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The 90-minute documentary, Amazing China...

    The 90-minute documentary, Amazing China, which is co-produced by China Central Television and China Film Corp, opened in theaters nationwide on Friday.

The film focuses on the major achievements the country has made since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012 under Xi’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

Speaking about the documentary, Wei Tie, the director, says, “The film arouses Chinese pride from deep inside.”

The documentary focuses on key Chinese infrastructure (基础设施) projects in aerospace, high-speed rail, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the world’s largest single-dish telescope FAST. The documentary also informs viewers that seven of the world’s 10 biggest sea ports are now in China and that the country now has the longest high-speed rail network in the world.

In the film, Lin Ming, the chief engineer of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge project, says, “In the past, what kind of projects we took up was decided by what kind of facilities we had. But, nowadays, no matter what kind of projects we are assigned, we develop the technology to complete it.” His voice is calm but his words show the country’s self-confidence.

Speaking of the importance of the new documentary for the Chinese, La Peikang, the head of China Film Corp, says, “It’s not only about showing the achievements, but presenting the present situation of China. The film will help people to know our country better.”

Amazing China also focuses on common people. In the film, you see a young Tibetan woman volunteering in rural areas to help people get rid of poverty. And, you also see a successful entrepreneur from the coastal Fujian province who settles in the Gobi Desert, in northwest China, who has taken up a new career growing grapes.

1.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.An introduction to a documentary named Amazing China.

B.An introduction to China.

C.An introduction to Xi’s Thought.

D.The effect of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.

2.Which of the following is not the focus of the documentary?

A.The single-dish telescope FAST. B.The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.

C.The high-speed rail. D.The ancient Silk Road.

3.The underlined word “assigned” in Paragraph 5 means “_______”.

A.allowed B.required C.given D.connected

4.What does the last paragraph aim to tell us?

A.The documentary also covers common people.

B.A young Tibetan woman is the main character of the documentary.

C.The film encourages more people to volunteer in rural areas.

D.The film calls on people to convert the Gobi Desert.


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.A 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了纪录片《厉害了,我的国》的主要内容。 1. 主旨大意题。文章体裁为新闻报道,根据新闻体裁特点,首段点明文章主旨要点,即“The 90-minute documentary, Amazing China, which is co-produced by China Central Television and China Film Corp, opened in theaters nationwide on Friday.( 由中央电视台和中国电影集团联合制作的90分钟纪录片《厉害了,我的国》于上周五在全国影院上映。)”,因此可知,本文主要介绍了这部记录片《厉害了,我的国》。故选A项。 2. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段内容“The documentary focuses on key Chinese infrastructure projects in aerospace, high-speed rail, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and the world’s largest single-dish telescope FAST. The documentary also informs viewers that seven of the world’s 10 biggest sea ports are now in China and that the country now has the longest high-speed rail network in the world.( 纪录片聚焦中国在航空航天、高铁、港珠澳大桥和世界上最大的单碟望远镜FAST等领域的关键基础设施项目。这部纪录片还告诉观众,世界上最大的10个港口中有7个在中国,中国现在拥有世界上最长的高铁网络。)”可知,这部记录片聚焦当代中国关键基础设施建设,包括选项A“The single-dish telescope FAST.( 单碟望远镜FAST)”,选项B“The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.(港珠澳大桥)”和选项C“The high-speed rail.(高铁)”,但选项D“The ancient Silk Road.( 古丝绸之路)”并不包括在内。故选D项。 3. 词义猜测题。分析可知,划线单词句“we are assigned”为之前名词projects的定语从句,projects意为“工程;项目”,从句的主语“we”应是指以说话人林鸣,港珠澳大桥总工程师为代表的国家关键基础设施项目的工作者们,由此可推知,他们所从事的项目应是由上级指派的。assigned应是“委派;安排”含义,与选项C“given”含义一致。故选C项。 4. 推理判断题。分析可知,本段中心主旨句为首句“Amazing China also focuses on common people《厉害了,我的国》也关注普通人”,且后文用举例的方式对此进行解释。因此可推知,该段的目的是在说明,该记录片除了聚焦国家关键基础设施建设之外,同样也涵盖了普通人。故选A项。

    It was Monday. Mrs Smith’s dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.

Considering that there was no better way, Mrs Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it, “Give my dog half a pound of meat” Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently, “Take this to the butcher(卖肉者), and he’s going to give you your lunch today.”

Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butcher’s shop. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the lady’s handwriting and pleasantly did as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up immediately.

At midday, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. After reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more.

The next day, the dog came again exactly at midday. And as usual, it brought a piece of paper in the mouth. This time, the butcher did not take a look at the paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he had thought of the dog as one of his customers.

However, the dog came again at four o’clock. And the same thing happened once again. To the butcher’s more surprise, it came for the third time at six o’clock, and brought with it a third piece of paper. The butcher felt a bit puzzled. He said to himself, “This is a small dog. Why does Mrs Smith give it so much meat to eat today?”

Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were not any words on it!

1.When Mrs Smith’s dog was hungry, what did she give to the dog?

A.Some chicken. B.Half a pound of meat.

C.A hot dog. D.A piece of paper with some words on it.

2.Mrs Smith treated her little dog quite _______.

A.cruelly B.fairly C.kindly D.unfriendly

3.From its experience, the dog found that _______.

A.only the paper with Mrs Smith’s words on it could bring it meat

B.a piece of paper could bring it half a pound of meat

C.the butcher would give the meat to it whenever he saw it

D.Mrs Smith would pay for the meat it got from the butcher

4.At the end of the story, you’ll find that_________.

A.the dog was clever enough to write on the paper

B.the dog dared not go to the butcher’s any more

C.the butcher was told not to give any meat to the dog

D.the butcher found himself cheated by the clever animal



    There have always been a lot of commonly believed but false ideas about being fat and doing exercise. Some people believe that they can’t help putting on weight as they get older, while others hold that if they stop exercising, their muscles will turn into fat. Here are some more myths:

I’ll never lose weightI come from a fat family.

Wrong! While we can’t change the body type we are born with, we can’t blame our genes for making us fat. There’s plenty of evidence that fatness runs in families, and the main reason is that they share the same habits of eating too much and exercising too little.

I am fat because I burn calories slowly.

Wrong! Fatness is not caused by a slow metabolism (新陈代谢). In fact, although fat people consume more energy than slim people, they also fail to realize how much they eat! Keeping a diary can help you work out your daily food intake more accurately.

Exercise is boring.

Wrong! Anything will become boring if you do it repetitively (重复地). The key is to develop a balanced and varied program that’s fun as well as progressive. If you enjoy a Sunday walk, take a different route. If you do yoga, try a Tai Chi class. If you like swimming, set yourself a distance or time challenge.

No pain, no gain.

Wrong! Exercise is not meant to hurt. Indeed, pain is your body telling you something’s wrong, and continuing to exercise could lead to serious injury. You may experience mild discomfort as you begin to exercise regularly, but this is your body adapting to the positive changes in your lifestyle and the aches should disappear relatively quickly. If they don’t, rest and seek medical advice.

1.According to the author, how can we make exercise more interesting?

A.By taking varied exercise. B.By choosing simple exercise.

C.By doing regular exercise. D.By sticking to outdoor exercise.

2.What is the author’s opinion about “No pain, no gain” in exercising?

A.Keeping fit is essentially a painful experience.

B.Exercise should be stopped if continuous pain is felt.

C.Pain in exercise is a precondition for reaching your goal.

D.Getting used to pain leads to positive changes in your body.

3.What is the purpose of the passage?

A.To declare the importance of keeping fit.

B.To clarify some misconceptions about fatness and exercise.

C.To confirm what has long been believed about keeping fit.

D.To explain some medical facts about being fat and doing exercise.



    Every time I passed boys who were playing basketball, I stopped to silently watch them. I really envied them. But as a girl, I once thought that I could_______play basketball.

I like playing basketball though I’m not good at it. I’ve had a basketball _______I was a child. At first, I could play freely because no one__________when I was just a kid. But as I grew up it seemed harder and harder for me to enjoy basketball.

At school, it was always the boys who played basketball during PE classes. The girls were_______ allowed to play volleyball or badminton.

My parents did not________me play basketball at home. “Basketball is not fit for girls,” they said. _______I went to play basketball with my friends, boys _______ at me on the court as if I were an alien.

I was feeling________ and had lost hope of playing basketball. _______, something changed the first day of high school. I made some friends who also enjoyed playing basketball. They________ me to get back on the court.

One of them told me with a smile, “Go your own _____ , let others talk.” This girl would always play basketball with me. Even the boy who sat next to me in class talked about  ________  with me almost every day.

I was inspired by them. Confidence and passion_______to my heart. I am ready to stand up and play. I will play as well as I can, ________for me, even the sky is boundless (无限的).

Basketball has become an important part of my_______. I am interested in it. I watch matches and enjoy playing almost every day. Through basketball, not only do I feel happy and confident, but also_______a lot.

I’ve heard the NBA star Tracy McGrady say, “Nothing is impossible.” It is from an advertisement on TV. I have________to realize that life is just like playing basketball. You should have an_______. After that, just be confident and_______ going. Never give up and you’ll make it sooner or later.

I love the motto of the NBA. It can______ my strong feelings for basketball, “I love this game!”

1.A.ever B.often C.never D.always

2.A.when B.before C.after D.since

3.A.struggled B.cared C.enjoyed D.joined

4.A.only B.almost C.hardly D.not

5.A.encourage B.agree C.let D.permit

6.A.Still B.Yet C.Just D.Even

7.A.looked B.glared C.glanced D.stared

8.A.up B.down C.excited D.satisfied

9.A.Unluckily B.Naturally C.Unexpectedly D.Clearly

10.A.encouraged B.forbade C.ensured D.explored

11.A.effort B.way C.business D.direction

12.A.basketball B.sports C.interests D.dreams

13.A.stuck B.referred C.turned D.returned

14.A.but B.though C.and D.however

15.A.wish B.life C.work D.study

16.A.experience B.grow C.learn D.play

17.A.come B.turned C.refused D.happened

18.A.idea B.aim C.opinion D.effort

19.A.insist B.remain C.keep D.last

20.A.inform B.express C.ignore D.connect




1.What is the most important in looking for an apartment?

A.Enough time. B.Lots of patience. C.A little preparation.

2.What does the speaker suggest people do first?

A.Spare some time.

B.Decide the price range.

C.Think about the facilities.

3.What should people consider first when picking out apartments?

A.Location. B.Price. C.Traffic.

4.What may disappoint people?

A.All the great apartments are expensive.

B.It will take a long time to find a perfect apartment.

C.Apartments don’t look as good as described on the website.




1.What does the woman want to find out?

A.The suitable work for the man.

B.The information on building.

C.The nearby workplace.

2.What are the man’s interests?

A.Buying and selling things.

B.Building and repairing things.

C.Repairing and collecting things.

3.What has the man been doing this year?

A.Delivering newspapers.

B.Helping build a house.

C.Selling advertising space.

4.In which column does the woman write down “sales”?

A.“Education”. B.“Interests”. C.“Experience”.



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