满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The outbreak of locusts, an insect that ...

    The outbreak of locusts, an insect that mainly lives in Africa and Asia, is the worst experienced by Kenya in 70 years. The crowds are some three times the size of New York City, eating their way through thousands of acres of crops and animal grassland and destroying livelihoods in the process.

“These hungry things are alarming,” says Keith Cressman, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization's senior locust forecasting officer. "A crowd the size of Manhattan can, in a single day, eat the same amount of food as everyone in New York and California combined."

Desert locusts are infamous for their ability to breed(繁育)rapidly in large numbers every three months. And with some help from the wind, they can travel as much as 80 miles a day. Most years, the insects stay in African deserts. However, under the right environmental conditions, they can multiply quickly, spread as much as 400 times every six months and cause extensive destruction if left unchecked.

“The insect has the ability to take advantage of good conditions.” Cressman says.

The "good conditions" the scientist is referring to began in mid-2018 when a rainstorm from the Indian Ocean struck a remote area of the Arabian Peninsula known as the "Empty Quarter". Normally, it would dry out within a short period, killing most of the locust population, which depends on green plants for food. However, in late 2018, a second rainstorm struck the same region. The huge sandy area got wet, which is exactly what desert locusts need to lay their eggs and breed. The extra food supply caused the population to explode for the second time in six months.

Luckily, the locusts, experts say, are easy to control with chemicals. Kenya badly needs equipment and a steady supply of chemicals to effectively wipe out the massive insects. Hopefully, leaders worldwide will recognize the tough situation and contribute generously to control the locust outbreak.

1.What can we infer from what Cressman says in paragraph 2?

A.Little can dull locusts' appetite.

B.Urgent action must be taken against locusts.

C.Overpopulation in big cities leads to food shortages.

D.New York and California should meet challenges together.

2.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.Locusts' living conditions. B.Locusts' destructive effect.

C.Locusts' daily travel distance. D.Locusts' super reproductive power.

3.For what purpose does the author mention "good conditions"?

A.To explain immediate causes of the locust outbreak.

B.To remind locals to preserve the environment.

C.To analyze how to prevent locust outbreak.

D.To highlight the strength of two rainstorms.


1.B 2.D 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。蝗虫是一种主要生活在非洲和亚洲的昆虫,它的爆发是肯尼亚70年来经历的最严重的一次。蝗虫群的规模大约是纽约市的三倍,吃掉了数千英亩的庄稼和动物草地,在这个过程中破坏了人们的生计。文章还介绍了蝗虫超强繁殖能力,解释了蝗虫爆发的直接原因,以及控制蝗虫的办法。 1. 推理判断题。根据第二段“These hungry things are alarming,” says Keith Cressman, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization's senior locust forecasting officer. “A crowd the size of Manhattan can, in a single day, eat the same amount of food as everyone in New York and California combined.”可知“这些饥饿的东西令人担忧,”联合国粮农组织蝗虫预测高级官员Keith Cressman说。“一个曼哈顿那么大的蝗虫群,在一天之内,可以吃下相当于纽约和加利福尼亚所有人加起来的食物量。”由此可从Cressman的话中推知,必须采取紧急行动对付蝗虫。故选B。 2. 主旨大意题。根据第三段内容Desert locusts are infamous for their ability to breed(繁育)rapidly in large numbers every three months. And with some help from the wind, they can travel as much as 80 miles a day. Most years, the insects stay in African deserts. However, under the right environmental conditions, they can multiply quickly, spread as much as 400 times every six months and cause extensive destruction if left unchecked.可知沙漠蝗虫因其每三个月就能大量繁殖的能力而臭名昭著。在风的帮助下,它们一天可以行进80英里。大多数年份,这些昆虫都生活在非洲的沙漠里。然而,在适当的环境条件下,它们可以迅速繁殖,每六个月传播400次,如果任其发展,就会造成大面积的破坏。由此可知,第三段的主要内容是蝗虫的超强繁殖能力。故选D。 3. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段The "good conditions" the scientist is referring to began in mid-2018 when a rainstorm from the Indian Ocean struck a remote area of the Arabian Peninsula known as the "Empty Quarter". Normally, it would dry out within a short period, killing most of the locust population, which depends on green plants for food. However, in late 2018, a second rainstorm struck the same region. The huge sandy area got wet, which is exactly what desert locusts need to lay their eggs and breed. The extra food supply caused the population to explode for the second time in six months.可知这位科学家所说的“良好条件”始于2018年年中,当时一场来自印度洋的暴雨袭击了阿拉伯半岛的一个被称为“空区”的偏远地区。通常情况下,它会在短时间内干涸,杀死大部分依靠绿色植物为食的蝗虫。然而,在2018年底,同一地区遭遇了第二次暴雨。大片的沙地变得湿润了,而这正是沙漠蝗虫产卵和繁殖所需要的。额外的食物供应导致蝗虫数量在六个月内第二次激增。由此可推知,作者提到“良好条件”的目的是解释蝗虫爆发的直接原因。故选A。

    An airline passenger ensured a 20-year-old man was reunited with his lost wallet-along with a little extra something to make up for their time apart.

Hunter Shamatt first lost his wallet while he was on a Frontier Airlines flight from Omaha to attend his sister's wedding in Las Vegas earlier this month. On realizing his wallet was lost, he contacted the airline to see if anyone had turned it inbut to no avail. Since the wallet contained his ID, a signed paycheck, his debit card and $60 in cash, he “feared the worst”.

Shortly after the flight, however, Hunter was shocked to receive a package in the mail from an unknown sender. Inside was his wallet-along with an additional $40 in cash.

“Found this on a Frontier flight from Omaha to Denver-row 12, seat F stuck between the seat and wall,” read a letter in the package. “Thought you might want it hack. All the best. PS: I rounded your cash up to an even $100 so you could celebrate getting your wallet hack. Have fun!”

Hunter's mother, Jeannie, posted a photo of the letter to social media in hopes that they would be able to track down the sender and thank them for their kindness. All they had to go on was that the letter was sent from Applied Underwriters in Omaha and the sender's initials were signed: "T.B".

The Good Man was later identified as Todd Brown, a father-of-five who was delighted at the chance to "have a little fun" with helping out a hard-working stranger. Brown says that he often tries to do good deeds without any recognition, thus why he didn't sign his full name on the letter, but Jeannie later insisted on praising the Nebraska native on social media.

“I try to teach my children to do the right things in life, help people when you can despite the outcome,” she wrote on Facebook. “This story is more about restoring faith in people than anything”.

1.What does the underlined word "to no avail" in paragraph 2 mean?

A.Under discussion. B.In vain. C.Beyond belief. D.At a loss.

2.Why did Jeannie upload a picture of the letter to social media?

A.To throw light on the truth.

B.To draw attention to Hunter's lost wallet.

C.To find out the sender to express gratefulness.

D.To sing high praise for the sender's generosity.

3.Which of the following best describes Brown?

A.Innocent. B.Warm-hearted. C.Romantic. D.Easy-going.

4.What's the best title for the text?

A.Hunter Shamatt-a Lucky Man B.Young Passenger Reunites with Sister

C.Helping Needy People Is a Great Virtue D.Stranger Returns Lost Wallet with More Cash Inside



Hot Technology Products at CES 2020

The consumer electronics show, or CES, presents new technology developments annually. Here are some latest products launched at CES 2020.

The Sero TV

Samsung introduced a TV that can be used to watch video designed for a smartphone. The Sero TV does this by turning itself from the normal TV position to an upright position that looks like the shape of a phone. The V can connect to mobile devices to play video directly from the phone.

Smart waste can

A company called TOWNEW presented; waste can designed for the home that does a lot of the dirty work on its own. When the can is full, the user touches a button to activate the machine's smart abilities. The device then completely closes off the waste bag inside, puts a new one in place, all by itself, and raises its top so the user can pick up and throw away the bag.

Invisible car hood(引擎盖)

Automobile industry company Continental showed off a new technology that seems to make the front end of a vehicle disappear. The technology, called "Transparent Hood," aims to make driving safer and easier. Cameras provide video of the area underneath the vehicle, permitting the driver to see objects and road conditions that might present danger.

Wearable air purifier

A company called Aō Air introduced a wearable air purifier. Designed to be a high-tech face covering to block pollution, the device pulls air through a filtration(过滤)system and then uses fans to create a small area of clean air at its front, allowing the air to be purified-without the need for a solid container.

1.Which company's product will appeal to video-loving mobile users?

A.Samsung. B.TOWNEW. C.Continental. D.Aō Air.

2.What's the main advantage of Smart waste can?

A.It saves users the bother of packing waste. B.It allows users to sort rubbish easily.

C.It breaks down waste automatically. D.It contains numerous waste bags.

3.What is special about the air purifier?

A.Complex. B.Costly. C.Waterproof. D.Convenient.








Dear John,



Li Hua



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文请你修改你同桌写的以下作文文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加删除或修改






Every morning I have breakfast with my two-year-old sister in a nearby restaurant. One morning, I was taught her some table manner when an old lady came up to us. She said my sister was so lovely and will grow up to be a beautiful lady. I thanked her and she left for a hurry. I told my sister that she should also say "thank you" because the lady spoke high of her. Just then the lady returned it to get something which was left on her table. My sister thanked them aloud and said she was also beautiful. What the lady said about my sister made us very happier. I think it was same with the lady.



    My phone rang and it was a number I didn’t recognize. When I _______ it, I heard my son’s _______ voice on the other end saying, "Mama, I got on the wrong _______ ." This was his first year in the middle school. I knew my little boy was very _______. After all, it was only his second time to _______ home. Since he normally had football classes, I would met him.

The phone wasn’t hung up, I could hear my _______ was speaking with the bus driver. I could feel his frustration (挫败). The tone of his _______ when he told the bus driver "I’m so sorry" was _______ . Then on the other end of the line, I _______ a calming response. The woman driver said, "Oh, honey, you don’t have to ________. It’s my job to get you home ________. And this is what I’m going to do. ” I’m grateful, ________ she was comforting (安慰) my son. I couldn’t help but think of the many other responses he could have ________. She told me not to worry. We appointed (约定) a place and then she went out of her way to comfort him.

When I arrived at the location we ________ on, the woman driver came over with my son and explained how she noticed he felt terrible and ________. My son had even asked her if he messed everything up. She tried her best to make him ________

Every day, I pray that there are people in our ________ and in the right places to watch over my ________ when I’m not there. And today it did happen. This ________ truly showed the love in her behaviors and care for my son. I won’t let her behaviors go unnoticed, so this story will be ________ with everyone on the Internet.

1.A.gathered B.gained C.answered D.accepted

2.A.attractive B.rare C.funny D.upset

3.A.train B.bus C.subway D.board

4.A.humorous B.nervous C.curious D.bored

5.A.drive B.dash C.run D.ride

6.A.son B.daughter C.friend D.husband

7.A.singing B.voice C.surprise D.cry

8.A.fake B.amusing C.considerate D.worrying

9.A.heard B.predicted C.realized D.designed

10.A.perform B.apologize C.wander D.struggle

11.A.silently B.directly C.safely D.gradually

12.A.meaning B.expressing C.requesting D.knowing

13.A.received B.confirmed C.reminded D.regretted

14.A.relied B.moved C.agreed D.insisted

15.A.homeless B.false C.anxious D.confused

16.A.keep calm B.get crazy C.get up D.keep silent

17.A.grasses B.bushes C.houses D.paths

18.A.drivers B.children C.partners D.musicians

19.A.actress B.detective C.woman D.teacher

20.A.shared B.admired C.argued D.mixed



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