. M: How much does it cost? W: 8 dollars. Oh, I’m terribly sorry. We sold out the last copy yesterday but I can order some from the publisher and I promise they will get here in two weeks. I’ll be glad to mail one for you as soon as they get here. Will that be all right? M: Fine, her birthday is not until next month anyway.


1.What’s wrong with the man’s car?

A.It was hit by another car. B.It can’t start. C.It has a flat tire.

2.According to the woman, when can she send a person to the man?

A.At about 3:00. B.At about 3:30. C.At about 4:30.

3.Why will the man call another garage?

A.The woman is rude to him.

B.The woman can’t send a truck over.

C.He wants to know which garage is quicker.




1.Where are the speakers?

A.At a library. B.At a bookstore. C.At a research center.

2.Who borrowed the Historical Society Yearbook?

A.Dennis. B.David. C.John.




1.What does the woman advise the man to do?

A.Try the box office before the show.

B.Come to get his tickets in two days.

C.Go to the concert on Sunday.

2.How much should the man pay if he buys two tickets?

A.10. B.15. C.20.



What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.An exam. B.The woman’s son. C.The man’s teacher.



What does the woman want the man to do?

A.Ask someone else for advice.

B.Buy a gift for his girlfriend.

C.Give her more information.



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