满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

How long it will take to send the packag...

How long it will take to send the package to Hawaii?

A.About 1day. B.About 2 days. C.About 3 days.


B 【解析】 【原文】 M: How long will it take this package to arrive in Hawaii? W: First class? About two days.  


Adam, Nick, and Tom were best friends. Five years after their graduation from college, Nick called Adam and Tom, inviting them to celebrate his birthday on his personal yacht (游艇). They got very excited.

It was a bright and sunny summer day. As Nick was studying the safety measures of the sea journey, he saw Adam and Tom coming towards his yacht. With huge hugs and smiles on every face, the three greeted each other in their usual way. “Thank you boys for coming and making my birthday even more special,” said Nick.

“But before getting started, hope you both know there is a danger zone at a particular point on this sea, ” warned Adam.

“Don’t worry. I will stay away from it. Now let the party begin!” Nick responded, starting to turn the steering wheel (方向盘) of the yacht.

Treating the friends on the beautiful white yacht sailing on the blue water was a perfect idea. They were having a wonderful time, talking, eating and joking. How time flew! It started getting dark.

“Hey guys! It’s time to go back,” Tom shouted.

“Mr. Sailor, turn your ship’s wheel and take us back home,” said Adam.

Little did they know they were going to encounter life-threatening challenges ahead. Unknowingly, Nick crossed the danger zone Adam had mentioned earlier. When realizing this, Nick decided to make a turn immediately. Unfortunately, a strange noise came from the engine and then the yacht stopped. Expert at mending machines, Adam offered to examine the engine and asked Nick to fetch the tool box. Nick was hurrying to get it when he slipped, falling into the sea water.

“Nick!” Tom and Adam screamed.

Panicked, Nick started shouting for help. Tom rushed inside the yacht to get a life jacket to rescue Nick, but didn’t find one. Instead, he found a long rope and out he rushed with it.


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Just then Adam shouted on top of his voice, “Nick! Look, there’s a shark behind you!”


What they had to do was restart the yacht.





1. 比赛目的和时间;

2. 参赛人员和比赛规则;

3. 比赛反响。

注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Dear David,


Best wishes!


Li Hua



    Klaila had hiked five miles up La Luz Trail (小路) and was heading back down when she heard a dog’s cries. She finally found it down at a valley. The ______ dog, weighing about 100 pounds, was breathing heavily, shaking and lying on its side.

With no one else ______, Klaila knew it was up to her to go down to help the dog, which she couldn’t ______ leaving to die alone. Klaila called 911, but couldn’t ______. She tried to ______ the large dog, but was not strong enough. She had no choice but to make her way back up to the trail to flag someone down for ______.

Jason, a marathon runner, 45, was halfway into his weekly run up La Luz when he saw Klaila ______ her arms. Knowing what happened, Jason rushed down to the dog, picked it up and took it back up to the trail. ______ to carry this huge dog down the trail, Jason was so ______ that he rested often.

Then a couple on vacation ______ the rescue. But trying to carry the dog with two people on a ______ trail turned out to be too ______. So Jason lifted the dog onto his shoulders, carrying it until they made it to the trailhead, where the dog’s owner was anxiously searching for it.

It is really ______ that a group of ______ came together to save the dog of someone they didn’t know. Having ______ contact information, the four rescuers went their separate ways.

1.A.abandoned B.massive C.small D.dangerous

2.A.in sight B.in charge C.in need D.in trouble

3.A.forbid B.admit C.stand D.resist

4.A.give in B.hold on C.drop in D.get through

5.A.lift B.comfort C.cure D.identify

6.A.advice B.attention C.help D.faith

7.A.raising B.waving C.folding D.exposing

8.A.Failing B.Offering C.Struggling D.Planning

9.A.concerned B.embarrassed C.discouraged D.tired

10.A.joined in B.benefited from C.disapproved of D.kept records of

11.A.broad B.narrow C.distant D.flat

12.A.relaxing B.dramatic C.silly D.challenging

13.A.common B.impossible C.touching D.amusing

14.A.passengers B.strangers C.pioneers D.guides

15.A.discussed B.withdrawn C.transformed D.exchanged



    The WHO says that 80% of the world’s teens don’t get enough exercise to live healthy lives. The report was based on research done with students aged 11 to 17 in 146 different countries. 1. It’s a pity that not much has changed since then, as the WHO reports.

Doctors say 60 minutes of exercise daily is needed for teens to build up their bone and muscle strength. It’s also hugely important for the health of the heart and lungs. 2. Besides, more and more research is showing that exercise doesn’t just help the body, but also the brain, improving thinking, test scores, and school grades.

3. They were also very different between boys and girls. In the US, for example, 64% of boys were not active enough, compared to 80% of girls. South Korea was the country with the lowest activity levels — 91% of the boys and 97% of the girls didn’t get enough exercise.

One big reason for the lack of activity in today’s teens is technology, such as smartphones, computers and TVs. Many teens find it hard to pull themselves away from them. 4.

So the WHO warns that teens need to do less playing in the digital world, and more playing in the real world. Teens should take part in sports, whether on official teams or just playing around on the playground. 5. For many people, walking or biking to school is one way to make that happen. It’s very important for young people to build these habits now, because the positive effects of those habits can carry through into adult life.

A.Exercise benefits you academically.

B.Activity levels vary from country to country.

C.The WHO has spared no effort in the research.

D.Such inactivity can severely affect their growth.

E.Exercise can also be built into a normal day’s activities.

F.Regular activity can help them control their weight, too.

G.The WHO has been studying teen activity levels since 2001.



    We live in a society that labels everything. We like the convenience of neatly packaged words so we can sum up the person, place or thing and know what to expect. However, especially with children, even harmless labels (标签) can play a lasting role in self-respect, behavior and long-term personality.

Children develop and define their sense of self by processing what others tell them about who they are, what they are good at, how they behave and so on. The communication principle of the “Looking-Glass Self” from Charles Cooley can be applied. Cooley believes that by reflecting back to us who we are, other people function as mirrors for us. Every time a teacher says he or she is a “good student” or a coach says “average player”, that helps define the way the child views himself or herself. Typically, that label will follow them for years to come.

However, parents often refer to children with less severe labels that are just as significant. If you notice one child follows musical interests, he becomes “the musician”. Another loves sports, and she becomes “the athlete”. Another excels in school and is the “brainiac”. None of those labels has negative ideas, but can classify children into pre-defined boxes. What if the “brainiac” really wants to try soccer? Unfortunately, there is already an “athlete” in the family, which creates a fight or flight response. The child can either fight to redefine his or her place as a smart child who also plays soccer, or go back to where he or she has already been.

Labels have much more of an impact that we realize, and we need to be mindful of how we talk about our children. If you must define certain things about them to yourself or others, try to choose positive versions of the same quality, i.e. “cautious” rather than “timid” (胆小的). Keeping the focus on the child’s positive qualities, while avoiding labels, can encourage children to become healthy and happy.

1.What can we learn from the principle of “Looking-Glass Self”?

A.One tends to satisfy others’ curiosity.

B.One gains the sense of identity by mirror.

C.Children will live up to the expectations of their parents.

D.People shape self-concepts by understanding how others view them.

2.If the “brainiac” girl decides to play soccer, what will happen?

A.Her family will be in favor of her.

B.She must struggle or she must quit.

C.Her family will deny her athletic talent.

D.She can’t but give in to parental authority.

3.Which word can best describe a child who performs well in class interaction?

A.Active. B.Influential.

C.Intelligent. D.Competitive.

4.What’s the author’s attitude towards labeling children?

A.Uncertain. B.Indifferent.

C.Negative. D.Positive.



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