满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








I can well remember how happily I was every time my mother celebrated my birthday. Every year on my birthday, my mother used to buy large cake and some gifts for me. The whole family would sit around the table, sharing the delicious food cooking by my mother.

With my mother’s birthday come, I would like to do something for him in return to express my special gratitude. Tomorrow I am going to buy her a cake as well as a bunch of flower. In the afternoon, I will cook a birthday meal for my mother by me. I have grown up, so my mother is getting old. My dear mother, thank you for all which you have done for me. May joy and healthy be with you always!


第一句:happily→happy 第二句: buy后加a 第三句:cooking→ cooked 第四句:come→ coming him→ her 第五句:flower→ flowers 第六句:me→ myself 第七句:so→ and或者but 第八句: which→ that或者删去which 第九句: healthy→health 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。为了回报妈妈,作者计划在妈妈生日来临之际,给妈妈买一束花,做一顿生日大餐,祝愿妈妈永远开心健康。 第一处:考查形容词。做was的表语,形容作者“开心的”的心情,应该用形容词happy(开心的,快乐的),而不是副词happily(开心地),故将happily改成happy。 第二处:考查不定冠词。cake指一个完整的蛋糕,是可数名词,此处泛指“一个大蛋糕”,cake为辅音开头,要用不定冠词a修饰,故在buy前面加a。 第三处:考查过去分词作后置定语。分析可知cook在句中作后置定语,为非谓语,与逻辑主语the delicious food之间是逻辑上的动宾关系(即被动关系),要用其过去分词形式,而不是现在分词形式。故将cooking改成cooked。 第四处:考查现在分词作宾语补足语。分析可知这里使用了with的复合结构(with+宾语+宾补),come作宾语my mother’s birthday的补足语,与my mother’s birthday是逻辑上的主谓关系,即主动关系,应该用其现在分词形式。故将come改成coming。 第五处:考查人称代词。句意:随着妈妈生日的到来,我想为她做点什么,来表达我特别的感激之情。根据句意,这里作者是要为妈妈做一些事,应该用her,而不是him,指代妈妈,故将him改成her。 第六处:考查名词单复数。flower为可数名词。A bunch of意为“一束”,也就是说花不止一朵,这里要用flower的复数形式。故将flower改成flowers。 第七处:考查反身代词。句意:下午,我要自己给妈妈做一顿生日大餐。根据句意,这里要表达的是“我要自己给妈妈做一顿生日大餐”,by + oneslef是固定用法,表示“某人自己”,此处应该用反身代词myself,故将me改成myself。 第八处:考查连词。根据前文 “I have grown up”可知作者已经长大了,根据后文“my mother is getting old”可知妈妈在变老,前后并不是因果关系,而是并列或者转折关系。故将so改成and或者but。 第九处:考查定语从句。分析可知which you have done for me.是一个定语从句,先行词为all,关系词在句中作done的宾语。如果先行词是all, much, anything, something, nothing, everything, little, none 等不定代词,关 系代词只用that,不用which,并且当that在定语从句中充当宾语时可以省略 。故答案为将which改成 that或者删去which。 第十处:分析可知joy and healthy在句中作主语,healthy为形容词,不能作主语,应该改成名词health,故将healthy改成health。  

    The story began 4 years ago. My wife would _______ a homeless man near where she works. The week before Christmas she said she wanted to buy him a new _______. Actually, we are a step away from being _______ ourselves most months but we try to _________when we can.

We got some money together, and we were thinking of what else he might _______ since we were giving him a coat. We decided to buy him a _______ and fill it with useful things, a hat, soap, etc.

The stories on Kind Spring and the generosity of strangers have been _______ us. We bought backpacks _______ and gave them out on Christmas Eve to people who would otherwise have nothing to _______.We deeply know it feels wonderful to have someone ________ you at Christmas.

We prepared 10 backpacks on the ________Christmas Eve, 15 the year after and this year we really ________. We set up a GoFundMe account(账户), and  ________  donations(捐赠物) of canned goods, new socks, etc. A friend who works at a department store ________ her family discount to get us 50 new backpacks that would have ________ cost us $300. My job brings me to CVS (便利店)often and I was able to get 50 backpacks at a deep ________ when the store manager heard ________ I needed so many. Unbelievably, another friend contributed her ________: She put together 25 backpacks with her little daughters.

I still can’t ________ to give my wife something to open on Christmas Day , but the ________ we feel giving out these backpacks on Christmas Eve makes up for it.

1.A.see B.argue C.deliver D.call

2.A.umbrella B.coat C.hat D.razor

3.A.lazy B.rich C.healthy D.homeless

4.A.work B.learn C.help D.guide

5.A.describe B.receive C.need D.discover

6.A.backpack B.box C.suitcase D.sweater

7.A.reminding B.impressing C.preventing D.puzzling

8.A.even B.indeed C.again D.also

9.A.eat B.read C.show D.open

10.A.think of B.rely on C.know about D.wait for

11.A.freezing B.new C.following D.normal

12.A.expanded B.supported C.missed D.preserved

13.A.borrowed B.bought C.lost D.accepted

14.A.used B.lent C.charged D.sent

15.A.eventually B.regularly C.naturally D.directly

16.A.bond B.understanding C.surprise D.discount

17.A.when B.why C.how D.what

18.A.kindness B.advantages C.expenses D.application

19.A.agree B.hesitate C.afford D.remember

20.A.trust B.joy C.relief D.humor



How to Start a Career(职业)

Starting a career is about making choices as to what you want out of life well into the future. You could be switching careers, starting fresh, or just looking to see what is out there. 1.

Dive online into research about careers you're interested in.

On the one hand, if you're unsure about which career you want, make a list of 5-10 jobs you might like and then start searching them. 2. You may realize, for example, that becoming an actor has a high burden to entry, with low job security and uncertain hours. But being a production assistant, working on film sets, is a much more manageable start and can lead to a variety of film careers.

Take an honest look at your current qualifications (资格).

Generally speaking, the career you want is going to need some training and experience. 3. What you should do next is make enough preparations for the career you love.

Do some volunteer work in fields you enjoy.

This can be especially useful if you're not sure, or if you have several choices and you can't make up your mind between them. 4. But it is useful for a short period to give you a good taste of what the career is like.


It is a good idea to discuss careers with others. It can help you judge if people are enjoying what they're doing every day. It also lets you ask questions to put yourself in their shoes, determining if you see yourself in that job. This can really help you to decide what will work for you.

A.Don't forget to add new jobs to your list.

B.However, never fear if you feel a little under-qualified(不合格的) at the moment.

C.On the other hand, list your strengths, talents, even those not related to typical careers.

D.Either way, it's important to find out what fits best so that you don't burn out half-way.

E.Ask other people what they like about their careers.

F.Don’t feel like there is a “right” answer to picking a career.

G.It doesn’t necessarily mean you need to do long-term work for free.



    Guana was born from a family with 7 children. His parents had two jobs to make ends meet and struggled to pay for basic expenses. Guana was once a cleaner at a school but now he is a superintendent(教育学监), leading the Byron Union School District in rural northern California.

Guana always remembers when he wanted to give up, someone would encourage him. One was the cleaner at his school when he was a boy. He called her “Nike” because she wore Nike shoes. Guana wanted those kinds of shoes, too, but his parents could not afford them. Young Gauna liked how Nike made everything so clean. He told her he wanted to be a cleaner, too. Nike said, “it’s good if you want to be a cleaner, but make sure that you go to college and make this as one of your steps there.”

Guana also looked up to the principal(校长), the leader at his school. He was a tall, friendly and good-looking man. He told Guana about his job helping students and teachers. And he said, “Well, if you don’t give up, you’ll get there.” Guana did get there, and two men remain friends. But before Guana became a school principal, he followed in Nike’s footsteps and become a cleaner. He worked for three schools in Lodi, California, which helped him earn the money needed for his first two years of college. He earned a high-level university education and gained a doctor’s degree. Then he worked as a campus safety officer, teacher, counselor, administrator, and now superintendent.

Even though Guana has had a successful career, he never forgets where he came from, or how he felt. He uses his life experiences to guide him as a leader.

For example, Guana’s younger sister needs a wheelchair to get around. To this day, her disability(残疾) helps him as a school administrator to help and support special children. In Guana’s school system today, everyone is important and invited to parties and events.

1.Why did Guana have the idea to become a cleaner?

A.He was eager to earn money to go to college.

B.He wanted to buy Nike shoes with his efforts.

C.He planned to work to support his poor family.

D.He admired Nike’s excellent cleaning work.

2.What is the third paragraph mainly about?

A.How Guana overcame the difficulties.

B.How Guana received the doctor’s degree.

C.How Guana became a leader from a cleaner.

D.How Guana got help from the previous principal.

3.What is the author’s purpose of the last paragraph?

A.To show Guana’s experiences were helpful for his success.

B.To encourage us to help those in need like Guana.

C.To inform us that Guana’s sister had such a difficult life.

D.To tell us that Guana was a kind and considerate man.

4.What can we learn from Guana?

A.Where there is a will, there is a way. B.It is never too old to learn.

C.A friend in need is a friend indeed. D.Great minds think alike.

5.In a newspaper, this text may appear in the section of _______.

A.Health B.People C.Science D.Lifestyle



London-Walking Tour

Hosted by the Cambridge Society of London

Join the Cambridge Society of London and learn more about the historic city of London.

Departing Time: Friday, 27 July 2020, 6.00 pm GMT

Duration: 3 hours

Meeting point: At St Paul’s tube station in front of Café Nero

Open to: Alumni and guests

The City of London is where London began, almost 2,000 years ago, as Roman Londinium. Today it is the financial “square mile”, home to the Bank of England and numerous banks and financial services companies.

This tour focuses on the City’s history and the legacy of that history in its unique governance with its own Lord Mayor and Corporation. We will learn how these institutions evolved since the 12th century, their ancient traditions and their responsibilities today.

Of course, we will also include Roman remains, hidden City gardens, Victorian markets, and historic pubs and find out what makes a cockney (or true Londoner).

Booking information

1. Advanced reservations are required. If you would like to attend this event, please book online using the link below.

2. Numbers are limited to 20 people. Registered members can invite one guest.

Please note only members of the Cambridge Society of London (and their guests) may book tickets. If you are not currently a member and would like to become one, please visit www.camsoclon.org.

3. Price: £13.50 for members, £15 for guests.

4. Insurance(保险) is a must. Each £1.5

1.What is special about London-Walking tour?

A.It offers an opportunity to visit banks.

B.It helps to explore the history of London.

C.It provides the service of booking online.

D.It allows one to invite one of his guests.

2.What are tourists advised to do to go on the tour?

A.Arrive at St Paul’s tube station at 6.30 pm.

B.Book tickets in advance.

C.Invite at least one guest.

D.Apply to become a member.

3.How can you apply to become a member?

A.By writing a letter.

B.By sending an e-mail.

C.By making a call.

D.By visiting the website.

4.How much should a member pay if he invites a friend?

A.£13.50. B.£15. C.£28.50. D.£31.5.

5.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To introduce the history of London.

B.To tell you how to become a member.

C.To advertise the coming activity.

D.To give us tips on how to book tickets.



假定你是李华。你的美国外教David回国时,曾经请你帮他找人制作一枚中文名印章(name stamp) 以作纪念。你已找好制作人。给他写封邮件,告知此事,并请他从所附图片中挑选字体、图案及材料。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear David,






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