满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

假定你是李华,你市图书馆将举办主题为 “Appreciation of Moza...

假定你是李华,你市图书馆将举办主题为 Appreciation of Mozart’s Works”的讲座。请你给你的朋友Chris写一封邮件,邀请他一同参加讲座,内容包括:





1. 词数80左右;




Dear Chris, I’m writing to invite you to attend a wonderful lecture themed “Appreciation of Mozart’s Works”, which will be held on July 20th in the library hall of our city. Born in 1756, Austria, Mozart deserves his status as one of the most popular composers worldwide. He started composing music at the age of five and from then on published many works, which are brilliant pearls in the musical history. So precious is the opportunity that I hope you won’t miss it. Looking forward to your reply! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 这是一篇提纲类写作。 第1步:根据提示可知,假定你是李华,你市图书馆将举办主题为“Appreciation of Mozart’s Works”的讲座。请你给你的朋友Chris写一封邮件,邀请他一同参加讲座,内容包括:1.讲座的时间及地点;2.简要介绍莫扎特;3.期待回复。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组):attend (参加,出席);one of (其中之一);composers (作曲家);at the age of (在……岁时)等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。此处文章主要应用一般将来时、一般现在时和一般过去时。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。

    One day an informed man went to consult the wise man, “I am knowledgeable. Why can’t I have a(n) _______to succeed?” “You’re smart, but you just tried everything a little,not deep enough,so how can you make it?” the wise man answered _______

Having heard this,the man _______ practicing the piano which he had great interest in. _______, he played the piano very well, and participated in contests, but still didn’t get what he wanted.He went to_______ the wise man, “I have mastered the piano, but failed again. You didn’t tell me the _______ for success!”

The wise man _______ his head and said, “You were really going deep into one thing but you didn’t _______ the chance. Actually, I watched your _______.For the first time, you were not confident; for the second time, you ________ courage. How can you________ me?”

After hearing the wise man’s words,the man trained hard for more years. He ________his self-confidence, took courage and participated in the contest again. He played extremely well, but ________ the referee’s injustice,he missed out on the top spot.

________,the man said to the wise man, “I’ve tried my best this time,but it seems that I was born to be ________.” The wise man told him with a smile,” In fact, you’ve almost succeeded.”

You only need a final leap.” “A final leap?” His eyes opened wide.” “Yes. It is________ you’ve got the ticket for success-frustration. Now that you’ve got it, the success is a________ that setbacks will give you.” This time, that man________  the words in mind. As ________, he succeeded.

Do not, for one failure, give up the purpose that you are ________to achieve.

1.A.ambition B.ability C.admission D.opportunity

2.A.formally B.casually C.helplessly D.mercifully

3.A.started B.stopped C.hated D.enjoyed

4.A.Sometimes B.Afterwards C.Meanwhile D.Overnight

5.A.instruct B.threaten C.condemn D.advise

6.A.recipe B.excuse C.request D.desire

7.A.nodded B.turned C.shook D.lowered

8.A.possess B.seize C.lose D.foresee

9.A.conferences B.examinations C.competitions D.speeches

10.A.needed B.lacked C.removed D.gathered

11.A.blame B.abuse C.oppose D.forgive

12.A.built up B.cut up C.took up D.turned up

13.A.regardless of B.upwards of C.aside from D.due to

14.A.Satisfied B.Disappointed C.Frightened D.Astonished

15.A.unique B.attractive C.unsuccessful D.generous

16.A.suitable B.evident C.reasonable D.effective

17.A.target B.lesson C.trick D.gift

18.A.received B.expressed C.stressed D.bore

19.A.expected B.arranged C.appointed D.evaluated

20.A.worried B.thrilled C.forced D.intended



Why Do Adults Love Animated Movies?

You go home from work. You are tired, and want to sit in front of the TV, watching something fun. Your children want the same. What is better than an animated film?

Both children and most adults love animation. Of course, there are animated movies that are directed specially to adults.1.So, why do adults like cartoons so much?

They have well-written characters

There are plenty of reasons. First and foremost, a lot of them are really good.2.Screenwriters, designers, programmers and musicians are all working together to bring the best outcome to the big screen. And usually, they succeed.

Animated films have well-written characters facing complicated situations.  Sometimes the scripts are even better than those in adult films. So, it comes as no surprise that animated films appeal to grown-ups as well.


Remember the time when you were a child and used to sit in front of the TV enjoying cartoons? Animated films bring out that specific feeling of our childhood. Moreover, they reveal our inner child. By watching an animated movie, we forget the monotony of everyday life and leave our problems behind.

We love heroes

Almost every cartoon has something to do with the journey of a character. A journey towards adulthood, or towards finding oneself, or succeeding in a quest.4. A hero that overcomes all obstacles trying to find true meaning and happiness in his or her existence? Plenty of times, the characters in animated films are bigger-than-life and that’s what we need in order to believe in humans again.

They are treats for adults

Animated films are made for children, but sometimes filmmakers decide to put something for adults as well: Shrek, for example, has scenes with a sense of humor that is addressed mainly to grown-ups.5. And it’s a really successful practice.

A.They bring out the child in us.

B.Anything can happen in childhood.

C.And who doesn’t love a hero like that?

D.Talents work together in producing animated films.

E.We applaud those characters because they remind us of ourselves.

F.And there is also the chance that adults will love a kid’s movie more.

G.It’s a treat that aims to help parents enjoy their time in the animated films as well.



    Claude Monet was born in Paris, France, on November 14,1840. By the time he was fifteen, Monet had become popular as a caricaturist. Through an exhibition of his drawings at a local frame shop in 1858, Monet met Eugene Boudin, a landscape painter. Boudin introduced Monet to outdoor painting, an activity that soon became his life’s work.

Monet was interested in natural light, atmosphere, and color, and recorded them in his paintings as accurately as possible. A striking example of his early style was the Terrace at St. Adresse, which contained a shining mixture of bright, natural colors.

Monet exhibited regularly in the group shows. His painting Impression: Sunrise inspired a newspaper critic Louis Leroy to call all of the artists in the group “impressionists,” and the name stuck.

Monet gradually gained critical and financial success during the late 1880s and the 1890s. This was due to the efforts of Durand-Ruel, who sponsored one-man exhibitions of Monet’s work.

During the 1890s he devoted his energy to paintings of haystacks. In these works Monet painted his subjects from the same physical position, allowing only the light and weather conditions to vary from picture to picture. By 1899 he began to work on his famous paintings of the water lilies in his garden at Giverny, France.

Monet’s late years were very difficult. His health declined rapidly, and he was almost blind. Besides, he struggled with the problems of his art. In 1920 he began to work on twelve large canvases of water lilies, which he planned to give to his country. To complete them, he fought against his own failing eyesight and the fact that he had no experience in creating large-scale mural art. In fact, the task required him to learn a new kind of painting at the age of eighty. The painting was characterized by a broad, sweeping style and depended almost entirely on color.

Monet died on December 5,1926,at his home. He once wrote, “My only merit lies in having painted directly in front of nature, seeking to express my impressions of the fleeting effects.” Most art historians believe that Monet accomplished much more than this. He helped change the world of painting by shaking off the convention of the past. By dissolving forms in his works, Monet opened the door for further abstraction in art and influenced such later artists as Jackson Pollack, Mark Rothko and Willem de Kooning.

1.Who helped Monet find his life’s work?

A.Eugene Boudin. B.Durand-Ruel. C.Louis Leroy. D.Mark Rothko.

2.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Monet tended to paint haystacks from different positions.

B.The painting Terrace at St. Adresse reflects Monet’ s late style.

C.The name “impressionist” originated from Impression: Sunrise.

D.Durand-Ruel was so interested in Monet’ s paintings that he bought a lot.

3.What do we know about Monet’ s late years?

A.He failed to learn a new painting skill due to old age.

B.Monet made a fortune by selling canvases to his country.

C.Monet came across difficulties in creating large-scale mural art.

D.Monet committed himself to maintaining traditional painting style.

4.What might be the best title of this passage?

A.A great artist-Claude Monet B.Claude Monet and Impressionism

C.Brilliant achievements of Monet D.The greatest painter in the world



    Growing up,we are constantly reminded that young people are heavily affected by technology.We are the”antisocial club”those who prefer to text our friends in the same room rather than make eye contact with them.And even though never-ending studies reveal to us the extent of our social media addiction,we should at least consider that it’s not only our young people’s problem any more.

There’s the rise of the Instagram mums,who like to post an abundance of cute baby pictures,share their mom feelings along the way and show their wonderful lifestyles.They are the so-called”Facebook mum generation”a growing group of parents that like to overshare.

While all of this might be fine,and even a little humorous,new research suggests that parents’ technology addiction is negatively affecting their children’s behavior.According to the study,40%of mothers and 32%of fathers have admitted having some sort of phone addiction. This has led to a significant fall in verbal interactions within families and even a decline in mothers’ encouraging their children.

There is no denying that I get annoyed when receiving the words”I’ll be with you soon” from a parent,when all I want to do is ask one question.But,at the same time,every day leaving the room to wait until my father is finished with his”serious business”(Farmville),has now become the norm.Whether you want to escape your disturbing children for a bit,or want to stay up late flicking through Twitter,know that wanting to do all of these is normal.We-your children-know how addictive it can be and how difficult it is to switch off.But before telling us to put our phones away at the table or even worse,listing statistics of how damaging social media can be for us,maybe lead by example,considering how much time you spend on the phone and how this is impacting your children and your relationship with us.Maybe in this way we can work on our addiction together.

1.From Paragraph 1,we can know that teenagers nowadays_.

A.enjoy socializing with their friends

B.send messages to their friends every day

C.hate to make eye contact with their friends

D.are heavily addicted to their mobile phones

2.What does the author think of mums’ oversharing?

A.Boring. B.Funny. C.Selfish. D.Meaningful.

3.The underlined word”norm”in Paragraph 4 probably means

A.discipline B.standard C.routine D.custom

4.What’s the main purpose of the article?

A.To share the author’s own experience with the readers.

B.To call on parents to get rid of their own media addiction.

C.To reveal that parents are always addicted to mobile phones.

D.To show the author’s dissatisfaction with parents’ phone use.



    James Watt was an English boy. He was very clever and liked to ask questions.

One day, the boy was sitting in his grandmother’s kitchen. Above the fire an old-fashioned teakettle was hanging. The water within it was beginning to bubble. A thin cloud of steam was rising from the spout(壶嘴). Soon the lid(盖子)began to rattle and shake. The hot vapor puffed(冒出)out at a fast rate. Yet when the boy glanced under the lid he could see nothing.

“Grandma, what’s in the kettle?” little Watt asked. “Water, my child-nothing but water.” his grandma answered.” But I know there is something else. There is something under the lid and makes it rattle.” Grandmother laughed. “Oh, that is only steam,” she said. “You can see it coming out of the spout and puffing up under the lid.” “But you said there was nothing but water in the kettle. How did the steam get under the lid?” “Why, my dear, it comes out of the hot water. The hot water makes it.”

James lifted the lid and glanced inside again. He could see nothing but the bubbling water. The steam was not visible until it was fairly out of the kettle. “How strange!” he said. “The steam must be very strong to lift the heavy iron lid. Grandma, how much water did you put into the kettle?” “About a quart, James.” “Well, if the steam from so little water is so strong, why would not the steam from a great deal of water be a great deal stronger? Why couldn’t it be made to lift a much greater weight? Why couldn’t it be made to turn wheels?” Grandmother made no reply. These questions were more puzzling than profitable, she thought. She went about her work silently, and James sat still in his place and studied the teakettle.

So many years later, James Watt tried hard to make steam work for people. Finally he became very famous because he invented the first steam engine.

1.What can we conclude from the passage?

A.The steam comes from the hot water but can not be seen.

B.The grandmother laughed because James Watt was stupid.

C.The boiled water in the kettle made the lid rattle and shake.

D.The more water there is ,the more powerful the steam will be.

2.Why didn’t the grandmother reply to Watt’s questions?

A.Because she desired to work silently. B.Because she was very busy at that time.

C.Because she was tired of these questions. D.Because she found them difficult to answer.

3.James Watt can be described as    

A.clever but stubborn B.smart and observant

C.determined but rigid D.hardworking and cautious

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.James Watt was inspired by the power of steam.

B.James Watt always made his grandmother puzzled.

C.James Watt made great contributions to our society.

D.James Watt liked to ask questions when he was young.



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