满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.How did the man lear...


1.How did the man learn to skateboard?

A.He had a few lessons. B.He practiced by video. C.His cousin taught him.

2.Where does the man want to skateboard most?

A.By the beach. B.At a city square. C.On a basketball court

3.What does the man say about keeping fit?

A.He finds it hard to work in the gym. B.He has changed his training routine.

C.He should skateboard more often.

4.What does the man advise young people taking up skateboarding to do?

A.Focus on a small number of moves.

B.Buy a cheap board to begin with.

C.Have plenty of patience.


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 【解析】 【原文】 W: Today I’m talking to teenage skateboard champion, Blayne Jackson. Blayne, how did you first learn to skateboard? M: I got my first skateboard when I was eight. I was hoping to join the skateboard club at my local park, but you had to be at least 12 to have lessons. So I just watched lots of skateboarding videos and then practiced all the moves. My cousin was really good at doing jumps, but he was 13 and not interested in teaching a kid like me! W: Where’s the best place for skateboarding? M: Well, for freestyle-boarding, any flat ground, like a basketball court, will do. The place I like most right now is the path that goes along the beach in my town. There’s a square in London which is great for skateboarding. W: I guess health is important. What do you do to stay fit? M: I used to skateboard for 3 hours every day. That wasn’t keeping me fit enough, though. So I’ve had a home gym put in and I’ve started to spend time in there. W: Any advice for young people taking up skateboarding? M: Don’t waste money on a cheap board. Another thing I’d advise is don’t expect to learn straight away. It takes time and practice. W: Thanks, Blayne.


1.What made the woman dissatisfied with the T-shit?

A.The name of the store on it. B.The stain on it. C.The size.

2.Why can’t the woman return the T-shirt?

A.She has worn it B.It was bought too long ago. C.There is nothing wrong with it.

3.What does the woman do at last?

A.Keep the T-shirt. B.Pay extra for the belt. C.Exchange the T-shirt for another one.




1.What does the woman think of her best friend?

A.She’s hard-working. B.She’s clever. C.She’s talkative.

2.Whom did the woman visit during her last vacation?

A.Her classmate. B.Her best friend. C.Her grandparents.

3.What do we know about the woman?

A.She is good at math.

B.She likes the novel about Anne Boleyn.

C.She visited museums and palaces in England.




1.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Seasons. B.Photos. C.Villages.

2.Which photo does the man like best?

A.The one taken in winter. B.The one taken in summer. C.The one taken in spring.



In which season did the woman get to Prague?

A.In summer. B.In autumn. C.In winter.



What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Interviewer and interviewee. B.Salesperson and customer.

C.Boss and employee.



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