满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Not many years ago a man rented a store in a street named Market Street. While very busy getting boxes and other things inside the store, he happened to see a boy of eleven years standing by. So the merchant (商人)called to the boy, "See here, boy, if you help me today, I'll pay you well. " The boy looked at him but made no answer. The merchant asked "Don't you want to work?" The boy made some sorts of gestures, but remained silent. “Oh! you're some lazy, I guess. Well, if you don't want to work or even speak, just pass along about your business. " The merchant thought the boy's lazy attitude and silence meant disrespect and defiance (蔑视),and soon began to feel angry about it. "A young thief, I guess, watching his chance to steal something and run," thought the merchant. Soon he approached the boy with a threatening look. To his amazement, The boy stood back, making strange gestures and expressions.

"I'll teach you how to make faces and laugh at me. You've been doing this long enough." And without further delay the merchant raised his hand. But the boy, instead of running off, fell down on the pavement. Several people hurried to the spot and inquired what was the matter. "Why! That lazy boy refused to work when I offered him pay and hung around even when I ordered him away, and finally made faces and disrespectful gestures at me. So I was going to scare him and he dropped like that. He was not hurt enough to even cry about it. " One looker-on said, "Sir, that is poor Danny, he is deaf and dumb, perfectly inoffensive when you know him. We all humor him and let him stay around as long as he pleases, for his eyes are the chief blessings he possesses, and they can't injure anything."

When they lifted Danny, they found a wound upon his forehead, and tears were slowly creeping down his cheeks. Danny was carried into a store, and one of his friends who understood how to communicate with him, explained the merchant's mistake.



Paragraph 1: The merchant was heartily ashamed. Anxious to prove that he was sorry, the merchant walked down to the plain house where Danny lived. There was an old table in the house, on which were full of the poor boy's homemade artwork. The merchant did all in his power to relieve the Danny’s sadness and pain. Knowing Danny likes drawing, he transformed the plain house into an interesting one. And he often took the lonely boy for a ride by carriage or railway to draw pictures. Paragraph 2: Danny's mother was very grateful to the new friend—the merchant. She was proud of her son's artwork. In winter they sat by the fire, she was sewing, Danny was busy with painting, and the merchant was quietly ad-miring his work, which formed a delightful picture. But to this good outcome, the merchant often said,"If I had known the truth, had not been so rushed in judgment and had not made him cry, I might have done the same things without doing any harm.” 【解析】 本文是一篇读后续写。 本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,一个男子本来想给一位11岁男孩提供一份工作。在被拒绝之后,因为误解以为那个小男孩是小偷并且举手吓唬那个小男孩,导致小孩子受伤倒地。最后在众人的解释之下,理清了误会。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:商人感到由衷的羞愧….所以这一段应该写商人的补救措施,讲他如何帮助这个可怜的小男孩。第二段开头是:丹尼的妈妈非常感激这位新朋友——商人…。本段应该写丹尼的母亲很欣慰的看到他儿子情况的好转,同时本段也应该写商人的反思。 续写时要求使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语增加了写作难度,我们要熟悉所给划线词语,恰当的时候加以运用。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右;续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。按要求完成写作任务。










    As the train picked up its speed, the passengers slowly settled down on their seats. An_________lady occupied the front seat of mine. She must be in her eighties, I guessed. She smiled at me. Out of curiosity, I gave her_________. But both of us were_________.

It was 4:50 pm. So, bed time was still in a long way. I couldn’t_________myself any longer and asked, “AuntyWhere are you going?”

She_________me for a while and replied, “Army camp, dear.”

Suddenly my_________doubled to know the reason. I politely said, “Aunty, you are_________someone?”

She smiled and I continued to say: “Aunty, you must be feeling so_________to see your child and your grandchildren.”

Perhaps, this question_________her a little but she answered, “Oh, dear! You are so sweet!__________, I had only one son who joined the__________and was killed in a battle just a few days before. I had__________so many new clothes for him. So, I thought why not__________my son’s clothes to some other soldiers, so that I would control my__________and would be happy thinking that my own son has worn it. He was__________, so I don’t have any grand child.”

I was astonished at her heart breaking story! But I admired the old lady from the core of my heart.

1.A.elderly B.famous C.stubborn D.smart

2.A.response B.exploration C.research D.amazement

3.A.dynamic B.calm C.silent D.positive

4.A.resist B.forgive C.deserve D.demand

5.A.cared about B.stared at C.attended to D.watched over

6.A.anxiety B.embarrassment C.appreciation D.curiosity

7.A.visiting B.charging C.sentencing D.reminding

8.A.puzzled B.frightened C.astonished D.excited

9.A.entertained B.attracted C.hurt D.impressed

10.A.Besides B.Therefore C.Still D.Anyway

11.A.club B.league C.party D.army

12.A.shared B.counted C.bought D.buried

13.A.sold B.donate C.connect D.expand

14.A.sorrow B.shock C.sickness D.energy

15.A.unbelievable B.unbearable C.unemployed D.unmarried



    Trees are commonly cut down for wood and paper. 1.. The unique chemical process that trees and plants use to turn light energy from the sun into oxygen is known as photosynthesis (光合作用).


The production of oxygen is a result of photosynthesis, but it is not the main purpose of this process. 3.. Plants create their own food through photosynthesis. During this process, a plant’s roots absorb water from the ground, and its leaves take in light energy and carbon dioxide. The plant uses these elements to make fats and proteins that are then used to maintain the plant’s life.

The process of photosynthesis

The first step in photosynthesis is using the sun’s energy. During this process, chlorophyll (叶绿素) absorbs the light energy of the sun. The energy from the sun then acts upon the water absorbed by the roots of the plant. Carbon dioxide sent into the atmosphere by animals and humans is then absorbed by the plant’s leaves and paired with the hydrogen to produce sugar. The sugar is turned into plant food. 4..

Threats to tree photosynthesis

5.. Today, only about 30 percent of Earth’s land is covered in trees. This is contributing to global warming since trees are necessary to consume the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Experts believe planting trees is vital in order to ensure the preservation of the delicate balance that enables photosynthesis.

A.The purposes of photosynthesis

B.The advantages of photosynthesis

C.In fact, oxygen is simply a by product

D.It is also responsible for giving plants their green color

E.During this process, extra oxygen is produced and released

F.The trees that change carbon dioxide into oxygen are disappearing rapidly

G.But the greatest value of trees comes from their ability to turn the sun’s energy into chemical energy



    Although air travel comes with jet lag, delays and awful food, it offers a brief digital detox—a precious few hours away from the wave of emails, messages and app announcements. But not anymore, In flight Wi-Fi is getting faster and cheaper, and is an increasingly common offering on budget and flagship airlines.

But how does in-flight Wi-Fi actually work? To simplify, there are two ways for an internet signal to reach your device when you’re up in the clouds. The first is via ground based mobile broadband towers, which send signals up to the aircraft’s antennas (天线). As you travel into different sections of airspace, the plane automatically connects to signals from the nearest tower, so there is (in theory at least) no interruption to your Internet. But if you’re passing over large areas of water or particularly remote zones, connectivity can be an issue.

The second method uses satellite technology. Planes connect to satellites in space (35,000 km above the planet), which send and receive signals via receivers and transmitters. Information is transmitted to and from your smart phone via an antenna on the top of the aircraft. These are the same satellites that are used in television signals and weather forecasting. Information is passed between the ground and the plane via the satellite.

All of that technology is expensive. The costs are usually passed on to customers. Over half of the world’s aircraft will be equipped with in-flight Wi-Fi within the next few years. It is set to become a billion-dollar industry by 2020. In the near future you’ll need to find a better excuse than “Sorry I missed your message—I was on a plane”.

1.What sends signals up to the aircraft’s antennas?

A.Internet companies. B.Ground-based receivers.

C.Budget and flagship airlines. D.Ground-based mobile broadband towers.

2.Who will pay for the in-flight Wi-Fi technology in the end?

A.Aircraft passengers. B.Satellite company.

C.Broadband towers. D.The local government.

3.What can we infer about in-flight Wi-Fi from the last paragraph?

A.It serves every customer. B.It has a bright future.

C.It develops very slow. D.It’s a high-tech industry.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.How to Use In-flight Wi-Fi? B.Why Only Some Airlines Have In-flight Wi-Fi?

C.Why Is In-flight Wi-Fi Expensive? D.How Wi-Fi Works on a Plane?



    To me, Shakespeare is a bit of a touchy subject in the theatre industry. I believe Shakespeare’s plays to be the most challenging in terms of language. When you have challenging language, then understanding the plot and topics will become a challenge as well. It’s like a chain. If you don’t understand it from the start, it makes things hard later on and people tend to give up on it. Regardless of all of this, I believe Shakespeare is important in the sense that it’s where true theatre started. William Shakespeare is a name everyone knows regardless of whether you enjoy his works or not.

Many high schools or colleges put on at least one Shakespeare play every few years and I like that. I think it’s important to expose students to plays that are a bit more challenging than they used to be. Of course. it’s not easy to understand these plays but then think about the people who act in those plays. When acting, you have to understand your character and not only that, you need to completely know everything going on around you as well. So to understand the script (剧本) is one thing. but to act in a Shakespeare play is a whole another thing. How about memorizing the lines? That’s one of the hardest things actors have to get through. It is such heightened language that it’s almost like learning a foreign language. Shakespeare is tough and that’s what I think I love it the most. The challenge is understanding. Once you have that then you have room to play with it.

Therefore, if people walked into a Shakespeare play with more of an open mind, their experience would be so much better. There is a large amount of exploration and discovery in his plays and the experience can be really satisfying. It’s hard stuff, but it’s fascinating and we should be embracing it.

1.What’s the biggest challenge in understanding Shakespeare’s plays?

A.The challenging language. B.The variety of its topic.

C.The complicated plot. D.The memorable characters.

2.What’s the author’s attitude towards putting on Shakespeare’s plays at colleges?

A.Critical. B.Cautious.

C.Favorable. D.Indifferent.

3.What does the text suggest people do when enjoying Shakespeare’s plays?

A.Act them out. B.Remember the lines in them.

C.Learn Shakespeare’s language. D.Enjoy them with an open mind.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.The characteristics of Shakespeare’s plays.

B.The plots and topics of Shakespeare’s plays.

C.The importance and way of enjoying Shakespeare’s plays.

D.The stress from performing Shakespeare’s plays.



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