满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据下列句子所给汉语意思,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。 1.We had a h...


1.We had a heated ___________(争论)with the waiter about the bill.

2.The joke of the host, which was ____________(打算) to amuse the audience , met with a cold response.

3.He ____________(后悔,遗憾) not taking his teacher’s advice, or he wouldn’t have been in a mess.

4.__________(装备)with related knowledge, he got down to hunting a suitable job.

5.He will cook up a _____________(令人信服的) explanation.

6.They export their products to market ___________(遍及,贯穿) the world.

7.There is still a fundamental _____________(误解) about the real purpose of this work.

8.She asked __________(好奇) whether I was really an artist.

9.Many people went abroad to study the __________(先进的) technology in developed countries.

10.There are 55____________(少数民族) in China.


1.argument 2.intended 3.regretted 4.Equipped 5.convincing 6.throughout 7.misunderstanding 8.curiously 9.advanced 10.minorities 【解析】 1. 考查名词。句意:我们和服务员就账单进行了激烈的争论。根据汉语意思“争论”以及上文a heated可知应填单数名词argument,作宾语。故填argument。 2. 考查形容词。句意:主持人开了个玩笑,打算逗乐观众,却遭到冷遇。根据句意表示“打算作某事”可知短语为be intended to do sth.。故填intended。 3. 考查动词时态。句意:他后悔没有接受老师的建议,否则他就不会陷入困境了。根据汉语意思“后悔,遗憾”可知应填动词regret作谓语,且根据后文he wouldn’t have been in a mess.可知应用一般过去时。故填regretted。 4. 考查非谓语动词。句意:有了相关知识,他开始认真找一份合适的工作。根据汉语意思表示“装备”可知应用动词equip,且本句中equip应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语he构成被动关系,故应用过去分词作状语。句首单词首字母要大写。故填Equipped。 5. 考查形容词。句意:他会编造一个令人信服的解释。根据汉语意思“令人信服的”可知应填形容词convincing作定语,修饰后文名词explanation。故填convincing。 6. 考查介词。句意:他们把产品出口到世界各地。根据汉语意思“遍及,贯穿”可知应填介词throughout,后文名词the world作宾语。故填throughout。 7. 考查名词。句意:对于这项工作的真正目的,仍然存在一种根本的误解。根据汉语意思“误解”可知应填名词misunderstanding,上文a fundamental提示应填单数形式。故填misunderstanding。 8. 考查副词。句意:她好奇地问我是不是一个真正的艺术家。根据汉语意思“好奇”可知应填副词curiously,修饰动词ask。故填curiously。 9. 考查形容词。句意:许多人出国学习发达国家的先进技术。根据汉语意思“先进的”可知应填形容词advanced作定语,修饰名词technology。故填advanced。 10. 考查名词的数。句意:中国有55个少数民族。根据汉语意思“少数民族”可知应填名词minority作主语,根据上文There are可知应填复数形式。故填minorities。

    I was born legally blind. Of all the stories of my early childhoodthe one about a______is my mother's favorite.

I was only two when the______occurred. We had just arrived home from a trip. Mom lifted me out of the car and _____to speak to the driver. I took advantage of my brief______to dash across the lawn(草坪)-and hit a large maple treeI was running so fast that I bounced off the trunk and______on my backside. Mom______me to start cryingbut I just sat there for a minute. Then I______myself up and kept right on going. Mom always______here thatas many times as I______across the lawn after thatI never again______into that tree.

Mom loves to use this story as an______. It reminds her that children don't enter life______to take risks or unwilling to______again when they fall down. She never wanted me to lose that______as I grew older. When I______my major life decisionsI was still that little girl tearing full-speed across the lawn. I studied abroad and later moved away from my parents' home to look for a______, Through years of______, I have become a respected teacher in a school serving high-need students.

We are almost certain to get______at some point during the process of achieving our goal. When that happensdon't sit in the grass and______.Just get up and keep on going It will all be worth it______.

1.A.trip B.race C.tree D.driver

2.A.incident B.change C.illness D.problem

3.A.feared B.refused C.forgot D.turned

4.A.delay B.absence C.freedom D.rest

5.A.landed B.slept C.laughed D.wept

6.A.promised B.encouraged C.allowed D.expected

7.A.woke B.picked C.warmed D.gave

8.A.adds B.replies C.admits D.supposes

9.A.drove B.lived C.stood D.zoomed

10.A.crashed B.broke C.climbed D.looked

11.A.answer B.example C.excuse D.order

12.A.able B.ashamed C.afraid D.anxious

13.A.ask B.share C.learn D.try

14.A.honesty B.toughness C.kindness D.curiosity

15.A.regretted B.reviewed C.made D.explained

16.A.job B.friend C.fortune D.house

17.A.memories B.efforts C.research D.experience

18.A.mixed up B.fed up C.knocked down D.settled down

19.A.play B.relax C.dream D.cry

20.A.all at once B.in the end C.in either case D.as a result



How to Speak in Meetings

Making your voice heard is one way to gain respect in your school or workplace. Yet, you may feel like you have nothing new to say or contribute. Here are some ways to make you feel ready for a meeting.

1.Having some ideas about what you want to say already planned out can help you to feel more confident in a meeting. Try writing down a few ideas for questions you can ask or ideas you can bring up in the meeting2.

Be the first speaker. If you want to speak yet somehow talk your way out of it, try being the first to say something. 3.Make a point to jump in first and create discussion instead of delaying your comments.

Speak confidently. 4.Make your words meaningful. Even if you don’t feel confident, show confidence in what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. Speak clearly and try to avoid fillers like “ uh” or “um”.

Make a brief point. There’s no need, to ramble on (啰嗦地说) to make sure that you’re heard or that people understand you.  5. Make what you say memorable, not time-wasting. Take some time to form your thoughts and ideas, and then say it in a clear and effective way.

A.Make sure you turn to your teachers for help.

B.Focus on speaking clearly and with fewer words.

C.Plan out a few talking points before the meeting.

D.Speaking first means you have less time to doubt yourself.

E.Use these notes to guide you when you are ready to speak.

F.Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself.

G.You don’t need to shout or talk over people to say something confidently.



    After bikes and umbrellas are made sharable across China, some companies started eyeing the fitness market, so shared gym rooms have hit the streets in Beijing.

Unlike regular gyms that provide large, open spaces for many members to share at the same time, the newly built shared gym rooms are small, stand-alone rooms for a person to use, often set up near living communities.

Every four-square-meter room is equipped with a treadmill (跑步机), an air cleaner, a mirror, a television and an air conditioner, and users can let down the curtains for privacy. When exercising, users can listen to music, watch movies and check emails by connecting to the Internet by the screen fixed on the treadmill. There’s no shower or washbasin.

Similar to using a shared bike, users can locate a shared gym room by smartphone application, book a room in advance and then need to scan (扫描) a QR code for use. A refundable deposit (保证金) of 99 yuan is required, and users are charged 0.2 yuan per minute.

The shared gym rooms are created by Misspao, a Beijing-based technology company founded in July. Within two weeks since it was founded, the company has already got two rounds of funding valued over 100 million yuan, Yicai Global reports. The idea of the shared fitness experience is not entirely nascent. Last December, the Shanghai-based technology company VRUN set up shared treadmills in office and apartment buildings.

The sharing economy is still becoming popular in China. According to Yicai Global, confident investors are pouring millions into sharing start-ups. In March, the State Information Center published a report which predicts that the total value of China’s sharing economy will see a yearly growth of 40% in the coming years, and it is expected to contribute around 10% to the country’s GDP by 2020.

1.What makes the shared gym room different from the regular one?

A.Offering open spaces. B.Standing in the living zone.

C.Holding one person at a time. D.Having some advanced equipment.

2.What can we learn about the shared gym room from the text?

A.Users can have a shower in it after exercise.

B.Users who want to use it need a smartphone.

C.Users who use it first need to pay for 99.2 yuan.

D.Users’ privacy can’t be protected while they are exercising.

3.What does the underlined word “nascent” probably mean in Paragraph 5?

A.Simple. B.Popular. C.Satisfying. D.New.

4.What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?

A.To introduce shared gym rooms.

B.To advertise a technology company.

C.To predict the future of the sharing economy.

D.To persuade people to support the sharing economy.



    The average American family will spend somewhere around $637 on back-to-school supplies for each elementary school child this year and twice that for a high school student. Add to that the fact that both children and parents feel anxious about the transition (过渡) of going back to school at the end of summer. For this, Jermaine Smith of Cleveland and four other barbers decided to cut hair for about 40 kids and teens for free last Saturday.

In fact, Smith has been giving back to the community in other ways long before this weekend. He cuts hair by day, but in the evenings, after bringing his daughter home from school, he goes to work as a police officer.

“A lot of parents bring their kids to me for haircuts because I’m a police officer. They trust me because they think that I teach kids to do the right things in the barber shop. I always tell young men that they always get to stay neat and attractive, and people tend to treat them with respect,” Smith says. “When you get your hair cut, you look good and feel good.”

Maybe a service that would only cost $15 regularly seems like just a drop in the bucket, but child and teen psychologist Dr. Barbara Greenberg sees this as more than just a one-time free service. Other free haircut and school supply events have appeared unexpectedly all across the country this month, as organizers have recognized how much parents can use this extra help.

Greenberg says, “One of the ways to make a transition easier is to make it fun and introduce something new or unusual, so the whole idea of getting a haircut makes kids feel special and important.” The haircuts were just part of the Start School on the Right Foot event, which also handed out about 50 backpacks full of school supplies.

1.Why did Jermaine Smith and other barbers cut hair for kids?

A.To improve the community service.

B.To prepare children for the competition.

C.To help children and parents reduce anxiety.

D.To provide back-to-school supplies for children.

2.Which of the following can best describe Jermaine Smith?

A.Honest and generous. B.Creative and friendly.

C.Grateful and thoughtful. D.Reliable and responsible.

3.What does Jermaine Smith want young people to do?

A.Form a healthy lifestyle. B.Treat people with respect.

C.Get along well with others. D.Leave a good impression on people.

4.What is Dr. Barbara Greenberg glad to see?

A.More parents are willing to work together.

B.More people take action to help kids in school.

C.People amuse the little kids in school regularly.

D.People try to make kids feel special and important.



    Minutes after the last movie ended yesterday at the Plaza Theater, employees were busy sweeping up popcorns and gathering coke cups. It was a scene that had been repeated many times in the theater’s 75-year history. This time, however, the cleanup was a little different. As one group of workers carried out the rubbish, another group began removing seats and other theater equipment in preparation for the building’s end.

The classic film The Last Picture Show was the last movie shown in the old theater. Though the movie is 30 years old, most of the 250 seats were filled with teary-eyed audience wanting to say good-bye to the old building. Theater owner Ed Bradford said he chose the movie because it seemed appropriate. The movie is set in a small town where the only movie theater is preparing to close down.

Bradford said that large modern theaters in the city made it impossible for the Plaza to compete. He added that the theater’s location(位置) was also a reason. “This used to be the center of town,” he said. “Now the area is mostly office buildings and warehouses.”

Last week some city officials suggested the city might be interested in turning the old theater into a museum and public meeting place. However, these plans were abandoned because of financial problems. Bradford sold the building and land to a local development firm, which plans to build a shopping complex on the land where the theater is located.

The theater audience said good-bye as Bradford locked the doors for the last time. After 75 years the Plaza Theater had shown its last movie. The theater will be missed.

1.In what way was yesterday’s cleanup at the Plaza special?

A.It made room for new equipment. B.It marked the 75th anniversary of the theater.

C.It was done with the help of the audience. D.It signaled the close down of the theater.

2.Why was The Last Picture Show put on?

A.It was an all-time classic. B.It was about the history of the town.

C.The theater owner found it suitable. D.The audience requested it.

3.What will probably happen to the building?

A.It will be repaired. B.It will be knocked down.

C.It will be turned into a museum. D.It will be sold to the city government.

4.What can we infer about the audience?

A.They are sad to part with the old theater. B.They are disappointed with Bradford.

C.They are supportive of the city officials. D.They are eager to have a shopping center.



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