满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Right now in the Pacific Northwest, the ...

    Right now in the Pacific Northwest, the local Lummi tribe is reminding us of our connection to nature, pushing us to question how we treat other species and demanding the release of a captive killer whale from Miami Seaquarium. Many local cultures have known for thousands of years that the success and sustainability of society depend upon our relationship to the natural environment  have tried at great lengths to share this knowledge with us. And it's about time that we listened.

As a conservation biologist, my job is to conduct research that helps protect Earth's biodiversity. From my scientific perspective, I back the Lummi's call to release Lolita back into her native waters. Unlike other captive killer whales that were born at amusement parks, Lolita was taken directly from her native environment, which luckily has remained. This means that the likelihood of a successful reintroduction is quite high.

Why? First, because Lolita already knows how to hunt from her younger years in the Salish Sea before she was taken. Proponents of keeping killer whales captive often say that the whales are not equipped with the skills to know how to hunt and survive in the wild. This is not the case for Lolita.

Second, the fact that Lolita's family still exists and that her mother is still alive means the chances of her being accepted back into the family are quite high. In addition to their 80-year lifespans, killer whales have also been shown to long-term memories. That makes it very likely that Lolita's family will remember her and welcome her back. The fact that Lolita's mother is still alive is particularly exciting because killer whale families are matriarchal, meaning that the female members of the families largely shape the group's social structure.

From my conservationist perspective, I also back the call to free Lolita. Her family belongs to a group known as "southern resident killer whale," an endangered species whose populations are not doing well. By bringing Lolita home to the Salish Sea, we are effectively adding one more re-productively mature female into the population. If Lolita reproduces, her offspring will help maintain the wild population of wild resident killer whales.

From an ethical perspective, I support the release of Lolita because it is the right thing to do. We know that killer whales are intelligent, and that they are highly social creatures, parallel to Primates (灵长类) and yes, humans too. What does it mean for us as a society that we allow the captivity of intelligent marine mammals for our own amusement? If we cannot begin to value the diversity of life on this planet, how are we going to be able to value the diversity of life within the human race?

The release of Lolita would be a victory for the Lummi, for science-based conservation and for repairing the relationships between humans and other species. As Martin Luther King Jr. once put it, One day the ridiculousness of the almost universal human belief in the slavery of other animals will be apparent. We shall then have discovered our souls and become worthier of sharing this planet with them.

1.What does NOT contribute to the successful reintroduction of Lolita

A.The native living environment of Lolita has remained

B.Lolita learned the survival skills at Miami Seaquarium

C.Killer whales have long lifespans and long-term memories

D.Lolita's mother is still alive and plays a decisive role in the family

2.What can be inferred if Lolita is released

A.The ecological balance of Pacific Ocean will be disturbed

B.The population of the endangered species may stop decreasing

C.People will value the diversity of life within the human race

D.The Lummi tribe may gain enormous economic benefits

3.Which of the following shows the development of ideas in the passage

I Introduction            P Point         Sp Sub-point (次要点)       C Conclusion

A. B. C. D.

4.What's the main purpose of this passage

A.To call on Seaquariums to stop using animals for entertainment

B.To introduce the local Lummi culture to the world

C.To support the proposal to free Lolita the killer whale

D.To encourage people to live in harmony with animals


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇议论文。文章讲述了,作者从3个方面支持放归虎鲸洛丽塔回归家园这一提议的原因。 1. 细节理解题。由第二段中的“Unlike other captive killer whales that were born at amusement parks, Lolita was taken directly from her native environment, which luckily has remained.”(与其他在游乐园出生的被捕获虎鲸不同,洛丽塔是直接从其本土环境中被捕获的,幸运的是,其本土环境还存在。),第四段中的“Second, the fact that Lolita's family still exists and that her mother is still alive means the chances of her being accepted back into the family are quite high. In addition to their 80-year lifespans, killer whales have also been shown to long-term memories.”(第二,洛丽塔的家庭仍然存在,而且她的母亲仍然健在,这意味着她被接纳回到家庭的可能性非常高。除了80岁的寿命外,虎鲸还具有长期记忆。)和第四段中的“The fact that Lolita's mother is still alive is particularly exciting because killer whale families are matriarchal, meaning that the female members of the families largely shape the group's social structure.”(洛丽塔的母亲还活着这一事实特别令人兴奋,因为虎鲸家族是母系,这意味着家族中的女性成员在很大程度上影响着群体的社会结构。),可知ACD项是促成洛丽塔成功回归的原因,B项“洛丽塔在迈阿密海格瑞姆学会了生存技能”未提及。故选B项。 2. 推理判断题。由第五段中的“By bringing Lolita home to the Salish Sea, we are effectively adding one more re-productively mature female into the population. If Lolita reproduces, her offspring will help maintain the wild population of wild resident killer whales.”(通过把洛丽塔带回Salish Sea,我们实际上又增加了一只多产的成熟雌性。如果洛丽塔能繁殖,她的后代将有助于维持野生虎鲸的数量。),可推断出放归洛丽塔,濒危物种的数量可能会停止减少。故选B项。 3. 推理判断题。第一段讲“介绍放归虎鲸洛丽塔这一事件”,第二段讲“论点一:从生物学来看,放归虎鲸洛丽塔有助于保护地球生物多样性的研究”,第三四段讲“科学观点来看,放归虎鲸洛丽塔的2个客观条件”,第五段讲“论点二:从自然资源保护主义来看,放归虎鲸洛丽塔有助于减缓虎鲸物种灭绝”,第六段讲“论点三:从伦理角度来看,放归虎鲸洛丽塔是重视星球上生命多样性的体现”,最后一段讲“放归虎鲸洛丽塔这一提议的正确性”,可知文章一个介绍,3个论点,2个次要点,1个总结。故选A项。 4. 主旨大意题。第一段讲“介绍放归虎鲸洛丽塔这一事件”,第二段讲“论点一:从生物学来看,放归虎鲸洛丽塔有助于保护地球生物多样性的研究”,第三四段讲“科学观点来看,放归虎鲸洛丽塔的2个客观条件”,第五段讲“论点二:从自然资源保护主义来看,放归虎鲸洛丽塔有助于减缓虎鲸物种灭绝”,第六段讲“论点三:从伦理角度来看,放归虎鲸洛丽塔是重视星球上生命多样性的体现”,最后一段讲“放归虎鲸洛丽塔这一行动的正确性”,可知短文的目的是支持放归虎鲸洛丽塔的提议。故选C项。

    Gardeners may be able to cut down on the amount of weeds killer they use by dealing with invaders (入侵物) at specific times of the day, such as dawn, a new study suggests.

Researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered that the 24﹣hour rhythms of plants leave them more defenseless to herbicides (除草剂) at different points in their daily 24 hour cycle.

They believe the findings could help farmers by reducing crop loss and improving harvests. And gardeners could benefit from knowing which weeds respond better at certain times of the day. In recent years, pesticides and herbicides have been implicated in the decline of important pollinating insects, such as bees.

Dr. Antony Dodd, senior author of the new study, said, "The research suggests that, in future, we might be able to improve the use of some chemicals that are used in agriculture by taking advantage of the biological clock in plants.

Just like humans, plants have evolved to take advantage of cycles of night and day, with certain biological processes turning on at different times of the day. Scientists have discovered that many drugs work much better in humans if they are given at specific hours. Aspirin, for example, has doubled the impact on thinning the blood if taken at night as opposed to in the morning. The process is known as 'chronotherapy (时间疗法)' and researchers wanted to find out if the same concept could be applied to plants.

Many gardeners already know that plants drink in more water in the morning because their pores (气孔) are open to take advantage of early morning dew and water vapour. At the break of he day, plants are also not busy producing food through photosynthesis (光和作用). The open pores could also be the reasons that chemicals are more effective at dawn and also at dusk.

The air is also likely to be stiller at dawn and dusk, meaning that pesticides or herbicides are less likely to be blown away to places where they are not wanted. Pesticide labels often warn against spraying on windy days in case they endanger people or animals. Many insects are active early in the morning and around dusk, also making very early morning and early evening effective times for insecticide.

Commenting on the study, Dr. Trevor Dines, Botanical Specialist at the conservation charity Plantlife, said, "This is fascinating research which will be of great interest to many gardeners like me. If anything they used to think the opposite was true ﹣that applying herbicides and pesticides late in the day would be better as they'd remain in wet contact with the plant for longer in the cool of the night and therefore be taken up or absorbed more effectively. This research knocks that assumption on its head."

1.Which of the following can replace the underlined phrase "implicated in" in the third paragraph

A.restored to

B.blamed for

C.limited to

D.composed of

2.According to the research what are the reasons for using herbicides in the morning

A.The process of photosynthesis is most active in the morning

B.Insects are more defenseless in the morning than any other time of the day

C.Bigger pores on the plants make herbicides work more effectively

D.The stronger morning wind blows pesticides away to more places

3.What is the main idea of this article

A.New chemicals have been found to help kill harmful insects

B.Biological clock of plants could help gardeners use less weed killer

C.Plants' cycles can be taken advantage of to improve the environment

D.The research on the effects of pesticides has enabled good harvests



    Is there link between humans and climate change or not? This question was first studied in the early 1900s. Since then, many scientists have thought that our actions do make a difference. In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol explained our role in the Earth's changing atmosphere and set international limits for gas emissions from 2008 to 2012. Some countries have decided to continue these reductions until 2020. More recently, the Paris Agreement, stuck by nearly 200 countries, also aims to limit global warming. But Just now how much warmer it will get depends on how deeply countries cut carbon emissions.


This is how much temperatures would rise by 2100 even if nations live up to the initial Paris promises to reduce carbon emissions this rise could still put coastal cities under water and drive over half of all species to extinction


To meet this minimum goal the Agreement requires countries to tighten emissions targets every five years Even this increase could sink some islands worse drought (干旱) and drive a decline of up to a third in the number of species


This is the most ambitious goal for temperature rise set by the Paris Agreement after a push by lowlying island nations like Kiribati which say limiting temperature rise to 1.5°C could save them from sinking


This is how much temperatures have risen since the industrial age began putting us 40% of the way to the 2°C point


The baseline here is average global temperature before the start of the industrial age

1.If nations could only keep the initial promises of the Paris Agreement what would happen by the year 2100

A.The human population would increase by one third

B.Littleever 50% of all species would still exist

C.Nations would not need to tighten their emissions targets

D.The Agreements minimum goal would not be reached

2.If those island nations not far above sea level are to survive the maximum temperature rise since the start of the industrial age should be ______.







    When I was in elementary school, I entered an Easter card design contest. The_______ was supposed to get 200 dollars as a reward and his or her design would be made into an actual Easter_______. I was so _______ that I didn't even realize I never got the dollars _______to me by the game organizer or _______ my card in stores. It was _______ but I was just happy to have won such a contest, my first one in effect. _______, I really enjoyed making the card, so_______ weren't that important. I realize that playing to win will always leave me feeling empty. Life is a lot more_______ if we play games for fun rather than victory.

Later on, I entered another contest. All I had to do was color a picture. This was what I loved to do: display my __________ in something others could enjoy. Luck __________ me, and I managed to win once more. When I saw the prize, a pair of paper glasses, I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. __________, if I were to find those same glasses now, I would think they counted for nothing.

Then, I started to enter contests with no prize, such as the lottery. I no longer minded__________ because the event itself was meaningful. The key to happiness is to put less thought into the__________ but more focus on making the journey unforgettable.

    In most of my experiences, the results didn't__________ my expectations because I idealized them. I just need to remember what my earliest contests have__________ me. Now my goal is to enter college, but I am not striving for good grades so that I can gain __________. Education is about learning, not just a necessary __________ to the next stage in my life. I'm studying hard __________ I' m eager to learn, and the__________ follow. I'll do my best to make college worth the struggle it requires.

1.A.supporter B.participant C.winner D.sponsor

2.A.image B.setting C.place D.card

3.A.grace B.excited C.cautious D.exhausted

4.A.promised B.returned C.appointed D.allocated

5.A.introduced B.modified C.anticipated D.saw

6.A.disappointing B.interesting C.demanding D.surprising

7.A.In contrast B.In addition C.In short D.In theory

8.A.achievements B.failures C.attitudes D.prizes

9.A.enjoyable B.serious C.consistent D.flexible

10.A.appearance B.emotion C.information D.creativity

11.A.smiled on B.sent for C.towered over D.toyed with

12.A.Otherwise B.Therefore C.However D.Besides

13.A.interfering B.losing C.adjusting D.wearing

14.A.entertainment B.appreciation C.participation D.destination

15.A.make up for B.live up to C.catch up on D.fall short of

16.A.failed B.interrupted C.taught D.persuaded

17.A.expectation B.convenience C.admission D.conscience

18.A.alternative B.barrier C.threat D.means

19.A.unless B.because C.though D.once

20.A.grades B.awards C.ranks D.scholarships



Darling, I'm tired. Would you make supper?

_______________! You've one nothing all day.

A.Nice try B.It's settled C.Allow me D.Fair enough



Nowadays some parents keep their children under their wings. These helicopter parents even protect their children from the knowledge ________ they have failed.

Absolutely. They should know that setbacks and failures are part and parcel of adolescent growth.

A.where B.when C.that D.which



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