满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Yang Wenqing is the only teacher of this...

    Yang Wenqing is the only teacher of this small school, more precisely a teaching center, _______ in Dengyunzhai Village, Luxi County, Hunan Province.

The tiny school was _______ built for this remote rural area with a small and scattered (分散的) _______. The school arranges different _______ from the neighboring areas into one single class. Situated in a mountainous region, the village is the home to many _______ children, as young and middle-aged parents have _______ into cities for jobs.

The 53-year-old teacher volunteered to come to Dengyunzhai a decade ago when Luxi County _______ its teaching center to make it _______ for the school-age children nearby to receive education.

“I _______ the second-grade students from the first -grade and kindergarten kids,” said Yangadding that she splits her 40-minute class time between different graders. Besides Chinese and math, Yang is also ________ for at least two music and art classes a week. In order to better teach the students, she ________ training programs for music teachers organized by local authorities. “________ I am the only teacher here, children should learn nothing less,” she said.

At 4:00 p. m. every school day, Yang walks out of the classroom and ________ the school bell. Hearing the bell, the students ________ orderly to return home. After the students leave, Yang would carefully clean the ________ . She is always the last one to leave the school. “Education can change the ________ of these students. The better foundation I ________ for them, the brighter future they can have through further study," Yang said.

Yang’s work has ________. For years, the academic results of her students are among the best in the whole county. She has ________cultivated (培养) more than 100 children, who later went on to________ higher education.

1.A.interested B.located C.set D.rooted

2.A.specially B.poorly C.terribly D.hurriedly

3.A.village B.area C.population D.square

4.A.graders B.villagers C.students D.teachers

5.A.worn-out B.lay-off C.left-over D.left-behind

6.A.jumped B.flooded C.flown D.grown

7.A.set out B.set off C.set down D.set up

8.A.amazing B.fortunate C.possible D.attractive

9.A.separated B.differed C.told D.judged

10.A.considerate B.available C.responsible D.respectable

11.A.held B.made C.combined D.attended

12.A.Because B.Whether C.Although D.If

13.A.rings B.observes C.presses D.knocks

14.A.stand up B.line up C.speak up D.take up

15.A.windows B.floors C.blackboards D.classrooms

16.A.future B.character C.dream D.expectation

17.A.pave B.base C.lay D.settle

18.A.turned down B.turned up C.paid for D.paid off

19.A.diligently B.successfully C.frequently D.wisely

20.A.explore B.manage C.adore D.seek


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了杨文清老师为了湖南省泸溪县登云寨村的学生能够有接受教育的机会,自愿去山区教书的事情。最后她的工作得到了回报,她的学生的成绩在全县名列前茅。 1. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:杨文清是这所小学校里唯一的老师,更确切的说是一个教学中心,位于湖南省泸溪县登云寨村。A.interested使感兴趣;B.located位于;C.set放置;D.rooted使生根。根据空格后in Dengyunzhai Village, Luxi County, Hunan Province.可知,句子在描述这个教学中心的位置。故选B项。 2. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:这所小学校是专门为这个偏远的,人口稀少而分散的农村地区而建立的。A.specially专门地;B.poorly贫穷地;C.terribly可怕地;D.hurriedly仓促地。根据this remote rural area with a small and scattered 可知,这是一个偏远的山区,孩子是没有机会接受教育的,所以这所学校应该是专门为这个偏远地区建立的,让孩子们有机会接受教育。故选A项。 3. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这所小学校是专门为这个偏远的,人口稀少而分散的农村地区而建立的。A.village村庄;B.area地区;C.population人口;D.square广场。根据后文内容可知,中青年的父母都去城市中找工作了,而且这还是偏远的山区,可推断出人口是稀少的。故选C项。 4. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这所学校把临近地区的不同年级的学生放进一个班里。A.graders……年级学生;B.villagers村民;C.students学生;D.teachers老师。根据后文句子adding that she splits her 40-minute class time between different graders可知,她把40分钟的课时分给不同年级的学生,可推断出是把不同年级的学生放进一个班里了。故选A项。 5. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这个村子位于山区,是许多留守儿童的家,因为中青年的父母涌入到城市中找工作了。A.worn-out破旧不堪的;B.lay-off解雇;C.left-over剩余的;D.left-behind留下的。根据young and middle-aged parents have 6 into cities for jobs.中青年的父母涌入到城市中找工作了,可推断出村子里有许多留守儿童。故选D项。 6. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:位于山区,这个村子是许多留守儿童的家,因为中青年的父母涌入到城市中找工作了。A.jumped跳;B.flooded大量涌入;C.flown飞;D.grown生长。根据上文提到的村子里有许多留守儿童,可推断出父母应该都去城市里找工作了。flood into意为“涌入”,这里形容很多中青年的父母涌入到城市中找工作,为固定短语,符合句意。故选B项。 7. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:当泸溪县为了使附近的学龄儿童能够接受教育而建立教学中心的时候,这位53岁的老师自愿来到这里。A.set out摆放;B.set off启程;C.set down记下;D.set up建立。根据make it 8 for the school-age children nearby to receive education.可知,教学中心是被泸溪县建立的,为了让附近的学龄儿童能够接受教育。故选D项。 8. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当泸溪县为了使附近的学龄儿童能够接受教育而建立教学中心的时候,这位53岁的老师自愿来到这里。A.amazing令人惊叹的;B.fortunate幸运的;C.possible可能的;D.attractive有吸引力的。根据文章内容可知泸溪县建立教学中心是为了让孩子们有机会接受教育,换句话说,就是让孩子们接受教育这件事是可能的。故选C项。 9. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我把二年级的学生和一年级的学生及幼儿园的孩子分开。A.separated分开;B.differed有区别;C.told讲述;D.judged判断。根据后文句子adding that she splits her 40-minute class time between different graders可知她把40分钟的课时分给不同年级的学生,可推断出她是把不同年级的学生分开了,分别授课。故选A项。 10. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:除了语文和数学,杨还负责每周至少两节的音乐和美术课。A.considerate考虑周到的;B.available可获得的;C.responsible负责任的;D.respectable值得尊敬的。根据上文可知,杨是这个地方唯一的老师,所以她除了教语文和数学,还要负责音乐和美术课。故选C项。 11. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:为了更好地教授学生,她参加了当地政府组织的音乐教师培训计划。A.held拿着;B.made制作;C.combined结合;D.attended参加。根据上文可知,她要负责每周至少两节的音乐和美术课,可推断出她去参加当地政府组织的音乐教师培训计划,来更好地教学生音乐。故选D项。 12. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然我是这里唯一的老师,但孩子们应该学到更多东西。A.Because因为;B.Whether是否;C.Although虽然;D.If如果。根据句意可知,句子表示虽然老师只有我自己,但是我也要让孩子多学东西。故选C项。 13. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:杨走出教室,按响了放学的铃声。A.rings发出铃声;B.observes观察;C.presses压;D.knocks敲。根据Hearing the bell, the students 14 orderly to return home可知,这里指放学的铃声响起,孩子们才会回家。ring the bell意为“敲钟”或“摇铃”,为固定搭配,符合句意。故选A项。 14. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:听到铃声,学生们有序地排队回家。A.stand up站立;B.line up列队;C.speak up大声说;D.take up占用。根据生活常识可知,这里指放学后,学生们排队回家,句中的orderly(有秩序地)也可以从侧面说明学生们是排队回家。故选B项。 15. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:学生们离开之后,杨开始认真地打扫教室。A.windows窗户;B.floors地面;C.blackboards黑板;D.classrooms教室。根据上文的Yang walks out of the classroom可知他们是在教室上课,可以推断出学生们离开之后,杨会打扫教室。故选D项。 16. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:教育会改变这些学生的未来。A.future未来;B.character性格;C.dream梦想;D.expectation期待。根据后文提到的the brighter future they can have可知,教育会让他们有更美好的未来,可推断出此处应该说是教育会改变这些学生的未来。故选A项。 17. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我为他们奠定更好的基础,通过进一步的学习他们就会有更光明的未来。A.pave铺设;B.base以……为据点;C.lay安放;D.settle定居。杨的努力是为了给孩子们奠定好的学习基础,lay foundation for…意为“为……奠定基础”,为固定搭配。故选C项。 18. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:杨的工作有了回报。A.turned down拒绝;B.turned up出现;C.paid for付出代价;D.paid off得到好结果,取得成功。根据后文For years, the academic results of her students are among the best in the whole county.可知,她的学生的成绩在全县名列前茅。可推断出她的工作是有回报的。故选D项。 19. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:她成功培养了超过100个孩子,后来这些孩子继续寻求高等教育。A.diligently勤奋地;B.successfully成功地;C.frequently频繁地;D.wisely聪明地。根据上文可知,她的学生的成绩在全县名列前茅。可推断出她成功培养了超过100个孩子。故选B项。 20. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她成功培养了超过100个孩子,后来这些孩子继续寻求高等教育。A.explore勘探;B.manage管理;C.adore热爱;D.seek寻求,争取。根据higher education.可知,这些她成功培养的孩子应该是为了美好的未来,去寻求高等教育。故选D项。

Easy ways to have the best day ever

Having to set an alarm every day to wake up early is an awful feeling. So what if you could wake up in the morning and be ready to take the day on head first? Well, it takes just several simple steps. Wake up, and be awesome!

Get ready the night before.

The first approach to becoming a morning person and ensuring you have an amazing day is getting ready the night before. Keep your bags ready to go, filled with a snack for the day and all your belongings. 1.

Try and stay off your phone.

We are all guilty of getting upthen going straight on our phones, then two minutes turns into 20 and then it is rush, rush! Avoid going on your phone apart from turning your alarm off. 2. They can be read afterwards.


When you get to work/ school or even if you are home for the day, prepare for some tasks in advance. Put the most important one at the top in red so that you know that you have to get it done firstly.

Eat breakfast.

There is no denying that the best way to feel and look good for the entire day is by eating your breakfast. Just eat something, a breakfast bar or even a piece of fruit. 4. Your body needs food to keep it going and a hungry stomach puts you in the worse mood.

Be positive

The last way to have the best day ever is not to think of all the things that went wrong yesterday or all the things you need to get done but haven’t got enough time for. The thought will stress you out even more. 5.

Now you’re on the path to having the best day ever.

A.Ignore the messages.

B.Write a list of things to do.

C.Find the best feeling to finish a task.

D.Make sure you will not forget anything.

E.A positive mind is beneficial for you to solve all the problems.

F.So focusing on the good things that could happen will be helpful.

G.This will energize your brain and start to make the nervous system work.



    An ordinary cotton T- shirt can be changed into body armour(盔甲), thanks to scientists from South Carolina, Switzerland and China. They combined the carbon in the cotton with boron to create a tough, lightweight fabric of boron carbide(碳化硼), the same material used to protect tanks.

Available at Wal-Mart, the new T- shirt would be not only bulletproof, but also resistant to ultraviolet light from the sun and life -threatening radioactive rays.

“The present armour is strong, but it’s not flexible and it’s very heavy. We tried to solve this problem with a different approach. In our approach, we used cotton T- shirts,” said Xiaodong Li, a scientist at the University of South Carolina. The trick for the scientists was combining melting boron with the carbon fibers inside the cotton fibers to form boron carbide. The great research began with a package of plain, white T-shirts purchased at Wal-Mart, which the scientists cut into pieces. They put those white cotton pieces into a black liquid of boron. After an hour, the cotton pieces were taken out from it and baked in an oven at a temperature of more than 1,000 degrees Celsius for an hour. As a result, only carbon and boron was left and then boron carbide came into being.

The resulting material is very different from the original ones at the start of the process—it’s lighter, stronger, tougher and stiffer than the original cotton, but it can still be bent, unlike normal boron carbide armour.

Li said that the physical features of the new material are still being tested, but “from our initial results we can say the test has been very, very promising.” “We expect that the material can stop a bullet,” Discovery News quoted Li as saying.

Covering cars or aircraft with cotton-based boron carbide, instead of the metal used today, would make these vehicles much lighter and more fuel- saving.

1.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A.The features of new boron carbide. B.The advantages of new boron carbide.

C.The disadvantages of former boron carbide. D.The process of making new boron carbide.

2.What can we know from the text?

A.Many T- shirts are used to produce new materials.

B.The new T- shirts must be popular with children.

C.The new boron carbide contains many chemicals.

D.The new material has more advantages.

3.What’s Li Xiaodong’s attitude towards the new material?

A.Confident. B.Negative. C.Neutral. D.Ambiguous.

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A.Traditional T-shirts are out of date. B.An ordinary T- shirt can become body armour.

C.New boron carbide has been widely used. D.Cotton- based boron carbide will easily change our life.



    Wherever we look, we see advertisements that attract us to buy. In today’s society, we are under pressure to constant shop. Of course, most people only buy what they need and what they can afford. However, there are some people called shopaholics, who can’t control their desire to spend money buying things. This kind of addictive behavior can lead to money problems, family conflicts, and deep unhappiness.

What are the symptoms of a shopaholic? People with this problem often spend hours and hours shopping on the Internet or at the mall. Their closets are full of clothing and jewelry that they have never worn, with the price tags still on them. Their homes may be filled with shopping bags and boxes that they bought but never used. Many shopaholics are aware of their own problems, but when they go to a store, they simply can’t resist the urge to buy. Some of them are ashamed of their weakness and try to hide it by storing their purchases in places like the attic(阁楼), where others won’t see them.

Psychologists think there are several reasons for a shopping addiction. For some people, it is a way of reducing stress. For others, shopping is a way to fight loneliness or depression. For people with less confidence, shopping can be a way that they prove their self-worth. Sometimes the problem develops out of boredom. It replaces other hobbies and interests to help kill the time. Although shopping can temporarily make people feel good. they often feel ashamed and guilty later.

When shopping habits get out of control, people need professional help. They can either see a counselor(顾问) or join an organization such as Shopaholics Anonymous. Groups like this try to help people understand the reasons for their addiction and learn how to control the urge to shop. Their goal is to help people find ways to fulfill themselves rather than lead to serious debt and troubled lives.

1.What are “shopaholics” like according to the passage?

A.They often spend plenty of money in shopping. B.They are proud of spending much money.

C.They are addicted to collecting shopping bags. D.They fail to realize their desire to shop constantly.

2.Why do some shoppers hide their purchases in the attic?

A.They treasure what they have bought. B.They want to give their family a surprise.

C.They are afraid of being regarded as thieves. D.They are ashamed of their own constant shopping.

3.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Money. B.Shopping. C.Stress. D.Self-worth.

4.What are groups like “Shopaholics Anonymous” intended to do?

A.To encourage people to overcome their bad feelings.

B.To seek professional help in window shopping.

C.To help control some people’s desire to purchase.

D.To call on more people to get rid of their bad habits.



    The bird dropped like a rock. Before lowering the gun, I realized what I’d done—I’d killed my first animal. I rushed into the brush, praying, “Oh God, please don’t let it be dead.” The pigeon lay there with blood out of its beak (), feathers scattered about and its head bent lifelessly to the side. After burying it, I hurried home and went to hide my gun in my room.

I was dead silent at dinner. I felt as though every time I lowered my head, Dad was looking at me, but whenever I stole a glance in his direction, he seemed simply to be paying attention to his food. Mom finally uncovered the main dish—chicken. The dead pigeon appeared in my mind so that I almost threw up on the plate. Pushing my chair back and I ran to my room. My head buried in my pillow, I felt Dad rubbing my back. My tears slowly disappeared and I cleared my throat. “I shot a pigeon today,” “Oh?” my father replied, his expression unchanging.” And how did it feel?” “It felt... awful,” I answered.

“I’m sure it did. That’s one of the reasons I said you shouldn’t shoot birds.” I glanced at him,” Are you going to punish me?”

“Well, you misused your BB gun, and you disobeyed me. What you need is to always remember how bad it felt to kill that poor bird. Somehow, I think you will. ”And, patting me on the shoulder, he said, “Now let’s go to get dinner.”

Little did I know that my father was right before this. I would remember killing that bird along with a lot of other things for the rest of my life.

1.How did the author feel just after realizing having killed the bird?

A.Upset and despair. B.Delighted and proud.

C.Tired and sad. D.Scared and regretful.

2.Why did the author run away when seeing the dish of chicken?

A.He had something urgent to do.

B.He didn’t like chicken at all.

C.He thought of the killed bird.

D.He was afraid to face his parents.

3.What did the father do after being told the truth?

A.To take away the author’s gun.

B.To criticize the author seriously.

C.To require the author to obey him forever.

D.To ask the author to remember killing the bird.

4.What do we know about the author’s father?

A.He was satisfied to see the author hide his gun.

B.He didn’t want the author to waste time playing.

C.He used his special way to teach the author a lesson.

D.He was tolerant of any of the author’s mistakes.



Good News to Relax Yourself

Warner Bros. to release’Dark Knight’in HK

Hong Kong film fans are in for a treat as Warner Bros has announced it will release Christopher Nolan’s iconic“The Dark Knight” trilogy (三部曲) into theaters for a limited time.

Jessica Alba to star in ‘Trigger Warning’

Jessica Alba will star in “Trigger Warning” for the streaming service, with the film coming from director Mouly Surya, who filmed the well - received Cannes (戛纳) entry “Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts” that became Indonesia’s foreign film Oscar submission.

Danny Boyle to direct’ Methuselah’

Danny Boylewho won an Oscar for directing“Slumdog Millionaire,” is stepping in to Michael B. Jordan’s “Methuselah” working again with his “Slumdog” screenwriter Simon Beaufoy who will rewrite the script.

‘Little Women,’ ‘1917’ likely to hit reopened cinemas

“Little Women” and “1917” appear to be among the first titles that will hit Chinese theaters when they reopen in the wake of the COVID-19, new posters show. The two titles were scheduled for release in February, but were stopped when cinemas were shut nationwide.

Dakota Johnson joins Olivia Wilde’s ‘Don’t Worry, Darling’

Dakota Johnson is in negotiations to join the starry ensemble (舞蹈团) of “Don’t Worry, Darling,” a psychological thriller from director Olivia Wilde.

1.Who made the film “Marlina the Murderer in Four Acts”?

A.Jessica Alba B.Mouly Surya

C.Danny Boyle D.Olivia Wilde

2.Which of the following films is a thriller?

A.The Dark Knight B.Little Women

C.Don’t Worry, Darling D.Slumdog Millionaire

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.All film fans can enjoy “the Dark Knight” for a scheduled time.

B.“Little Women” couldn’t be on in Chinese theaters as planned.

C.Jessica Alba intends to play a role in the film “Methuselah”.

D.Dakota Johnson is unwilling to work with director Olivia Wilde.



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