满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Those who work on the “996” model (where...

    Those who work on the “996” model (where employees work from 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week) must envy their counterparts (对应的人)in an American company, because they have a shorter work week. Basecamp, a Chicago-based web application company gives all his employees a short work week: just four days—a total of 32 hours, between May and September every year. Also, they usually work five days a week for the rest of the year.

“That’s plenty of time to get great work done. This is all we expect and all we want from people,” says Jason Fried, a co-founder. “Working 60-plus, or 70-plus hours is unnecessary. In fact, if you have to work 60-plus or 70-plus hours a week, there’s a management problem.”

The company’s summer workload must fit reduced hours, Mr. Fried insists, otherwise the benefits of a shorter week - to recover from work, enjoy time with family and develop outside interests - would be undone.

His new research finds that it is not just long hours that are harmful to employees’ physical and mental health. It is also the intensity (强度)of work. Moreover, it suggests that intensity work harms career prospects (前景).That is because unbearable hours and intensity are in the opposite direction, reducing the quality of the work.

The research concludes that the level of intensity we apply to the work we do is generally “a stronger predictor of unfavorable outcomes than overtime work”. The research compared people of similar jobs and education levels, and found they were more likely to suffer poorer happiness and worse career prospects, including satisfaction, security and promotion, when they worked at an intense level for long periods.

1.What do we know about Basecamp’s four — day work week?

A.It lasts nearly half a year. B.The work pressure is too high.

C.There are some management problems. D.Employees work more than 8 hours a day.

2.What does Mr. Fried intend to say in paragraph 2?

A.Given plenty of time, people can do more.

B.To get work done well needs plenty of time.

C.People can do a job very well in a short work week.

D.A long work week is appropriate for reduced workload.

3.What does the research mentioned in the text want to tell us?

A.Getting much more rest. B.Improving work quality.

C.Refusing a five-day work week. D.Avoiding working too intensely.

4.What can be the best title for this passage?

A.More Work, More Profits B.Shorter Week, Better Reward

C.Less Work, Less Benefits D.Longer Hours, Higher Intensity


1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 【解析】 这是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了工作时间越长以及工作强度越大对工作质量的提升起到了反作用,不仅不利于员工的身心健康,同时也损害了员工的职业前景。实际上缩短每周的工作时间,对于工作质量的提升和员工的身心健康都有好处。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Basecamp, a Chicago-based web application company gives all his employees a short work week: just four days—a total of 32 hours, between May and September every year. ”可知,总部位于芝加哥的网络应用程序公司Basecamp为它的所有员工提供了短暂的工作时间:每年五月至九月期间,每周只工作四天,总共32个小时。经过简单计算可知,Basecamp公司的每周四天工作制会持续将近半年。故选A。 2. 细节理解题。根据第二段中的““That’s plenty of time to get great work done. This is all we expect and all we want from people,” says Jason Fried, a co-founder. “Working 60-plus, or 70-plus hours is unnecessary. In fact, if you have to work 60-plus or 70-plus hours a week, there’s a management problem.””可知,公司的联合创始人Jason Fried说到,“有足够的时间可以将工作完成得很出色。这是我们期望的,也是我们希望员工做到的。他们无需工作60或70多个小时。实际上,如果你每周必须工作60个小时或70个小时以上,那么你的时间管理是存在问题的”。即从Mr. Fried说的话中可知,人们在短暂的工作周内可以很好地完成工作。故选C。 3. 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“His new research finds that it is not just long hours that are harmful to employees’ physical and mental health. It is also the intensity (强度)of work. Moreover, it suggests that intensity work harms career prospects (前景).That is because unbearable hours and intensity are in the opposite direction, reducing the quality of the work.”可知,他的新研究发现,不只是长时间的工作对员工的身心健康有害,工作强度太大对身心健康也是有害的。此外,研究表明工作强度会损害职业前景。这是因为无法忍受的工作时间和强度对工作质量的提升起到了反作用,从而降低了工作质量。由此可知,文章中提到的研究想告诉人们要避免工作强度过大。故选D。 4. 标题判断题。通读全文尤其是最后一段“The research concludes that the level of intensity we apply to the work we do is generally “a stronger predictor of unfavorable outcomes than overtime work”. The research compared people of similar jobs and education levels, and found they were more likely to suffer poorer happiness and worse career prospects, including satisfaction, security and promotion, when they worked at an intense level for long periods.”可知,该研究得出的结论是,工作强度通常比超时工作更能带来不良后果。这项研究比较了具有相似工作和教育水平的人,结果发现,如果长时间紧张地工作,他们更有可能体验到较差的幸福感和较差的职业前景,包括工作满意度,安全感和晋升。再结合第2题的分析“在短暂的一周内员工就可以很好地完成工作”。因此,缩短每周的工作时间,对于工作质量的提升和员工的身心健康都有好处。因此B项(较短的一周,更好的回报。)可以作为文章的最佳标题。故选B。

    If you’re concerned about climate change, should you feel guilty about hanging out online? Maybe not.

Data, or information, is often processed and stored on a computer. A computer that provides data to other computers is called a server. Servers also store data such as videos, pictures and emails. A building that holds many servers is known as a data center. Without data centers and servers, we could not access websites on our own computers and phones every day.

Some people worry that data centers use a lot of energy, which could be bad for the environment. But recent studies found that data centers do not use as much energy as they thought.

Eric Masanet, a professor at Northwestern University, is the study’s main author. Masanet and his team looked at the energy used by data centers around the world, and found that data centers have improved. They saw a 20 percent energy improvement each year.

These improvements are due to better servers. They use less energy than servers once did. Other technologies have also improved.

Masanet said to make sure computers use energy effectively, some things need to happen. Businesses and governments should get involved. Countries need to be open about how much electricity their data centers use. Large data companies also need to source their electricity from renewable energy, such as sunlight and wind. For example, Google and Apple both purchased or generated enough renewable electricity to match 100 percent of their data center energy use in 2018.

“People should care about the energy data centers need,” said Masanet. “But we don’t have to feel bad about staying connected.”

1.Why do people need data centers?

A.To help people reduce time on computers.

B.To store information and let them use websites.

C.To provide energy needed to run people’s phones.

D.To save data on the Internet instead of on servers

2.What caused data centers to have a 20 percent improvement in energy use?

A.Less fuel is being burned in the atmosphere. B.Fewer people are online at the same time.

C.Servers and technologies have improved. D.More information is stored in phones.

3.What does the underlined word “source” in paragraph 6 mean?

A.Measure. B.Store. C.Choose. D.Obtain.

4.According to Eric Masanet, how to make sure computers use energy effectively?

A.Businesses and governments should be involved. B.The boundaries of countries should be opened.

C.People need to spend less time online. D.People need to rely on big data companies.



    If you want your life to stand for peace and kindness, it’s helpful to do kind, peaceful things. One of my favorite ways to do this is by developing my own helping actions. These little acts of kindness are opportunities to be of service and reminders of how good it feels to be kind and helpful.

We live in a rural area of the San Francisco Bay Area. Most of what we see is beauty of nature. One of the exceptions to the beauty is the litter that some people throw out of their windows as they are driving on the rural roads. One of the few shortcomings to live in the mountainous area is that public services, such as litter collection, are less available than those are closer to the city.

A helping action that I practice regularly with my two children is picking up litter in our surrounding area. We’ve become so used to doing this that my daughters will often say to me in exciting voices, “There’s some litter, Daddy, stop the car!” And if we have time, we will often pull over and pick it up. It may seem strange, but we actually enjoy it. We pick up litter in parks, on sidewalks, practically anywhere. Once I even saw a complete stranger picking up litter close to where we live. He smiled at me and said, “I saw you doing it, and it seemed like a good idea.”

Picking up litter is only one of endless supplies of possible helping actions. You might like holding a door open for people, visiting lonely elderly people in nursing homes, or removing snow off someone else’s driveway. Think of something that seems effortless yet helpful .It’s fun, personally rewarding, and sets a good example. Everyone wins.

1.What does the author think of developing helping actions?

A.It helps us to be winners. B.It is very difficult.

C.It requires lots of effort. D.It makes us feel good about ourselves.

2.What do we know about the area where the author lives?

A.It’s in the center of San Francisco. B.People can see beautiful sceneries here.

C.It’s very easy to find litter collection. D.Few people drive on the rural roads.

3.How does the author support his own opinion?

A.By sharing his own experience. B.By listing reasons for giving help.

C.By explaining different methods to be helpful. D.By making a comparison with others.

4.What does the author mainly want to tell us?

A.Parents are the best teachers to their children. B.Everyone should set good examples to others.

C.Small kind acts make the world a better place. D.Protecting the environment will benefit all of us.



    Are you interested in working with animals? Now here comes the CHANCE. Kirby Wildlife Park has set up the unique "Keeper Experience" package. The fantastic experience is available to anyone over the age of 18 who is reasonably fit. We regret that for health and safety reasons, participants who are pregnant, in a wheelchair or suffering from illnesses cannot take part.

A typical day

9:15    Arrival

9:30    Health and Safety Briefing

10:00    Apes and Monkeys

While cleaning out the enclosure (围场)you will find out about how enclosures are enriched with novel items and new smells to stimulate (刺激)the animals* senses and imitate their natural environment.

12:00    Lunch

14:00    Big Cats

On the highlight of most volunteers’ day, you will feed the cats and learn about their nutritional needs. The keeper will give you an introduction to how cat behavior can be read to get an idea of their welfare and health.

16:30    Meet the Team

Meet more of the staff and learn how you can get further involved with work at the park. Learn about our animal adoption plan, what it takes to be a good keeper and where to obtain the right qualifications for a career in animal welfare.

Booking and cancellation

The Keeper Experience is available on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year, and must be booked at least two weeks in advance. Full payment is needed when booking.

Cancellations must be made more than fourteen days before the event, or you won’t receive a full refund (退款).

1.What kind of people can experience working with animals in Kirby Wildlife Park?

A.A teenager boy sitting in a wheelchair. B.A man who is quite healthy.

C.A pregnant woman. D.A girl under the age of 18,

2.When can you know something about an animal adoption plan?

A.At 12:00. B.At 9:30. C.At 10:00. D.At 16:30.

3.What is the requirement of cancelling a booking of the Keeper Experience?

A.A booking must be cancelled over two weeks before the event.

B.Anyone can cancel a booking throughout the year.

C.The cancelling is available on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

D.You can cancel a booking with a full refund at any time.




Misha had a two-year-old dog called Gandalf, a search and rescue dog. Misha had trained him for a year with South Carolina Search and Rescue Dog Association.

Misha would train Gandalf whenever she had time. She would give him something like a shoe to smell, then hide it and say to him, “Find, boy!” Hearing this, Gandalf would race off. Soon he would turn up with the very object in his mouth, looking up at her and wagging(摆动)his tail happily. Misha was sure that together, they two would make a brilliant team.

Last Sunday, a 12-year-old boy Michael disappeared from his group's campsite in Doughton Park, 7000 rough acres in the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. A massive search had been launched, but for 3 days there was barely a track of the boy. The rescue teams were about to lose hope when Misha and Gandalf stepped in.

But this was their first real job. Gandalf would have to pick up the missing boy's smell in the air after three days, a challenging task for even the sharpest animal.

Misha gathered her team of six other members, and they headed north. A sister team had been searching the woods through the night. Misha's team would take over later that rainy morning.

All the searchers found were some dropped potato chips west of Michael's campsite. They'd obtained an unwashed T-shirt from Michael's backpack that hadn't been touched by anyone else and handled it with gloves, carefully cutting it into smaller pieces and sealing(密封) them up in plastic bags.

At 8 a.m. Misha's team were briefed on every detail about Michael. Misha carefully studied his picture to lock his image in her mind. She pulled a bright yellow jacket over Gandalf's head. It had large letters on each side saying “RESCUE”, which made Gandalf look like a solider.

Paragraph 1

Then Misha opened a bag containing the pieces of Michael's shirt.


Paragraph 2

The rescue team were about to stop when Gandalf suddenly slowed down nearby a ruined castle (城堡)




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