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Nick Vujicic was born with no arms or le...

    Nick Vujicic was born with no arms or legs, but the brave 32­year­old man plays football and golf, swims, and surfs. Nick has a small foot on his left side, which helps him balance and enables him to kick. He uses his one foot to type, write with a pen and pick things up between his toes.

“I call it my chicken drumstick(畸形的小腿),” joked Nick. “I’d be lost without it. When I get in the water I float because 80 per cent of my body is lungs and my drumstick acts as a propeller (螺旋桨). ”

When Nick was born, his distraught mother couldn’t bring herself to hold him until he was four months old. “It was so hard for my parents, but right from the start they did their best to make me independent.” said Nick.

Throughout his childhood Nick dealt with the typical challenges. At the age of seven, Nick tried out some specially designed electronic arms and legs, in the hope that he would be more like other kids. But they turned out to be much too heavy for Nick to operate, affecting his flexibility quite significantly.

“When I was 13 I read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things and help others,” said Nick. “I realized why God had made us like this — to give hope to others. It was so inspirational to me that I decided to use my life to encourage others and decided to be thankful for what I do have, not get angry about what I don’t.”

“I tell people to keep on getting up when they fall and to always love themselves,” he said. “If I can encourage just one person then my job in this life is done.” By now, he has visited 35 different countries, touring the world as a motivational speaker.

1.What makes it possible for Nick to swim in the water?

A.His small size. B.His small foot.

C.His light weight. D.His big lungs.

2.The underlined word “distraught” in Paragraph 3 probably means “________”.

A.cold­blooded B.bad­tempered C.extremely upset D.really crazy

3.Nick abandoned the electronic arms and legs because ____________.

A.his family couldn’t afford them B.his classmates didn’t like them

C.they were too heavy to handle D.they affected his appearance

4.What did Nick decide to do when he was 13?

A.To travel to different countries. B.To set up his business in newspapers.

C.To try to become a motivational speaker. D.To encourage people who were in trouble.


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了Nick Vujicic,虽然出生时就没有胳膊和腿,但这位勇敢的32岁男子会踢足球、打高尔夫球、游泳和冲浪。到目前为止,他已经访问了35个不同的国家,作为一名励志演说家环游世界。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中Nick Vujicic was born with no arms or legs, but the brave 32­year­old man plays football and golf, swims, and surfs. Nick has a small foot on his left side, which helps him balance and enables him to kick.可知Nick Vujicic出生时就没有胳膊和腿,但这位勇敢的32岁男子会踢足球、打高尔夫球、游泳和冲浪。尼克的左边有一只小脚,这帮助他保持平衡,并使他能够踢。以及第二段“I call it my chicken drumstick(畸形的小腿),” joked Nick. “I’d be lost without it. When I get in the water I float because 80 per cent of my body is lungs and my drumstick acts as a propeller (螺旋桨). ”可知“我把它叫作畸形的小腿,”Nick开玩笑说。“如果没有它,我会不知所措。我一下水就会浮起来,因为我身体的80%都是肺,而我畸形的小腿就像一个螺旋桨。”由此可知,是Nick的小脚让他在水里游泳成为可能。故选B。 2. 词义猜测题。根据后文“It was so hard for my parents, but right from the start they did their best to make me independent.” said Nick.可知“这对我的父母来说很困难,但从一开始他们就尽力让我独立。”Nick说。由此可知,Nick出生的时候,他的母亲因为无法让自己抱着他而非常沮丧。即划线单词意思为“非常沮丧的”。A. cold­blooded冷血的;B. bad­tempered脾气不好的;C. extremely upset非常沮丧的;D. really crazy很疯狂。故选C。 3. 细节理解题。根据第四段中But they turned out to be much too heavy for Nick to operate, affecting his flexibility quite significantly.可知但对Nick来说,它们太重了,无法操作,严重影响了他的灵活性。由此可知,Nick放弃了电子手臂和腿,因为它们太重了,无法操作。故选C。 4. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“When I was 13 I read a newspaper article about a disabled man who had managed to achieve great things and help others,” said Nick. “I realized why God had made us like this — to give hope to others. It was so inspirational to me that I decided to use my life to encourage others and decided to be thankful for what I do have, not get angry about what I don’t.”可知“当我13岁的时候,我在报纸上读到一篇文章,说一个残疾人取得了很大的成就,并且帮助了别人,”Nick说。“我意识到为什么上帝把我们造成这样——给别人希望。这对我来说是如此鼓舞人心,所以我决定用我的生命去鼓励别人,决定对我所拥有的心怀感激,而不是对我所没有的生气。”由此可知,Nick13岁的时候,他决定做鼓励陷入困境的人。故选D。


Grades: Preschool-Grade 8

LCDS.org • 703-777-3841

Award-winning school features a low student-teacher ratio (比率). Courses include art, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), computer programming, languages, athletics, instruments. BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology), one-to-one program in fourth through eighth grades. It’s famous for its unique field trips.


Grades: 3 years-Grade 8

Nysmith.com • 703-552-2912

Top 10 in the world, fun, award-winning program, up to 4 grade levels of diversification (多样化) in reading and math classes, daily science, computers, logic, foreign languages, much more. 1:9 ratio. Minimal (最少的) homework. Hands-on experimental learning, a great attraction for students across the country. 2014 Tommy Award from TJ for the special achievement of Nysmith Alumni.


Grades: 6-12

FusionTysonsCorner.com • 866-461-8039

Fusion Academy is a private middle and high school where all classes are one-to-one: one student and one teacher per classroom. Here, positive relationships unlock students’ potential. Scheduling is personalized, and no homework goes home. Come soon to Tysons, Virginia, and achieve school & life balance.


Grades: 6-12, Postgraduate

rma.edu • 540-636-5484

R-MA is a college-prep boarding school with Air Force JROTC, devoted to developing students of academic achievement, leadership, and responsible citizenship. With smaller classes — on average, 14-17 students per class — students at R-MA find themselves building their confidence because our teachers care about each student. Graduating classes have a 100% college acceptance rate and average over $56.6 million in college scholarships offers each year.

1.How does LOUDOUN COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL differ from the others?

A.It offers field trips. B.It has a variety of courses.

C.It provides one-to-one classes. D.It has award-winning programs.

2.Why does NYSMITH SCHOOL attract students?

A.It has no homework. B.It is the world’s best school.

C.It is a frequent winner of the Tommy Award. D.It gives them a chance to learn from experience.

3.Which school specializes in personalized education?






I like all kinds of chocolate.Mother had bought a bar of it,and somehow I couldn't stop thinking about it.I was helping Father in the yard when I got the idea that I could cut off the end of that bar of chocolate.Mother would be sure to miss it,but before she had any idea who had done it,I could admit that I'd taken it to escape a spanking(挨揍)。I waited until Mother was out feeding the chickens.Then I told Father I thought I'd go in for a drink of water.I got the bar down,but I heard Mother coming just when I had the knife ready to cut.So I slipped the chocolate into the front of my shirt and left quickly.Before I went back to help Father,I went to the barn(谷仓)and hid the chocolate there.

All the rest of afternoon,I didn't like to look at Father.Every time he spoke it made me jump.My hands began shaking so much that he asked me what was the matter.I told him it was just that my hands were cold.I knew he didn't believe me,and every time he looked my way my heart started pounding.I didn't want the chocolate anymore.I wanted a chance to put it back without being caught.

I was nearly out to where the cows were when I remembered what Father had said once-some of the family money was mine because I had helped to earn it.Why wouldn't it be all right to figure the bar of chocolate had been bought with my own money? That seemed to fix everything.But by the time I had the cows headed home,I had begun to worry again.I decided to leave the whole matter to the Lord.I picked up a dried stick and decided I would throw it up into the air and take my orders from the way it landed.If it pointed west.I'd take the whole bar back.If it pointed south.I'd take half an inch off the end.If it pointed east,I'd bought the bar with my own money and it wouldn't be stealing to keep it.I swung the stick as high as I could.When it came down,it pointed mostly west-but a little south.That night I couldn't sleep.I  kept trying to remember how much that stick had really been pointing to the south.

Paragraph 1:

At last I got up,slipped out into the yard and took the ax(斧头)from the chopping block.


Paragraph 2.

Then he stood me on my feet and asked if I thought I had deserved the spanking._




假如你是李华,世界自然基金会(WWF)是世界上最大的从事自然和野生动物保护的国际组织。请你给他们的负责人发一封邮件, 指出野生动物面临的危机并提出建议。内容如下:

1. 野生动物被猎杀的现状;

2. 猎杀野生动物的后果; 

3. 自己的建议。





Dear Sir or Madam,



Li Hua




1.The main drawbacks of the Internet I will address today are that it has much information that has not been evaluated ______________ (精确).

2.But how can you do this when the employer has the upper hand and hundreds of ______________(合格) candidates?

3.Thousands are _____________(拼命) leaving their battled homes and villages.

4.Pride and _____________ (偏见) has both great fame and a large number of readers in China.

5.Van Gogh died poor in 1890,___________(报酬) little for his efforts.

6.Sometimes the slow ferries are not very p____________ and there may be long delays.

7.The number of road accidents and the deaths a____________ from those accidents has increased over the past year.

8.The biggest concern is how to improve plants to make them more r_________ to disease.

9.We were not able to meet the d___________ because of manufacturing delays.

10.The hotel was booked full; instead, we found a_____________ in a dormitory.



    A Colorado pair brings new meaning to the word “determination”. When one couldn’t walk and the other couldn’t see, they___ up to share their love of the great outdoors.

Melanie Knecht has to use a wheelchair to get around due to born spina bifida (脊柱裂). Trevor Hahn only recently became blind after he____ an eye disease five years ago. Both living in Fort Collins,  Colorado, the two met  at an adaptive  boxing  class  — and they  soon_____ each  other again at  an adaptive rock-climbing class.

They immediately____ over Knecht’s lifelong hobby of camping and Hahn’s passion for outdoor  sports. When she told him about her recent trip to Easter Island,  where she got the __________  to be carried  on another person’s back, an unusual idea___ to her.

______his  lost sight, he’d been able to scale a Himalayan peak, using poles and _______  directions from his companions.

They started small, but next month—with her vision and his____—they will trek to the top of a 14,000-foot mountain.

“It just seemed like common sense. He’s the legs, I’m the eyes!____, we’re the dream team.” said Knecht.

At the start of  each hike, a friend lifts Knecht ________  a carrier on  Hahn’s back. From that point on, she gives him oral directions to___ the way.

Hahn said, “It made me so happy to help someone experience what I’ve been able to experience my whole life. The___ part is being able to make her smile—that gives me_____.”

In addition to this sense of purpose, the two share an understanding of how___ it can be asking able-bodied or sighted people for assistance in everyday life. They get immeasurable______ from being able to do this on their own.

While the two accept that others___ what they’ve been able to do, they’re not looking for___ —they just want others to encourage inclusive and adaptive___ for their friends with disabilities. Don’t___ them because you think they won’t be able to do something.

1.A.rose B.made C.teamed D.ended

2.A.contracted B.cured C.spread D.diagnosed

3.A.learned from B.ran into C.corresponded with D.separated from

4.A.handed B.argued C.got D.bonded

5.A.opportunity B.competence C.permission D.honour

6.A.happened B.stuck C.took D.occurred

7.A.On account of B.In spite of C.On top of D.In view of

8.A.spoken B.opposite C.confusing D.gesturing

9.A.optimism B.strength C.guidance D.wisdom

10.A.Hopefully B.Instead C.Together D.Similarly

11.A.over B.up C.off D.into

12.A.get B.make C.lead D.smooth

13.A.best B.mere C.initial D.last

14.A.relief B.courage C.reward D.purpose

15.A.convenient B.difficult C.ridiculous D.essential

16.A.suffering B.wealth C.satisfaction D.improvement

17.A.appreciate B.oppose C.dismiss D.advocate

18.A.criticism B.attention C.praise D.curiosity

19.A.adventures B.assessments C.behaviors D.solutions

20.A.convince B.exclude C.desert D.approach



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