满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Sophie and Miles sat on the shore watching their cousin surf.Kerry was a few years older than Sophie and Miles,and she had started surfing almost before they were able to walk.

Kerry rode a wave into shore,and then jumped off her board and ran over to where Sophie and Miles were sitting.”Are you two.ready to give it a try?”she asked.

Miles took a deep breath and nodded.He was worried about looking silly in front of his cousin,but he had a feeling he was going to love surfing.He expected it to feel like riding his bike down a hill without using the brakes(刹车).

“Don’t go out too far!”shouted Mrs.Taylor,and Sophie cheerfully waved back to her parents.Sophie was usually good at the things she tried.She learned quickly and wasn’t afraid to dive in,even if she had never done something before.Miles admired these characteristics in his sister,but knew he just wasn’t as adventurous as she was.

“Okay,”Kerry began,"I’m going to start you two out on longboards.They are easier to handle,especially for beginners.”Here are some tips.First,never paddle(划桨,划动)your surfboard out farther than you can swim back without it.Know what weather conditions to expect.Never surf alone,and always remember your limitations.Don’t forget that,for the ocean isn’t something to take lightly.”Kerry paused for a moment and looked at the serious expressions on her cousins’ faces.

“Now for the fun part,”Kerry said,"You need to position yourself in the center of your board,between the nose and the tail.When you’re positioned the right way,the nose should be a couple of inches above the water’s surface.When a wave catches the tail of the board,start paddling.Try to remember the sweet spot on your board,because you’ll want to position yourself the same way each time you go out.”

Sophie smiled widely at Kerry.”I had no idea that surfing was so technical.I thought you just catch a big wave and try to ride it without falling off.”

1.When did Kerry start surfing?


2.Why did Miles take a deep breath?


3.What is the difference between Sophie and Miles in character?


4.Why did Kerry make her cousins begin with longboards?


5.What conclusion could be drawn from Sophie’s words in the last paragraph?



1.Before Sophie and Miles could/were able to walk. 2.Because he got ready but felt a bit nervous / was less confident. 3.Sophie is more adventurous than Miles. 4.Because longboards are easier to handle for beginners. 5.Sometimes things are not as easy as what we assume./It seems easy but hard to do. 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了凯瑞教表弟妹索菲和迈尔斯学习冲浪的故事。 1. 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Kerry was a few years older than Sophie and Miles,and she had started surfing almost before they were able to walk.”可知,凯瑞比索菲和迈尔斯大几岁,在索菲和迈尔斯学会走路之前,她就开始冲浪了,故答案为:Before Sophie and Miles could/were able to walk. 2. 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“He was worried about looking silly in front of his cousin, but he had a feeling he was going to love surfing.”可知,迈尔斯担心在表姐面前显得傻乎乎的,但他有一种感觉,他会爱上冲浪的,也就是说他已经准备好了,但是有一点紧张/不那么自信,故答案为:Because he got ready but felt a bit nervous / was less confident. 3. 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Miles admired these characteristics in his sister,but knew he just wasn’t as adventurous as she was.”可知,迈尔斯很欣赏他妹妹的这些特点,他知道自己不像索菲那样爱冒险,由此可知,索菲和迈尔斯性格上的不同点在于索菲比迈尔斯更爱冒险,故答案为:Sophie is more adventurous than Miles. 4. 细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Kerry began,I’m going to start you two out on longboards.They are easier to handle,especially for beginners.”可知,凯瑞让索菲和迈尔斯从长板开始是因为它们对初学者来说更容易操作,故答案为:Because longboards are easier to handle for beginners. 5. 词句猜测题。根据最后一段中的“I had no idea that surfing was so technical.I thought you just catch a big wave and try to ride it without falling off.”可知,索菲笑着说:“我不知道冲浪这么专业,我以为只要抓住一个大浪,努力不掉下去就行了”,索菲的话表明了有时候事情并不像我们想的那么简单(看起来容易做起来难),故填Sometimes things are not as easy as what we assume./It seems easy but hard to do.


1.During both World War I and II,pigeons were e_____________to carry messages to and from the front lines.

2.It is much better to say”I’m sorry,but I think you may be m______________”rather than”You’re wrong!”

3.Ads are a good way to make people a___________________of the needs of others and the dangers around them.

4.In order to keep fit,you should make exercise a part of your daily r_____________

5.Trump made American people have the false i_______________that they could keep the coronavirus under control.

6.The woman was______________(控告)of stealing in a grocery,but she insisted she was innocent.

7.Sales of our Snowman ice cream have____________(成倍增加)after we gave it a new package.

8.Limited supplies of food and water led to kangaroos____________(竞争)with sheep and cattle.

9.Old French made other__________(贡献)to Middle English as well.

10.In the 1950s the Chinese government introduced______(简化的)Chinese characters.



    Courtney Holmes offers his young customers a little something extra with their haircut.

“HEY,HOW YOU DOIN’? I’m Courtney. What _______are you in? Third? What’s your favorite book? Elephant and Piggy? Yeah, I got it.” If you thought you’d walked into a_______with a greeting like that,you wouldn’t be too far off._______, you’ve entered the _______of Courtney Holmes,also known as the Storybook Barber.

Two years ago,Holmes began to donate his time and give _______ haircuts to kids from poor families so they’d look _______ on that first day of classes,although Saturday was his _______haircutting day. “The kids should earn their free haircut by having to read a book to me,”Holmes said.The idea was so _______that he continued it the first. Saturday of every month for the next two years. Five-to-ten-year-old boys would _______a favorite book,settle into the barber chair,and read aloud ________Holmes cut hair.After the haircut,they’d review the book-just like in school,but more________Holmes,who has two sons,________ that not every parent has the time to read with their kids.” I get it. You have four ________ to look after,and you’re working two jobs.You have to clean the house or cook dinner.Sitting down and listening to them read is the ________ thing you have time to do.________ I say bring your kids in and let them read to me.”Holmes admits he,too,________ from the free cut-and-reads.

“There was a seven-year-old who had difficulty reading________ through his book,” said Holmes. He had the boy take the book home and ________When the child came back a few days later. He read it with________problems. That inspires me.”

“The world today is one with guns and ________,”he says, “it’s a safe place for the kids to come to the barbershop and read books.”

1.A.school B.grade C.class D.group

2.A.library B.museum C.park D.supermarket

3.A.On the contrary B.On the whole C.In brief D.In fact

4.A.studio B.bedroom C.workplace D.office

5.A.unusual B.fashionable C.different D.free

6.A.sharp B.secure C.pleased D.academic

7.A.cheapest B.earliest C.busiest D.happiest

8.A.amazing B.fancy C.unique D.popular

9.A.design B.buy C.choose D.pack

10.A.while B.until C.since D.after

11.A.serious B.fun C.difficult D.formal

12.A.announces B.comments C.recognizes D.urges

13.A.tasks B.kids C.houses D.problems

14.A.last B.interesting C.first D.dull

15.A.Or B.And C.So D.But

16.A.learns B.escapes C.evolves D.benefits

17.A.struggling B.glancing C.complaining D.whispering

18.A.quit B.practice C.stare D.play:

19.A.true . B.other C.some D.no

20.A.weakness B.violence C.darkness D.distance



How to plan the perfect walking holiday

As health and wellbeing is at the forefront of everyone’s mind,walking holidays are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to the beach trip.1. Below we have discussed some of the top things to consider to ensure your walking holiday is absolutely perfect.

Choose the Right Location

Location is key for a walking holiday as you’ll be spending the majority.of your time in the outdoors.Routes(路线)weather and nearby hotels are all important things to consider and knowing what you want from your holiday will finally decide where you go.2. Once you’ve decided on the location you will want the best place to rest,so it’s important to get your. hotels right.Dorset Holiday Cottages are the perfect place to call home during your trip.

Know Your Abilities

Before you start walking on your first day it’s important that you know your abilities.If you’ve been training for months for this holiday and are good at map reading,taking to the outdoors may seem like a piece of cake.3. It is also vital to check the weather before you depart on your days walking to ensure it’s clear enough for a safe walk....

Pack Carefully

4. Making a list of things needed can really help.Outline the items which are necessary for your overall trip,and the things you may need to take with you in your day bag. Items such as spare clothes,the right footwear,walking sticks and of course food and water for the longer day trips are all necessary.Remember to pack light in your day bag but ensure you have everything you need for a day out of civilization!

Relax and Enjoy

Remember that this is a holiday and take time out of your day to relax and enjoy the amazing views and wildlife around you.Walking holidays are a fantastic way to spend time in the outdoors and reconnect with nature,whether you’re travelling in a big group or going solo.5.

A.But as with any holiday,planning should go first.

B.This is also an excellent way to meet new people.

C.Remember to take it easy and enjoy every second.

D.If you are alone,join up with another group of hikers.

E.It is important to carefully consider each item you prepare.

F.For example,a calming coastal walk or a tiring mountain climb?

G.But for those with little experience,prepare your routes in advance.



    In November,a cold,unseen stranger that killed many people came to visit the city..

Johnsy lay on her bed,seriously ill.Her friend Sue saw she was looking out the window and counting-counting backward.”Twelve,”she said,and a little later”eleven”;and then”ten”and”nine”;and then”eight”“and”seven,”almost together.

Sue looked out the window.An old ivy vine(常青藤)going bad at the roots,climbed half way up the wall.The cold breath of autumn had stricken leaves from the plant until its branches, almost bare(光秃秃的)hung on the bricks.

“What is it,dear?”asked Sue.

“Leaves.On the plant.When the last one falls I must go,too.

“Oh,what have old ivy leaves to do with your getting well?Try to eat some soup now,”said Sue.”And,I must call Mister Behrman up to be my model for my drawing.Don’t try to move until I come back.”

Old Behrman was a painter who lived on the ground floor.Behrman was a failure in art.For years,he had always been planning to paint a work of art,but had never yet begun it.He was a fierce(暴躁的)little,old man who protected the two young women in the studio apartment above him.

Sue told him about Johnsy and how she feared that her friend would float away like a leaf.

Old Behrman was angered at such an idea.”This is not any place in which one so.good as Miss Johnsy shall lie sick,”yelled Behrman.”Some day I will paint a masterpiece,and we shall all go away.”

The next morning,Johnsy and Sue were surprised to find there yet stood against the wall one ivy leaf after the beating rain and fierce wind that blew through the night.It was the last one on the vine.It was still dark green at the center.But its edges were colored with the yellow.It hung bravely from the branch about seven meters above the ground.

“It is the last one,”said Johnsy.”It will fall today and I shall go at the same time.”

But the next morning,the ivy leaf was still there.Johnsy lay for a long time,looking at it. And then she called to Sue,who was preparing chicken soup.”

Something has made that last leaf stay there to show me how bad I was.It is wrong to want to die.You may bring me a little soup now.”said Johnsy.

The next day,the doctor came,and told Sue Johnsy was out of danger.

Later that day,Sue came to the bed where Johnsy lay,and put one arm around her.”Mr. Behrman died of pneumonia(肺炎)today.He was sick only two days.They found him the morning of the first day in his room downstairs helpless with pain.His shoes and clothing were completely wet and icy cold.They could not imagine where he had been on such a terrible night. And then they found a lantern,still lighted.And a ladder that had been moved from its place. And art supplies and a painting board with green and yellow colors mixed on it.”

“Look out the window,dear,at the last ivy leaf on the wall.Didn’t you wonder why it never moved when the wind blew?Ah,darling,it is Behrman’s masterpiece-he painted it there the night that the last leaf fell.”

1.In the first paragraph,”a cold,unseen stranger”refers to____

A.a person B.an illness C.a beast D.an object

2.What does Johnsy mean when she says”when the last one falls I must go,too.”?

A.She will leave the city. B.She will die soon.

C.She will fall with the leaf. D.She will recover.

3.Who plays the most important part in helping Johnsy recover?

A.Sue. B.The doctor. C.Behrman. D.Johnsy herself.

4.What can be a suitable title for the passage?

A.The last leaf B.A kind painter C.A deadly disease D.The valuable friendship



    You wait 50 years for a flying car,and then three come along at once.First up is Vahana:an airbus project to develop batterypowered,single- seater aircraft,designed to follow predetermined routes,only changing directions to avoid accidents.Propellers(螺旋桨)on the wings will let it take off and land without a runway.

Second,Dubai recently announced plans to use self-controlled air taxis as a way to beat the terrible traffic jams.The Volocopter is an electric multi-copter with 18 propellers and a fully self-controlled system.It’s essentially a self-controlled aircraft with two seats and up to 30 minutes of flying time.

But,if you want something more like the flying cars of 1950s science fiction,try Urban Aeronautics’ Fancraft.The Israel-based company wants to realize the dream of”an aircraft that looks like the classic vision of a flying car:doesn’t have a wing,doesn’t have a propeller that can be seen,and can fly exactly from point to point,”says Janina Frankel-Yoeli,Urban Aeronautics’ vice president of marketing.Earlier flying cars needed runways to take off and land which was,as Frankel-Yoeli says,”not much better than owning a car and an aircraft.”To go from point to point requires vertical take-off and landing,but for many years that could only be done by helicopters or larger aircraft.Urban Aeronautics’ solution is to use light but powerful engines,lightweight materials,and a self-controlled system.Their fan design-propellers housed in some special tubes-is powerful but unstable,so the Fancraft would be challenging for a human to fly without any help.Instead,computer-aided control technology takes over the tiny,quick changes required to keep the car stable at speeds of 160km/h or more.

But don’t be glad too early yet.The main problem to a sky full of flying cars is rules.Not only will every aircraft need to pass strict safety tests,but a new system of air traffic control will be needed to deal with 3-D traffic jams above people who are not aware of what is happening in the sky.NASA is already working on that.Tests have shown that multiple unmanned(无人的) flying cars can communicate with each other to avoid accidents.In the meantime,flying cars will mainly be reserved for emergency services and a few VIPs.

1.Vahana is different from the Volocopter in that____

A.it is power-free

B.it is self controlled

C.its routes are fixed

D.its propellers can be seen

2.The underlined word”vertical”in the third paragraph most probably means____

A.going straight up or down

B.flying high and fast

C.going across back or forth

D.flying quietly and safely

3.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A.NASA helps flying cars to communicate.

B.There will be no traffic jams if cars can fly.

C.Rules for flying cars have already been made.

D.It is unusual for ordinary people to use flying cars.



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