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Barcelona will __________ one more time ...

Barcelona will __________ one more time in that its key player Lionel Messi claimed the 2019 Golden Boot Award, making him the player winning the award for a recordmaking sixth time

A.reap what it sows B.laugh its head off

C.kill the fatted calf D.be green with envy


A 【解析】 考查习惯表达。句意:巴塞罗那将再一次一分耕耘一分收获,因为它的关键球员梅西获得了2019年金靴奖,使他成为第六次创纪录的获奖球员。A. reap what it sows一分耕耘一分收获/种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆;B. laugh its head off笑掉大牙;C. kill the fatted calf热情款待;D. be green with envy十分嫉妒。此处指由于梅西获得了金靴奖,巴塞罗那将再一次有所收获,即一分耕耘一分收获。故选A项。  

At last they resorted to court for this dispute.

That is it. Where negotiations fail, they have to _________ the law.

A.shy away from B.look forward to

C.fall back on D.make allowance for



---May looks down in the dumps What's up

---She __________ to get a kick in the teeth after a day's tough work

A.doesn't expect B.won't expect

C.didn't expect D.hasn't expected



Your performance is marvelous. The audience are really impressed.

I'm on the school drama club. Acting allows me to experience others' lives, which ________ enriches my own

A.in brief B.in addition

C.in return D.in turn



﹣﹣It's said that sales on Alibaba hit a new record high on Single's Day making the headlines around the nation

﹣﹣You said it With the prosperity of e-commerce come challenges for traditional retailers whose profits have been considerably___________

A.substituted B.suspended

C.stretched D.squeezed



---I wonder why many people are hooked on Tik Tok, which has sucked so much of their invaluable time that ___________ for other more meaningful things

---You bet. Some videos are just ridiculous nonsense

A.could have been saved

B.would be saved

C.must have been saved

D.should be saved



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