满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Have you got an addictive nature? Are yo...

    Have you got an addictive nature? Are you unable to stop yourself joining in your favorite computer games? This probably describes most of us because its only human nature to not want to miss out on something that everyone else is talking about.

Most crazes arrive suddenly and enthusiasm for them spreads quickly. They become a talking point on social media; we read about them, give them a try and, before we know it, we are hooked (钩住). In the past, these have been objects such as toys and games. Maybe you were the proud owner of a Rubik’s cube, which became the best-selling toy of all time-around 350 million have been sold so far.

Now, technology is driving the latest crazes. Games such as Angry Birds and Minecraft are crazes available on smartphones and computers that have been hard to put down.

Our addiction to crazes has been analyzed by scientists. One of them, Dr Ben Michaels, a clinical psychologist, explains that we want to experience the benefit that another person, or group of people, have experienced from something and this “hooks into an ancient evolutionary (进化的) fear of being left behind or abandoned by our tribes”; we have to join in or lose out.

Although becoming addicted to a computer game might not seem like a ‘benefit’, it can at least give you popularity among your friends. It allows you to learn new skills and gives you something to talk about at parties!

But fashions come and go and most crazes are just a flash in the pan so if one of them is not your cup of tea, don’t worry: there’ll be a new craze arriving very soon. Look at the addiction to loom bands (橡皮筋) - those little bands you could make jewellery and other things out of. For a brief period they were the must-have item for any schoolchild, now they’re the bargain bucket item in a discount shop or worse still, trash filling up our landfill sites! What crazes have you been addicted to?

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A.A lot of people usually talk about the latest crazes on the Internet.

B.The toy “Rubik’s Cube” was not very popular when it was launched.

C.The majority of crazes usually last for a long time.

D.Loom bands are always thrown away in some discount shop.

2.Why are we so addictive to crazes according to Dr. Ben?

A.We just want to benefit from what others have experienced.

B.We have the evolutionary fear of being left behind or missing out by our groups.

C.Some crazes are so attractive that we can’t refuse them.

D.Crazes can bring us so many benefits.

3.Which of the following is NOT the benefit of being addicted to a particular craze?

A.Getting popularity among your friends

B.Learning new skills

C.Having something to talk about at parties

D.Improving communication ability

4.What is possibly the best title of the text?

A.The Addiction to Computer Games

B.The Fear of Missing out

C.The Benefits of Crazes

D.Nature of Humans


1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文,介绍了“错失恐惧”这一心理现象。 1. 推理判断题。根据第一段和第二段中的“This probably describes most of us because its only human nature to not want to miss out on something that everyone else is talking about. Most crazes arrive suddenly and enthusiasm for them spreads quickly. They become a talking point on social media; we read about them, give them a try”可知这可能适用于我们大多数人,因为不想错过别人都在谈论的东西是人类的天性。大部分流行一时的东西是突然变得很受欢迎的,人们对它们的热情扩散的很快。它们会成为社交媒体上的话题;我们会了解它们并尝试。由此推知,因为不想错过别人都在谈论的东西,很多人经常会谈论网上最新的流行。故选A项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“One of them, Dr Ben Michaels, a clinical psychologist, explains that we want to experience the benefit that another person, or group of people, have experienced from something and this “hooks into an ancient evolutionary (进化的) fear of being left behind or abandoned by our tribes”; we have to join in or lose out.”可知本·麦克(博士临床心理学家)解释说,我们想体验另一个人或者另一群人从某个东西中获得的好处,而这种心理 “引出了一种古老的进化了的恐惧,即害怕被我们的群体落下或抛弃。”;我们要么加入,要么出局。”也就是说我们对这种流行一时的东西这么狂热的原因就是因为有这种害怕被落下或抛弃的恐惧。故选B项。 3. 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“it can at least give you popularity among your friends. It allows you to learn new skills and gives you something to talk about at parties!”可知这种上瘾但它至少能让你在朋友中更受欢迎。它能让你学到新技能,让你在聚会上有话题可谈。而选项D(提高沟通能力)在原文中并没有提到。故选D项。 4. 主旨大意题。本文第一段提出不想错过别人都在谈论的东西是人类的天性,后文进一步解释了这个心理现象,并引用心理学家的话解释了原因,最后一段作者提出时尚来来去去,大多数流行一时的东西只是昙花一现,所以不必追求潮流。也就是说全文是围绕人们不想错过最新的流行的东西这一件事再写,B项(害怕错过)可以体现这一心理,最能概括全文,故选B项。

    Picture a young Chinese woman in a field, dressed in traditional hemp (麻布) clothing, as she picks flowers to create makeup for her cheeks. Imagine the same person making a bamboo sofa, cooking soy sauce and cooking up all sorts of delicious dishes.

It may sound hard to believe, but such a person exists in modern China, and her name is Li Ziqi. On Dec 14, she won Person of the Year in the category of cultural influence awarded by China Newsweek.

With a fan base of more than 21 million people on Sina Weibo and 7 million flowers on video-sharing site YouTube, Li has made a name for herself in a series of videos that show off a pre-industrial Chinese way of life in rural Sichuan province. “I want to do my part to let more people know about Chinese culture,” the bogger told China.org.cn. “Much of the popularity of my videos owes to the attraction of Chinese culture.”

Li sems to be a master of all kinds of sillscooking, painting, designing and farming. She raises silkworms to sew a quilt for her grandmother and grows plants. Many videos show her picking seasonal ingredients from her own garden and cooking them up with her wood-fired work. A warm bowl of soup for the winter, a lighter plate of noodles for the summer, Li follows the seasons in her cooking, as China’s traditional 24 solar terms also do, and makes food suitable for the particular climate.

“She told the stories of China’s culture and that of China.” the official Sina Weibo account of China Central Television noted. The success of Li Ziqi also comes from her “passion for life, for her home and for her culture”. Indeed, Li’s simple pleasures amaze people living in the hustle and bustle of big cities. “She leads a life that many dream of, but don’t dare to give up their current life in exchange for,” iFeng.com wrote. Her handmade lifestyle is a fantasy for many. “In today’s society, many feel stressed,” she told the South China Morning Post. “When they watch my videos at the end of a busy day, I want them to relax and experience something nice, to take away some of their anxiety and stress.”

1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Li Ziqi enjoys 7 million followers on Twitter.

B.Li Ziqi won Person of the Year awarded by Chinese government.

C.Li makes suitable food to follow the changes of climate.

D.Li’s video can’t bring pleasures to people in big cities.

2.What makes Li’s video so successful at home and abroad?

A.Her love for Chinese culture B.Her confidence for Chinese culture

C.The attraction of her videos D.Her excellent ability of making handicrafts

3.What does the underlined words “hustle and bustle” in Paragraph 5 mean?

A.noisy and stressful life B.busy but relaxing life

C.fantastic and enjoyable life D.quiet and comfortable life

4.What’s the main purpose of making videos according to Li Ziqi?

A.To promote the sales of Chinese food and handicrafts.

B.To attract more of fans to visit her Sina Weibo.

C.To make herself known to the public.

D.To free the stressed people from the anxiety and stress



    The act of social distancing has become an effective protective measure against the novel coronavirus and a part of everyday life across the world. Many countries have launched different social distancing measures. Some are strict while others are creative. Let’s take a look at three special quarantine (隔离) measures around the world.


With more than 3,000 confirmed cases by April 12, Panama has announced strict quarantine measures. One of them is to separate people by gender to go out.

Starting in April, males in the country are required to leave home on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday while females can go out on Monday, Wednesday and Friday every week. No one is allowed to go out on Sundays. To further prevent the spread of COVID-19, citizens are able to leave their homes for only two hours at a time. But according to the Guardian, the restriction measures do not apply to civil servants or her important staff who are battling against the novel coronavirus on the frontline.


ID numbers are unique identification tools for individuals, but they may also be used to decide when people can go out in Colombia during the novel coronavirus epidemic. According to the BBC, people in some Colombian towns are allowed to be outside based on the last digit (数字) of their national ID number. For example, in northwest-central Colombia, Barrancabermeja, people with an ID number ending in zero, four or seven are allowed to leave the house on Monday, while those with an ID number ending in one, five or eight can go outside on Tuesday.


Though outdoor exercise is a good way to keep healthy, it can sometimes cause too many people to gather in one place. In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, Paris has forbidden all outdoor exercise between 10 am and 7 pm. Outside of this time span, people are allowed to exercise individually as long as it’s for less than an hour and within one kilometer of their home. If people break the rule, they will face fines of between €135 ( about 1,040 yuan) and €375.

1.What can we learn about Panama’s social distancing measures?

A.All citizens should follow the rules of going out by gender.

B.Ordinary citizens can stay outside for at most two hours at a time.

C.Civil servants are allowed to go out every day except on Sundays.

D.None can go out for dinner, starting in April.

2.Which group is allowed to go out on Tuesdays in Barrancabermeja, during the epidemic?



C.Those with an ID number ending in one, five or eight.

D.Those with an ID number ending in zero, four or seven.

3.Which of the following follows the rules in France?

A.Cycling around one’s home at 6 pm. B.Playing badminton in front of one’s house at noon.

C.Playing basketball with friends at 9 pm. D.Jogging alone near one’s home from 8 am to 8:30 am.



假设你是李华,你校图书馆准备购置一批新书,以下是现有图书的情况(图表)。现广 泛征求学生的意见。请发一封邮件至校长信箱,你的邮件内容需包括:




1. 参考词汇;传记类biography books;学科辅导类test-prep books

2. 词数120左右;

3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

4. 开头语已为你写好。

Dear headmaster,

I’m Li Hua, a student from Grade 1, Class 1_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Yours truly,

Li Hua




1.Despite the power cuts, the hospital continued to f________ (正常运转)normally.

2.To keep fit, you’d better make exercise a part of your daily r________ (常规).

3.Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, buses do not run so f________ (频繁) between the city and the airport.

4.No one could have believed that Zhang Jiacheng, the one-armed teenager, would one day wow the world on the basketball court by means of s________ (社交) media.

5.Nowadays people in China are encouraged to run a street stall (摊位) to p________ (促进) the economy.

6.It’s so c________ (方便) to be able to compare the quality and prices from different online shops before I purchase something.



    We have two dogs. We took in both after they were abandoned (抛弃) in the country. They will run off at any chance. _________ my yard is fenced (栅栏), I have to keep them chained (拴住) to avoid paying any fines for _________ them from the city pound (流浪狗收容所).

This morning as I was walking the first one out, the second ran past me quickly. I called for her to return, but she chose to _________ my words and headed off. Despite my best _________ at calm and peacefulness, having a dog disobey me did make me mad.

Anyway, when I drove to pick up my daughter from school I just _________ to mention that Cady might be _________. I added that if she was put into the pound, I would not be paying her _________ this time.

_________?” my daughter asked. “Is it just the money?”

“Well, partly it’s the money. It will be probably over $100 _________ all is done. But mostly it is because I am __________ with her?” I __________ “I will not keep such a dog, never!”

I noticed that my daughter had her head turned away from me and had not said a __________ word for over 5 minutes.

“Why does this __________ you so much?” I wondered out loud.

My daughter said, “Dad, you just don’t __________ . If Cady is at the pound, since she is three years old and not __________ housebroken (训练好的), who would pick her? That means they will kill her.”

Then I __________ that the only reason I kept the dog in the first place was that we could not find a __________ for her and did not want her to be __________ by Animal Control. My __________ softened.

As we __________ the driveway, there stood Cady in the yard, tail wagging and ready for some supper.

Children are such incredible teachers!

1.A.As though B.In case C.Now that D.Even though

2.A.recovering B.removing C.representing D.relieving

3.A.consider B.accept C.ignore D.grasp

4.A.efforts B.devotions C.memories D.indications

5.A.happened B.hesitated C.occurred D.attempted

6.A.barking B.running C.rolling D.missing

7.A.money B.fines C.bill D.debts

8.A.So what B.Why not C.How about D.Since when

9.A.after B.since C.before D.until

10.A.sad B.angry C.worried D.embarrassed

11.A.suggested B.realized C.promised D.insisted

12.A.simple B.slight C.single D.suitable

13.A.shock B.excite C.upset D.confuse

14.A.interrupt B.mistake C.help D.understand

15.A.even B.ever C.just D.only

16.A.reminded B.remembered C.found D.sensed

17.A.way B.home C.reason D.time

18.A.destroyed B.picked C.raised D.fed

19.A.mind B.feeling C.heart D.head

20.A.broke into B.pulled into C.looked into D.ran into



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