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Every year, usually in November, famous ...

    Every year, usually in November, famous British people go to London for a special award ceremony Pride of Britain Awards. It celebrates Britain’s heroes—ordinary people who have shown bravery in a dangerous situation or who have done a lot to help others. When the nation needs a bit of cheering up, maybe we need more people like Dante Marvin.

Dressed in a tiny white suit, Dante was focused on in a wheelchair. He was a pocket rocket of positivity, taken to the stage with a loud “What’s up, London?” like a rock star. Dante Marvin told all celebrities present that he would not let a bone disease get in the way of his Raising efforts. Despite his own illness, he inspires everyone he meets. He often beams at others and works hard to spread happiness to others as an ambassador for the children’s charity, Variety.

Dante, 11, from Liverpool, suffers much more than most. He had 16 broken bones in his mum Rachael’ s body and was born with fragile bone disease and scoliosis (脊柱侧凸). He has broken 92 bones in his life—as a sneeze or slap can injure him—and has received 17 separate operations to insert metal chips. Rachael says, “I don’t prevent Dante doing anything. He just gets on with it. He hates seeing other children sad. If I take him to the hospital, he is more bothered about the crying children and tries to comfort them. I am so proud of him.”

Dante is so grateful for his new yellow wheelchair that has been donated by Variety. He said, “My message to anyone with a disability is ‘don’t give up.’ He reminds people of his motto—there are no disabilities, just abilities. Presenting Dante with the award—Child of Courage, Jason Manford, a famous comedian, asked if he’d like to be a comedian and Dante told him he never stops laughing.

1.Who is Pride of Britain Awards intended for?

A.Special talents. B.Civilian heroes.

C.Outstanding children. D.Super stars acting modestly.

2.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “beams” in paragraph 2?

A.Glares. B.Fires.

C.Smiles. D.Guesses.

3.What does the author mainly want to tell us in paragraph 3?

A.Dante’s suffering and quality of helping others.

B.The importance of good family education.

C.Examples of Dante’s spreading happiness.

D.The symptom of fragile bone disease.

4.What can be inferred according to the text?

A.Dante’s dream is to be a comedian.

B.Jason Manford is a humorous host.

C.The award helps achieve one’s goal.

D.Dante is always optimistic and joyful.


1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,文章讲述了Pride of Britain Awards的获奖者——11岁的但丁·马文,虽身患重疾,但他仍然面带微笑,努力把快乐传递给他人的故事。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“It celebrates Britain’s heroes—ordinary people who have shown bravery in a dangerous situation or who have done a lot to help others.(它颂扬英国的英雄——在危险的情况下表现出勇敢的普通人,或者为帮助他人做了很多事情的普通人。)”可知,Pride of Britain Awards的目的是表扬普通人的勇敢或乐于助人的品质,即表彰平民中的英雄。故选B。 2.词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的“to spread happiness”,再结合文章最后一句中的“he never sops laughing”,可猜出该词的意思是“微笑”。故选C。 3.推理判断题。本段前三句“Dante, 11, from Liverpool, suffers much more than most. He had 16 broken bones in his mum Rachael’ s body and was born with fragile bone disease and scoliosis (脊柱侧凸). He has broken 92 bones in his life—as a sneeze or slap can injure him—and has received 17 separate operations to insert metal chips.(11岁的但丁来自利物浦,他遭受的痛苦比大多数人都要多。他母亲雷切尔的身体里有16块骨折,他生来就患有脆弱的骨病和脊柱侧弯。他一生中摔断了92根骨头——一个喷嚏或一巴掌就能伤害他——还接受了17次植入金属芯片的手术。)”可知,主要谈及但丁·马文的身体状况和所受的手术之苦,后面主要借用他母亲的话,说明他有乐于助人的品质。故选A。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Presenting Dante with the award—Child of Courage, Jason Manford, a famous comedian, asked if he’d like to be a comedian and Dante told him he never stops laughing. (在给但丁颁发“勇气之子”的奖项时,著名喜剧演员贾森·曼福德问他是否想成为一名喜剧演员——但丁告诉他,他不会停止笑)”。再结合第一段最后一句“When the nation needs a bit of cheering up, maybe we need more people like Dante Marvin.(当国家需要一点振奋精神的时候,也许我们需要更多像丹特·马文这样的人。)”由此可知,但丁是乐观且给别人带来欢乐的人。故选D。

Great Albums

Golden Hour

By Kacey Musgraves

Price: $10.49

It’s no surprise that many people forecast Golden Hour will be one of the best country albums of the 2010s. Country music superstar Musgraves makes listeners feel like she is speaking directly to them, thanks to her honesty and attention to detail. Although Musgraves is famous for her clever wordplay and humorous expressions about small-town life, she says she likes more direct songwriting.

Honky Tonk Time Machine

By George Strait

Price: $11.49

Honky Tonk Time Machine is a successful return for the best country music singer of all time. Radio stations often play it. Though you can listen to this album at home, the cover is a good enough reason for owning the album. The album is a must for fans of George or true country music.

Stronger Than the Truth

By Reba McEntire

Price: $9.49

If you are a country music fan, then this album is for you. There is something for everyone on this album. As the Queen of love songs, McEntire has some beautiful songs and she sings them to perfection. This may be her best country album to date.

Under Pressure

By Logic

Price: $9.49

On this album, the American rap singer talks about his growth. Under Pressure is a how of Logic’s life, his new fame, and most importantly, his family. Although Logic shows his skillful flow on this album, what makes it really special is the autobiographical (自传的) detail. The album is actually a successful project for a guy who worked hard.

1.What do we know about Kacey Musgraves?

A.She often talks with her fans face to face.

B.She cares about detail in golden hour.

C.She is the best songwriter in the 2010s.

D.She likes writing in small towns.

2.Whose music style is different from the other three?

A.Kacey Musgraves. B.George Strait.

C.Reba McEntire. D.Logic.

3.Which album is the most expensive?

A.Golden Hour. B.Stronger Than the Truth.

C.Honky Tonk Time Machine. D.Under Pressure.








Dear Jack,

I hope everything is going on well with you.____________________________________________________







Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua







注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

The mascot(吉祥物) for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games official made its public appearance on Tuesday. It was a cartoon character inspired by giant pandas. The smiling panda is named with Bing Dwen Dwen in Chinese. Color circles around its face symbolize skating tracks and 5G technology. Bing, Chinese word for "ice", shows purity and strength, but Dwen Dwen, means sincerity, liveliness and health — also characteristics of pandas. Perhaps pandas are the animals most easily recognizing by us in China. The mascot combines our traditional culture and how pandas look like with winter sports elements. The image shows our great expect of the Games and that our Chinese welcome the world.



    Scott Poore is an animal lover. He moves into the shelter kennel(犬舍) with the ______ of helping unwanted young dogs get adopted. Queen, a 3-year-old dog, has just gotten the most ____ roommate despite the narrow living room.

Since Poore is a ______ visitor at the shelter, he is familiar with all of the ______. However, little Queen in particular has really ______ his heart. Poore says that he recently began to ____ that Queen seemed to be" losing ______"in finding a forever home. "I have been ______Queen every single day for over a year and now I can ______ see her giving up," Poore wrote on his blog last week. "She used to get so ______ when I would arrive and now she just lies in her bed and ______ at me. I sit in her room and all she does is look out of her window."

So as a ______ of raising awareness of Queen's situation, Poore ______ a suitcase and moved into the dog's kennel. Poore says it has been ______ managing his work while also living at the shelter, but he is ______ to stay in the kennel until someone adopts Queen. Since he ___ the kennel earlier this week, he and his new canine roommate have been ______ the headlines of dozens of national news outlets, although no potential ______ have stepped forward.

____, this dog has finally been given a loving home after his ______ crossed with that of a woman living on the other side of the country.

1.A.assistance B.exception C.aim D.name

2.A.devoted B.expected C.experienced D.talented

3.A.patient B.regular C.curious D.cautious

4.A.keepers B.investors C.colleagues D.animals

5.A.broken B.stolen C.understood D.lost

6.A.check B.notice C.suspect D.imagine

7.A.happiness B.freedom C.hope D.energy

8.A.visiting B.walking C.instructing D.training

9.A.naturally B.anxiously C.still D.obviously

10.A.excited B.concerned C.amazed D.disappointed

11.A.stands up B.looks down C.jumps down D.stares up

12.A.reward B.means C.consequence D.symbol

13.A.packed B.brought C.purchased D.delivered

14.A.meaningful B.vital C.tough D.unusual

15.A.satisfied B.inspired C.honoured D.determined

16.A.cleared up B.cared for C.settled into D.met with

17.A.hitting B.discussing C.hearing D.encouraging

18.A.customers B.donators C.employers D.adopters

19.A.Increasingly B.Pitifully C.Delightfully D.Deliberately

20.A.view B.path C.mind D.story



    If you take a look around your kitchen or office right now, chances are that you’ll notice you’re surrounded by plastic—water bottles, to-go coffee cups, straws, plastic grocery bags, food wrappers, take-out containers, single-serve coffee pods and produce bags. 1.

It’s certainly not realistic to remove all plastic from your life, but let’s examine some statistics that may encourage you to reduce your single-use plastic footprint by throwing away straws, switching to reusable water bottles, bringing cloth bags to the grocery store and more.

According to a study published in the journal Science Advances, the popularity of plastic, which began rising in the 1950s, is growing out of control. 2.And there’s no sign of slowing down, considering scientists say that another 12 trillion kilograms will be produced worldwide by 2050.

“Every piece of plastic that has ever been created will remain in the environment in some form, but once we conveniently throw out our rubbish at home, wind and runoff carry our waste from landfills and streets to the ocean,” says Mystic Aquarium’s chief clinical veterinarian Jennifer Flower, DVM, MS. “Given that we are globally producing over 320 million tons of plastic annually, the marine environment is taking a big hit from our daily disposal of plastic.

3.. For example, newborn fish are mistaking tiny bits of plastic waste for food. If they die, there will be fewer big fish—and that could damage the food chain. Often our society is so focused on making our lives more convenient in the short term, but in the long run, our health and the health of marine life are at the expense of those everyday conveniences.”

4.A recent report suggests that when heated, certain food additives (添加剂) can damage hormones, growth and development, as well as increase chances for children of being fat. 5.It is found in plastic containers and metal cans. Parents are urged to avoid using microwaves to warm food and drinks or placing plastics in the dishwasher.

A.Using plastic containers in microwaves is also harmful to children’s health.

B.Our plastic consumption is directly affecting the life in the ocean.

C.8.2 trillion kilograms of plastic have been produced around the world.

D.People are concerned about the results of overusing plastic containers.

E.Let’s stop using plastic for the benefit of the environment and human beings.

F.The most concerning artificial additive BPA is a chemical used in the production of plastics.

G.These are all examples of single-use plastic products, which is a hot topic nowadays.



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