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Elephant Reserve Country: Thailand This...


Elephant Reserve

Country: Thailand

This is a working vacation at a wildlife centre. Anyone can become a volunteer if he/she agrees to help the elephant keepers with tasks.

Daily tasks

Gather the elephants at 6:30 am. Take them to look for food in the forest. Clean the enclosure(围场). Swim with the elephants in the lake in the afternoon. If volunteers want to relax after work, they can watch satellite television.

How this vacation helps

If these elephants hadn’t been rescued, they would still be living on the streets of Bangkok. The rural environment is much better for them than the urban environment where there is lots of pollution.

Your Comment

“I love working with these huge gentle animals.”

Gorilla safari(观赏野兽的旅行)

Countries: Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda

Departures(出发): 2—3 departures per month from Aug. to Dec.

Extras: permit 220

If you’re lucky, you’ll see lions, elephants and rhinos during this safari. The highlight(最好的部分) of the trip is the opportunity to see gorillas in the mountain forests. However, you must be in good health — if a gorilla caught a cold, it would be extremely harmful to its whole family.

How this vacation helps

There are only about 600 gorillas left in the world as human activity has reduced the area where they can live. When you buy a permit, this will pay for the protection of the national park.

Your comment

“I’ll surely go back as soon as I have enough money!”

Polar bear watching

Area & Country: Arctic, Canada

Departures: sixty trips between Oct. 1—Nov.19.

Every October and November groups of polar bears gather in Hudson Bay. As they are normally lonely creatures, this is unusual. The bears wait for the ocean to freeze so that they can hunt for seals, so this is the perfect opportunity to see them. Extra activities include dog sledding(狗拉雪橇) and a night trip to see the Northern Lights.

How this vacation helps

If the Arctic ice cap melts due to global warming, polar bears will be in danger. We give a share of our profits(利益) to the charity that protects polar bears.

Your comment

“These terrible bears get all the liquid they need from their food.”



1.What will elephant volunteers do?

A.Sweep the enclosure of elephants.

B.Take food for elephants at 6:30 am.

C.Watch satellite television on elephants.

D.Wash elephants in the lake in the afternoon.

2.What do we know about the Gorilla safari?

A.You can find gorillas in Kenya and Canada.

B.You will get a cold in the mountain forests.

C.Visitors need to pay $220 to see gorillas.

D.There are about 10 trips to visit gorillas.

3.What’s the aim of these activities?

A.To help build more national parks.

B.To help protect the wild animals.

C.To help deal with the pollution in cities.

D.To help solve the problem of global warming.


1.A 2.D 3.B 【解析】 本文是一篇应用文,介绍了三个保护野生动物的活动。 1.细节理解题。根据表格第一栏中Daily tasks部分的“Clean the enclosure”可知,大象志愿者将要打扫大象的围栏,故A项正确。 2.细节理解题。根据表格第二栏中的“Departures(出发): 2—3 departures per month from Aug. to Dec.”可知,8月至12月每月有两到三次观赏野兽的旅行,由此可知,大概共有10—15(2或3×5)次观赏野兽的旅行,故D项正确。 3.推理判断题。根据三个How this vacation helps部分中的内容可知,活动的目的是保护野生动物,故B项正确。

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

You never know the difference you might make if you take the time to encourage someone. I gave up the idea of being a writer the summer before I started college. I’d been writing since I was five years old. My little friends wanted toys at that time, but I just wanted paper. Childhood passed and a box of short stories gave way to my middle school days. I wrote for a magazine and by the time I was in my eighth grade, half of the annual publications were written by me. Sometimes I'd dream about being a novelist, writing books that everyone might read. My dad was always sure that it would happen. When he read my poems or stories, his eyes welled up. "That's beautiful, honey,” he always told me. "One day, the entire world will know what a gift you have.” Those words encouraged me through high school to keep believing that writing was my calling.

But somewhere along the months of my senior year, I became disappointed. The crazy injustice in this world — bad guys getting buck out on the street and doing harm again and again, changed my mind.”I m going to be a lawyer in the future,” I told my parents. My dad’s face fell, but he kept his smile. "Whatever you do, you'll be brialliant at it," he said to me.

One of my first classes at college was Journalism 100. One day, the professor, Bob Scheibel, assigned us a story about an apartment fire. He gave us the facts and we had a few days to write a news story.

I was sure that I had gotten the facts right when I wrote the story. I didn’t expect much feedback. But a few days later, Bob Scheibel asked me to talk to him after class. Questions raced through my mind. What had I done wrong? Had I gotten the facts mixed up? Did I miss anything critical in the details? Five minutes after the class, I found myself in front of the professor. His eyes met mine with great seriousness.











    Last night one of our 3 family dogs was hit and killed by a car in front of my mother's house.

The dogs became, more or less, my mother's substitute ____ after her human ones grew up and moved out. The one that was killed had ____ with my mom far more than the others. She is shocked and upset. I loved the dog, ____ my true sadness currently comes from having to watch my mother endure another ____ after everything she has been through in her life. In the midst of all of this I have to sincerely_____ the driver. It was not his fault. The dog chased a deer into the  ____ at night. In an effort not to hit the deer he suddenly changed ____ , not seeing the dog, resulting in her death. The driver _____, carefully wrapped our dog in a blanket to ____ her dignity, and carried her up to my mother s front door* He was ____ shaking and very upset. He informed my mother of____ happened and she broke down immediately. He comforted her the best a stranger could. He left his ____ and offered assistance in any way he could.

What he really did was ____ my mother from hitting on a ____ scene herself while searching for the dog. He could have very easily continued on his way, but he did something that I hope I never forget. Thank you, Stranger. You restored my ____ in humanity.

1.A.children B.pets C.property D.belongings

2.A.kept B.helped C.bonded D.touched

3.A.besides B.while C.or D.but

4.A.incident B.tragedy C.situation D.scene

5.A.criticize B.comfort C.applaud D.blame

6.A.field B.road C.square D.room

7.A.mind B.wheel C.idea D.direction

8.A.pulled away B.took off C.pulled over D.pulled off

9.A.preserve B.develop C.hide D.cancel

10.A.suddenly B.casually C.accidently D.obviously

11.A.that B.how C.what D.why

12.A.goods B.information C.car D.house

13.A.spare B.separate C.ban D.tell

14.A.wonderful B.pleasant C.unforgettable D.horrible

15.A.energy B.faith C.decision D.doubt



How to Communicate as a Family

In today's busy world, many families struggle to see each other. That does not mean that our need for family has decreased. Most of us still long for a united family.1.. Below are tips on it.

Use effective communication skills

Each member of the family should feel important and valued. 2.. In order for your family members to hear your needs, you have to express them. Be polite but honest with your family during discussions.

Listen intently

3.. Your family members will feel loved if their point of view is heard and respected. Avoid talking over your family members, and instead, listen to what they are saying.

Show appreciation for each other

Taking family for granted is easily done.4.. Make it a point to tell each family member that you are thankful for them, and that you enjoy being a family.


Everyone in your family is not going to agree on every issue. As a family, you have to be flexible and accepting of each person's point of view. Avoid arguing over little things such as who should take the trash out; instead, make a conscious effort to divide responsibilities and privileges (特权)fairly.

A.Agree to disagree

B.This includes you

C.Give and accept apologies

D.However, that unity does not always come easily

E.Most of them have been around most of your life

F.It is important that you hear your family members' concerns

G.Also remember that perfect unity will not exist all the time in any family



    An increase of just 2°C in global temperatures could make the world considerably drier and more desert-like, new research has warned.

More than a quarter of the world's land surface, home to more than 1.5 billion people, would become more arid and droughts and wildfires could be widespread. Limiting global warming to 1.5℃ would dramatically reduce the percentage of the Earth's surface affected, scientists found.

“Aridification (干旱化) would emerge over 20 to 30 percent of the world's land surface by the time the global temperature change reaches 2℃”said Dr Manoj Joshi from the University of East Anglia’s School of Environmental Sciences and one of the study's co-authors.

The research team studied projections from 27 global climate models and identified areas of the world where aridity will greatly change. The most affected areas are parts of South East Asia, Southern Europe, Southern Africa, Central America and Southern Australia. These areas are home to more than .20 percent of the world's population — that’s over 1.5 billion people.

The study looked at the current rate of global temperature increase and compared it to data from before the industrial revolution. The world has already warmed by 1℃since then. Two thirds of the affected regions could avoid significant aridification if warming is limited to 1.5℃, researchers found.   

The Paris Agreement, which was first signed in 2015, is an international agreement to control climate change. It hopes to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2℃ and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5℃.

But the local protectionism makes it possible that the world may become drier and the horrific scenes of the Californian wildfires may become more common. The fire burned more than 440 square miles of Ventura and Santa Barbara counties and destroyed more than 1,000 structures after breaking out in early December.

1.What should we do to prevent aridification?

A.We should limit the temperature rise to 2°C.

B.We should limit the temperature rise to 1.5°C.

C.We should limit the industrial development.

D.We should limit the global population.

2.Which country is most likely to be affected by aridification?

A.China. B.Russia. C.Canada. D.Philippine.

3.Why does the author mention the Californian wildfires in the text?

A.To show the harm of aridification.

B.To emphasize the loss of the fire.

C.To support the local protectionism.

D.To tell us wildfires are common.

4.What is Dr Manoj's attitude towards the global temperature change?

A.Indifferent. B.Approving. C.Concerned. D.Unclear.



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