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My Grandpa Forgets Who I Am A few days a...

My Grandpa Forgets Who I Am

A few days ago I visited my grandfather in hospital. He has Alzhemier’s-a degenerative disease that usually starts slowly and gets worse over time. I thought I was prepared to see him. I knew chances were slim that he’d actually recognize me.

He didn’t. As a matter of fact, he had no idea that he even had grandchildren. But he was excited that somebody came to visit him. I tried to explain to him who I was. But after he told me multiple times that he didn’t have grandchildren, I gave up. And my heart broke into a million little pieces.

I was tired of explaining things to him. So I just smiled. He smiled back. It’s a genuine smile. Like a long time ago, when he’d take me by the hand and made this big world a little bit less scary for me. Now I have to take his hand.

We sat in silence for a little while, before he told me to call my grandma. This was the first time I had tried so hard to hold back tears. My grandma died four years ago and he didn’t remember. He thought she was stuck on her way to pick him up.

My grandpa used to be a strong, hard-working man. He was the person you turned to when you needed your car fixed, your tires changed or something heavy to be carried. Sadly, that man left this world a long time ago, and left behind a man that is lost and scared.

I want to help him. I want to make him feel better. I want to tell him about his old life, and how great it was. So I sat with him and I held his hand, and every once in a while I told him how good he looked and how much I liked the color of his shirt and how it brought out the blue in his eyes. I told him that my grandma was on her way whenever he asked about her, and I made sure the glass in his hand was always filled with water.

I can’t take away his pain. I can’t help him remember. I can’t make the disease go away. All I can do is hold on to the memories-hold on for both of us.

1.When the author first saw her grandpa in hospital, ________________.

A.she gave up on him B.they were both excited

C.he didn’t recognize her D.they talked about the past

2.The author was close to tears because ________________.

A.grandma died about four years ago

B.grandpa needed to be taken care of

C.grandma didn’t make it to the hospital

D.grandpa believed grandma was still alive

3.Which of the following best describe the author?

A.Tolerant and merciful. B.Considerate and patient.

C.Warm-hearted and grateful. D.Strong-minded and generous.

4.The author wrote this passage to _________________.

A.show pity towards her grandpa B.record memories of her grandpa

C.express deep love for her grandpa D.call on further study on Alzheimer’s


1.C 2.D 3.B 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲了作者的爷爷得了老年痴呆症,已经无法认出作者,甚至不知道自己还有孙子孙女。但是,作者仍然体贴的照顾爷爷,耐心的陪伴爷爷。虽然爷爷失去了记忆,但是那些美好的记忆深深地保留在作者的内心深处。 1. 细节理解题。根据第二段He didn’t. As a matter of fact, he had no idea that he even had grandchildren.(他没有。事实上,他甚至不知道自己还有孙子孙女。)由此可知,当作者第一次在医院见到她的爷爷时,他没有认出她来。故选C。 2. 细节理解题。根据第四段We sat in silence for a little while, before he told me to call my grandma. This was the first time I had tried so hard to hold back tears. My grandma died four years ago and he didn’t remember. He thought she was stuck on her way to pick him up.(我们沉默地坐了一会儿,然后他让我打电话给奶奶。这是我第一次如此努力地忍住眼泪。我奶奶四年前去世了,他不记得了。他以为她被困在去接他的路上了。)由此可知,作者几乎要哭了,因为爷爷相信奶奶还活着。故选D。 3. 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段So I sat with him and I held his hand, and every once in a while I told him how good he looked and how much I liked the color of his shirt and how it brought out the blue in his eyes. I told him that my grandma was on her way whenever he asked about her, and I made sure the glass in his hand was always filled with water.(于是我坐在他身边,握着他的手,每隔一段时间就告诉他,他看上去有多帅,我是多么喜欢他衬衫的颜色,衬衫恰好衬托出他蓝色的眼睛。每当他问起我奶奶的时候,我都告诉他,她在路上。我还确保他手里的杯子总是装满水。)作者赞美爷爷,让爷爷拥有一个好心情以及总是让爷爷的水杯里装满水,可以看出作者很体贴;每当爷爷询问奶奶在哪里时,作者不厌其烦的告诉爷爷,奶奶在路上,可以看出作者很耐心。故选B。 4. 推理判断题。最后一段是作者感情升华的段落。根据最后一段I can’t take away his pain. I can’t help him remember. I can’t make the disease go away. All I can do is hold on to the memories-hold on for both of us.(我无法消除他的痛苦。我帮不上忙。我无法使疾病消失。我所能做的就是保留这些记忆——为了我们俩而保留。)结合前文内容,可知作者的爷爷得了老年痴呆症,已经无法认出作者,甚至不知道自己还有孙子孙女。但是,作者仍然体贴的照顾爷爷,耐心的陪伴爷爷。虽然爷爷失去了记忆,但是那些美好的记忆深深地保留在作者的内心深处。所以作者写这篇文章,是为了表达自己对爷爷深深地爱。故选C。

    Hands-on activities can enrich a trip by creating fond memories and instilling knowledge about the local culture through interactivityIn Japana wide range of activities are offered to tourists at single workshopsmany open air museumsas well as craft villages across Japan

Fruit picking

Typical duration30 to 60 minutes

Typical price range800 to 3000 yen

Many farms across Japan offer fruit picking opportunities to touristsThe common procedure is for the visitor to get charged for a certain time period during which he/she can pick and enjoy the fruits on the spotTypical fruit available for this activity include strawberriesapples and grapes

Cheese/butter making

Typical duration40 to 60 minutes

Typical price range600 to 1000 yen

Cheese and dairy products are commonly made in northern Japanespecially in HokkaidoSome farms offer cheese and butter making workshopsVisitors usually learn how to make the product and consume it on the spotThe Furano Cheese Factory is one place that offers such workshops

Washi paper

Typical duration30 to 60 minutes

Typical price range500 to 1000 yen

In many workshopsfor example at one near Ainokura Villagetourists can experience how washi paper is madeAt other establishmentssuch as the Kyoto Museum of Traditional Crafts and Takumi no Satoit is possible to make crafts such as fans and lanterns using washi Paper

Tatami making

Typical durationAbout two hours

Typical price range500 to 1000 yen

It's possible to try Tatami making at many places in Japan including Otaru and HakoneTatami mats are made of straw and measure roughly 180 cm×90 cmFew establishments offer workshops whereby you can make a small piece of Tatami and take it home as a souvenir

1.Which of the following activities takes the longest time ______

A.Fruit picking B.Cheese/butter making

C.Washi paper D.Tatami making

2.Where can visitors make dairy products ______

A.In Hokkaido B.Near Ainokura Village

C.In the Kyoto Museum D.In Otaru and Hakone

3.What can we infer about hands-on activities from the text ______

A.Visitors can take part in the activities for free

B.People can take home the end products as souvenirs

C.They all involve actually doing a particular thing

D.They can offer people rich culture about their hometown




1.How long will the writing remain perfectly clear?

A.At least 3 days. B.About 20 minutes. C.Less than 10 minutes.

2.What can make the writing disappear more quickly?

A.Chemicals. B.Light. C.Heat.

3.What can we learn about the newly invented paper?

A.It can be used up to 20 times.

B.It might make ink widely used.

C.It will replace the ordinary paper.




1.How did the man learn to skateboard?

A.He had a few lessons. B.He practiced by video. C.His cousin taught him.

2.Where does the man want to skateboard most?

A.By the beach. B.At a city square. C.On a basketball court

3.What does the man say about keeping fit?

A.He finds it hard to work in the gym. B.He has changed his training routine.

C.He should skateboard more often.

4.What does the man advise young people taking up skateboarding to do?

A.Focus on a small number of moves.

B.Buy a cheap board to begin with.

C.Have plenty of patience.




1.What made the woman dissatisfied with the T-shit?

A.The name of the store on it. B.The stain on it. C.The size.

2.Why can’t the woman return the T-shirt?

A.She has worn it B.It was bought too long ago. C.There is nothing wrong with it.

3.What does the woman do at last?

A.Keep the T-shirt. B.Pay extra for the belt. C.Exchange the T-shirt for another one.




1.What does the woman think of her best friend?

A.She’s hard-working. B.She’s clever. C.She’s talkative.

2.Whom did the woman visit during her last vacation?

A.Her classmate. B.Her best friend. C.Her grandparents.

3.What do we know about the woman?

A.She is good at math.

B.She likes the novel about Anne Boleyn.

C.She visited museums and palaces in England.



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