满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



I believe different people have experienced  different adolescence.I must admit I was still an angry __1____ in my first year of college.My ____2__ was that my parents didn't please me at all.

Our finances were __3____ so I chose to go to a (n) ___4___ college and take a bus to classes every day. One day I had a(n) __5____ fight with my father.We both exploded into shouts.I ___6___ out of the house and missed my bus to school.

I rushed all the way to school.As I ___7___ across the campus toward my class, I suddenly realized I didn't have the ___8___ that was due: a thought card.My professor asked us to __9____ an index card with our names and the dates every  Tuesday. ___10___ what was on the rest of the card, we could write a thought, a question or something else.

Now, outside the door, ten minutes later, I took an index card. _11_____ to write something on it, I could only think about the ___12___ I'd just had with my dad.I wrote “I am the son of an idiotthen ___13___ into the room, and handed it to our professor.

Next day, our professor __14____ the thought cards and I ___15___ he wrote, “What does the ‘son of an idiot’ do with the rest of his life” The professor's innocent­seeming question ___16___ me to the issue: whose problem is it? __17____ my thinking began to shift.I realized that I had created a life ___18___ I was not a central figure!

The __19____ of growth wasn't easy or fast. ____20__ laterfrom a struggling student, I became a successful student and then a successful teacher.

1.A.child B.adult C.adolescent D.student

2.A.temper B.anger C.mood D.pain

3.A.limited B.special C.practical D.fantastic

4.A.ordinary B.private C.local D.state

5.A.serious B.controversial C.unfriendly D.anxious

6.A.stormed B.wandered C.slipped D.stepped

7.A.leaped B.walked C.ran D.headed

8.A.duty B.assignment C.commitment D.material

9.A.take up B.put down C.hand out D.bring along

10.A.Due to B.Regardless of C.As for D.Thanks to

11.A.Concerned B.Desperate C.Excited D.Active

12.A.issue B.conversation C.dispute D.fight

13.A.poured B.entered C.dashed D.approached

14.A.gave back B.checked out C.put away D.passed on

15.A.explored B.recognized C.discovered D.ignored

16.A.awoke B.forced C.scared D.adjusted

17.A.Slowly B.Rapidly C.Generally D.Swiftly

18.A.what B.in which C.which D.that

19.A.process B.progress C.period D.challenge

20.A.Weeks B.Terms C.Months D.Years


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.B 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。不同人经历不同的青春期,作者讲述了自己处于青春期的经历。 1. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我必须承认,大学一年级时我仍是一个愤怒的青少年。A. child孩子;B. adult 成年人;C. adolescent青少年;D. student学生。根据上文I believe different people have experienced different adolescence。可知,大学一年级时作者仍是一个愤怒的青少年。故选C项。 2. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我生气是因为我的父母让我不高兴。 A. temper脾气;B. anger 愤怒;C. mood 情绪;D. pain 疼痛。根据上文“I was still an angry __1__ in my first year of college”可知,作者生气是因为作者的父母让作者不高兴。故选B项。 3. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们家的经济不宽裕。A. limited有限的;B. special特殊的;C. practical实际的; D. fantastic奇异的。由下文可知,我经常乘公交车上学,因此此处表示我们家的经济不宽裕,故选A项。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们家的经济条件不宽裕,因此我选择去上当地的一所大学,每天乘公交车去上学。A. ordinary普通的;B. private私人的;C. local 当地的;D. state 状态。根据Our finances were __3____可知,经济条件不宽裕,所以选择去上当地的一所大学。故选C项。 5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我与父亲发生了一次严重的(serious)争吵。A. serious 严肃的;B. controversial有争议的;C. unfriendly 不友好的;D. anxious 焦虑的。根据后文中的“We both exploded into shouts”可知,我与父亲发生了一次严重的(serious)争吵。故选A项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我怒气冲冲地冲出房子,没赶上去学校的公共汽车。A. stormed气冲冲地走;B. wandered想知道;C. slipped滑倒;D. stepped迈步。根据常识可知,作者与父亲吵完架之后,气冲冲地冲出房子。故选A项。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我跑着穿过校园走向我的教室时,我突然意识到我没有完成该交的作业:一张索引卡。A. leaped跳跃;B. walked步行;C. ran跑;D. headed朝(某个方向)行进。由空格前的“I rushed all the way to school”可知,作者跑着穿过校园走向我的教室。故选C项。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我跑着穿过校园走向我的教室时,我突然意识到我没有完成该交的作业:一张索引卡。A. duty职责;B. assignment 任务; C. commitment承诺;D. material材料 。教授布置的任务就是我们要在每周二带来自己的“thought card”,写上自己的姓名、日期、想法、问题或者其他事情。assignment“任务”,符合语境,故选B项。 9. 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:教授布置的任务就是我们要在每周二带来自己的“thought card”,写上自己的姓名、日期、想法、问题或者其他事情。A. take up开始从事,继续,占据;B. put down镇压,放下;C. hand out分发;D. bring along带上,带来。根据“an index card with our names and the dates every Tuesday”可知,是带来“thought card”。故选D项。 10. 考查介词短语词义辨析。句意:至于卡片的其余部分,我们可以写一个想法,一个问题或其他东西。A. Due to由于;B. Regardless of不管,不顾;C. As for至于;D. Thanks to幸亏,由于。卡片上要写姓名,日期,至于余下的部分,可以写想法、问题或其他事情。故选C项。 11. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我绝望地在上面写了一些东西,但我只能想到我刚刚和父亲的争吵。A. Concerned担忧的;B. Desperate绝望的;C. Excited 兴奋的;D. Active 积极的。作者刚与父亲发生冲突,又忘记带教授布置的作业,因此应是绝望地在上面写了一些东西。故选B。 12. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我绝望地在上面写了一些东西,但我只能想到我刚刚和父亲的争吵。A. issue问题; B. conversation谈话;C. dispute争端;D. fight 打仗。由上文中的“One day I had a(n)__45__ fight with my father”可知,作者只能想到刚刚和父亲的争吵。故选D项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我是个白痴的儿子! ”然后匆匆忙忙进入教室,把它交给了我们的教授。A. poured倾倒; B. entered 进入;C. dashed猛冲;D. approached 接近。根据上文可知,作者没有刚上公交车,又跑着穿过校园走向教室,所以是匆匆忙忙的进入教室。故选C项。 14. 考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:第二天,教授归还了我们的卡片,我发现教授写的话。A. gave back归还;B. checked out结账离开;C. put away将……收起;D. passed on转交,递给。根据“What does the ‘son of an idiot’ do with the rest of his life?可知,教授还给了作者卡片。故选A项。 15. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:第二天,教授归还了我们的卡片,我发现教授写的话。A. explored探索;B. recognized 认出;C. discovered 发现;D. ignored 忽略。教授归还了卡片,作者发现教授写的话。故选C项。 16. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:教授看似平淡的问题唤醒了我:是谁的问题。A. awoke唤醒; B. forced强迫;C. scared恐吓;D. adjusted 调整。根据“whose problem is it?”可知,教授看似平淡的问题唤醒(awoke)了作者。 故选A项。 17. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:作者的想法慢慢地改变了。A. Slowly慢慢地;B. Rapidly快速地;C. Generally大体上;D. Swiftly 快速地。根据空格后的“my thinking began to shift”可知,作者的想法慢慢地改变了。故选A项。 18. 考查关系词辨析。句意:我意识到我已经创造了一种我不是中心人物的生活 。此处应该是“in which”引导的定语从句,在从句中作状语,先行词为“life”。 故选B项。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:成长的过程既不容易,也不快。A. process过程;B. progress进步; C. period时期;D. challenge挑战 。根据常识以及作者所经历的事情可知,成长的过程既不容易,也不快。故选A项。 20. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:多年以后,我从一个努力学习的学生,变成了一个成功的学生,然后是一个成功的老师。A. Weeks周;B. Terms学期;C. Months月;D. Years年。根据from a struggling student, I became a successful student and then a successful teacher.可知,多年以后,我从一个努力学习的学生,变成了一个成功的学生,然后是一个成功的老师。选D项。

Below are some ways to show appreciation to your parents:

Obey and respect them—This is a very important thing to do. Parents are very pleased when their daughters or sons obey and respect them. They feel like they are so important, and they feel like everything they have done for their daughters or sons is very worth it. 1.. Obeying and respecting parents is also a way to show you value them so much.

Give time to them—I know we are all growing up. 2.. You have work, or you have school activities that keep you busy. But hey, do you forget that as you grow up, your parents are also getting old? When your parents see you every day, they feel more alive. So give them time. It's not that hard.3.Well, I know all parents have their own special occasions. You must remember them and celebrate them. Nothing can make your parents happier than celebrating their special occasions with their loved ones, especially their birthdays.

Keep eating together at mealtimes—Even though you are busy or you don't live with your parents, at least find some time to eat together with your parents. You are even luckier if you are living together with your parents. Lots of families are losing the practice of eating together. 4. So you can discuss family matters, or family conflicts. Your parents can also discuss proper behavior and manners during eating together. 5..

A.Remember and celebrate special occasions

B.This is also family bonding and you get to know each other

C.Take some time this Sunday to take them to the movie theater

D.If ever your parents are busy, ask them to find time to eat together

E.Do not make your parents feel they don't have a place in your life

F.You need to do things to be successful because you keep on growing up.

G.Pick up some items from your local grocery and cook something delicious for your parents



    It is important to protect yourself from harmful rays. But if you think a high-factor sunscreen keeps you safe from harmful rays, you may be wrong. Research in this week’s Nature shows that while factor 50 reduces the number of melanomas(黑素瘤)and delays their occurrence, it can’t prevent them. Melanomas are the most aggressive skin cancers. You have a higher risk if you have red or blond hair, fair skin, blue or green eyes, or sunburn easily, or if a close relative has had one. Melanomas are more common if you have periodic intense exposure to the sun. Other skin cancers are increasingly likely with long-term exposure.

There is continuing debate as to how effective sunscreen is in reducing melanomas—the evidence is weaker than it is for preventing other types of skin cancer. A 2011 Australian study of 1,621 people found that people randomly selected to apply sunscreen daily had half the rate of melanomas of people who used cream as needed. A second study, comparing 1,167 people with melanomas to 1,101 who didn’t have the cancer, found that using sunscreen routinely, alongside other protection such as hats, long sleeves or staying in the shade, did give some protection. This study said other forms of sun protection—no sunscreen—seemed most beneficial. The study relied on people remembering what they had done over each decade of their lives, so it’s not entirely reliable. But it seems reasonable to think sunscreen gives people a false sense of security in the sun.

Many people also don’t use sunscreen properly applying insufficient amounts, failing to reapply after a couple of hours and staying in the sun too long. It is sunburn that is most worrying—recent research shows five episodes of sunburn in the teenage years increase the risk of all skin cancers.

The good news is that a combination of sunscreen and covering up can reduce melanoma rates, as shown by Australian figures from their slip-slop-slap campaign. So if there is a heat wave this summer, it would be best for us, too, to slip on a shirt, use sunscreen and slap on a hat.

1.What’s people’s common expectation of high-factor sunscreen?

A.It will protect them from sunburn.

B.It will keep their skin smooth and fair.

C.It will work for people of any skin color.

D.It will delay the occurrence of skin cancer.

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A.Sunscreen can prevent all kinds of skin cancers.

B.The studies are based on direct observation of the subjects.

C.The studies may help people select the most effective sunscreen.

D.Daily application of sunscreen helps reduce the incidence of melanomas.

3.What does the author suggest in order to reduce melanoma rates?

A.Staying in the shade whenever possible.

B.Using covering up instead of sunscreen.

C.Using both covering up and sunscreen.

D.Applying the right amount of sunscreen.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.No Way to Stop Harmful Rays!

B.Does Sunscreen Prevent Skin Cancer?

C.Did You Use Sunscreen in the Right Way?

D.Skin Cancer—The Biggest Threat to Human Beings!



    The Israeli farmers who pioneered the revolutionary technology known as drip irrigation(滴流灌溉) weren’t trying to solve one of the world’s most urgent problems. They were just trying to survive. They lived in the desert, and they didn’t have enough water to grow their crops.

In its simplest form, it was little more than a pipe with holes in it. But behind each hole was a hi-tech dripper that let out just the right amount of water. Snaked along a row of crops so that the holes were positioned directly above the roots, the pipe could direct each precious drop of water directly to the plants, getting a bigger harvest while using a very small amount of water.

Over time, the farmers improved upon the technology, perfecting the drippers that regulated the flow of water, and connecting the pipelines to computers that could determine exactly how much water each plant needed and when.

If the global population kept growing, the rest of the world would increasingly resemble their little community in the desert. So they began selling their irrigation systems in other parts of the world, eventually expanding to more than 110 countries. Netafirm, the company says it’s lifting people out of poverty and conserving water at a time when the importance of doing so has never been clearer.

The mass adoption of drip irrigation won’t save the world by itself. To avoid the coming catastrophe, nearly everybody will, in some way, have to do more with less, perhaps through accepting and using other new technologies. Otherwise, it’s going to get ugly.

1.Why is drip irrigation called “the revolutionary technology”?

A.It saves the world all by itself.

B.It is controlled by computers.

C.It makes irrigation more effective.

D.It provides deserts with water.

2.What does “one of the world’s most urgent problems” in Paragraph 1 refer to?

A.Lacking water. B.Lacking labor.

C.Lacking food. D.Lacking energy.

3.How does the drip irrigation help farmers with crops?

A.By drilling holes on the pipes.

B.By regulating water via drippers.

C.By snaking pipes along the crops.

D.By placing pipes just above roots.

4.Which of the following will be the best slogan for Netafirm to sell the irrigation systems?

A.Less water; More harvest.

B.New technology; New world.

C.More grain; Less starvation.

D.Water saving; World surviving.



    Once an old man used to go out to jog every morning. One day he was running around a track that circled the high school football field while the football team was conducting their practice. When the players began running their races up and down the field, the man said to himself determinedly, “I'll just keep running if they don't stop.” So they ran and he ran. They kept on running and he kept on running.

Finally, totally exhausted, the old man had to stop. When he stopped, an equally exhausted football player walked over to him and said, “Sir, I'm glad you finally stopped. Our coach has told us that we have to keep running as long as you are jogging!

It seems to me that we can sometimes find ourselves in a similar kind of situation when it comes to conflicts—that is when we have different opinions about something with someone and get into an argument with him or her, our voices get raised. Neither side wants to be the first to give in, to stop speaking in anger. Everyone has the attitude, “I'll just keep on till he gives in.” So the other party stays mad. So we stay mad. And on we go, finally finding ourselves emotionally and even physically exhausted by the continuing animosity(敌意).

Let me challenge you to do something very difficult. The next time you get into an argument, be the first to give in. Be the first to stop the shouting and the name-calling. Be the first to say, “I'm sorry.” It's the quickest way to stop that. As a saying goes, “A soft answer turns away extreme anger, but a harsh(严厉的)word stirs up anger.”

1.What happened to the old man that day?

A.He guided the students to practice running.

B.He joined the football team to play a game.

C.He asked the players to take care of the football field.

D.He decided to compete with the football players.

2.Why did the football player come to the old man?

A.To show respect for his great courage.

B.To praise him for his good performance.

C.To express satisfaction with his stopping running.

D.To complain to him about his keeping running.

3.What does the underlined word “conflicts” in Paragraph 3 mean?

A.Misunderstandings. B.Disagreements.

C.Misfortunes. D.Disappointments.

4.What's the purpose of the last paragraph?

A.To provide the effective way to make an apology.

B.To show it is hard for us to take up the challenge.

C.To warn us to control our bad emotion properly.

D.To advise us to take active action when we disagree with others.



    Monthly Talks at London Canal Museum

Our monthly talks start at 19:30 on the first Thursday of each month except August. Admission is at normal charges and you don’t need to book. They end around 21:00.

November 7th

The Canal Pioneers, by Chris Lewis. James Brindley is recognized as one of the leading early canal engineers. He was also a major player in training others in the art of canal planning and building. Chris Lewis will explain how Brindley made such a positive contribution to the education of that group of early “civil engineers”.

December 5th

Ice for the Metropolis, by Malcolm Tucker. Well before the arrival of freezers, there was a demand for ice for food preservation and catering, Malcolm will explain the history of importing natural ice and the technology of building ice wells, and how London’s ice trade grew.

February 6th

An Update on the Cotsword Canals, by Liz Payne. The Stroudwater Canal is moving towards reopening. The Thames and Severn Canal will take a little longer. We will have a report on the present state of play.

March 6th

Eyots and Aits-Thames Islands, by Miranda Vickers. The Thames had many islands. Miranda has undertaken a review of all of them. She will tell us about those of greatest interest.

Online bookings:www.canalmuseum.org.uk/book

More into:www.canalmuseum.org.uk/whatson

London Canal Museum

12-13 New Wharf Road, London NI 9RT

www.canalmuseum.org.uk   www.canalmuseum.mobi

Tel:020 77130836

1.When is the talk on James Brindley?

A.February 6th. B.December 5th.

C.November 7th. D.March 6th.

2.What is the topic of the talk in February?

A.The Canal Pioneers. B.An Update on the Cotsword Canals

C.Eyots and Aits-Thames Islands D.Ice for the Metropolis

3.Who will give the talk on the islands in the Thames.

A.Miranda Vickers B.Malcolm Tucker

C.Chris Lewis D.Liz Payne



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