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A Journey to China 10 days from just A$1...

A Journey to China

10 days from just A$1,590

Fully inclusive from Australia

Price covers: international airfares, departure taxes, fuel charges, local transportation, accommodation, all meals, entrance fees, guides, daily tours and visas for Australian citizens.

Days 1-3: Australia—Beijing

Fly to Beijing for three nights stay and try Peking Duck. During the stay, stroll through Tian’anmen Square to the Forbidden City, the largest and best preserved collection of ancient buildings in China, and visit the Summer Palace. Next day take a walk on the Great Wall, tour the unique Temple of Heaven and enjoy an attractive Chinese Acrobatic show.

Days 4-8: Beijing—Yangtze River Tour—Chengdu

Fly to Yichang and change (approx: one hour) to board your Yangtze River ship for the next four nights. Enjoy a tour of the Three Gorges Dam (三峡大坝) before sailing on the grand Yangtze River, passing through the impressive Three Gorges. Take a side trip to the Lesser Three Gorges or travel up the Shennong Stream in a peapod boat and enjoy various shore trips along the way. Get off in Chongqing and drive to Chengdu for an overnight stay.

Day 9-l0: ChengduShanghai

Fly to the great city of Shanghai and in the evening sample traditional Shanghai food. Visit the beautiful Yu Garden, Old Town, cross the Great Nanpu Bridge and tour the Pudong area. Also explore Xintiandi with its 1920’s style Shikumen buildings and end your stay in Shanghai with an amazing Huangpu river evening tour.

Day11: Shanghai—Australia

Fly back to Australia, arriving home later the same day filled with happy memories.

Por more information:www.traveltochina.org

1.The underlined word “sample” in the text probably means “________”.

A.book B.sell C.taste D.make

2.According to the ad, the tourists from Australia will ________.

A.take a side trip to the Three Gorges Dam B.visit the Great Nampu Bridge in Chengdu

C.have to pay extra for accommodation and meals D.arrive in Australia on the eleventh day of the trip

3.The advertisement is mainly intended to ________.

A.encourage the Australians to travel in China

B.offer service of booking air tickets to tourists

C.attract the Australians to traditional Chinese food

D.provide Australians with a better understanding of China


1.C 2.D 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了一项从澳大利亚去往中国旅行的行程描述,介绍十一天的日程。 1. 词义猜测题。根据后文traditional Shanghai food可知是飞到大城市上海,在晚上品尝上海传统食物。由此可知,划线单词意思为“品尝”。A. book预订;B. sell出售;C. taste品尝;D. make制作。故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据◆Day11: Shanghai—Australia部分中Fly back to Australia, arriving home later the same day filled with happy memories.可知飞回澳大利亚,当天晚些时候回到充满快乐回忆的家。由此可知,来自澳大利亚的游客将在旅行的第十一天到达澳大利亚。故选D。 3. 推理判断题。根据文章主要介绍了一项从澳大利亚去往中国旅行的行程描述,介绍了这个旅行十一天的日程。由此可推知,这个广告主要是为了鼓励澳大利亚人来中国旅游。故选A。

假定你是李华,你校将举行“校园书市(a campus book fair)”活动,为给全校同学提供平台义卖图书、参考书、笔记等。请你写信给你的英国笔友Eric,介绍此次活动的有关情况,内容包括:






Dear Eric,



Li Hua









It was at a friend’s costume party which I met Roy. Then I invited Roy over in my place. We listen to my CDs together and soon became best friends. Three years ago, Roy’s parents invited I to spend two wonderful week in London with them during the summer holiday. Roy and I loved walk along the beautiful beaches there. Last year I was serious ill and had to stay in hospital for a week. Roy came see me every day. Then his father has changed his job and they moved to another city. Since then we haven’t seen each other many. But we’ve kept writing to each other.




1.She was a______ (积极地)looking For a job.

2.The film The Dark Materials is a_____ (改编)from one of the His Dark Materials trilogy.

3.I a_____ (钦佩)your courage when I first met you and I still think you’re marvelous.

4.China is faced with the challenges of an a_____ (年老的)population.

5.The mother waited for her son with a_____ (焦急).

6.I have an a_____ (道歉)to make to you - I’m afraid I opened your letter by mistake.

7.The discovery was a happy a_____ (事故,偶然的事情)for the meeting.

8.I can’t a_____ (承担得起)the time and money for a long journey.

9.Exercise is extremely b_____ (有益的)to health.

10.His wife’s death was a great b______ (打击)to him.



    Many years ago, I worked in a marathon. I was required to stand by the road to give out water to the runners. I felt so excited to ____ all the different kinds of runners who passed by and quickly took a cup of water. Some walked past, some jogged past and a few________ past.

The next year, I signed up for the________ and gave it a try. With________running practice, I just wanted to finish.

On the day of the race, it was terribly hot. Only after 2 miles, I felt sweat________off me and my legs swelling (肿胀).I began to________, “Why am I doing this? What was I thinking? I must be________And at one moment, I said to myself: "I am never doing this gain." For the following miles, I jogged. I walked. I jogged and walked. At times, I wonder if I could________.

Near the end, a 70-year-old man rushed past me, very ________ , and I felt a little ________ that I was more than 50 years younger than him and I couldn’t keep up with him. But then I ________ something: he was running his race and I was running mine. He had ________abilities, training and goals for himself. I had mine. How often in life do we________ourselves with others and feel _________in ourselves when we really shouldn’t?

We are all unique human beings with unique ________. It’s really no good focusing on others’ race. I decided that I would not ________ running, and that one day I would be one of those ________ people who were still running races. As I crossed the finishing line, I was ________ of myself.

In life we all have those moments when we compare ourselves with others. It’s only ________. Don’t allow those moments to weaken you. Turn them into ________ and let them inspire you.

1.A.see B.inspect C.stare D.notice

2.A.struggle B.dragged C.rushed D.moved

3.A.service B.race C.experiment D.task

4.A.some B.little C.much D.any

5.A.jumping B.taking C.pouring D.setting

6.A.doubt B.remember C.imagine D.suppose

7.A.friendly B.crazy C.generous D.tired

8.A.win B.stop C.make D.finish

9.A.slowly B.gently C.heavily D.fast

10.A.pleased B.frightened C.delighted D.embarrassed

11.A.remembered B.forgot C.realized D.abandoned

12.A.valuable B.wonderful C.different D.proper

13.A.compare B.devoted C.recommend D.show

14.A.disappointed B.surprised C.astonished D.satisfied

15.A.significance B.pace C.principle D.experience

16.A.insist on B.look up to C.put up with D.give up

17.A.elderly B.professional C.international D.educated

18.A.aware B.ashamed C.proud D.afraid

19.A.terrible B.frequent C.important D.natural

20.A.condition B.motivation C.situation D.protection



    Communication is the sharing of information or ideas. No matter our age or background, it is important to know communication is a valuable skill. It’s also a skill that everyone can learn. Skillful communication can even turn a potential fight into a productive talk.1.

Place yourself on even ground. Make sure not to stand over the other person as you are talking.2.If your listener is sitting, you should sit with them.

Listen to the other party. Let listeners share how they feel and wait until they are finished talking before speaking yourself.

Speak in a calm voice.3. You can try taking deep breaths to calm down.

4.Sometimes a conflict takes time to work itself out. Rather than trying to rush a decision, consider stopping the discussion with a plan to revisit it at a later point.

Use “I” messages. When raising concerns, try to start your sentences with “I...” instead of “You,” stating clearly how you feel about the situation rather than blaming others.5.For instance, instead of saying “You’re messy and it drives me crazy,” you might say, “I’m really uncomfortable surrounded by clutter like this. Is there something we can do to deal with it to keep it from being a problem?”

Good communication is a great tool. Practicing will help you get better at it. Having strong communication skills will improve your relationships. You’ll see a difference at home, at school and anywhere else you go.

A.Speak clearly but simply.

B.Don’t force an agreement.

C.Don’t yell or attack the other person or their behavior or actions.

D.This posture can make people uncomfortable and may even upgrade a conflict.

E.“I messages” improve the chances that listeners will consider your point of view.

F.Whether you mean to or not, disrespecting others will hurt the communication process.

G.There are some steps to take to communicate better when you are in conflict with someone.



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