满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

If you’re going to be a straight talker,...

    If you’re going to be a straight talker, you have to believe that it’s a virtue, that it’s an attribute you want associated with yourself.

If you have an opinion and you just_______it, it allows the other person to either try to    change your opinion, to agree with you, or to agree to_______-they have an action they can     take. If you are quiet, people think you agree. How can you then_______the conversation when  you’re at different points and it’s not really exposed? Agreeing is easy. Disagreeing takes more _______.

Several years back, when I was CEO at Autodesk(欧特克,美国电脑软件公司), there was a senior-level woman who was very smart and well spoken, but she didn’t wear_______clothes. It was_______ and she was not being taken seriously. I said to her manager, who was male, “You need to tell her.” He said, “Oh, no way.”

So I called her in and_______stated what I thought was happening. I told her, “You’re not getting the respect you_______.” I said, “Go to Nordstrom’s(诺德斯特龙,美国高档连锁百货店) and get a_______shopper. Just say, “I’m a senior businessperson and need help dressing like one.” She came back, and honest to God, it was a different person. She said she felt really good. And her currency went way up.

Early in my business career, if people asked me a question, I’d try to answer it honestly. And that was________. I had managers who wanted me around because I would actually tell  them what was happening.

I was raised by my grandma, and she was a pretty________ talker because she thought you could________ it. My advice is,________ your toe in. If you’re honest and truthful, what is somebody going to say, that you’re ________because you believe something?

Being honest and ________is part of being a good friend, a good associate, and a good leader. It’s also why I know I could never be a politician.

1.A.explain B.exclaim C.claim D.state

2.A.favour B.approve C.disagree D.doubt

3.A.continue B.further C.change D.stop

4.A.efforts B.trouble C.time D.courage

5.A.appropriate B.smart C.formal D.uniform

6.A.ignored B.distracting C.disappointing D.disapproving

7.A.rightly B.timidly C.cautiously D.frankly

8.A.demand B.require C.expect D.deserve

9.A.personal B.catalog C.fellow D.secret

10.A.rewarded B.awarded C.paid D.responded

11.A.direct B.straight C.reasoning D.creative

12.A.grant B.recognize C.handle D.acknowledge

13.A.cast B.drop C.remove D.dip

14.A.frank B.generous C.modest D.stupid

15.A.competent B.disciplined C.truthful D.aggressive


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.A 10.A 11.B 12.C 13.D 14.D 15.C 【解析】 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者认为如果你想成为一个直言不讳的人,你必须相信这是一种美德,是你想要与自己联系起来的一种属性,并结合了自己对于女同事衣着不合适坦白提出意见的事例。指出坦诚待人也会获得回报,别人并不会认为你愚蠢。作者认为诚实和真实是成为好朋友、好伙伴和好领导的一部分。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你有一个观点,你只是陈述出来,这就允许其他人要么试图改变你的观点,赞同你,要么从同意到不同意——他们有他们可以采取的行动。A. explain解释;B. exclaim呼喊;C. claim宣称;D. state陈述,规定。结合上文If you have an opinion and you just可知此处指陈述观点应用state。故选D。 2. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果你有一个观点,你只是陈述出来,这就允许其他人要么试图改变你的观点,赞同你,要么从同意到不同意——他们有他们可以采取的行动。A. favour赞成;B. approve批准;C. disagree不同意;D. doubt怀疑。根据上文to agree to可知是指从同意到不同意。故选C。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当你们处在不同的位置,而且没有真正暴露出来的时候,你怎么能进一步进行对话呢?A. continue继续;B. further进一步,增进;C. change改变;D. stop停止。结合语境可知,当双方处于不同的位置,如果不直接陈述各自的观点,对话是无法进一步(further)深入的。故选B。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:不同意需要更多的勇气。A. efforts努力;B. trouble麻烦;C. time时间;D. courage勇气。结合上文Agreeing is easy.可知同意很容易,那么不同意就需要更多的勇气才可以。故选D。 5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有一个高层的女人,她很聪明,说话也很得体,但她穿的衣服不合适。A. appropriate适当的;B. smart聪明的;C. formal正式的;D. uniform统一的。根据上文but she didn’t wear可推知but表示转折,说明这个女人穿的衣服不太合适。故选A。 6. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她的衣服让人分心,她也没有被认真对待。A. ignored被忽视的;B. distracting分心的;C. disappointing令人失望的;D. disapproving不赞成的。根据后文she was not being taken seriously.可知女人因为自己的衣服而没有被认真对待,说明她的衣服让人分心,故选B。 7. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:所以我把她叫了进来,坦白地告诉她我认为发生了什么。A. rightly正确地;B. timidly羞怯地;C. cautiously慎重地;D. frankly坦白地。根据后文I’d try to answer it honestly.可知作者始终强调要诚实和真实,故可推知作者坦白地告诉了女人这件事。故选D。 8. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:你没有得到应得的尊重。A. demand要求;B. require需要;C. expect期待;D. deserve值得。根据上文she was not being taken seriously.可知女人没有得到她应得的尊重。故选D。 9. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:去Nordstrom’s找个私人采购员。A. personal私人的;B. catalog名词,目录;C. fellow同类的;D. secret秘密的。根据后文Just say, “I’m a senior businessperson and need help dressing like one.”可推知作者建议女人去找私人采购员帮自己买衣服。故选A。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:这是有回报的。A. rewarded奖赏;B. awarded授予;C. paid支付;D. responded回答。结合后文I had managers who wanted me around because I would actually tell them what was happening.可知作者得到了经理的信任,说明诚实是有回报的。故选A。 11. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我是奶奶带大的,她说话很直爽,因为她认为你能应付得了。A. direct直系的,直接的;B. straight直,连续的;C. reasoning推理的;D. creative创造性的。根据上文I was raised by my grandma可知作者是个坦白诚实的人,而作者是由奶奶带大的,说明作者是受奶奶的影响,奶奶说话也很直接。第一段中you’re going to be a straight talker也有提示,straight talker表示“说话直接的人”。故选B。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我是奶奶带大的,她说话很直爽,因为她认为你能应付得了。A. grant允许;B. recognize识别;C. handle应付,处理;D. acknowledge承认。结合常识说话直接的人肯定是觉得对方可以承受和应付自己的话。故选C。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的建议是,试一试。A. cast投掷;B. drop落下;C. remove去掉;D. dip浸,下降。根据后文your toe in可知短语dip one’s toe in表示“尝试”。故选D。 14. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果你老老实实,实事求是,别人怎么会因为你相信一些东西而说你傻?A. frank坦白的;B. generous慷慨的;C. modest谦虚的;D. stupid愚蠢的。此处为反问句,意思为你诚实和真实,别人并不会因为你相信一些东西而说你愚蠢。故选D。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:诚实和真实是成为好朋友、好伙伴和好领导的一部分。A. competent胜任的;B. disciplined遵守纪律的;C. truthful真实的;D. aggressive好斗的。根据上一段中If you’re honest and truthful可知此处指诚实和真实。故选C。

Questions are based on the following passage.


A.People can drive their cars at a high speed on the PRT system.

B.Each car on the PRT system can carry 300 passengers at a time.

C.The cars running on the PRT system can be controlled by a wire.

D.The power that sets the cars on the PRT system running comes from the sun.


A.The traffic jam in Masdar City. B.Building more roads with wider lanes.

C.Solutions to traffic jams. D.Encouraging people to cycle more.


A.Taxi drivers. B.Shop assistants.

C.Teachers and students. D.The elderly and the sick.


A.The benefit of cycling lies in that more people can travel at the same time.

B.The man thinks that building more roads with wider lanes is not a perfect solution.

C.The woman disagrees with the second expert because riding is practical on rainy days.

D.The woman agrees with the first expert because it is very expensive to build more roads.



Questions are based on the following passage.


A.Drinking a lot of alcohol. B.Going shopping in stores.

C.Gathering around tables for hotpot. D.Eating fried food and barbecued meat.


A.Movies are available to people in Shanghai at midnight.

B.People in Hangzhou attach great importance to dinner.

C.A total of nine online platforms provide data for the report.

D.People in Beijing are most likely to order Starbucks in the afternoon.


A.People’s eating habits in different regions of China.

B.The impact of mobile payment on Chinese people’s lifestyle.

C.The difference of nightlife among residents in Chinese cities.

D.The pressure of urban life brought by the nightlife activities.



Questions are based on the following passage.

1.A.8:30. B.9:00. C.8:45. D.9:15.


A.When the interview begins, you should shake hands with the interviewer first.

B.If you don’t understand a question, you should answer it as quickly as possible.

C.Your answer should contain all the skills you have to convince the interviewer.

D.A good response can help you sell the interviewer on yourself as the best candidate.


A.Ask the next step in the hiring process.

B.Offer to shake hands with the interviewer again.

C.Ask more questions about the position and the salary.

D.Take the opportunity to catch your breath and stay calm.



A.He has totally no idea of how to play games.

B.He thinks the team has already been eliminated.

C.He finds it hard to believe the team will enter the national game.

D.He does not know whether the team enter the national game or not.



A.The woman broke her arm while doing the project.

B.The man expect the woman to go on with the project.

C.It takes the doctor a month to cure the woman’s broken leg.

D.The woman can now come back to do her unfinished project .



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