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Fear of missing out It's Friday night.Wh...

Fear of missing out

It's Friday night.While many of your friends may celebrate by going to the movies or checking out a restaurant that's just opened,you've decided to spend this special night of the week by yourself.The night is yours to enjoy.If you think this sounds relaxing,you're not alone. At least for a little while until you start wondering if you've made the right choice. 1.Suddenly,the quiet evening you planned for yourself begins to lose its initial appeal,and you find your excitement quickly turns to anxiety.

2.A recent study defined FOMO as"the uneasy feeling that you're missing  out-your peers are doing or in possession of more or something better than you."

Fear of missing out often develops as a result of deeper unhappiness.Research has found that those with low levels of general life satisfaction are more likely to experience FOMO. 3.Active users of social media have a higher probability of comparing their achievements with others'.Rather than finding happiness through their own experiences,they begin worrying that theirs aren't objectively better than anyone else' s.

The consequences of FOMO are significant and far-reaching.One study conducted with first-year university students found that fear of missing out was associated with tiredness,stress, and sleep problems.

4. Begin with gratitude.By reflecting on what you already have,you're less likely to put valuable mental energy in worrying about what you don't.

Embrace JOMO,or the joy of missing out.5. So,turn off your phones and tablets, and engage in something you enjoy while resisting the urge to upload and share it.While this may take practice and perseverance(坚持不懈),the results are well worth the effort.

A.Therefore,you see yourself in new ways.

B.So how can you overcome the fear?

C.Who is easily affected by FOMO?

D.Fear of missing out,or FOMO,is a common feeling.

E.JOMO allows you to focus on what you really want at any given moment.

F.A doubt begins sinking in as you imagine the fun your friends are having in your absence

G.Further worsening the all-too-common feeling is the rise of social media use.


1.F 2.D 3.G 4.B 5.E 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。介绍了FOMO“害怕错过”以及产生的原因,结果,克服它的方法。并介绍了JOMO“错失的快乐”的益处。 1. 根据空前At least for a little while until you start wondering if you've made the right choice.可知,至少会持续一段时间,直到你开始怀疑自己是否做出了正确的选择。由此可知,空处谈论自己的疑惑;结合选项可知,选项F. A doubt begins sinking in as you imagine the fun your friends are having in your absence当您想像您的朋友在您不在时所享受的乐趣时,怀疑就开始浮现,本句与前一句呼应,谈论了自己的疑惑。故选F。 2. 根据空后A recent study defined FOMO as" the uneasy feeling that you're missing  out-your peers are doing or in possession of more or something better than you."可知,最近的一项研究将FOMO定义为“一种不安的感觉,即你错过了同龄人正在做的事情,或者拥有比你更好的东西。”空处作者介绍了FOMO;结合选项可知,选项D. Fear of missing out,or FOMO, is a common feeling. 害怕错过,或FOMO,是一种常见的感觉,此处FOMO在下一句有解释,符合题意。故选D。 3. 根据空前Research has found that those with low levels of general life satisfaction are more likely to experience FOMO.可知,研究发现,那些生活满意度较低的人更有可能经历FOMO。由此可知,空处谈论的这一情况带来的影响;结合选项可知,选项G. Further worsening the all-too-common feeling is the rise of social media use. 社交媒体使用率的上升进一步加剧了这种普遍现象,本句与前一句呼应,符合题意。故选G。 4. 根据空后Begin with gratitude. By reflecting on what you already have, you're less likely to put valuable mental energy in worrying about what you don't.可知,从感恩开始。通过反思你已经拥有的东西,你就不太可能把宝贵的精力花在担心你没有的东西上。由此可推知,空处谈论如何克服恐惧;结合选项可知,选项B. So how can you overcome the fear? 那么你怎样才能克服恐惧呢?符合题意,因为空后Begin with gratitude.回答了这一问题。故选B. 5. 根据空前Embrace JOMO, or the joy of missing out.可知,作者建议我们欣然接受FOMO,所以空处谈论这么做的好处;结合选项可知,选项E.JOMO allows you to focus on what you really want at any given moment. JOMO让你在任何时候都能专注于你真正想要的东西,与前一句呼应,符合题意。故选E。

    Looking at his pile of unpaid bills always makes Giuseppe Del Giudice feel uneasy.More often than not,Del Giudice leaves his paperwork undone and sweeps the floor or watches TV instead,waiting until the last moment to write the monthly checks.

Everyone procrastinates(拖延)."It's part of the human condition,"says procrastination researcher Tim Pychyl,"One of the ways we cope is avoidance,and that's what procrastination comes down to:We want to feel good now.The way to do that is avoid the task."You can procrastinate on nearly anything,even enjoyable tasks such as planning a vacation.

One that almost everyone procrastinates on is their wills.70 to 80 percent of people,when they pass away,have no will or an out-of-date or incomplete will.It leaves terrible situations. But death isn't actually the cause of avoidance.Research has shown that the top tasks people delay are cleaning,advancing their careers,taking care of their health,and planning their finances.

Some people welcome procrastination,believing that they perform better under pressure. But researchers don't agree with the idea.I did an experiment several years ago,putting procrastinators under restrictions of time,"says Joseph Ferrari,a psychology professor at DePaul University."They did worse than nonprocrastinators, but they thought they did better.They made more errors.They took longer."

Whatever the motivation,procrastination is usually not going to be good for you.Delaying a diet or exercise program may increase your risk of heart disease.Not having seen the doctor when your illness was easier to treat may shorten your life.Just thinking about what you haven't done may cause discomfort."Procrastinators higher levels of anxiety,"says Fuschia Sirois,a psychology lecturer at the of Sheffield."Some of the research has shown that this anxiety increases their possibility catching colds and experiencing many other health problems."

For those of us in need of motivation,the best advice might be to think small.

We used to believe behaviors follow attitude,but if you can start with a little bit of progress,that motivates you, Pychyl says.So if you have been procrastinating on starting an exercise routine,just put on your walking shoes.If you've been putting off a work project, reread your boss's notes about it.

Next,try sending yourself signals to motivate action.For instance,you might put your lights on a timed dimmer switch(变光开关)to encourage a fixed bedtime.Joel Anderson,a philosophy researcher-lecturer at Utrecht University,carried out an experiment around this concept,and it worked on most of his subjects."They formed an intention,"Anderson says. When the lights start to dim,I'll start going to bed."

Finally,reward yourself for each step you take toward your goal.After you've gone to the gym,take a relaxing bath.After you've paid the bills,watch your favorite TV show.(But don't try to convince yourself it will work the other way around!)

1.The author mentions Giuseppe Del Giudice at the beginning to_________

A.provide a setting B.describe the main character

C.introduce the topic D.explain a phenomenon

2.Procrastination is driven by the desire____

A.to feel good for the moment B.to avoid the task

C.to leave things till the last moment D.to carry out enjoyable asks first

3.Which of the following are people least likely to delay?

A.Advancing their careers. B.Taking care of their health.

C.Planning their finances. D.Doing exercise.

4.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?

A.Consequences of procrastination. B.Significance of procrastination.

C.Motivation behind procrastination. D.Physical problems with procrastination.

5.Which of the following is a wise choice for people lacking motivation?

A.Buy a dress of larger size while losing weight.

B.Treat yourself to a chocolate bar before working out.

C.Place your cellphone within sight when doing homework.

D.Write down your goal and stick it where you can see easily.

6.What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?

A.To analyze the origin of procrastination.

B.To present people's opinions of procrastination.

C.To persuade people to accept procrastination.

D.To urge people to say goodbye to procrastination.



    In June 1936,a great novel was published.It gave the world a sense of the Old South,an unforgettable heroine and(in the movie version)the classic phrase,"Frankly,my dear,I don't give it a damn.”

That book is Margaret Mitchell' s(1900-1949)Gone With the Wind,which sold one million copies in its first six months,won the Pulitzer Prize in 1937 and brought an explosion of unexpected and undesired fame to its author.It is not in reality the second best-selling book of all-time,behind only the Bible,as generations of Atlantans have claimed,but it does stand as one of the most astonishing victories in the history of publishing.To be specific,more than 30 million copies of the novel are in print worldwide nowadays.

Mitchell,a former newspaper reporter who used to listen to Civil War stories,declared herself to be thoroughly puzzled by the popularity her only book met with.She thought it might appeal to a limited readership,or at worst sell a thousand copies to family and friends.Instead, however,the book now has more than 1,000 foreign-language editions.

“It appeals to different cultures on different levels,"says Pamela Roberts,who had made a film about the author."On the one hand,it's a great story that wins over young women' s hearts with this charming heroine Scarlett O'Hara who did things her way.The other appeal is the theme of survival.Gone With the Wind has inspired people around the world who have lived through war or suffered under cruel governing."

Two years after the book was published,Mitchell was asked if she was writing anything else,or intended to.She said she had been so busy answering the phone,the doorbell and her fan mail that she had not had the time to.She added that"being the author of Gone With the Wind is a full-time job,and most days it is an overtime job filling appointments and meeting visitors."

The fame which came with her book brought her around$1,000,000 in book copyrights. movie rights and other related returns in less than four years,but disturbed her way of living. Asked about her ambitions at the height of the fame of Gone With the Wind,for someone who hated publicity,Mitchell said that she hoped to put on weight,become fat and accessible and grow old gracefully.

The comment which greeted her work was not all in praise,although much of it was applauded.Whatever future generations may decide as to its value,Mitchell wrote a book which was the most outstanding bestseller ever written by an unknown author of a first novel.

1.Which of the followings statements is true as to the success of the novel?

A.It's the second best-selling book of all time,behind only the Bible.

B.It's the most astonishing success in the history of publishing.

C.More man 30 million copies of the novel were sold in its first 6 months.

D.The novel brought unexpected and undesired popularity to its author.

2.How did Mitchell feel at the popularity of the book?

A.Delighted. B.Confused.

C.Relieved. D.Embarrassed.

3.What contributes to the universal appeal of the book?

A.The theme of the novel and the charm of the heroine.

B.The fact that the book is set in the Old South.

C.Mitchell' s personal popularity as a novelist.

D.Praise from different cultures on different levels.

4.We can infer from the text that Margaret Mitchell_______

A.is an ambitious novelist B.enjoys public attention

C.is very confident of her novel D.desires her usual way of living

5.What is the best title of the passage?

A.Mystery behind Margaret' s Success B.Gone with the Wind

C.Someone Never Gone with the Wind D.Forever Heroine:Scarlett O'Hara



    Several Eye-Opening Facts about Tears

Humans make three different versions of tears.Basal tears help our eyes move smoothly,reflex tears form in response to irritants(刺激物)such as smoke and dirt,and emotional tears flow when we're sad or over-joyed.Onion tears are obviously of the reflex variety-but what's the irritant?It turns out onions produce a chemical to defend themselves.To cut down on its release,freeze the onion before slicing,then use a sharp knife to reduce the damage to the onion and the release of the chemical.

Crying can be good for you.Some studies have shown a good cry can cause the release of certain chemicals that make us feel better.Crying can also improve people's sense of well being by bringing about social support.On the other hand,crying can sometimes make you feel worse than if you haven't cried at all.One study found that people who tend to cry in general more often feel worse after crying during a movie than people who seldom cry.

According to Entertainment Weekly,the biggest Hollywood tearjerker of all time is Terms of Endearment,about how a family deals with a cancer diagnosis.Number 2:Bambi.According to Merriam-Webster,the term tearjerker first appeared in 1912,which happens to be the same year the Titanic sank.(The movie Titanic is 16th on EW' s tearjerker list.)

In medieval(中世纪)times,crying was perfectly acceptable,even manly.In the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf,when Beowulf was killed by a dragon,his soldiers were extremely sad and cried aloud for his death.King Arthur was also known to turn on the waterworks.

Speaking of war,tear gas was banned on the battlefield via the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993,which was made to happen by Iraq's use of chemical weapons in Iran in the 1980s.That said,American police can still legally use tear gas for crowd control.

1.Why do people have tears while cutting onions?

A.Because they are sad. B.Because their eyes are affected by a chemical.

C.Because they are over-joyed. D.Because their eyes can't move smoothly.

2.The underlined word"tearjerker"in Paragraph 3 probably refers to

A.a popular newspaper B.a touching movie

C.a deadly disease D.an interesting book

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Crying is always beneficial to people.

B.Tear gas is strictly forbidden in any case after 1993.

C.Emotional tears only form in response to negative feelings.

D.It is socially acceptable for men to cry in medieval times.

4.Where does the text probably come from?

A.A guidebook. B.A chemistry paper.

C.A medical report. D.A popular science magazine.




Growing up, my parents and older brothers all smoked. Being a child of the 80s, it was normal for the adults to be smoking inside and during trips in the car. There just wasn’t the same awareness of the dangers of second-hand smoke exposure that there is today.

I remember the day when I started smoking. I was 11. I was trying to impress one of the “bad boys” at school. I stole tobacco from my father and rather clumsily rolled a cigarette that I took to school with me. Smoking gave me a sense of autonomy and choice over my own life, and at 11 it was the ultimate act of rebellion. Soon I got addicted to it and was taking cigarettes from dad’s packets on a regular basis. I knew he never started counting them until he had less than half a pack left.

After a while I got caught smoking at school. My parents struck a deal with me: if I stopped smoking at school, they would purchase more tobaccos for me to smoke at home. This was perhaps a misguided attempt to keep me out of trouble. I jumped at the idea, and simply got smarter about smoking at school.

I smoked right through my teens and early 20s, spending thousands of dollars on cigarettes, sacrificing food and other necessities to ensure I had cigarettes.

I tried many methods to quit, but each time I would go back to smoking. I have always had a love-hate relationship with cigarettes. On the one hand, they were a friend to me when I had no other, one constant in my life I could rely on. On the other hand, I despised (鄙视) being dependent on something that was going to kill me.

I grew concerned about the effect my smoking would have on my children and I felt guilty putting cigarettes over other things that could have benefited my family. It is with great shame that I admit that I continued smoking even after having a daughter born with cystic fibrosis (囊性纤维). My daughter fights every day to breathe — and here I was intentionally causing damage to my lungs.






Paragraph 1:

The turning point for me was an incredibly painful experience.


Paragraph 2:

I set myself further little goals, such as only taking my e-cigarettes whenever I went.














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