满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.What was the couple’s ...


1.What was the couple’s problem at the beginning of the story?

A.They didn’t have jobs. B.They didn’t like each other. C.They didn’t have enough money.

2.Why did the man leave college?

A.He disliked the school. B.He wanted to get a job. C.He had no time and energy.

3.How did the woman buy a computer?

A.She got a job that paid more.

B.She saved money by walking to work.

C.She took a part-time job at a computer store.

4.What happened at the end of the story?

A.The couple forgot their anniversary.

B.The couple didn’t like their gifts any more.

C.The couple no longer needed the gifts they bought.


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】 【原文】 A couple lived in a small apartment in the city. They were poor but in love. It was almost their first anniversary, and they each wanted to get something special to surprise the other. The man had wanted a computer for a while. He was in college, but always had to study at school since they couldn’t pay for a computer. The woman walked to her job in an office downtown. She really wanted a bicycle to ride to save some time and energy. But they didn’t have the money. Without telling his wife, the man decided to quit school to get a job to make some money. The woman also secretly left the job she loved for a different one that paid more, one where she took the bus to work. With her extra money, the woman bought the man a computer for school. With his extra money, the man bought the woman a bicycle to ride to work. On their anniversary, they opened their presents and realized what had happened. They no longer needed the gifts they’d worked so hard to buy for each other!


1.Where did Mary find the wallet?

A.On a playground. B.In a parking lot. C.In a shopping mall.

2.What is inside the wallet?

A.A photo of a person.

B.Some paper and an ID card.

C.Some money and business cards.

3.Who does the wallet probably belong to?

A.An old lady. B.A grown man. C.A young boy.

4.How will Mary get in touch with the wallet’s owner?

A.By making a telephone call.

B.By asking the police for help.

C.By waiting where she found it.




1.How high was the Seine river in 1910?

A.Around 26 feet high. B.Around 20 feet high. C.Around 5 feet high.

2.What had to get moved to higher floors?

A.Artwork. B.Many residents. C.Power equipment.

3.What does the woman want to see the most?

A.The Louvre. B.The Eiffel Tower. C.The Musée d’Orsay.




1.Where did the woman expect the man to meet her?

A.At the mall. B.At her house. C.At the theater.

2.What time is it now?

A.7:10. B.7:00. C.6:50.




1.What is the man going to do this afternoon?

A.Go to the beach. B.Take care of a cat. C.Visit some school friends.

2.When will the man’s mother come back?

A.Today. B.Tomorrow. C.In a couple of days.



Where was the woman yesterday?

A.In the hospital. B.At the man’s house. C.At her sister’s house.



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