满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



I like all kinds of chocolate.Mother had bought a bar of it,and somehow I couldn't stop thinking about it.I was helping Father in the yard when I got the idea that I could cut off the end of that bar of chocolate.Mother would be sure to miss it,but before she had any idea who had done it,I could admit that I'd taken it to escape a spanking(挨揍)。I waited until Mother was out feeding the chickens.Then I told Father I thought I'd go in for a drink of water.I got the bar down,but I heard Mother coming just when I had the knife ready to cut.So I slipped the chocolate into the front of my shirt and left quickly.Before I went back to help Father,I went to the barn(谷仓)and hid the chocolate there.

All the rest of afternoon,I didn't like to look at Father.Every time he spoke it made me jump.My hands began shaking so much that he asked me what was the matter.I told him it was just that my hands were cold.I knew he didn't believe me,and every time he looked my way my heart started pounding.I didn't want the chocolate anymore.I wanted a chance to put it back without being caught.

I was nearly out to where the cows were when I remembered what Father had said once-some of the family money was mine because I had helped to earn it.Why wouldn't it be all right to figure the bar of chocolate had been bought with my own money? That seemed to fix everything.But by the time I had the cows headed home,I had begun to worry again.I decided to leave the whole matter to the Lord.I picked up a dried stick and decided I would throw it up into the air and take my orders from the way it landed.If it pointed west.I'd take the whole bar back.If it pointed south.I'd take half an inch off the end.If it pointed east,I'd bought the bar with my own money and it wouldn't be stealing to keep it.I swung the stick as high as I could.When it came down,it pointed mostly west-but a little south.That night I couldn't sleep.I  kept trying to remember how much that stick had really been pointing to the south.

Paragraph 1:

At last I got up,slipped out into the yard and took the ax(斧头)from the chopping block.


Paragraph 2.

Then he stood me on my feet and asked if I thought I had deserved the spanking._



Paragraph 1:At last/got up, slipped out into the yard and took the ax from the chopping block Then I went into the barn and took the chocolate outside.By the light of the moon,I was about to cut off the end of the bar when I heard"Son!"I couldn't think of a thing to say.I grabbed up the bar of chocolate and hid it next to my chest before l turned around.Father picked me up and took me over to the woodpile.I didn't know anybody could spank as hard as he did. Paragraph 2:Then he stood me on my feet and asked if l thought I had deserved the spanking.He said it wasn't so much that I'd taken the chocolate,but that I'd tried to hide it from him."Son,"he said,"I know you help to earn the family money.We might say the chocolate was yours in the first place.You could have had it if you'd asked for it,but I won't have you being sneaky about things. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,作者记叙了孩童时一次“偷”东西的经历,因为很爱吃巧克力,作者打算偷吃一点妈妈买的巧克力却意外地将其整块巧克力拿走,然后就陷入了不知如何处理的尴尬局面中,他选择了扔棍子让天意告诉他该怎么做,如果落下来指向西就还回去,指向南就切一点,指向懂就花钱买下来,最终棍子是指向西偏一点南。续写的部分就从那天晚上开始。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:我起了床,溜到院子里拿起了斧头。所以应该写他准备切巧克力了,但是第二段开头是:他让我站好然后问我觉得自己值不值得挨揍。由此可知作者在切巧克力时应该是被父亲发现了然后被父亲揍了一顿,这些都要在第一段体现。而第二段则应该承接父亲的问题,借由父亲之口向作者讲清道理,或总结作者从中的收获,使文章完整。 续写时要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右,需按要求完成续写任务。

假如你是李华,世界自然基金会(WWF)是世界上最大的从事自然和野生动物保护的国际组织。请你给他们的负责人发一封邮件, 指出野生动物面临的危机并提出建议。内容如下:

1. 野生动物被猎杀的现状;

2. 猎杀野生动物的后果; 

3. 自己的建议。





Dear Sir or Madam,



Li Hua




1.The main drawbacks of the Internet I will address today are that it has much information that has not been evaluated ______________ (精确).

2.But how can you do this when the employer has the upper hand and hundreds of ______________(合格) candidates?

3.Thousands are _____________(拼命) leaving their battled homes and villages.

4.Pride and _____________ (偏见) has both great fame and a large number of readers in China.

5.Van Gogh died poor in 1890,___________(报酬) little for his efforts.

6.Sometimes the slow ferries are not very p____________ and there may be long delays.

7.The number of road accidents and the deaths a____________ from those accidents has increased over the past year.

8.The biggest concern is how to improve plants to make them more r_________ to disease.

9.We were not able to meet the d___________ because of manufacturing delays.

10.The hotel was booked full; instead, we found a_____________ in a dormitory.



    A Colorado pair brings new meaning to the word “determination”. When one couldn’t walk and the other couldn’t see, they___ up to share their love of the great outdoors.

Melanie Knecht has to use a wheelchair to get around due to born spina bifida (脊柱裂). Trevor Hahn only recently became blind after he____ an eye disease five years ago. Both living in Fort Collins,  Colorado, the two met  at an adaptive  boxing  class  — and they  soon_____ each  other again at  an adaptive rock-climbing class.

They immediately____ over Knecht’s lifelong hobby of camping and Hahn’s passion for outdoor  sports. When she told him about her recent trip to Easter Island,  where she got the __________  to be carried  on another person’s back, an unusual idea___ to her.

______his  lost sight, he’d been able to scale a Himalayan peak, using poles and _______  directions from his companions.

They started small, but next month—with her vision and his____—they will trek to the top of a 14,000-foot mountain.

“It just seemed like common sense. He’s the legs, I’m the eyes!____, we’re the dream team.” said Knecht.

At the start of  each hike, a friend lifts Knecht ________  a carrier on  Hahn’s back. From that point on, she gives him oral directions to___ the way.

Hahn said, “It made me so happy to help someone experience what I’ve been able to experience my whole life. The___ part is being able to make her smile—that gives me_____.”

In addition to this sense of purpose, the two share an understanding of how___ it can be asking able-bodied or sighted people for assistance in everyday life. They get immeasurable______ from being able to do this on their own.

While the two accept that others___ what they’ve been able to do, they’re not looking for___ —they just want others to encourage inclusive and adaptive___ for their friends with disabilities. Don’t___ them because you think they won’t be able to do something.

1.A.rose B.made C.teamed D.ended

2.A.contracted B.cured C.spread D.diagnosed

3.A.learned from B.ran into C.corresponded with D.separated from

4.A.handed B.argued C.got D.bonded

5.A.opportunity B.competence C.permission D.honour

6.A.happened B.stuck C.took D.occurred

7.A.On account of B.In spite of C.On top of D.In view of

8.A.spoken B.opposite C.confusing D.gesturing

9.A.optimism B.strength C.guidance D.wisdom

10.A.Hopefully B.Instead C.Together D.Similarly

11.A.over B.up C.off D.into

12.A.get B.make C.lead D.smooth

13.A.best B.mere C.initial D.last

14.A.relief B.courage C.reward D.purpose

15.A.convenient B.difficult C.ridiculous D.essential

16.A.suffering B.wealth C.satisfaction D.improvement

17.A.appreciate B.oppose C.dismiss D.advocate

18.A.criticism B.attention C.praise D.curiosity

19.A.adventures B.assessments C.behaviors D.solutions

20.A.convince B.exclude C.desert D.approach



    You don’t need to be a world-class mountaineer to stand out in a job interview. Here’s my advice on how to nail the most common interview question.

Most people are so eager to show off what they’ve been involved in. Don’t worry, and there will be time for that. The interviewer has reviewed your resume and will ask you plenty about your expertise. “Tell me about yourself” is a question you’re certain to be asked at any job interview.1.However, sharing something that shows who you really are beyond a piece of paper is a good idea. It will allow the interviewer to know something about your life outside of work.

Everyone has something interesting to share about themselves. I’ve heard people talk about everything from being a world-class sushi chef to an ice carver.2. Such as you participate  in  competitive sports, you're an accomplished (技艺高超的) pianist and you’re writing your first detective novel. If the information showcases a unique aspect of yourself, and especially if you can link it to what you can bring to your next job, then go for it.

Another way to think about the question is: “What gets you up every morning?” The person also wants to know what your sense of passion and purpose is. That volunteer work on a farm cooperative in South America, for example, shows you have a global perspective. 3. It doesn’t matter how big or small the accomplishment is, as long as it shows you’re struggling to improve yourself. When people are motivated by contributing to something bigger than themselves, they get more satisfaction.

4. Relax, be yourself and tell the truth. Don't approach the interview like you’re trying out for Broadway. It’s more than obvious when someone is trying to memorize their lines and “play the part”. Also, if you overstate what you've done or fully invent a story about yourself, you'll be exposed.5.

A.Take a risk to get personal.

B.Showing honesty is one of the most important things.

C.Running your first 10 kilometers shows you like a challenge.

D.And then everything you say about yourself will be questioned.

E.It's also important to tell it in a way that makes you memorable.

F.Too many people respond to it by giving a recital of their resume.

G."Tell me about yourself" is an invitation for you to share brief information.



    There are certain areas on Mars where we don’t dare tread. NASA forbids spacecraft from visiting spots that possibly host liquid water, and so where life might be able to thrive, for fear of contaminating (感染) Mars with Earth microbes. But an analysis of the salty liquids on Mars suggests we needn’t worry, because life as we know it should be unable to exist anywhere on the planet’s surface.

Edgard Rivera-Valentin at the Lunar and Planetary Institutein Texas and his colleagues used readings of the temperature and relative humidity across Mars to map the presence of salty water. Any water on the surface is likely to be salty, simply because the surface is. This boosts the chances of water being liquid because salt lowers its freezing point.

It is like when you throw salt on an icy sidewalk, says Danielle Nuding at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California. “It’s the same chemistry happening.”

Unfortunately, the saltier the water, the less likely anything can survive in it. The team found that even though there could be briny (盐分多的) water on the surface of Mars up to 18 per cent of the year, depending on the season, no microbe we have ever seen on Earth would be able to reproduce there.

Life as we know it is not going to find these brines and survive because it’s either going to be way too cold or way too salty,” says Rivera-Valentin, who presented the results at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Texas.

That doesn’t mean we can’t contaminate Mars: brines with different types of salts mixed together might be friendlier to life and temperatures just below the surface are much less extreme. Nevertheless, as long as we don’t dig down, it might be highly unlikely or even impossible for rovers (飞行器) such as Curiosity to contaminate Mars.

“The level of sterilization (杀菌) that we’ve done with Curiosity should be good enough to ignore the ban on visiting what we’ve been calling special regions until now, says Jennifer Hanley at Lowell Observatory in Arizona. I think that we’re OK to go. Visiting these regions would be particularly helpful because, while they are in theory the most vulnerable areas on Mars, they are also the most interesting.

For example, arguments have been raging for over a decade about whether dark streaks on Martian slopes called recurring slope lineae are flowing water or just dust. A quick visit by Curiosity, which is near an area where the flows often form, could solve it once and for all.

Even if areas with water are inhospitable to Earth life, they could still be home to native Martian life forms.

“If you had life that originated on Mars when it was more habitable, it could be that as Mars changed, life could have gradually adapted to the new, more extreme conditions,” says Rivera-Valentin.

1.NASA forbids spacecraft from visiting the special regions on Mars because            .

A.life is unable to thrive there, thus there’s no point of visiting them

B.Martian life probably exists there and might threaten human beings

C.they worry Earth microbes might survive there, thus contaminating Mars

D.human beings know nothing about these areas and they are dangerous to us

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A.Mars surface being salty provides evidence that Mars hosts liquid water.

B.Earth life is unlikely to contaminate Mars because the surface of the planet is either too cold or too salty.

C.The fear of contaminating Mars is unnecessary because human beings won’t contaminate Mars under any circumstances.

D.Jennifer Hanley thinks human beings should explore the special regions on Mars in order to confirm the existence of Martian life.

3.What is the point of visiting the special regions on Mars?

A.Martian life might be found.

B.Liquid water might be found.

C.Many puzzles about Mars could soon be solved.

D.No humans have ever visited those regions before.

4.In the passage, you can find the answers to all the questions except            .

A.whether the surface of Mars is salty or not

B.whether any native Martian life forms exist

C.whether Earth life is able to survive on Mars or not

D.whether the rover Curiosity will contaminate Mars



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