满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What kind of cellpho...


1.What kind of cellphone does the woman want?

A.A fast one. B.An old one. C.A cheap one.

2.How much will the woman probably spend on a phone today?”

A.About$400. B.About$700. C.About$1000.


1.C 2.A 【解析】 【原文】 W: I’m looking to buy a new cellphone. Can you help me? M: Sure. What kind of model are you looking for, something easy to use or something that is very fast? W: I want one that isn’t too expensive but has new technology in it. M: No problem. How much are you looking to spend? Our newest phones can cost up to $1000, but we also have phones that are only a few years old. They are still very good. Most people spend $300 to $600 on an older phone. W: I’m looking for something in the lower part of that price range today. Maybe something around $400. M: Okay, let me show you what we have.


1.What is shown on the woman’s bag?

A.Batman. B.Superman. C.Spiderman.

2.Where does the man seldom buy things?

A.In a mall. B.At a market. C.On the Internet.



Where are the speakers?

A.In a park. B.In a school. C.In a museum.



What do we know about the dish?

A.It tastes too salty. B.It is too much to eat it up. C.It was cooked by the woman’s mother.



What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Have a good rest. B.Work in a gym. C.Lose weight.



What does the man want to use to get to work?

A.A car. B.A bus. C.A train.



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