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This happened several years ago when I w...

    This happened several years ago when I was still quite new in the city. I was doing my grocery shopping one day, and when I wanted to pay for my things, it turned out that I didn't have enough funds on my bank account for the things I’d chosen. It seemed something had been paid from my account that I had forgotten about.

I was so embarrassed and ashamed. There was a queue forming behind me. I became very flustered(慌乱的)and very close to tears. I tried to quickly pick some things out that weren’t so urgent for me to buy. The cashier(收银员), a patient, elderly man, saw how upset I was and gently said, “Please, don't worry about picking out groceries to leave behind and you can pay me back for the difference another day.” I immediately refused since I didn't know him, but he insisted he would pay for the difference because he also had daughters and sometimes life could be hard. I thanked him greatly while I packed my things. I asked him what his name was so I could bring the money another day. He said, “Just ask for BabaFatherand everyone calls me that here.”

I came back a few days later with the money, a thank-you card, and some homemade cookies. I asked a young salesman if he'd seen the old man and he immediately told me, “Oh! That must be Baba!” It was clear that he was very familiar with him. I explained what had happened and he nodded. "Yes, that is something he would do. He is a bit of an extra father to all of us working here, too. He isn't working today but I will make sure he gets this."

Thank you, Baba, for looking out for me that day, and for taking good care of your coworkers, too! I think it is people like Baba that make the world beautiful.

1.What happened to the author as she went shopping?

A.She forgot to bring money with her.

B.She regretted choosing something expensive.

C.She couldn't afford the goods she had picked.

D.She couldn’t remember the password of her account.

2.What did the author try to do to solve her problem?

A.To make herself calm down.

B.To give up some high-priced things.

C.To remove some items less necessary.

D.To take out all the goods she had chosen.

3.Which of the following probably can best describe the old cashier?

A.Shy and honest. B.Talented and friendly.

C.Generous and hardworking. D.Kind and warm-hearted.

4.Which of the following would be the best title for the text?

A.Every job is meaningful. B.We need people like “Baba".

C.Giving is a kind of happiness. D.An embarrassing shopping experience.


1.C 2.C 3.D 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者来到一座新城市,一次购物过程中发现钱不够,一位善良的收银员帮助作者补足差价,让作者感受到了父亲般的温暖。 1. 细节理解题。由第一段中的“I was doing my grocery shopping one day, and when I wanted to pay for my things, it turned out that I didn't have enough funds on my bank account for the things I’d chosen.”(有一天,我在买杂货,当我想付账时候,发现我的银行账户上没有足够的钱来买我选的东西。)可知作者钱不够,买不起她挑选的货物。故选C项。 2. 细节理解题。由第二段中的“I tried to quickly pick some things out that weren’t so urgent for me to buy.”(我试着迅速挑选出一些对我来说不那么紧急的东西。)可知作者发现钱不够,要去掉一些不必要的东西。故选C项。 3. 推理判断题。由第二段中的“I immediately refused since I didn't know him, but he insisted he would pay for the difference because he also had daughters and sometimes life could be hard.”(因为我不认识他,我立刻拒绝了,但他坚持要为差价买单,因为他也有女儿,有时生活会很艰难。)和倒数第二段中的“Yes, that is something he would do. He is a bit of an extra father to all of us working here, too.”(是的,他会这么做的。对我们所有在这里工作的人来说,他也是一个额外的父亲。)可知老收银员坚持帮作者为差价买单,同事都说他像父亲一样,可推断出老收银员善良和热心。故选D项。 4. 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲,作者一次购物过程中发现钱不够,一位善良的老收银员帮助作者补足差价,让作者感受到了父亲般的温暖和善意,结合最后一段“Thank you, Baba, for looking out for me that day, and for taking good care of your coworkers, too! I think it is people like Baba that make the world beautiful.”(谢谢你,爸爸,因为那天你照顾我,也很照顾你的同事!我认为是像爸爸这样的人让世界变得美丽。)可知B项“我们需要像“爸爸”这样的人”符合文意。故选B项。

    Most of London's national museums are completely free of charge. So without cost to worry about, these are the must-see museums for art lovers on their first trip to London.

National Portrait Gallery

PHONE +44 20 7306 0055

Where else but the National Portrait Gallery can you find oil paintings of the Bronte sisters and William Shakespeare alongside black and white photographs of the Spice Girls and a mixed media portrait of J.K. Rowling? Featuring a collection of famous British people from the Tudor period to the present day, the National Portrait Gallery is a must for those who like British culture.

Science Museum

PHONE +44 33 3241 4000   

Ideal for left-brainers, London's Science Museum celebrates scientific, technological, and mathematical achievements — but that makes it sound so serious. With interactive exhibits, flight simulators, an IMAX theater, and even a milkshake bar, a trip to the Science Museum is far from the boring science lessons from back in the day.

Churchill War Rooms

PHONE +44 20 7416 5000

The Imperial War Museum is a collection of five museums and sites. One of the collection' s most fascination inclusions is the Churchill War Rooms. Walking through the underground labyrinth (迷宫)of war rooms is literally walking in the footsteps of Sir Winston Churchill and his war cabinet during WWII

Natural History Museum

PHONE +44 20 7942 5000

Once the home to African elephant specimens and surprising casts of a Triceratops and Diplodocus, the museum' s main hall now floats the real skeleton of a blue whale high above visitors’ heads. Though no longer in the entry hall, you can still find dinosaurs here, such as the first fossil ever found from a T. rex.

1.Which is the best choice for J.K. Rowling’s fans?

A.National Portrait Gallery. B.Science Museum.

C.Churchill War Rooms. D.Natural History Museum.

2.What can people do in Science Museum?

A.View the arts of the Tudor period. B.Enjoy a film in an IMAX theater.

C.Learn about the war history of Britain. D.Watch the skeleton of a blue whale.

3.Which number should be called if you’ re interested in dinosaurs?

A.44 20 7306 0055. B.44 33 3241 4000.

C.44 20 7416 5000. D.44 20 7942 5000.




It was a Sunday morning. Betty woke up earlier than usual. She couldn’t sleep any longer because she was so excited that her uncle Mark was taking her to the beach. She had always loved going surfing with her uncle. She put her swimming suit on and took her bag quickly that she had prepared the night got before and went outside to wait. She jumped up and down with joy when she saw her uncle’s red jeep turn the corner down her street.

Uncle Mark got out of the car and helped Betty get in. “Are you ready?” he asked. “Yes!” replied Betty. Uncle Mark could see the excitement in her face. Suddenly he said seriously, “Well, before we go, I have to let you know that a shark appeared recently where we're going to surf today.” Scared and shocked, Betty couldn’t say a word. “Haha! I'm kidding you,” Uncle Mark burst out laughing. Betty laughed too. She knew Uncle Mark liked teasing others. “Let’s go and have some breakfast, I know just the place,” Uncle Mark said. They went                to a breakfast shop and ate some tacos (炸玉米饼).

After breakfast the two of them went down to Pacific Beach and got their surfboards ready. “First you have to wax(打蜡)the bottom,explained Uncle Mark. “I know. I’ve watched you do it before!" Betty said as she took the wax from Uncle Mark's hand. It took about 15 minutes to wax the bottom of their boards. When Betty finished, Uncle Mark looked it over to make sure it was done well. “Nice job, Betty, you wax your board like a true surfer.”

Finally, they were ready to get into the water. They carried their boards down to the beach and went out into the water. Betty was overly excited and tried to rush to catch a wave. Predictably, she crashed and had to start over. Next was her uncle's turn. He stood up on his first try and smoothly surfed the wave before jumping into the water. Betty cheered for her uncle's perfect run.





All of a sudden, Betty felt something touching the bottom of her foot.


“Help! Help!” Betty screamed in horror.




假如你是高三学生李华,写信建议你的美国朋友 Tom 参加21世纪学生英文报(21st Century Teens)为外国人举办的2019“最美中国(Amazing China)”手机摄影大赛。信的内容包括:




注意:1. 词数80左右;


Dear Tom,







1.The family was finally____(重聚)after ten years of separation.

2.Can we reach a_____(一致意见)on this issue?

3.Many wealthy people have_____(倾向)to move abroad.

4.This company’s______(承诺)to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success.

5.He was widely_________(谴责)for his rude behavior after the match.

6.He had enough money to pay off his outstanding_________(债务).

7._________(执意)on giving up the stable job,the young disappointed his parents.

8.He was of m______height,and had regular,even features of the kind which are instantly forgettable.

9.Tom s_______out of bed and ran downstairs.

10.He is always p_______against his teachers.

11.These plants are r________to cold temperatures.

12.The moon c_________a white light into the room.

13.Things are c______,so it’s hard for us to predict what will happen next.

14.Thousands are d________trying to leave their battered homes and villages.

15.With the development of technology,scientists now have no difficulty c_______the time when the spaceship will reach the moon.



    Mama was calling me.I awoke,realizing it must be nearly midnight.Her expression was ___”Mary,”she said,”where’s your homework?”Then I remembered I had not finished my assignment.”Well,your studies come ___!You’d better finish your work,” she said.I____myself out of bed.As I did so,I could not help feeling __.Why me? Those feelings were nothing new,but I did not give ___to them.I didn’t argue with Mama.I just obeyed.

One day my older sister Ann and I walked barefoot(赤脚地)to school because our shoes had been worn out and Mama couldn’t afford to buy us shoes.The headmaster asked us to go home,for he couldn’t have students attending school barefoot.I suggested to Ann that we spend the day in a nearby cornfield___.Just about the time school was over we went home.There was Mama,waiting for us.I ___a story rather than upset her.Then she started crying.It was clear that she knew everything.She told us never to be __ of being poor.”It’s not what you wear but ___you are,”she said,”that matters.”

Mama’s toughness with me.always left me feeling as if I pleased her___ than her other children.However,the ___that I acquired have guided me for many years.I have come to ___the value of Mama’s demands.Still,one question continued to __ me for more than 30 years.Then one day I asked:”Mama,how come you were always so much __ on me than others?”She looked me straight in the eye and said:”I had to be harder on you because you had more gifts.”“I___,Mama.”At last I did.

1.A.severe B.strange C.polite D.rich

2.A.early B.last C.again D.first

3.A.pushed B.pulled C.dragged D.slipped

4.A.cautious B.embarrassed C.annoyed D.stupid

5.A.punishment B.feeling C.work D.voice

6.A.though B.instead C.still D.regardless

7.A.talked about B.heard of C.set down D.made up

8.A.proud B.aware C.ashamed D.fond

9.A.who B.why C.how D.where

10.A.rather B.less C.more D.other

11.A.strengths B.skills C.results D.rights

12.A.add B.judge C.respect D.appreciate

13.A.advise B.corner C.bother D.settle

14.A.tougher B.gentler C.easier D.heavier

15.A.quit B.understand C.promise D.remember



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