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假定你是学生会主席李华。学校将举办一次以校园生活·创意无限”(Innovations on Campus)为主题的创意作品展评活动。请你根据以下图示,以短文


注意:  1.词数100左右;



参考词汇: 校园campus       创意作品innovation     颁奖prize-giving


Notice An exciting event “Innovations on Campus” is around the corner. Every one of you is expected to be part of the event which encourages creative minds and gives full play to your DIY skills. Note that your innovations must be school things. Along with your wonderful innovation, you need to hand in a report, explaining how the idea occurs to you and what materials you use. All the collections will be on show from June 16 to 18 in the gym. Looking forward to the prize-giving ceremony? Sure! It’ll be held from 15:00 to 17:00 on June 18. So don’t miss the chance of being the winner. Your contribution will certainly make the event a huge success. For any questions. Call Li Hua at 44876655. Come on, everybody! It’s your show time. Student Union 【解析】 这是一篇应用文,要求写一份书面通知。 短文要求作为学生会主席李华,就学校举行的“校园生活,创意无限”的活动,给学生出一个书面通知,要点不是通过文字,而是通过图画表示出来,所以考生在写作的时候,要认真看图,通过图画找出所给的重要信息。有活动内容,活动时间地点,和联系人和电话等信息,弄清要点后,关键的是在写作的过程中,也要注意人称,时态语态和常见的语法问题,文章尽量简洁,但是要想得高分,要特别注意使用一些高级词汇和高级句型,如定语从句,强调句,倒装句等,让文章更上档次。

    Ask people to name the world's tallest peak and anybody with sound general knowledge will name Mount Qomolangma. But quiz them on its exact __and many will be not sure.

In 1975, Chinese surveyors __ that Mount Qomolangma Mount Everest was 8848. 13 meters high. As __ improved, satellites, photoelectricity, radars and gravity measurement technologies were __ to get more exact figures. Of course, someone still had to carry __ to what is the world's rooftop.

In 2005, a Chinese team scaled Qomolangma and found that it was not as high as that, as they __ the height to be 8844. 43 meters. Scaling Qomolangma is no __ task. The average air temperature there is -29 degrees Celsius, even four degrees_____ than in Antarctica. The snow there is 4 —5 meters thick and hurricane-like __ blow all the time. Team members were training to __the extreme conditions.

In a nutshell, measuring the Qomolangma's height is a tall order, __ huge amounts of money and human resources, But it is worth the_____. Qomolangma is the perfect __ for observing crustal (地壳的)movements. And changes to the peak's height could __ whether the two plates are heading toward or away from each other.

Besides, the condition of snow and other natural materials at the top is an indicator of upcoming climate change on the Tibet-Qinghai Plateau. That's __ measuring the Qomolangma's height is so significant. Put to good use, it can benefit mankind.

1.A.location B.appearance C.area D.height

2.A.determined B.assumed C.estimated D.admitted

3.A.condition B.technology C.society D.economy

4.A.employed B.expected C.approached D.inspired

5.A.weapons B.vehicles C.instruments D.packages

6.A.changed B.calculated C.extended D.expanded

7.A.glorious B.easy C.admirable D.tough

8.A.colder B.hotter C.higher D.lower

9.A.snows B.rains C.winds D.snowflakes

10.A.cope with B.fight for C.take on D.carry out

11.A.wasting B.spending C.overcoming D.involving

12.A.effort B.loss C.harvest D.achievement

13.A.channel B.window C.solution D.entrance

14.A.measure B.foresee C.indicate D.expose

15.A.where B.how C.why D.whether



    It should come as no surprise that the more stressed parents are at work, the greater the burden on their family is. 1. After all, the more time parents spend working, the less time and energy they have to plan and prepare healthful meals.

For years, most studies have focused on the role of working mothers while fathers were ignored. They didn’t look at the family as a whole.2.It adds a new wrinkle to the relationship between work stress and family nutrition.

Moms’ work related stress is still a central factor in how well families eat because they typically do most of the food shopping and cooking. 3.The study found that when mom or dad experience high levels of work related stress, their families are eating one-and-a-half fewer family meals per week, and the parents themselves report eating fewer fruits and vegetables, more fast food, and are less likely to eat breakfast regularly.

It’s worth noting that the study looked mainly at low income families who belonged to ethnic or minority groups.4. But the implications are wide ranging.

5. Teaching kids, especially teenagers, to help with grocery shopping and to cook actual meals, instead of just putting a frozen pizza in the microwave, could be an important piece of the puzzle in helping families improve their eating habits.

A.But dad’s work related stress has a large impact, too.

B.As to family nutrition, the entire family plays a role even kids.

C.Yet, the kids’ stress may affect the families’ nutrition, too.

D.So the findings don’t necessarily apply directly to other types of families.

E.It’s also probably not a surprise that this can negatively affect a family’s nutrition.

F.However, a recent study does and looks at the role of fathers in particular.

G.It is parents who give their kids a good model to develop a good eating habit.



    The other day, I bought an expensive anti-aging cream that promised to make my face look several years younger than other women by fighting free radicals(自由基). It made me curious about what free radicals are. Is the anti-aging cream the only way I need to protect myself?

“As a scientific term, free radicals are essentially unstable atoms, ” says Arizona-based doctor, Natasha Bhuyan, M. D. “In medicine, they cause cells to break down over time and are linked to aging. ”

A super simple chemistry review for youAtoms from different elements are the building blocks that make up water, nitrogen and more. Electron(电子) are the negatively charged atoms, and they like to be in pairs. When an electron loses its partner, it creates a free radical, which is usually unstable and highly reactive. Free radicals typically go through the body to seek out a replacement for their missing electron, and that can result in damage to cells, proteins and DNA. 

So how do free radicals form and why do they happen? Bhuyan says, “Scientifically, free radicals are unpaired electrons that are seeking a mate to bond with. The theory behind free radicals is that they can lead to the imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants(抗氧化剂). ” Another mini-science lesson for youAntioxidants are natural or man-made matters that can help delay or prevent some types of cell damage. They’re often found in fruits and vegetables. 

A lot of the aspects of modern life--our diet, lifestyle and environmental factors like pollution, can cause oxidative(氧化的) stress. Over time, oxidative stress weakens cells and tissues and can leave you more easily exposed to certain health issues, including cancer. And, as beauty marketers are keenly aware, oxidative stress can also speed up the aging process. Now that you know free radicals can weak on your health, you’re probably wondering if there are any ways to prevent them from forming or at least to minimize their negative effects.

1.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 1?

A.Explain the process of aging. B.State the formation of free radicals.

C.Introduce the topic of free radicals. D.Describe the harm of anti-aging cream.

2.Which of the following do free radicals refer to?

A.Unpaired electrons. B.Steady atoms.

C.Replacements of atoms. D.Functions of electrons.

3.What can we learn about antioxidants from the text?

A.They have never been found in nature. B.They do harm to cells proteins and DNA.

C.They can slow down the damage of some cells. D.They always keep balance with free radicals.

4.What will the author probably tell us next?

A.What exactly oxidative stress is. B.How beauty marketers promote sales.

C.Where a variety of diseases come from. D.How free radicals can be prevented.



    Japan's biggest airline is betting that the future of travel isn't traveling at all. For the last month, a married couple has been interacting with a robot—called an Avatar—that's controlled by their daughter hundreds of miles away. Made by ANA Holdings Inc., it looks like a vacuum cleaner with an iPad attached. But the screen displays the daughter's face as they chat, and its wheels let her move about the house as though she's really there.

“Virtual travel” is nothing new,of course.Storytellers, travel writers and artists have been stimulating the senses of armchair tourists for centuries. It's only in recent decades that frequent, safe travel has become available to the non- wealthy.

Yet even as the world's middle classes climb out of the armchair and into economy-class seat, there are signs of a post-travel society emerging. Concerns about environmental sustainability cause loss to airlines which release much carbon. And the aging of abundant societies is both restricting physical travel and creating demand for alternative ways to experience the world. For the travel industry, virtual reality offers an attractive response to these trends.

Of course, new technologies encourage far-out claims. ANA doesn't plan to start selling Avatars until next year. Profits, too, will probably be difficult to make: By one estimate, the global market for this kind of technology will be worth only about $300 million by 2023. By contrast, ANA's traditional travel business brought in more than $19 billion last year.

But if the business value for virtual vacations is still weak, the market for technologies that bridge physical distances between families and coworkers seems likely to only expand. ANA's robots may not replace its airplanes any time soon, but they ll almost certainly be a part of travel's high-tech future.

1.Why does the author use the example of a couple interacting with a robot?

A.To show the Japanese are crazy about travel.

B.To indicate virtual travel begins to enter people's real life.

C.To show the couple are very enthusiastic over robots.

D.To express the close relationship between the couple and their daughter.

2.Which of the following is the possible reason for virtual travel's appearance?

A.Storytellers, travel writers and artists have been using it for centuries.

B.Frequent and safe travel has become available to the ordinary people.

C.People are worried about the air pollution caused by airlines.

D.More and more people lose interest in travel.

3.What can we learn about Avatars from the last two paragraphs?

A.They will be put on the market soon.

B.They will bring ANA a lot of money,

C.They will replace ANA's airplanes soon.

D.They are almost unavoidable in travel's future.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Your Next Travel May Be Virtual

B.Easy Travel in the Future

C.Virtual Travel Benefits

D.Air Travel Disappearing



    America’s latest superhero Austin Perine, who calls himself President Austin, is now taking the country by storm. But he is not a typical superhero. Two things set him apart: He doesn’t fight human enemies, but hunger and homelessness. Also, he’s only four years old.

Our superhero’s origin story started from the day when TJ Perine, his father, took Austin to the Firehouse Ministries, a local shelter that provides housing, food and other services for the homeless. As they drove by the building, they saw a group of 25 homeless men standing on the street corner. That day, Austin used his allowance to buy each man a sandwich and handed the food out himself with his slogan, “ Don’t forget to show love!”

After he returned every week for five weeks in a row, word of Austin’s kindness spread through social media. Austin and TJ could feed 25 to 50 people at a time before, and now, thanks to community support, they can feed 800 to 2,000 people.

But Austin isn’t merely filling stomachs. He has been improving the lives of the homeless people he meets. On that first trip to Firehouse Ministries, TJ and Austin talked to a poor man named Raymont. The respect Austin showed for him touched 41-year-old Raymont, who regained his confidence in life and finally found a job with the help of TJ. All that was made possible because a little boy took the time to care.

Austin’s passion has become his family’s calling. After raising money through a GoFundMe page, Audrey, TJ’s mother established the nonprofit Show Love Foundation, dedicated to fighting homelessness. She now serves as president, and TJ oversees public relations for the foundation full time. They offer medical and mental health care as preventive steps against homelessness.

As for President Austin, he continues to give out food, smiles, and his inspirational message of love. “It makes me feel like I’m saving the day,” he said proudly.

1.Why has Austin become well-known to the entire country?

A.He has super power to fill the stomachs of the homeless.

B.He fights hunger and homelessness at such a young age.

C.He has removed the poverty of the local community.

D.He has chosen an impressive and unique name.

2.Why does the author introduce the example of Raymont in Paragraph 4?

A.To show Austin’s positive influence.

B.To persuade people to live off their own.

C.To prove the personal ability of Austin’s father.

D.To describe the difficult situation of poor people.

3.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “dedicated” in Paragraph 5?

A.exposed. B.opposed. C.devoted. D.addicted.

4.What is the author’s attitude towards what Austin does?

A.Sympathetic. B.Humorous. C.Approving. D.Considerate.



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