满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Falls are common in young children and o...

    Falls are common in young children and older people. Although most result in mild bumps and bruises, some falls can cause serious injuries that require immediate medical attention.

What to do

Do not move the person and call for emergency help if the person

• may have seriously injured the head, neck, back, hipbones or thighs

• is unconscious or was briefly unconscious

• is having difficulty breathing

• isn’t breathing (starts CPR)

• has a seizure (癫痫突然发作)

• has clear fluid or blood coming from the nose, ears or mouth

Call a doctor or seek medical attention if the person

• becomes very sleepy and is very difficult to wake up

• brings up more than two or three times

• complains of neck or back pains

• complains of increasing pain anywhere on the body

• isn’t walking normally

• doesn’t seem to be focusing his or her eyes normally

• has any behavior or symptoms that worry you.

If you think it’s safe to move the person

• place a cold compress (敷布) or ice pack on any bumps or bruises

• give acetaminophen (解热镇痛药) for pain

• let the person rest, as needed, for the next few hours

• watch the person closely for the next 24 hours for any unusual symptoms or behavior

Never leave young children on any bed or other furniture unsupervised (未监督). Always strap (用带捆住) children into high chairs, changing tables, shopping carts, and strollers. Always buckle (扣住) kids into age-appropriate safety seats when riding in motor vehicles, and make sure they always wears helmets when biking or skating or when using skateboards or scooters (踏板车).

1.What is the text mainly about?

A.Falls can’t cause serious injuries. B.Ways to deal with falls.

C.Ways to prevent falls. D.Falls happen to kids.

2.You mustn’t move the person if he________.

A.isn’t walking normally B.becomes very sleepy

C.brings up more than twice D.isn’t breathing

3.If a person bleeds from his mouth after the accident, what should you do?

A.Shake him forth and back. B.Move him to another place.

C.Give him some medicine to have. D.Let him stay where he is.

4.Which of the following will be the best title for the last paragraph?

A.Prevent Your Kids B.Place Furniture Well

C.Wear Helmets D.Prevent Fall


1.B 2.D 3.D 4.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章作者针对如何处理摔伤这一问题,给出了一些急救方法以及对于如何预防摔倒,给出了一些忠告。 1. 主旨大意题。根据第一段Although most result in mild bumps and bruises, some falls can cause serious injuries that require immediate medical attention. What to do.(虽然大多数会导致轻微的碰撞和擦伤,但有些摔伤会导致严重的伤害,需要立即就医。要做什么。)以及下文具体的急救措施,可知这篇文章主要讲了处理摔倒的方法。故选B。 2. 细节理解题。根据Do not move the person and call for emergency help if the person部分isn’t breathing (starts CPR)可知如果那个人没有呼吸,你就不能移动他。故选D。 3. 细节理解题。根据Do not move the person and call for emergency help if the person部分has clear fluid or blood coming from the nose, ears or mouth可知如果有人在事故后嘴里流血,你应该让他待在原地。故选D。 4. 主旨大意题。根据最后一段Never leave young children on any bed or other furniture unsupervised (未监督). Always strap (用带捆住) children into high chairs, changing tables, shopping carts, and strollers. Always buckle (扣住) kids into age-appropriate safety seats when riding in motor vehicles, and make sure they always wears helmets when biking or skating or when using skateboards or scooters (踏板车).(不要让小孩在无人看管的情况下躺在床上或其他家具上。总是把孩子们绑在高椅子、换尿布桌、购物车和婴儿车上。乘坐机动车辆时,一定要让孩子们坐在适合他们年龄的安全座椅上,骑自行车、滑冰或使用滑板或滑板车时,一定要让他们戴上头盔。)可知这些都是防止摔倒的一些预防措施,可知最后一段最好的标题是“防止摔倒”。故选D。

    Nearly all of us have a bad habitwhether we know it or not. Some people say they want to get rid of(摆脱) it but don’t know the proper ways. Here’s some advice on how to get rid of bad habits.

Make a list.

Write down why you want to stop a certain behaviorhow it’s hurting you and how to get rid of it. This will help a lot. Look at that list regularly.

Join in other activities.

It’s wise of you to do something else when you want to stop your bad habits. If you get angry easilyfor exampleyou can practice having a deep breath or going for a walk.

Give yourself a present.

Before you take action against a bad habitdecide what you’ll do to celebrate it if  you reach your goal.

Keep off bad habits.

If you are fat and want to lose weightkeep junk food out of your house. If you are a heavy smoker with

coffeeturn to tea and keep away from friends who like smoking.

Be patient.

Bad habits develop over yearsso you probably won’t be able to get rid of them quickly. In factpeople often give up several times before being successfulso you should be patient.

Find support.

Don’t be afraid to ask for support from friendsfamily or other people who have the same bad habits as you.When you talk to othersthey might be able to provide advice or encouragement that you usually wouldn’t get from yourself.

1.If you want to lose weightyou should.

A.drink more coffee B.refuse the junk food

C.find support from friends D.find a heavy smoker

2.Which of the following is WRONG according to the passage?

A.It’s not easy to get rid of bad habits in a short time.

B.You can write down the reasons for getting rid of bad habits.

C.When talking to othersyou can get what you can’t get from yourself.

D.When you want to stop your bad habitsdon’t do anything.

3.From the passage you can learn.

A.why we have some bad habits

B.how to get rid of bad habits

C.what to do to have a bad habit

D.where to find some support



假定你是晨光中学的学生会主席李华,下周英国某中学生访问团将访问你校。请你代表学校给 你将接待的学生 Lucy 写封电子邮件,内容如下:

1. 表示热烈欢迎;

2. 告知活动安排;

3. 询问有何帮助或需求。

注意:1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Lucy,



Li Hua









2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

I know things can get difficulty in life. Everyone has the different story. In the past few years that have gone, I have changed from not wanting to continue with my studies to laugh every night and living life to the fullest. Moreover, I’ve learned that it’s all right to feel lower and cry sometimes. That is okay to have no one by your sides. If you get been knocked down 7 times, get up the 8th time. Listening to music; find and do something that you enjoy. In tough times, you are your biggest help. I promise that things would get better.



A caring and homeless veteran

A simple mistake in a restaurant has changed the life of a caring veteran( 老兵). It had been a little over three decades _________Stefan DeArno was to his hometown of Charleston. South Carolina. But in 2017, his parents’ health _________him to move back to the city.

The veteran didn’t have money for an _________. Luckily, a social worker _________to arrange a shelter for him. During his stay at the shelter, DeArno _________their culinary(烹任的) training program. He had always loved to cook, and had spent many childhood days watching his mother and grandmother in the kitchen.

_________the program, he met Roland Feldman, the _________of the Smoke BBQ restaurant, who was _________by DeArno’s cheerful attitude. Feldman offered the _________veteran a job. One day, Deamo made a lucky __________that would change his life forever.

Instead of __________buttermilk to combread (玉米面), he used heavy cream. DeArno was __________ it would get him __________, but when the bread was finished baking, it was more golden than usual. DeArno __________out the bread to the restaurant and they were all surprised that the new version of a classic recipe was so __________.

Feldman was so __________by DeArno’s creation that he offered to do __________with him. Today, they are the co-owners of Reverend Cornbread Co.

DeArno is now wealthy and successful __________he has not forgotten the place that gave him hope. While __________the new business, he returns to the shelter to volunteer __________a tutor. He uses his new food truck to hand out hot meals to the homeless.

1.A.when B.although C.since D.before

2.A.caused B.left C.shipped D.blocked

3.A.treatment B.company C.apartment D.dormitory

4.A.tried B.demanded C.decided D.managed

5.A.missed out B.passed by C.gave up D.signed up for

6.A.Aside from B.In spite of C.In honor of D.Thanks to

7.A.staff B.owner C.co-founder D.manager

8.A.held up B.appealed to C.turned down D.put off

9.A.charming B.aggressive C.determined D.ashamed

10.A.fortune B.promise C.mistake D.exploration

11.A.applying B.devoting C.adding D.attaching

12.A.scared B.thrilled C.shocked D.stressed

13.A.promoted B.prized C.employed D.fired

14.A.put B.handed C.took D.figured

15.A.terrible B.familiar C.reliable D.yummy

16.A.impressed B.welcomed C.defeated D.defended

17.A.shopping B.trade C.cleaning D.experiments

18.A.so B.yet C.while D.although

19.A.caring for B.making out C.taking up D.turning over

20.A.like B.for C.as D.around



    Honesty is a valuable characteristic in a world full of false promises. Today, we re exploring five qualities of honest individuals.

They’re not concerned about popularity contests. 1.Instead, they simply are who they are and other people can take it or leave it. They stand up for their beliefs. Honest people don’t go looking for fights, but they also aren’t afraid to speak their mind. 2.While this may annoy managers concerned with bureaucracy( 官僚主义), most people will respect honesty and be impressed with those willing to stand out against the group mind.

3.Honesty requires thick skin. Not all people love hearing the truth, and when you give out a fresh dose of reality, some might be likely to throw it right back in your face. Honest individuals may fall victim to the insecure defensiveness of others, requiring them to be thick-skinned.

They have close friendships. Individuals who are honest often have rich, meaningful friendships. Others know that their honest friend won’t complain about them behind their back, and will instead face any issues head on. 4.

They are trusted by peers (同龄人). Individuals  will seek the aid of honest peers, knowing they can count on them for true, objective advice. However, others will just lie and tell you the story you want to hear. 5.But there are many times that the difficult truth is what individuals really need to hear. Others trust honest individuals to tell them what it really is, without covering the truth.

A.They do this to avoid any injured feelings.

B.They never try to fight managers’ decisions.

C.The number of friends they have doesn’t matter.

D.They are seldom upset or hurt by unpleasantness.

E.This level of trust allows for deeper, healthier relationships.

F.They will state their opinions even when they are against the majority.

G.Honest people don’t think about what others think of them all the time.



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