满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使其构成一篇完整的短文。 注意...



1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;


Recently divorced(离婚),I was in my 20s,had no job and was on my way downtown to the employment offices.I had no umbrella,and I could not afford another one.I sat down in the streetcar-and there against the seat was a beautiful silk umbrella with a silver handle.

I examined the handle and saw a name.The usual procedure would have been to turn in the umbrella to the conductor,but somehow I decided to take it with me and find the owner myself. Then I searched a telephone book for the name on the umbrella and found it.I called and a lady answered.

Yes,she said in surprise,that was her umbrella,which her parents,now dead,had given her for a birthday present.But,she added,it had been stolen more than a year before.She was so  excited that I forgot I was looking for a job and went directly to her small house.She took the umbrella,her eyes filled with tears.We talked for a while,and I must have given her my address. I don't remember.

The next six months were tough.My last job ended the day before Christmas and my thirty-dollar

rent was soon due,and I had only fifteen dollars.When I walked from the streetcar to my small apartment,the air was full of the sound of Christmas merriment.But there should be no Christmas for me.Unless a miracle happened,I would be homeless in January,foodless, jobless.

Peggy,my daughter,had proudly set our kitchen table for our evening meal and put pans out and three cans of food which would be our dinner.When I looked at those pans and cans,I felt broken-hearted.We would have only hamburgers for our Christmas dinner tomorrow.I stood in the cold little kitchen and the coldness in my heart was colder than ice.

Paragraph 1:

The doorbell suddenly rang and Peggy ran swiftly to answer it,calling that it must be Santa Claus.


Paragraph 2:

Our dinner that night was he most delicious I had ever eaten.



The doorbell suddenly rang and Peggy ran swiftly to answer it,calling that it must be Santa Claus.Then I heard a man talking heartily to her,so I went to the door.He was a deliver man.and his arms were full of parcels."This is a mistake,"I said,but he read the name on the parcels and they were for me.When he had gone I could only stare at the boxes.Peggy and I sat on the floor and opened them.A huge doll.Gloves.Candy.A beautiful leather purse.Incredible! I looked for the name of the sender.It was the lady. Our dinner that night was the most delicious I had ever eaten.I forgot I had no money for the rent and only fifteen dollars in my purse and no job.My child and I ate and laughed together in happiness.We decorated the small Christmas tree with the gifts that we received Then Peggy fell asleep.Looking at her,I felt a sweet peace flooding me.I had some hope again. 【解析】 本篇书面表达是读后续写。通过阅读所给文章可知,本文讲述了作者20几岁时离婚后发生的两件事情,第一件事情是,作者坐车捡到一把漂亮的伞,并把伞还给物主;第二件事情是,圣诞节来临,生活拮据的作者和女儿将要过一个寒酸的圣诞节,这让作者感到心碎。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:门铃突然响了,Peggy急忙跑去开门,并大声说这一定是圣诞老人。所以应该写Peggy开门后的所见所闻以及接下来发生的事情,一位快递员上门,送来包裹,作者和女儿打开包裹,发现是丢雨伞的女士送的。第二段开头是:那天晚上的晚餐是我吃过的最美味的晚餐。本段应该写为何这是作者最美味的晚餐和最好的一个圣诞节,作者收到别人的礼物,感到幸福开心,困难的生活又有了希望。 续写时要求使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语增加了写作难度,我们要熟悉所给划线词语,恰当的时候加以运用。最后还要注意所续写短文的词数应为150左右;按要求完成写作任务。

假定你是李华,你最近学习了课文Robert Burns and his poetry 后,非常喜爱诗人罗伯特和他的诗歌,正好你的日本笔友 Yumi前些天给你发了一封邮件,希望你推荐值得学习的英文诗歌。请你结合以下要点给他回封邮件,内容包括:





Alloway, Scotland










1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Yumi,

I'm writing to recommend to you my favourite English poet Robert and his masterpiece"A Red,Red Rose”.


Robert is indeed a wise choice,and I'd be glad if you enjoy his poems.Look forward to hearing of your reviews.


Li Hua




1.Since the new drug was needed for World War II,the government a________ process for penicillin was accelerated.

2.This project will be strongly o_______ by the local people because of the air pollution it may cause.

3.With more children r_______on technology for learning during this time,the risk of online abuse is rising.

4.Chinese people really v_______ the recording of history and Du Fu is better than anyone at reflecting history in his poetry.

5.The architect has c______ herself to finishing the design within a month.

6.________(改编)from a novel written in 2014,the historical drama,Serenade of Peaceful Joy, is well received.

7.James was_______(决心)on going abroad alone,and nothing could stop him.

8.Donations of food and clothing have been collected and_______(分配)to the victims by volunteers.

9.The trip to the USA______ (使体验)him to a completely different culture,which made him delighted.

10.Only when your______(身份)has been checked will you be allowed in.



    In 2016,Maryann Webb was comforting her child when she asked herself a question:if a child from a loving family,  ___with toys and books,can still feel anxious,how can a child living in poverty deal?

The former primary school teacher knew the____that education and social skills can have on a child's wellbeing. After a little research.she discovered that three million Australians were living____the poverty line in 2017,and over 700,000 of these were children.

As a parent,I was shocked by that data."says Webb."The more I learnt,the more I was____to do something."Her bright idea was to create Play and Learn Packs.The result is carefully handmade dolls and books for kids ___that promote healthy bonds in the home and ___the cycle of disadvantage.What followed was Project KIN(Kids in Need): a charity that not only helps disadvantaged kids,__ provides social pathways to women who feel socially isolated.

Today,Project KIN has more than 600 volunteers.The"Play and Learn"packs each ___a handmade doll,the book Imagine If You Had a Friend,which also offers advice to ___and carers about bonding with children over reading,and an activity book.The packs are ___to children from poor backgrounds,and kids experiencing disadvantage.

But the good deeds don't stop with the children:Project KIN is also inspiring a movement of __ in the lives of its volunteers.“Our goal is promoting human ___that contribute to the social and emotional wellbeing of our volunteers and the communities they live in,"says Webb.The charity brings together volunteers across Australia who __ their creations,patterns,tips and stories,which in turn provides volunteers with a ___of connectedness and purpose.

We know our Play and Learn packs won't solve the problem of __,but we believe they're a powerful piece of the 'change' puzzle,"says Webb.

1.A.filled B.surrounded C.decorated D.loaded

2.A.influence B.benefit C.advantages D.drawbacks

3.A.above B.beyond C.below D.across

4.A.forced B.allowed C.inspired D.appointed

5.A.in short B.in need C.in debt D.in order

6.A.promote B.conquer C.boycott D.break

7.A.and B.but C.so D.or

8.A.come with B.connect with C.go with D.live with

9.A.students B.teenagers C.children D.parents

10.A.gifted B.applied C.related D.rushed

11.A.change B.liberty C.challenge D.equality

12.A.activities B.needs C.sacrifices D.connections

13.A.invent B.share C.respect D.mention

14.A.meaning B.form C.method D.sense

15.A.disadvantage B.promotion C.volunteers D.women



Fear of missing out

It's Friday night.While many of your friends may celebrate by going to the movies or checking out a restaurant that's just opened,you've decided to spend this special night of the week by yourself.The night is yours to enjoy.If you think this sounds relaxing,you're not alone. At least for a little while until you start wondering if you've made the right choice. 1.Suddenly,the quiet evening you planned for yourself begins to lose its initial appeal,and you find your excitement quickly turns to anxiety.

2.A recent study defined FOMO as"the uneasy feeling that you're missing  out-your peers are doing or in possession of more or something better than you."

Fear of missing out often develops as a result of deeper unhappiness.Research has found that those with low levels of general life satisfaction are more likely to experience FOMO. 3.Active users of social media have a higher probability of comparing their achievements with others'.Rather than finding happiness through their own experiences,they begin worrying that theirs aren't objectively better than anyone else' s.

The consequences of FOMO are significant and far-reaching.One study conducted with first-year university students found that fear of missing out was associated with tiredness,stress, and sleep problems.

4. Begin with gratitude.By reflecting on what you already have,you're less likely to put valuable mental energy in worrying about what you don't.

Embrace JOMO,or the joy of missing out.5. So,turn off your phones and tablets, and engage in something you enjoy while resisting the urge to upload and share it.While this may take practice and perseverance(坚持不懈),the results are well worth the effort.

A.Therefore,you see yourself in new ways.

B.So how can you overcome the fear?

C.Who is easily affected by FOMO?

D.Fear of missing out,or FOMO,is a common feeling.

E.JOMO allows you to focus on what you really want at any given moment.

F.A doubt begins sinking in as you imagine the fun your friends are having in your absence

G.Further worsening the all-too-common feeling is the rise of social media use.



    Looking at his pile of unpaid bills always makes Giuseppe Del Giudice feel uneasy.More often than not,Del Giudice leaves his paperwork undone and sweeps the floor or watches TV instead,waiting until the last moment to write the monthly checks.

Everyone procrastinates(拖延)."It's part of the human condition,"says procrastination researcher Tim Pychyl,"One of the ways we cope is avoidance,and that's what procrastination comes down to:We want to feel good now.The way to do that is avoid the task."You can procrastinate on nearly anything,even enjoyable tasks such as planning a vacation.

One that almost everyone procrastinates on is their wills.70 to 80 percent of people,when they pass away,have no will or an out-of-date or incomplete will.It leaves terrible situations. But death isn't actually the cause of avoidance.Research has shown that the top tasks people delay are cleaning,advancing their careers,taking care of their health,and planning their finances.

Some people welcome procrastination,believing that they perform better under pressure. But researchers don't agree with the idea.I did an experiment several years ago,putting procrastinators under restrictions of time,"says Joseph Ferrari,a psychology professor at DePaul University."They did worse than nonprocrastinators, but they thought they did better.They made more errors.They took longer."

Whatever the motivation,procrastination is usually not going to be good for you.Delaying a diet or exercise program may increase your risk of heart disease.Not having seen the doctor when your illness was easier to treat may shorten your life.Just thinking about what you haven't done may cause discomfort."Procrastinators higher levels of anxiety,"says Fuschia Sirois,a psychology lecturer at the of Sheffield."Some of the research has shown that this anxiety increases their possibility catching colds and experiencing many other health problems."

For those of us in need of motivation,the best advice might be to think small.

We used to believe behaviors follow attitude,but if you can start with a little bit of progress,that motivates you, Pychyl says.So if you have been procrastinating on starting an exercise routine,just put on your walking shoes.If you've been putting off a work project, reread your boss's notes about it.

Next,try sending yourself signals to motivate action.For instance,you might put your lights on a timed dimmer switch(变光开关)to encourage a fixed bedtime.Joel Anderson,a philosophy researcher-lecturer at Utrecht University,carried out an experiment around this concept,and it worked on most of his subjects."They formed an intention,"Anderson says. When the lights start to dim,I'll start going to bed."

Finally,reward yourself for each step you take toward your goal.After you've gone to the gym,take a relaxing bath.After you've paid the bills,watch your favorite TV show.(But don't try to convince yourself it will work the other way around!)

1.The author mentions Giuseppe Del Giudice at the beginning to_________

A.provide a setting B.describe the main character

C.introduce the topic D.explain a phenomenon

2.Procrastination is driven by the desire____

A.to feel good for the moment B.to avoid the task

C.to leave things till the last moment D.to carry out enjoyable asks first

3.Which of the following are people least likely to delay?

A.Advancing their careers. B.Taking care of their health.

C.Planning their finances. D.Doing exercise.

4.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?

A.Consequences of procrastination. B.Significance of procrastination.

C.Motivation behind procrastination. D.Physical problems with procrastination.

5.Which of the following is a wise choice for people lacking motivation?

A.Buy a dress of larger size while losing weight.

B.Treat yourself to a chocolate bar before working out.

C.Place your cellphone within sight when doing homework.

D.Write down your goal and stick it where you can see easily.

6.What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?

A.To analyze the origin of procrastination.

B.To present people's opinions of procrastination.

C.To persuade people to accept procrastination.

D.To urge people to say goodbye to procrastination.



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