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After four silent years, the 27-year-old...

    After four silent years, the 27-year-old has finally introduced herself to the world again with Hello, the opening song from her third album 25. The album will ________ on Nov 20. As soon as her comeback single debuted (首发) on Oct 23, Hello ________ became the most downloaded song on the iTunes charts in 85 different countries, and ________ the record for the most views on the video website Vevo in 24 hours.

Although Adele is a very ________ singer now, music wasn’t always ________ she saw herself doing. At age 10, when she saw her grandmother’s ________ over the death of Adele’s grandfather, she ________ herself as a heart surgeon (外科医生). I wanted to fix people’s hearts, she said, remembering the childhood ________ she’d had in biology classes ________ she found out that her real talent was for singing.

Adele didn’t go to medical school, but many would ________ that she still has healing powers. Her songs find “the kind of memory every listener holds somewhere in their ________ .This kind of emotion is what people have always liked in Adele”, said The Telegraph. “She writes a pop diary, ________ the simple secrets of her heart.”

________ , Adele keeps her own diaries of her albums. Most successful pop stars make albums at a fast pace, but not Adele. After her second album 21____the 2012 Grammy Award for Album of the Year, she made it ___with her label that she would spend “four or five years” making her next album. “I’m in it for the long run,” she told Vogue magazine. “You’re only as ________ as your next record.”

Instead of chasing ________, Adele moved to the countryside and remained ________ . In her free time, she loved to watch TV ________ Teen Mom, American Horror Story, and The Walking Dead. Living life as normally as possible is ________ to the singer’s art.

1.A.carry on B.come out C.settle down D.turn up

2.A.slightly B.briefly C.approximately D.quickly

3.A.broke B.consulted C.sought D.measured

4.A.familiar B.successful C.modest D.considerate

5.A.that B.which C.what D.when

6.A.attention B.relief C.fault D.pain

7.A.pictured B.spotted C.reminded D.forgave

8.A.devotion B.belief C.interest D.scene

9.A.once B.until C.as though D.now that

10.A.argue B.admire C.appreciate D.agree

11.A.heart B.life C.childhood D.generation

12.A.hiding B.earning C.sharing D.exploring

13.A.In her turn B.In fact C.By chance D.On the contrary

14.A.announced B.respected C.delivered D.won

15.A.obvious B.energetic C.worthwhile D.unexpected

16.A.limited B.violent C.good D.cheerful

17.A.support B.fame C.dream D.independence

18.A.silent B.secure C.powerful D.faithful

19.A.projects B.performances C.quiz D.series

20.A.fundamental B.impressive C.attractive D.unbelievable


1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.B 10.D 11.A 12.C 13.B 14.D 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了阿黛尔对于音乐的专注和热忱,她对音乐的态度不同于别的歌手,她有自己的追求,并在音乐上取得了成功。 1. 考查动词短语辨析。句意:这张专辑将于11月20日问世。A. carry on 继续;B. come out 出版,开花;C. settle down 安定下来,定居;D. turn up调高,到场。前一句提到,这张专辑的第一首歌已经发布,因此随着时间的推移,这张专辑也要出版问世了。故选B。 2. 考查副词词义辨析。句意:当她的复出单曲在10月23日首次亮相时,Hello 很快成为了85个国家的iTunes排行榜上下载次数最多的歌曲,并且打破了视频网站Vevo上观看次数最多的记录。A. slightly 稍微;B. briefly 短暂地;C. approximately大约;D. quickly快速地。文章第一句提到,她凭借Hello这首歌曲成功地重返人们的视线,说明这首歌很快地赢得了人们的欢迎。故选D。 3. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她的复出单曲在10月23日首次亮相时,Hello 很快成为了85个国家的iTunes排行榜上下载次数最多的歌曲,并且打破了视频网站Vevo上观看次数最多的记录。A. broke打破;B. consulted 咨询;C. sought 寻求;D. measured测量。这首歌很快地赢得了人们的欢迎,因此它的下载量很大,打破了其他视频的观看记录。故选A。 4. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管阿黛尔现在是一位非常成功的歌手,但音乐并不是她预想去从事的领域。A. familiar熟悉的;B. successful 成功的;C. modest谦虚的;D. considerate体贴的。由上文可知,她的复出单曲在10月23日首次亮相时,Hello 很快成为了85个国家的iTunes排行榜上下载次数最多的歌曲,并且打破了视频网站Vevo上观看次数最多的记录。这说明她是一位成功的歌手。故选B。 5. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:尽管阿黛尔现在是一位非常成功的歌手,但音乐并不是她预想去从事的领域。A. that那个;B. which 哪个;C. what 什么;D. when什么时候。what引导表语从句,并在从句中作do的宾语,that和when在语法上不合乎需要,而which的词义不符合需要,使用what指阿黛尔所从事的领域。故选C。 6. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:10岁那年,当她看到祖母因祖父的去世而痛苦不堪时,便将自己在心中想象成一名外科医生。A. attention注意;B. relief 缓解;C. fault错误;D. pain疼痛,痛苦。人之常情,她的祖母对于祖父的去世是会感到痛苦的。故选D。 7. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:10岁那年,当她看到祖母因祖父的去世而痛苦不堪时,便将自己在心中想象成一名外科医生。A. pictured 想像,描绘;B. spotted 发现;C. reminded提醒;D. forgave原谅。她看到祖父的离去给祖母带来的痛苦,因此希望治愈人们心脏的疾病,她在心中想象自己长大了要做一名医生。故选A。 8. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:她说:“我想修复人们的心脏”。她回忆起她从小就对生物课感兴趣,直到后来,发现自己真正的才华是唱歌。A. devotion 虔诚;B. belief 信仰;C. interest 兴趣;D. scene现场。生物课上会讲到关于心脏的知识,因为看到祖母的痛苦,她想到自己对生物感兴趣,以后可以做一名医生。have an interest in sth 对……感兴趣。故选C。 9. 考查连词词义辨析。句意:她说:“我想修复人们的心脏”。她回忆起她从小就对生物课感兴趣,直到后来,发现自己真正的才华是唱歌。A. once一旦;B. until 直到;C. as though 好像;D. now that既然,由于。她产生学医的想法是在祖父去世的时候,到她进入歌手职业生涯之时,这中间有一个过程,选择until是合适的。故选B。 10. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:阿黛尔没有上医学院,但是许多人都一致认为她仍然具有治愈疾病的能力。A. argue 争论;B. admire欣赏;C. appreciate 感激;D. agree同意。由下一句可知,她的歌曲能够找到每个倾听者对过去的记忆,因此大家赞同尽管她没有上医学院,但是她仍然具有给人们的心灵疗伤的能力。故选D。 11. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:《电讯报》说,她的歌曲找到了每个倾听者在他们心中某个地方储存的记忆。A. heart心脏;B. life 生活;C. childhood 童年;D. generation一代。记忆是储存在心中的某个位置的。故选A。 12. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:她写了一本流行日记,分享她内心的简单秘密。A. hiding 隐藏;B. earning赚钱;C. sharing分享;D. exploring探索。由pop可知,这本日记是公开了的,即她分享了其中的秘密。故选C。 13. 考查短语辨析。句意:事实上,阿黛尔保留着自己的专辑日记。A. In her turn轮到她;B. In fact 实际上;C. By chance 偶然;D. On the contrary相反。下文提到阿黛尔不是在短时间内就有作品出版,她创作音乐是有一个循序渐进的过程的,是在感知真实的生活后才创作出成功的作品的,选择in fact合乎语境,这体现出阿黛尔不一样的地方。故选B。 14. 考查动词词义辨析。句意:在她的第二张专辑21荣获2012年度格莱美奖年度专辑之后,她明确地表明她将花费四到五年时间来制作下一张专辑。A. announced 宣布;B. respected 尊重;C. delivered 递送;D. won赢得。她打算制作下一部专辑,说明上一部取得了成功。win the award:获奖。故选D。 15. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在她的第二张专辑21荣获2012年度格莱美奖年度专辑之后,她明确地表明她将花费四到五年时间来制作下一张专辑。A. obvious显而易见的;B. energetic精力充沛的;C. worthwhile 值得的;D. unexpected意外的。此处表示她明确地向人们传递一个信息:她将花费四到五年来制作下一张专辑。故选A。 16. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你的下一张唱片要一样地成功。A. limited有限的;B. violent 暴力的;C. good 好的;D. cheerful欢快的。这是阿黛尔对自己的要求,要保证下一部专辑和以前获奖的一样成功。故选C。 17. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:阿黛尔没有追随名声,而是搬到乡下,并保持沉默。A. support 支持;B. fame名望;C. dream 梦想;D. independence独立。她搬到乡下居住,因此她的注意力并不在于获得人们的关注,即她不去追名逐利。故选B。 18. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:阿黛尔没有追随名声,而是搬到乡下,并保持沉默。A. silent 沉默的,安静的;B. secure安全的;C. powerful 强大的;D. faithful忠实的。她搬到乡下过平常的生活,可以有更多的时间进行创作,这份安静对她的创作是有好处的。故选A。 19. 考查名词词义辨析。句意:业余时间,她喜欢看电视连续剧《青少年妈妈》,《美国恐怖故事》和《行尸走肉》。A. projects 项目;B. performances表演;C. quiz 测验;D. series系列。空后是电视连续剧的名字,TV series电视连续剧。故选D。 20. 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:尽可能过平常的生活是歌手艺术创作的基础。A. fundamental 基本的;B. impressive 令人印象深刻的;C. attractive有吸引力的;D. unbelievable令人难以置信的。她搬到乡下,可以有更多的时间进行创作,这份安静对她的创作是有好处的。平常的生活能够给艺术创作带来灵感,即平常的生活对于艺术创作是一个基础。故选A。

    Besides being fun, well-managed festivals and events offer a host of economic and social benefits to communities. 1. There are risks and costs related to the effort.

Festivals attract visitors and boost the economy. 2. On-site spending includes admission fees, parking fees, food, beverage and souvenir sales — and more. But off-site spending related to festivals brings income for communities, too. For example, visitors stop at local gas stations, souvenir shops, and restaurants — the list goes on. Festivals also provide free marketing and advertising for local businesses as visitors talk about their fun experiences when they go back home. If visitors post comments and photos about their experiences on Facebook or other social media, so much the better. The economic benefits of successful festivals affect local tourism and non-tourism-related businesses alike.

3. Planning and conducting festivals involves many members of the community, which produces a number of social benefits. “The best thing about being involved with festivals and events is the opportunity to help build a community, develop a sense of pride within a community, and engage a community,” says Chris Romano, a business consultant with Thrivent Financial Services. “Honestly, in my professional career, I’ve never found something outside a community festival that can do that to the same degree.” Experts agree that hometown pride is a critical factor in the development and improvement of any community. People with community pride are more likely to speak positively about their town to others and to volunteer with organizations and activities that support the common good.

Festivals will teach visitors new things. Whatever a festival’s theme, it’s bound to be instructional and visitors are bound to learn from it. Of course, education is another social benefit of festivals. 4. Learning is a big byproduct of the annual Lady Slipper Celebration in the northwestern Minnesota community of Blackduck. The community launched the celebration, named after the Minnesota state flower, to showcase and promote understanding of the area’s natural resources and Native American culture. This educational experience helped visitors connect to the area, who were pleased with their experience and planned to return to the area.

A.But hosting festivals also poses challenges.

B.Festivals may help to improve community pride.

C.Festivals play a significant role in developing relationships.

D.This is hands-on, experiential learning offered in the fun context of celebration.

E.They spend money, which boosts the local economy both on and off the festival site.

F.While a successful event raises a community’s fame, a less-than-successful effort does just the opposite.



    An international team of scientists has discovered a stellar black hole in Earth’s “cosmic backyard” containing the mass of 70 suns.

It’s a black hole that forms after stars die, collapse, and explode. Researchers had long believed that the size limit was only 20 times the mass of our sun because as these stars die, they lose most of their mass through explosions that force matter and gas swept away by stellar winds.

This theory has now been toppled by LB-1, the newly discovered black hole. Located about 15,000 light years away, it has a mass 70 times greater than our sun, according to a press release from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Black holes of such mass should not even exist in our galaxy (星系), according to most of the present models of stellar evolution,” said Liu Jifeng, head of the team that made the discovery.

LB-1 is twice as massive as what we thought possible. Now theorists will have to take up the challenge of explaining its formation.”

Scientists are now scratching their heads at how LB-1 got so huge.

The team has proposed some theories. LB-1’s sheer size suggests that it “was not formed from the collapse of only one star,” the study said — instead, it could potentially be two smaller black holes orbiting each other.

Another possibility is that it formed from fallback supernova (超行星). This is when a supernova the last stage of an exploding star ejects (喷射) material during the explosion, which then falls back into the supernova, creating a black hole. This fallback formation is theoretically possible, but scientists have never been able to prove or observe it.

There are several types of black holes and stellar black holes like LB-1 are on the smaller side, according to NASA. Supermassive black holes are much bigger — they can be billions of times the mass of our sun.

Scientists believe supermassive black holes may have connection with the formation of galaxies, as they often exist at the center of the mass star stems but it is still not clear exactly how, or which form first.

1.According to scientists, what might account for the formation of LB-1?

A.The material ejected in the explosion of a supernova.

B.The smaller black holes moving around each other.

C.The evolution of the solar system.

D.The collapse of a certain star.

2.What does the word toppled in paragraph 3 probably mean?

A.Confirmed B.Strengthened. C.Overturned. D.Refused.

3.What is the purpose of writing this article?

A.To inform readers of the basic knowledge about black holes.

B.To share the recent development of the black hole discovery.

C.To show the importance of discovering black holes for science.

D.To report achievements scientists have made in black hole theory.

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A.The Latest Discovery of Galaxies

B.Proposed Theories of Black Holes

C.The Possible Formation of the Black Holes

D.Biggest Stellar-mass Black Hole Discovered



    Thirty-two cases of illegal hunting or trading wild animals have been uncovered involving 33 suspects since a crackdown against illegal wildlife trade was launched on April 10.

Beijing police seized 74 wild animals grouped in China into the first-grade and second-grade state protected animals, including African grey parrots and cockatoos, as well as nearly 50 wild birds and 21 pangolin scales.

On April 16, police in the capital city’s Chaoyang district caught two suspects, who were respectively identified as Liu and Wang, for buying wild animals, and recovered more than 40 wild birds, including one cockatoo and one African grey parrot, at their homes, the statement said, adding the two suspects have been detained (拘留).

In another case, a 35-year-old man surnamed Hu was also sentenced to imprisonment in Daxing district after he was found selling wild animals through QQ, a popular instant messaging tool in the country. He was caught on April 14.

The bureau highlighted the importance of protecting the wildlife, noting Chinese laws and a new decision adopted by the nation’s top legislature (立法机关) have also shown the country’s determination against illegal trade of wild animals.

The Chinese Criminal Law clarifies that those illegally hunting, buying, selling or transporting wild animals on the state protection list, endangered animals or the wildlife-related products will face an imprisonment of more than 10 years and fines if their behaviors are identified as “extremely serious”.

On Feb 24, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the country’s top legislative body, also passed the decision that clearly states all wildlife on the protection list of the existing Wild Animal Protect Law or other laws, and all wild animals, including those artificially bred and farmed, are not permitted to be hunted or traded.

With the strict crackdown campaign against illegal trade of wild animals on the go in Beijing, the whole nation is attaching great importance to wild life protection.

1.The author mentions the cases at the very beginning of the passage to ______ .

A.explain the new laws on wildlife protection

B.show the present situation of wildlife extinction

C.highlight the problem of illegal trade of wild animals

D.introduce Beijing’s campaign against illegal wildlife trade

2.What can we learn from the first three paragraphs?

A.The number of wild animals is decreasing sharply.

B.Hunting and trading wildlife has become a nationwide concern.

C.Effective actions have been taken to prevent wildlife from illegal trade.

D.The strong action to stop trading illegal wild animals has a long way to go.

3.According to the Chinese Criminal Law, ______ .

A.serious actions of trading wild animals will face fierce punishment

B.people risk heavy fines but no imprisonment for trade of wildlife

C.the trade of wildlife-related products will receive no punishment

D.those who hunt illegally may face 10 years of imprisonment

4.Which best describes the author’s tone in the passage?

A.Determined. B.Hopeful. C.Unconcerned. D.Doubtful.



    Jane Goodall was born in Bournemouth, England, on April 3, 1934. As a child, she had a natural love for the outdoors and animals. When Jane was about eight she read the Tarzan and Dr. Dolittle series and, in love with Africa, dreamed of traveling to work with the animals.

Finally, at age 23, she left for Nairobi, Kenya. There, Jane met famed Dr. Louis Seymour Bazett Leakey, who offered her a job at the local natural history museum. She worked there for a time before Leakey decided to send her to the Gombe Stream Game Reserve in Tanzania to study wild chimpanzees. He felt her strong interest in animals and nature, and her knowledge as well as high energy made her a great candidate to study the chimpanzees.

In December 1958, Jane returned home to England and Leakey began to make arrangements for the expedition (考察), securing the appropriate permissions from the government and raising funds. In May 1960, Jane learned that Leakey had gained funding from the Wilkie Brothers Foundation.

Jane arrived by boat at the Gombe Stream Game Reserve on the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika with her mother. The early weeks at Gombe were challenging. Jane developed a fever that delayed the start of her work. Finally, an older chimpanzee named David Greybeard, began to allow Jane to watch him. As a high ranking male of the chimpanzee community, his acceptance meant other group members also allowed Jane to observe. It was David Greybeard whom Jane first witnessed using tools. Excited, she telegraphed Dr. Leakey about her observation. He wrote back, “Now we must redefine ‘tool,’ and ‘man,’ or accept chimpanzees as humans.”

Jane continued to work in the field and, with Leakey’s help, began her doctoral program without an undergraduate degree in 1962. At Cambridge University, she found herself at odds with senior scientists over the methods she used — how she had named the chimpanzees rather than using the more common numbering system, and for suggesting that the chimps have emotions and personalities. She further upset those in power at the university when she wrote her first book, My Friends, the Wild Chimpanzees, aimed at the general public rather than an academic audience. The book was wildly popular, and her academic peers were outraged. Dr. Jane Goodall earned her Ph.D. on February 9, 1966, and continued to work at Gombe for the next twenty years.

1.It can be inferred from the passage that ______ .

A.Jane was the first to discover chimpanzees use tools

B.a journey to Kenya rooted Jane’s deep love for animals

C.Dr. Leakey easily raised funds from the Wilkie Brothers Foundation

D.Jane’s work at the Gombe Stream Game Reserve went along smoothly

2.What is the academic peers’ attitude towards Jane’s first book?

A.Extremely puzzled. B.Genuinely pleased.

C.Really angry. D.Truly sensitive.

3.What does the underlined sentence imply in paragraph 5?

A.Jane’s study of chimpanzees received no support from scientists.

B.Jane’s method inspired more scientists to make further discoveries.

C.Jane’s achievements quickly attracted attention from senior scientists.

D.Senior scientists disagreed with Jane’s method in observing chimpanzees.

4.What message is mainly conveyed in the passage?

A.Passion and hard work can make a difference in scientific research.

B.Cooperation is the key to making significant discoveries.

C.Challenging senior scientists is a must in gaining fame.

D.High energy counts in achieving great success.



你校校报英语专栏正在征稿。请你以’I am Very Grateful to My Mom’ 为题,用英语写一篇短文投稿。内容包括以下要点:

1. 简单描述你的母亲;

2. 母亲常为你做的事情(两点)

3. 你的感概。




I am Very Grateful to My Mom




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