满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Your future in the performing arts doesn...

    Your future in the performing arts doesn't have to be a dream. For over 50 years, AMDA has launched some of the most successful careers in theatre, film and television, AMDA creates industry professionals who don't just wait for life to happen-they stage their own career path. Now it's your turn.

Program description

At AMDA,we believe a performer must perform. From the first day, you'll find many performance opportunities in the three core areas of acting, musical theatre and dance, both in and out of the class-room ,as well as individual voice lessons. Over the course of your four semesters, you'll also improve your performance technique through an intensive curriculum (课程) that focuses on both basic and advanced concepts in acting, musical theatre and dance. Finally, through courses in career preparation, you'll learn how to apply all of this training to a successful career on stage and screen.

Philosophy and mission

AMDA is committed to providing a splendid performing arts education to a diverse community of creative artists, AMDA serves as both school and stage, where students are given the support and opportunity to identify their own personal objectives and to develop and improve their own distinctive artistic voices. AMDA tries to create an environment for students to develop the skills, confidence, imagination, and power to contribute to their community as artists, business people, lifelong learners, and hard-working citizens of the world. Above all,AMDA wants to teach students that commitment and passion are the marks of a successful and joyous career.


6305 Yucca Street Los Angeles

800 -367 -7908

https //www. amda. edu. com

1.What is the first paragraph meant to do?

A.To attract the reader's attention.

B.To show AMDA’s great achievements.

C.To show the long history of AMDA.

D.To make a brief introduction about AMDA.

2.In AMDA,students can be expected to learn many skills except              .

A.acting B.dancing

C.playing a new instrument D.improving their voice

3.This article can probably be found in             

A.a travel magazine B.a university website

C.a theatre’s notice D.an advertisement


1.A 2.C 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇应用文,本文主要介绍了AMDA课程的学习内容、学习任务以及想要报名的联系方式。 1. 推理判断题。根据第一段Your future in the performing arts doesn't have to be a dream.和Now it's your turn.可知,你在演艺界的未来不一定是梦想。现在轮到你了。由此可知,作者描述第一段主要目的是让读者对AMDA感兴趣,想要了解更多,读者会关注这篇文章,这样便于吸引读者的注意力。故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段 From the first day, you'll find many performance opportunities in the three core areas of acting, musical theatre and dance, both in and out of the class-room ,as well as individual voice lessons.可知,从第一天开始,你就会在表演、音乐剧和舞蹈这三个核心领域找到很多表演机会,无论是在教室里还是在教室外,还有个人声乐课。由此可知,在AMDA课程上你学不到演奏一种新乐器。故选C。 3. 推理判断题。阅读文章可知,本文主要介绍了AMDA课程的学习内容、学习任务以及想要报名的联系方式。由此可推知,这篇文章可能出现在一则广告中。故选D。

今天是母亲节。假定你是李华,请给你的美国笔友John写一封电子邮件,谈谈你将如何与母亲一起度过这个特别的日子。要点如下:1.表述你与母亲间的情感;2. 通过自己的表现及行动表达对母亲的爱;3. 自己的感想。

注意: 1.词数100左右;2.请不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥;3.邮件的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear John,

It’s Mother’s Day today. It’s a special day, isn’t it?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Our school is planning to offer us a cooking course, to whom students have different attitudes. In my opinions, the cooking course is beneficial but enjoyable. There are a few advantages of attending them. For example, we can learn from a very useful skill to help ourselves not only live independent but also take care of our parents. Besides, taking this course was a way to make us feel relaxing and enrich our school life. To make this course great success, our school should tell us how to cook safely to avoid get hurt while we are practicing cooking.



    My father lived a long life and was deeply loved by his wife, three children, eleven grandchildren and a large number of friends. He was smart and quick- headed. When I asked if he’d like to join me on Virgin Airlines, I remember him _________ replying: “Why not? It’s as close to heaven as I’ll ever get”

While he could always make us _________ he was also quiet, considerate and full of wonderful _________ for us so that we could do better.

When I was a child, I _________ myself to the change in Dad’s loose drawerI didn’t see it as stealing, but rather as just borrowing without a _________ to give backand bought chocolate from our local corner shop.

One day, while _________ the shop with my father, the shopkeeper questioned my _________ spending habits: “Now I don’t want to get him into any _________, Mr. Branson, but I don’t know where young Richard is getting all his _________ from. He’s becoming my best customerI __________ he isn’t stealing it.”

Dad __________ by looking her straight in the eyes and saying loudly, “Madam, how dare you __________ my son for stealing?”

After we left the shop, my father never spoke a word about the __________ However, his deliberate (故意的) ________ for the rest of the day expressed everything. The way he __________ the situation taught me a hugely effective lesson. I learned that the power of the __________ words can be frighteningly influential.

His __________ my honesty was more __________ than if he had scolded (责备) me. I also learned the power of __________ and second chances. And these lessons have __________ me a lot in both life and work.

1.A.nervously B.curiously C.sensitively D.humorously

2.A.calm B.laugh C.benefit D.reflect

3.A.advice B.patience C.expectation D.appreciation

4.A.led B.sent C.helped D.attracted

5.A.dream B.cheque C.way D.plan

6.A.visiting B.discussing C.exploring D.progressing

7.A.reasonable B.average C.usual D.common

8.A.debt B.trouble C.honor D.change

9.A.confidence B.pleasure C.pride D.money

10.A.know B.hope C.admit D.remember

11.A.responded B.exploded C.attacked D.comforted

12.A.express B.inform C.blame D.warn

13.A.incident B.question C.trip D.shopkeeper

14.A.absence B.sadness C.anger D.silence

15.A.put up with B.kept away from C.dealt with D.lived through

16.A.unspoken B.proper C.meaningful D.enjoyable

17.A.discovering B.losing C.defending D.exhibiting

18.A.concerned B.powerful C.annoying D.frightening

19.A.communication B.friendship C.kindness D.forgiveness

20.A.grasped B.benefited C.expressed D.surprised



    Smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Smile to improve your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness;


We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good because anxieties can push people away, but a smile draws them in.

Smiling changes our mood.

Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile.  2. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

Smiling is appealing.

When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile a lot and you will draw people to you.

Smiling relieves stress.

Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. 3. The stress should be reduced and you’ll be better able to take action.

Smiling lowers your blood pressure.

When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes and take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. 4.

Smiling lifts the face and makes you look younger.

The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don’t go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day—you’ll look younger and feel better.


Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It’s hard. When we smile, our body is sending the rest of us a message that “Life is Good!”

A.Smiling helps you stay positive.

B.Smiling makes us attractive.

C.Do you notice the difference?

D.Smiling can bring you luck and sorrow.

E.When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile.

F.There’s a good chance that your mood will change for the better.

G.As long as you try smiling daily, it can make you look younger.



    Most adults firmly believe that as kids reach their teens, they start to take crazy risks that get them in trouble. Do teenagers simply love taking all risks much more than adults? A recent study suggests otherwise.

Scientists designed a simple experiment involving 33 teenagers and three other age groups. In the experiment, the researchers tried to distinguish between two very different kinds of risk-taking. The first they called a willingness to take known risks (when the probability of winning is clear) and the second they called a willingness to take unknown risks (when the possibility of success is uncertain).

The study offered participants the opportunity to play two kinds of games. They had the chance to win money, with one game offering a known risk and the other offering an unknown risk. On each round of the game, each participant had to choose between taking a sure $5 and known or unknown risks of winning a lot more. If on one particular round they had picked the $5 for sure choice, then they got $5. But if on that round they had chosen to take a risk, the rules of the game will determine whether or not they had won. If they did win, they went home with between $8 and $125. And, of course, if they lost, they went home with nothing.

What the scientists found was really quite surprising. It turned out that the average teenager was very hesitant when risks were known—more careful than college students or parents-aged adults, and about as careful as grandparent-aged adults. This means that when the risks were known, teenagers were not risky in their behavior at all. Only when the risks were unclear did teenagers choose them more often than other groups. Under those kinds of conditions, they were much more willing to take a risk than any other group.

So, what does all of this mean? The research suggests that adults should probably focus more energy on trying to educate teenagers about risks than limiting them. Teenagers who understand the risks associated with a decision are more likely to be careful in their behavior.

1.This experiment was carried out by        

A.dividing the teens into three groups

B.comparing the reactions to different risks

C.giving equal amount of awards to the participants

D.observing the emotional changes of the teenager

2.When facing known risks, teenagers tended to be ________.

A.ambitious B.cautious C.anxious D.curious

3.Which group in the study were more likely to take unknown risks?

A.Teenagers. B.College students. C.Parent-aged adults. D.Grandparent-aged adults.

4.According to the study, parents should focus on ________.

A.guaranteeing children to be careful B.setting age limits on dangerous activities

C.respecting teens to make their own choices D.guiding teens to learn more about the effect of risks



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