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Medical Practices in Ancient Egypt Learn...

Medical Practices in Ancient Egypt

Learning from the Dead

To find out why people have died,today’s medical examiners perform autopsies(尸体解剖).They cut open the body and study its parts.Ancient Egyptians also performed autopsies to help understand causes of death.In addition,autopsies helped ancient Egyptians study the human body.By comparing the hearts of people who were different ages,for example,Egyptians could determine what a young,healthy heart was supposed to look like.

Keeping a Written Record

The Egyptians not only studied the human body,but they also kept detailed records of what they discovered.They wrote and drew their observations on papyrus,a form of paper.The papyrus records became the medical textbooks of that time.Their observations allowed Egyptian doctors to share their knowledge,including how to treat various diseases.

Edwin Smith Papyrus

In 1862,an American named Edwin Smith purchased a medical papyrus in Luxor,Egypt. Smith was not a medical expert,but he knew a lot about old documents.He knew that what he had found was valuable.The papyrus turned out to be an ancient textbook on surgery.The papyrus was probably written around 1600 BC,but it was based on information from a thousand years before that.The papyrus presents the information as case studies,including an analysis of how patients survived or died.

1.By performing autopsies,ancient Egyptians could____

A.determine the causes of illnesses

B.learn about different body parts

C.keep detailed records on textbooks

D.share what they had discovered

2.The document bought by Edwin Smith was valuable because it was____

A.originally written on papyrus

B.an ancient medical textbook

C.discovered by a medical expert

D.written a thousand years before

3.This article is probably from____

A.a story book

B.a health leaflet

C.a medical magazine

D.a biology textbook


1.B 2.B 3.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍古埃及的医学实践。 1. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段“Ancient Egyptians also performed autopsies to help understand causes of death. In addition, autopsies helped ancient Egyptians study the human body.” 古埃及人还进行了尸检,以帮助了解死亡原因。此外,尸体解剖帮助古埃及人研究人体。所以通过尸体解剖,古埃及人们能够研究不同的人体部分。故选B项。 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段“He knew that what he had found was valuable. The papyrus turned out to be an ancient textbook on surgery” 他知道他找到的东西很有价值。这张草纸原来是一本古老的外科教科书。所以他找的东西有价值的原因是它是外科教科书。故选B项。 3. 推理判断题。从文章的标题“Medical Practices in Ancient Egypt”古埃及的医学实验,可以看出整篇文章都在描述和医学相关的东西,所以文章来源于医学杂志。故选C项。


1.What is the talk mainly about?

A.Education in America.

B.Movements of people in America.

C.Employment opportunities in America.

2.What can we learn about Americans from the talk?

A.They may go to school in several cities.

B.They enjoy their school days a lot.

C.They don’t like changing jobs.

3.What is the speaker’s attitude toward changing jobs a lot?

A.Negative. B.Confused. C.Positive..

4.Who benefits from the new ideas and skills being offered?

A.The public. B.The workers themselves. C.The owners of companies.




1.What time is the store closing today?

A.At 5:00 p.m. B.At 6:00 p.m. C.At 7:00 p.m.

2.Why are the opening hours changed today?

A.It is getting cold. B.The days are shorter. C.The store needs cleaning.

3.What will the man do next?

A.Put his groceries back.

B.Continue buying things.

C.Go to another shop.

4.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Salesgirl and customer. B.Boss and worker. C.Husband and wife.




1.What animal is linked with more than one country?

A.Pandas. B.Eagles. C.Bears.

2.Which country has the dragon?

A.Russia. B.Australia. C.Britain.

3.What kind of pet does the man have?

A.A cat. B.A dog. C.A chicken.




1.What kind of cellphone does the woman want?

A.A fast one. B.An old one. C.A cheap one.

2.How much will the woman probably spend on a phone today?”

A.About$400. B.About$700. C.About$1000.




1.What is shown on the woman’s bag?

A.Batman. B.Superman. C.Spiderman.

2.Where does the man seldom buy things?

A.In a mall. B.At a market. C.On the Internet.



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