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听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 1.Why did researchers pu...


1.Why did researchers put a tracking collar on the fox?

A.To lead her a right way.

B.To force her to do things.

C.To know her whereabouts.

2.When did the fox get to Ellesmere Island?

A.On March 26. B.On June 21. C.On July 1.

3.What helped the fox travel fast in researchers’ view?

A.Human assistance. B.The floating sea ice. C.Her fast running speed.

4.What happened to the fox after February, 2019?

A.It died. B.It got injured. C.It’s unknown.


1.C 2.C 3.B 4.C 【解析】 【原文】 W: In July, 2017, researchers from the Norwegian Polar Institute placed a tracking collar on a young arctic fox believed to be less than one year old. The collar allowed them to use a satellite to track the fox no matter where she went. Until March 24, 2018, the fox stayed on the island of Spitzenberg. Then, suddenly, on March 26, she left the island, traveling across the sea ice. Just 21 days and about 940 miles later, she arrived in Greenland. From Greenland, she carried on, and finally reached Ellesmere Island in Canada on July 1, traveling over 2,175 miles in total. Scientists shows that it’s the longest journey the arctic fox has ever made. In fact, it was probably the moving sea ice that helped the fox travel so quickly on some of the days that she covered great distances. However, scientists are not sure what happened to the fox. Its tracking collar stopped working in February, 2019. So they don’t know the fate of the record-setting arctic fox.


1.What is the woman doing?

A.Hosting a program.

B.Chairing a meeting.

C.Conducting a job interview.

2.What did Mr. Evans want to do?

A.Become a full-time athlete.

B.Change kids’ lives through sports.

C.Offer educational resources to kids.

3.What was the contest organized for?

A.Bettering the local community. B.Increasing Walmart’s business.

C.Advertising a sports club.

4.How much money did Mr. Evans receive besides a gift card?

A.$26,000. B.$25,000. C.$1,000.




1.Where is the world’s oldest amusement park?

A.In the US. B.In Denmark. C.In the UK.

2.What attracted visitors to the park at first?

A.The local history. B.Its entertainment. C.Its natural spring.

3.What do we know about the park during the region of the royal family?

A.It was destroyed.

B.It wasn’t developed at all.

C.It wasn’t open to the public.




1.What is most probably the man?

A.A teacher. B.A student. C.A physicist.

2.Why doesn’t Karen teach physics?

A.She has no opportunity.

B.She isn’t interested in teaching.

C.She doesn’t think she’s qualified.




1.What seems to be the man’s problem?

A.The video projector is broken.

B.The computer doesn’t work.

C.The Internet speed is slow.

2.What is the woman going to do?

A.Call the technician.

B.Go to the conference room.

C.Help the man give the presentation.



What are the speakers talking about?

A.A grand hotel. B.A swimming pool. C.A tourist attraction.



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