满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One night many years ago I was on the br...

    One night many years ago I was on the bridge of a ship passing one of our large cities on a quiet night. I saw its lights _______ in the sky and heard the city's noises.

I have spent twenty-five years on boats. Now I am a _______. My job is to bring in the large luxury___________ and stay with them until they are safely stopped in their ports.

I felt very _______ the first time I ever docked a big liner. She came riding up the harbor on a flood tide and _______ high over the short little boat. As we drew alongside, a doorway opened _______ at water level and two smartly dressed sailors helped me aboard.

I was escorted (护送) to the bridge where I _______ from the captain. I realized I was in _______ of a great ship worth millions of dollars. Having docked several of the large liners, I realized I was not important, _______ simply the quarterback(四分卫) who called the signals.

In spite of what we ________ in the newspapers, I have great faith in this country, praying that a peaceful understanding will come to this ________ world, so that my children can grow up in a world full of happiness. I believe this will ________.

I remember the ________ and pity that took over this country, back in 1949, when a little girl named Kathy Fiskus fell into a(n) ________ well in California. Engineers and sandhogs and people in all __________ of life worked almost three days, and when they got her out she was dead.

People sent in thousands of dollars in ________ funds, but those who did the work and furnished the equipment wouldn't take the money. They worked for bigger things. I talked to captains of foreign ______________ that came into New York Harbor, and they were just as ________ as us over the tragedy.

I believe some way will be found to work together for world peace with the same ________ and understanding that people worked to rescue little Kathy Fiskus. I believe this will ________ come true.

1.A.reflected B.decorated C.included D.occupied

2.A.cook B.designer C.swimmer D.pilot

3.A.hotels B.shops C.liners D.offices

4.A.interesting B.proud C.lucky D.smart

5.A.towered B.shipped C.walked D.lifted

6.A.often B.never C.almost D.hardly

7.A.picked up B.took over C.got out D.brought in

8.A.place B.need C.search D.control

9.A.but B.so C.and D.or

10.A.look B.read C.watch D.listen

11.A.undiscovered B.unexpected C.unplanned D.unsettled

12.A.go on B.go out C.come about D.come in

13.A.teamwork B.understanding C.judgment D.concept

14.A.shallow B.occupied C.abandoned D.grand

15.A.walks B.works C.journeys D.sorts

16.A.school B.rescue C.business D.loan

17.A.buses B.planes C.trains D.ships

18.A.worried B.satisfied C.amazed D.concerned

19.A.sympathy B.desire C.favor D.privilege

20.A.nowhere B.forever C.someday D.therefore


1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.A 16.B 17.D 18.D 19.A 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,作者简述了自己当领航员的经历,同时又讲了一个营救小女孩的故事,告诉我们只要人们都相互理解并有同情心,美好和平的世界终将到来。 1. 考查动词辨析及语境理解。句意:我看见城市的灯光“反射”在天空。A. reflected 反射、反映;B. decorated 装饰、装扮;C. included包括在内;D. occupied占据、占有。根据“I was on the bridge of a ship passing one of our large cities on a quiet night.”可知,作者当时在船上,船在水面运行,根据常识,他应该是看到城市的灯光由水面反射到天空中,所以A选项是正确的。 2. 考查名词辨析及语境理解。句意:现在我是一个领航员。A. cook厨师;B. designer设计师;C. swimmer 游泳运动员;D. pilot领航员、飞行员。根据下文“My job is to bring in the large luxury _____3____and stay with them until they are safely stopped in their ports.”可知作者在一艘豪华班轮上工作,他的任务是安全引船靠岸,可推测出作者身份是个领航员,所以D选项是正确的。 3. 考查名词辨析及语境理解。句意:我的工作是在一座豪华班轮上。 A. hotels 旅馆;B. shops 商店;C. liners [航] 班机,[水运] 班轮;D. offices办公室。根据空格下一句“stay with them until they are safely stopped in their ports. 呆在他们身边直到他们安全靠岸”,结合语境和选项,可知C选项是正确的 4. 考查形容词辨析及语境理解。句意:当我第一次成功引领大船靠岸时,我感到非常骄傲。A. interesting 有趣的;B. proud 骄傲的;C. lucky幸运的;D. smart聪明的。根据下文“She came riding up the harbor on a flood tide and __5___ high over the short little boat.” 可知,作者在涨潮时成功引领船只安全靠岸,作者由此感到自豪,所以B选项是正确的。 5. 考查动词的辨析。句意:轮船随着潮水继续行进并且高耸了起来。A. towered 高耸起来,超越;B. shipped乘船;C. walked 行走;D. lifted举起来。根据下文“As we drew alongside, a doorway opened __6___ at water level …船舱进水几乎和海水齐平”可知前文轮船随着潮水应该波动很大,才导致船舱进水,结合选项,可知A选项是正确的。 6. 考查副词辨析及语境理解。句意:一个船舱进水几乎和海水齐平。A. often常常;B.never从不;C. almost. 几乎;D. hardly几乎不。结合语境可知班轮的一个船舱进水几乎和海水齐平,故C选项是正确的。 7. 考查动词短语辨析及语境理解。句意:我被护送到与船长接班的一座桥处。A. picked up挑选;B. took over接管,接班;C. got out外出;D. brought in带来。根据下文“I realized I was in ___8___ of a great ship worth millions of dollars.”可知作者现在负主要责任,因为他接了船长的班,结合语境可知B选项是正确的。 8. 考查名词辨析及固定短语。句意:我意识到我掌控着价值百万的游轮的生死,A. place 放置;B. need 需要;C. search寻找;D. control控制,in…of 与A、B、C、D四个选项可构成固定短语,in place of 代替;in need of 需要;in search of 寻找;in control of 掌控。根据前文“As we drew alongside, a doorway opened ___6__at water level and two smartly dressed sailors helped me aboard.”可知,船出了很大的事故,我被护送到桥上负责领航,这艘船的生死有我来掌控,结合选项及语境可知D选项正确。 9. 考查连词及语境理解。句意:我只不过是一个发送信号的四分卫。A. but 但是;B. so 所以;C. and和、并且;D. or或者。根据前文“I realized I was not important,”作者意识到自己并不重要,仅仅是一个发送信号的人,此处表转折,所以A选项是正确的。 10. 考察动词的辨析。句意:尽管我们在报纸上读到了很多。A. look 看; B. read 读(书、报纸)C. watch 观看;D. listen听。根据空格后“in the newspapers”可知是在报纸上读到、看到,一般读书、读报用read一词,故B选项是正确的。 11. 考查形容词辨析及语境理解。句意:我坚信并祈祷这个国家的和平与互相理解会来到这个动荡不安的世界。A. undiscovered 未被发现的;B. unexpected出乎意料的;C. unplanned未经筹划的;D. unsettled动荡不安的。根据下文“so that my children can grow up in a world full of happiness.我的孩子才能生活在一个快乐的世界。”可知现在的世界并不美好,结合语境,可知D选项是正确的。 12. 考查动词短语辨析及语境理解。句意:我相信这一切都会到来。A. go on继续;B. go out 出去;C. come about 产生、到来;D. come in进来。根据前文“praying that a peaceful understanding will come to this __11___ world, so that my children can grow up in a world full of happiness.”可知作者相信他的孩子能够生活在充满幸福、和平的世界,这一切将会到来,故C选项是正确的。 13. 考查名词的辨析及语境理解。句意:我记得曾经理解和同情充斥着这个世界。 A. teamwork团队合作;B. understanding理解;C. judgment 判断;D. concept 概念。根据空格后“…and pity that took over this country,”可知空格处与pity是并列关系,应保持语义上的一致,结合选项可知B选项是正确的。 14. 考查形容词的辨析。句意:当一个名叫Kathy Fiskus 的小女孩掉入一口废弃的井里。A. shallow浅的;B. occupied 已占有的;C. abandoned 被抛弃的,废弃的;D. grand宏伟的。根据下文“worked almost three days, and when they got her out she was dead.” 经过3天的努力,小女孩被救出来了,但已经去世,由此可知小女孩是掉到了一口废弃的井里,故C选项是正确的。 15. 考查名词的辨析及固定短语。句意:各界人士的人努力工作了三天。A. walks 散步;B. works 作品;C. journeys 旅行;D. sorts 种类。根据下文“and when they got her out she was dead.”中的they可知有很多人参与到营救小女孩的行动中,all walks of life是一个固定短语,意为:各行各业,各界人士,由此可知A选项是正确的。 16. 考查名词的辨析及语境理解。句意:人们送来成千上万的钱作为营救基金。A. school 学校;B. rescue 拯救;C. business 生意;D. loan 贷款。根据前文小女孩掉入废弃井中,各界人士来拯救她的细节,可知送来的钱是用来作为营救基金的,故B选项是正确的。 17. 考查名词辨析及语境理解。句意:我对外国船长们提起了那些进入纽约海湾的轮船。A. buses公共汽车;B. planes 飞机;C. trains 火车;D. ships 轮船。根据下文“that came into New York Harbor,”可知空格处所填词应与海湾相关,结合选项可知D选项是正确的。 18. 考查形容词辨析及语境理解。句意:他们和我们一样,关心着这个悲剧。A.worried担心;Bsatisfied满意;C.amazed惊奇;D.concerned关心。根据上文“I talked to captains of foreign ______17______ that came into New York Harbor,”作者把有关轮船的事告诉了来自纽约港的船长,他们和美国人一样关心着这个悲剧,结合选项可知D选项是正确的。 19. 考查名词辨析及语境理解。句意:我相信拥有同情心一定可以找到世界和平的方式。A. sympathy 同情心;B. desire 欲望;C. favor 支持;D. privilege特权。根据前文大家齐心协力营救小女孩的细节描写,再结合语境可知,作者认为如果大家都能互相理解并拥有同情心,就像齐心协力救助那个落井的小女孩那样,我们就能找到世界和平的方法,故A选项是正确的。 20. 考查副词辨析及语境理解。句意:我相信这一切某天终将实现。A. nowhere没有地方;B. forever永远 ;C. someday某天;D. therefore因此。根据空格前的will,再结合语境可知作者相信这一切将会在某天实现,故C选项是正确的。

Which of the following sentences is correct?

A.We urge effective measures taken immediately.

B.What a tiny spot I was this enormous world!

C.That’s quite difficult as I don’t speak much of the local English dialect yet.

D.There was a newly made platform for Jenny and me to sleep.



The bank is reported in the local newspaper ______ in broad daylight yesterday.

A.being robbed B.having been robbed

C.to have been robbed D.robbed



My money __________. I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand.

A.has run out B.has been run out C.is to be run out D.is running out



Heat the water. ___________, it will freeze.

A.However B.Otherwise C.Meanwhile D.Therefore



One of the secretary’s jobs is to ___________ letters and mails.

A.help out B.dry out C.sort out D.stick out



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