满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。 1.What is the possible...


1.What is the possible relationship between the speakers?

A.Doctor and patient.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Mother and son.

2.What is the boy’s uncle?

A.A doctor. B.A nurse. C.An insurance agent.

3.Why did the boy refuse to talk about his dream at first?

A.He was afraid of being laughed at.

B.His uncle didn’t want him to talk about it.

C.He was worried that it wouldn’t come true.

4.How does the woman feel about the boy’s idea?

A.It’s funny. B.It’s impractical. C.It’s excellent.


1.B 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】 【原文】 W: So Marvin, what do you want to be when you grow up? M: I don’t know. W: Come on, Marvin. Everyone else in the class told us about their dreams. We all want to hear about yours. M: OK. I want to be a ... a... oh, I don’t want to say it. W: Go on. It’s OK, really. M: OK. I want to be a nurse. W: Oh...well, that’s a wonderful job. Now class, being a nurse isn’t just for women, you know. There are a lot of male nurses in some of the best hospitals in the country. M: Right, that’s what my uncle told me. He wanted to be doctor, but he realized that he cared more about getting to know his patients and helping them on a daily basis instead of arguing with insurance companies and trying to earn the most money. So, he became a nurse, instead. W: When did you decide that you wanted to be a nurse, Marvin? M: I think it was when I visited my uncle at work in St. Mary’s Hospital. He got permission from the hospital to show me around, and I even got to meet some of his patients! It was really cool to see him working there. I want to be just like him. W: Good for you, Marvin!


1.What was the woman responsible for in her last job?

A.Management. B.Translation. C.Marketing.

2.What benefited the woman a lot during her business trip to China?

A.Her professional skills.

B.Her language skills.

C.Her meetings with key people.

3.What does the woman like best about this job?

A.Train travel. B.Plane travel. C.High salary.




1.Which flight will Mr. White take tomorrow?

A.Flight 821. B.Flight 123. C.Flight 823.

2.When should Mr. White go to pick up his ticket?

A.By 1:30 p.m. B.By 7:20 p.m. C.By 8:00 p.m.




1.What do we know about the comedy show?

A.It has a complex plot.

B.It is shown every other day.

C.The leading actor is very handsome.

2.How does the woman feel about the leading actor?

A.He will make a famous star.

B.He’s very hardworking.

C.He needs more professional support.



How much did a kilogram of green beans cost five years ago?

A.10 yuan. B.15 yuan. C.20 yuan.



Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a gas station. B.In a post office. C.At school.



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