满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

﹣﹣It's said that sales on Alibaba hit a ...

﹣﹣It's said that sales on Alibaba hit a new record high on Single's Day making the headlines around the nation

﹣﹣You said it With the prosperity of e-commerce come challenges for traditional retailers whose profits have been considerably___________

A.substituted B.suspended

C.stretched D.squeezed


D 【解析】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:——据说阿里巴巴的销量在光棍节创造了新的纪录,成为全国的新闻头条。——你说得对。随着电子商业的繁荣,传统零售业面临挑战,它们的利润被压缩得相当厉害。A. substituted代替;B. suspended延缓,暂停;C. stretched伸展,展开;D. squeezed压榨,压缩。根据“With the prosperity of e-commerce come challenges for traditional retailers”可知,随着电子商业的繁荣,传统零售业面临挑战,所以它们的利润应是被“压缩”。故选D项。  

---I wonder why many people are hooked on Tik Tok, which has sucked so much of their invaluable time that ___________ for other more meaningful things

---You bet. Some videos are just ridiculous nonsense

A.could have been saved

B.would be saved

C.must have been saved

D.should be saved



The photography he snapped on the summit of Huangshan has won the first prize.

No surprise. He has an artistic discrimination in beauty and always has his camera ready _________ he sees something that will make a good picture.

A.even if B.if only C.in case D.so that



A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate, because he _________ translates what he heard into something he can understand.

A.unconsciously B.secretly C.fundamentally D.flexibly



The Wandering Earth, a well-received blockbuster, ______________ from Liu Cixin's science fiction, took home the best picture at the 28th Golden Rooster Awards.

A.adapting B.being adapted

C.having adapted D.adapted



A doctor sucked mouthfuls of urine (尿液) from a sick elderly passenger on a flight, which has aroused a controversy.

What's wrong with our society? It's a shame that some netizens __________ be suspicious about his motive, pointing that he was just staging a moral show.

A.would B.shall C.should D.could



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