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Baking Is Good For Mental Health As the ...

Baking Is Good For Mental Health

As the novel coronavirus spreads,the panic shoppers buy everything off supermarket shelves in preparation for the days to come.Bread is often among the first products to disappear. So,if you have never made bread,now may be good time to learn.Baking is not just a useful survival skill.1. In fact,baking and cooking have been used to treat people with mental health issues on many levels.


So when you’re in the kitchen,especially when you’re baking,you will really get the full benefit of being present in the moment and being able to put aside all the other thoughts and just focus on the here-and-now.

Baking is a labor of love.

3.It not only makes you feel good,but it produces something that you can touch and eat!With very few simple things-such as flour,salt and yeast-you can bake a fresh loaf of bread for your family,neighbors or coworkers.

Baking is emotional.

We remember meals our grandmothers made.We teach our children important recipes for family favorites4.

All bakers know that giving delicious,baked goods makes the giver feel as good as the receiver.5.To be able to pass bread on to someone else certainly can make the day for the person receiving it.But it’s also just as powerful for the giver.

A.It’s a win-win.

B.Baking requires mindfulness.

C.Baking is a process filled with love.

D.It can also make you feel better at stressful times.

E.So,buy everything off supermarket shelves in preparation first.

F.Often our food experiences are tied to family memories and stories.

G.But it’s also just as powerful for the person who’s giving the baked goods.


1.D 2.B 3.C 4.F 5.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了烘焙不仅仅是一种有用的生存技能,在有压力的时候,它也能让你感觉更好。文章介绍了烘焙对心理健康几个好处。 1. 上一句提到“烘焙不仅仅是一种有用的生存技能。”承接上文,此空应填烘焙的其他优点。D选项“在有压力的时候,它也能让你感觉更好。”切题。且下文中的“事实上,烘焙和烹饪已经在许多层面上被用于治疗有精神健康问题的人。”与D选项相照应。故选D项。 2. 总结该段内容,尤其是“put aside all the other thoughts and just focus on the here-and-now.”把其他的想法放在一边,专注于此时此地。可知,这一段的主要讲述了要专注与烘焙。B选项“烘焙需要专注”切题。故选B项。 3. 该段标题表明“烘焙是一项爱的工作。”,后文“它不仅让你感觉良好,还产生一些你可以触摸和吃的东西!”,C选项“烘焙是一个充满爱的过程。”切题,且C选项中love与标题相对应。故选C项。 4. 上文提到“我们记得祖母做的饭菜。我们教孩子家庭最爱吃的重要食谱”承接上文,F选项“我们的食物体验常常与家庭记忆和故事联系在一起。”切题。该选项中的family对应上文中的our grandmothers,our children。故选F项。 5. 上文提到“所有的烘焙师都知道,送出美味的烘焙食物会让施予者和受赠者感觉一样好。”这对于施予者和受赠者来说是双赢的,承接上文,A选项“这是双赢”切题。后文对双赢进行了解释说明,前后照应。故选A项。

    At the time,I attended a private school called Maryvale College.I was the champion of the Maryvale sports day every single year.and my mother won the moms’trophy(奖杯)every single year.Why?Because she was always chasing me to kick my ass,and I was always running not to get my ass kicked.Nobody ran like me and my mom.

She was a thrower,too.Whatever was next to her was coming at you.If it was something breakable,I had to catch it and put it down.If it broke,that would be my fault,too,and the ass-kicking would be that much worse.

We had a Tom and Jery relationship.me and my mom.She was the strict disciplinarian(纪律执行者)I was naughty as shit.She would send me out to buy groceries,and I wouldn’t come right home because I’d be using the change from the milk and bread to play arcade(街机)games at the supermarket.I’d drop a coin in,time would fly,and the next thing I knew there’ d be a woman behind me with a belt.It was a race.I’d take off out the door and through the dusty street, clambering over walls.ducking through backyards.It was a normal thing in our neighborhood. She could go at a full sprint(冲刺)in high heels,but if she really wanted to come after me she’d kick her shoes off while still going at top speed.

When I was little she always caught me,but as I got older I got faster,and when speed failed her she’d use her wits.If I was about to get away she’d yell,”Stop!Thief!”She’d do this to her own child.She’d yell”Thief!”knowing it would bring the whole neighborhood out against me,and then I’d have strangers trying to grab me and tackle me,and I’d have to duck and dive them as well.all the while screaming.”I’m not a thief!I’m her son!”

1.Why did the author’s mom often chase him and kick his ass?

A.Because he didn’t get a trophy on the sports day.

B.Because he didn’t get a high mark in the school.

C.Because he failed to obey his mom’s disciplines.

D.Because he failed to buy groceries for the family.

2.The underlined phrase”a Tom and Jerry relationship”in paragraph 3 indicates that

A.they are close friends

B.they play run and catch every day

C.they are born enemies

D.they play hide and seek every day

3.Why did the author’s mom yell”Stop!Thief!”when chasing him?

A.Because she really wanted to win the race.

B.Because she wanted to catch and punish him.

C.Because he stole his mom’s money to play games.

D.Because he stole something from the neighborhood.

4.Which of the following best describes the author’s mom?

A.Violent and stubborn.

B.Reasonable and gentle.

C.Energetic and friendly.

D.Strict and responsible.



    Being able to tell human faces apart is a skill that almost every person has,although some are far better at it than others.But a new study says that this is not just a skill that humans have. Even fish can do it.

Following up on research studying different species’(物种)abilities to recognize human laces(sheep,dogs,cows,horses,and birds have all been tried),the researchers from the University of Oxford decided to pick an animal that does not have an evolved neocortext,the part of the brain that processes sight and sounds,and doesn’t have a close relationship with humans.That way,there would be no reason why these test subjects(实验对象)would have a past history of identifying human faces.

So they picked the archerfish,a reef fish variety that shoots water into the air to knock its prey(猎物)out of the sky.They used this adaptation to have the fish spray water at a face on a monitor hanging over their tanks for a reward.Most of the fish were able to pick apart their learned face,even when colors were taken away.

This study gives more support to the assumption that distinguishing between faces is not just a skill that big-brained organisms are born with.It is possible that a good percentage of recognizing faces is learned over time.The development of neocortext may contribute only to quickly processing a large number of faces in varying situations.

But more work needs to be conducted to find a deeper link to this possible learned behavior. The sample size of this study was very small-only eight fish were used altogether.Also,the faces displayed were only white,female faces from a German database,shown in a front view, with no expressions.Other animal trials have shown that some species,like pigeons,respond more to different angles and varied expressions.

1.The archerfish were picked as test subjects because they

A.have no evolved neocortext

B.have close relationship with human

C.have a skill of spraying water for a reward

D.have a past history of recognizing human faces

2.What is the finding of the research?

A.Some animals possess the ability to tell human faces apart.

B.Some animals gain the ability to recognize faces by learning.

C.The fish’s ability to tell human faces apart is a natural skill.

D.The fish’s ability to recognize human faces is related to neocortext.

3.What is likely to be done for further research?

A.To show more faces in a front view.

B.To display more white,female faces.

C.To test more fish samples to gather more data.

D.To test pigeons’ response to varied expressions.

4.Where is this text most likely from?

A.A diary. B.A biography. C.A mystery. D.A magazine.



    The virus,COVID-19 has brought us health and economic challenges.Our major concern is strengthening the importance of family,community,health care and food security.But the good news is that while society adapts to a new normal,nature is continuing to provide us with vital services.Wetlands are filtering(过滤)drinking water and holding back floods.The roots of cottonwoods are binding soil and keeping it from being washed away along rivers and streams. Urban trees will soon multiply their service of purifying air and shading our streets and homes. All point to nature’s important role in our well-being,and that we need nature’s services now more than ever.

Perhaps the most important service that nature provides is how contact with the natural world can benefit us.There is clear evidence that spending time in nature improves our well-being.Even just looking at pictures of wildlife,virtually exploring nature and making plans to visit natural areas once it is safe to do so can help to improve our mental health.

If there is a silver lining in our current situation,it may be that this time of physical distancing represents an opportunity to renew our connections to the people we love,our communities and to nature.In every community across the country,birds are still migrating, wildflowers are blooming and many animals are preparing for their next generation.This time offers an opportunity to learn about the extraordinary wildlife that shares our country and communities.Nature is the foundation of our society.Discovering,knowing and sharing your relationship with nature is significant.Use this time to connect with nature.Help your children to find this connection and a love for the natural world.This relationship will change you.And you can change the world.

1.What do the first and second paragraphs mainly talk about?

A.The adaptation to a new normal.

B.The importance of our well-being.

C.The services nature has offered us.

D.The challenges the virus has brought.

2.What does the underlined phrase in paragraph 4 probably mean?

A.A hot potato. B.A bright side. C.A turning point. D.A stepping stone.

3.In this time of physical distancing,the author advises us to

A.purify air and drinking water

B.conserve wetlands and wildlife

C.participate in community gatherings

D.reflect on our relationship with nature

4.What is the author’s attitude towards the current situation?

A.Positive. B.Hopeless. C.Fearful. D.Cautious.



Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Tickets

Lyric Theatre    214 West 43rd Street           New York,NY 10036

Experience J.K.Rowling’s magical universe like never before.

This show is presented in two parts.

You may buy tickets for each part together or separately.

Show Information

GalaPro,a free app for on-demand captioning(说明文字)and audio description that you can use on your personal smartphone device.GalaPro makes theatre accessible for audience who are hearing or sight challenged,or just don’t want to miss a word of the show.

1.What age range is the play intended for?

A.Ages 4 and up. B.Ages 10 and up. C.Ages 4 to 15. D.Ages 10 to 15.

2.What can we learn from the passage?

A.The cursed child refers to J.K.Rowling.

B.The whole play lasts 5 hours and 35 mins.

C.Latecomers will not be admitted to the theater.

D.Audience might take different seats during the play.

3.What is GalaPro according to the passage?

A.A special caption. B.A handy application. C.An audio description. D.A smartphone device.




1.Who did the speaker go on a cookery course with?

A.Her cousin. B.Her sister. C.Her mother.

2.Which course did the speaker choose?

A.The one-day course. B.The three-day course. C.The one-week course.

3.What surprised the speaker when she started her course?

A.The course was popular. B.There were many teenagers. C.Many teachers were there to help.

4.Which place did the speaker visit?

A.A restaurant. B.A market. C.A supermarket.



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